Monday, January 18, 2021

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas which are then stolen by these terrorists you call the H-wood "A-list" celebrities so they can continue to foment Nazi ideology in movies but disguised as "liberal" fodder for the masses to consume and ingest and believe and follow the Big Lies that are continuously spewed out by this propaganda hate machine of H-wood and the media.

*I had to just rewrite this first paragraph because in the two minutes it took me to write the first draft, hackers had already deleted letters and words from the original. The rest of the post, which I am not going to spend more time in rewriting or reviewing, probably has multiple hacker "errors". Of course, I am struggling to pound down on the keyboard as the keys are being blocked by malware or remote interference. The same attacks I have been writing of for years continue today, as per usual.

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas. This, then is what these terrorist actors and writers rely on to obtain ideas they steal in bits and parts from my writing, so they can continue to promote their false narrative of being anti-racist and anti-sexist and all that other blathering K-rap H-wood keeps cranking out year after year about how hip and alternative these fascist adherent actors and writer/directors are (NOT). Thus, I am tortured without end by these unscrupulous actors and also part of the contract is to have visual evidence of me being deformed, broken down so I slowly deteriorate in a series of images from years of daily poisoning and torture which is also a part of the contract. These actor hyena parasites; I have many other more pejorative terms for them, but I am dealing with psychos who have NEVER YET been stopped from torturing me and attacking me and I am tired of my lethargic American population allowing these terrorists and terror operations to continue. I assume now that people understand that my years of "ranting" about infiltration of Nazis into H-wood and in America was not a delusional ranting spree that I just went on for years and years every single day, without end as they torturing me for writing about it and no one has since, and still not yet, ever stopped them completely so I can live in peace. Thus, It is very probable that the reason the attacks were stopped was because the actor who I wrote of yesterday is using any and all means to ensure a response in order to fulfill the terms of this contract of attacking me to obtain responses so he can be promoted for having caused a hate and rage reaction, then the parasites continue to suck out ideas that I rant on as the technology opens various centers of my brain so the concepts I am literally, and physically incapable of writing due to hacking and these attacks on my body and brain, are just stolen while I sit here unable to create my own writing pieces, unable to do anything but fight to not be poisoned daily by these terrorist expletives who you all keep allowing to control and attain higher ranking in influence and power in the media and the mind control Nazi apparatus. lungs are not being electronically constricted because some hateful attacker wants to see me be slowly murdered in just that one single attack of an endless series of deadly attacks (that he and all involved condone both for me and for others).

Whomsoever has intervened, I thank you and I do urge you most (impatiently) to also become involved in stopping these weapons because they are being dispersed not only to white supremacist groups, but to many other groups as well GLOBALLY. Instead of hearing the chants in the streets of, "I can't breathe" and "Hands up, don't shoot" these barbarian haters will be using these covert weapons to constrict heart muscles and lungs, until fibrillation and then cardiac arrest ensue. No videos to implicate police will ever be used for mass protests ever again, just these silent electronic weapons to MURDER people in the streets or in the silent sanctity of their own homes with through walls and other versions of these murder electronic weapons. The list of attacks, deadly all, are enormous.

Think about it dearly woke people who are also at risk, you are at risk as well. You can be the most successful white supremacist but if any one of these people who has these weapons wants to eliminate you, they need not do much more than get ahold of any one of these weapons, (are they accounted for, who holds the stockpiles, where are they stored?) and just murder someone, even without "permission" from their superiors in the ranks of this insidious organization.


thank you for assisting if anyone has--unless this response of stopping the deadly attack on my heart muscle is part of their "game" to entice me to react, and once on the computer the brain-altering "mind control" tech kicks in and I begin to pour out ideas which are then sucked out by the parasites posing as the "alternative liberal" fighters in the media who are 100% a part of the Nazi take-over scheme of the United States (and the planet).

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Terrorist attack on my heart and nervous system due to technological terror weapons. Be they implants or remote. The physiological deadly attacks on my heart muscle and breathing and nervous system have increased to a slow pace but murderous for the last 48 hours. I believe this ha been ordered by the latest edition to the celebrity Nazi infiltrators posing as "liberal" in the media. Please get him and them off me. I wait for politicians whose lives were almost forfeit by their "friends" in this murder organization who they thought were never going to turn against them as they have turned against me while they watched on allowing it to happen; I wait for you to respond to my over EIGHT YEARS of writing about this terror situation and to stop yet another infiltrator and Nazi bigot and to stop them all and stop this system. Your lives actually are at stake at this point. Please FOR ONCE think about this as if you care about America and about Democracy.

 Written on Facebook today (by me of course). Copied here. I am posting on both hoping that if anyone is reading my posts that they can influence the torture situation because the attack on my heart is deadly and it's also affecting my ability to breathe. It's also inducing a slight "panic" attack type condition and it's absolutely electronically-induced.


*btw, the longer you allow this situation to continue, the greater the chances of these types of weapons being used against you too. Even if you think and assume you are too important for this to happen to you, it can happen to anyone of any race, of any socioeconomic status and even from your partners in your organization which sponsors this endless terror global operation which most of you reading this are participants and beneficiaries of. 

Hacking is very bad, it's very hard to type and I can't think clearly any longer.


All mistakes in this post are entirely due to hackers as I have meticulously observed every sentence and word I have written.


Terrorists are attacking my heart and nervous system with their terror electronic weaponry. The attacks are a deadly albeit "ambient" type of attack that is continuous (24/7). I began to notice the effects yesterday but the cumulative effects are now deadly. It is akin to my chest and heart being compressed and an inability to breathe deeply. They are trying to simulate a "nervous" attack and not only are they murdering me by weakening my heart muscle, but there are extremely ugly hate messages bombarding my "inner" ear, combined with the remote-effect of a "nervous" hate induced state, the people exploiting me, the new one who just jumped into attacking me BECAUSE i DOWNLOADED A 30-YEAR OLD MOVIE IN WHICH HE AND HIS FRIENDS NOW POLLUTING MY INTERNET WITH THEIR PHOTOS--THEY PLAYED ROLES IN. Just because I wanted to watch an old movie due to THE PLOT and not because I want to see them at all (not at all). It's a "classic" sci-fi movie, I wanted to watch a bit of movie fodder which is one of those end-of-the-world plots.
Within two days of me downloading this film and the attack by this Europ-a actor, he obtained a GLOBAL media onslaught of his fake opposition to Nazism. Because I am drugged, under this non-stop nervous and subliminal and endless attack state to endlessly induce hysteria if possible (for which they always seem to obtain MORE CONTRACTS AND AWARDS AND LEAD ROLES IF i REACT AND REACT--THAT PROVES HOW "SUCCESSFUL" THEY ARE at using this torture teleportation rape, torture and murder system which this entire organization will--WILL continue to sponsor so it becomes an ALTERNATIVE TO VOTING AND INSTALLING ANY GOVERMENT but still retaining the superficial appearance of having a "Democracy".
that is the system that has already been installed by this group.
Because I reacted in rage to his exploitation and the sick and dirty foul sleazy but predictable response--as he only follows the orders that this insidiously stupid, sleazy, often well-educated but inherently incompetently stupid disgusting group puts out-- I went shopping today and was assaulted in the sick stupid "skits" by waves of Europ-a white males and their glowing, smiling and hate-filled Thai consorts used along with surveillance and stalking procedures that reveal the ugliness and depth of violence but on a small scale, that is a corollary to to the huge theater attack on the Capital building on January 6, 2021.
They really want me to react by calling them names and going into hysterics, as I have done for years due to the drugging, extreme torture (disfigurement and slow dismemberment including actual dismemberment and breaking of bones every single day without end for years--plus damage to my property every single day and endless assault and etc...) all the culprits are "enjoying" now awards from the highest categories, new Europ-a mansions and jets, yachts and lead roles, huge production companies handed to them scripts put in their name directing and all they ever dreamed of put in their names and handed to them for participating in this hate crime.
The politicians who have participated have almost lost their lives in the huge orchestration of this larger, more violent aspect of the same organization and the same protocols were used as the "gang stalking" terrorism that no one of them ever stopped while they actually even teleported or participated (meaning the "liberals").
I am of course under extreme attack in typing and thinking and in addition to the heart compressions and nervous system hyper-accentuation to induce a panic state with hate messages endlessly input. Plus teleportation to hate and waking up to this heinously nasty man out of Austria who sickens me--sickens and disgusts me because like all of the Americans, after years of experiencing the most disgusting attacks that are reminiscent of the ugliness people can finally visibly see on the faces of the Capital attackers, these terrorists of the A-list celebrity group remain absolutely shrouded in a cloak of endless exoneration because they are celluloid celebrities who politicians can rely on to endorse them for their political careers, and help also bring them into the folds of the mansions in europe and the wealth and attainment that this Nazi-controlled United States conglomerate corporation has become absolutely infiltrated by.
I want to add that I heard about one of the Capital Hill (black) Congresswomen whose office had been stripped of the alarm buttons (or are they called "panic" buttons?). The terrorists removed her alarm system so she could not alert security that her office and she was under deadly assault. She claimed, for the news interviews, that her office panic buttons had operated well in the past. This is the exact type of sabotage that terrorists use on my motorbike, on my phone systems, when I make phone calls all calls are diverted to terrorist agents to give out wrong information and attack me verbally on the phone. Not obtaining critical information can be deadly in various circumstances. The list is long and now more information is coming out about the collaborative efforts of various Congressional reps who were in collusion with the terrorist attacks. These are the same people involved in the terrorist attacks upon me, although they may not be directly involved in my particular attack planning and orchestration, the global group contains these very same members who also are part of the same group who are attacking me.
It is now very nearly impossible to type any longer. The keyboard is now completely stiff to the point that I must exert my biceps in order to pound down any letter so it can print. I won't recheck what hackers are going to delete and rewrite. So far I have written and backspaced and corrected all so there are almost zero mistakes or incongruities.
If anyone is out there who cares who is not blind to how deadly not doing anything to stop these celebrities or this organization is if you continue to allow them to proceed in this terror and teleportation MK ULTRA stalking terror operation which is the very same operation involved in stalking and violating the Capital building--the same energy is involved, the same resources, the same modus operandi, the very same sick grins and glee on the faces of the possessed terrorists trying to assassinate and destroy and murder politicians so they can have their fascist Nazi system with free open allowance to use technocratic terror operations to openly stalk and terrorize, rape and murder anyone they don't like. That is their ultimate goal and you people reading this who think you are against something like this but are just waiting to see what will happen or don't think it can ever happen to you--so far, some of those who thought it would only happen to me are now openly screaming about how they were almost murdered just a few weeks ago by the same organization they thought was their friendly support system.
Please stop this nasty new actor, he is an abomination. I have lots of names and insults I could write but they and he are waiting for this response as proof of how incredibly sinister and corrupt and violent they are so the Nazis they really are can become more empowered to put out their fake anti-racist/pro "Democracy" media K-rap as often as possible. I want to say that when he put out his horrid fake video a few days ago, MSNBC, which had one of their lead media anchors who attacked me, they absolutely promoted this, as well as politicians and news outlets and not a single person doubted the veracity or the intent behind what was being shown. People sink into a fake reverie of how the actor claimed he was a "victim" (to paraphrase) of an abusive Nazi father alcoholic, and the sappy music began to play and then he continued to deride his good BUSINESS PARTNER AND FRIEND Trump who actually handed this teleportation terror operation to him to continue with the rest of the hate crowd that has accumulated to attack me until there are too many to count under the brain-altering attack that always accompanies my attempts to write while the keyboard, as it is now, is completely blocked and I must backspace to retype letters that won't appear unless I pound down literally with all my hand and arm strength. At this point I'v ebeen struggling to fight to type like this for a long enough time it's now painful to keep exerting my bicep like this and my hand and arm are fighting so hard to write. My brain is now under assault and I can't "remember" what I want to say any longer. It will all come back as soon as I get up and walk away from this spot where my brain is under some extreme brain-altering technological attack (either from the laptop where something has been inserted or from the rooms next to mine aiming these weapons at me or from where ever. )
With no evidence all I can do is write about the suspected attacks and can't begin to find information online as all searches are blocked and false information is always put on my laptop. This is also the 'future" of people who this group doesn't like but want to exploit or use: tons of false information and no real pertinent information will be obtained by those this group wants to stifle. Of course, all of you reading this assume that will never be you or your families or children.
I can't write any longer. I just ask that people PLEASE GET THIS HATE-PERSON OFF ME, HE'S so nasty and vile towards me and is such a user and is deplorable and is just another Nazi terrorist using this technology to continue to INFILTRATE THE UNITED STATES. That he was a Governor is a testament to how he uses women and that his former WIFE WAS A KENNEDY AND i DOUBT he could have functioned politically or obtained that level without her. Of course, once his political career was over so was his marriage which is only a testament to what a user and exploiter he is and liar. Please do not let him exploit me to obtain more power.

I also want to add finally that these actors who have and are currently attacking me behave with the most smug assurance that they will NEVER have any repercussions of law or block to their endless attacks upon me, or anyone they damn well want to attack in the future as these weapons continue to be produced and meted out to organizations that encompass the entire globe, seamlessly. They are so certain that all presidents, who hitherto have absolutely participated in these crimes for their celebrity endorsers, who promote their images and their angle into politics to gain "the black vote" or "the Nazi vote" which by now are merging into one huge group (now called Trumpism but really when it comes to obtaining money and power by participating in this hate organization, these seemingly disparate polar opposites somehow manage to operate like best buddies in these operations and in the silencing of the information because they obtain so many huge deals and contracts out of participating but in still appearing to represent opposite views and political spectrums.)

I refer to those who aspire to the media celebrity positions and also as well in politics, as these also merge and have combined in a most sinuous and lethal way (referring to the Capital attacks once again).
I am now pounding down, backspacing and fighting to move my hands and can't continue with what I had wanted to write.


20 Minutes later:

here's one thing I "remembered" after getting onto another page and not fighting to type on this page: The video that the terrorist currently attacking me (alongside the spate of terrorists who are his American Nazi friends who put out all the anti-Nazi movies and tv talk shows): that video relied on such a standard H-wood movie plot device: the UNDERDOG. The tragic victim of cruel parents/society/corrupt authority figures who are now "fighting" and "speaking out" about their victimization and are all "fighting" by making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN MOVIES THEY CRANK OUT ABOUT HOW THEY ARE "FIGHTING" THESE EVIL POWER FIGURES WHO THEY WERE THE UNDER DOG VICTIMIZED BY. Always the same plot device used in so many of these same block buster Nazi promotional films (subliminal, psychological reverse psychology always is used). And this most Nazi attacker has relied once more not only upon a Vaseline butt-f*kk music score behind the posturing greasy lies, but the same old formula device always the same for these violent fascists who crank out these movies (and talk shows and news anchor commentaries and YouTube videos and channels--who operate under this particular system). "They" want complete control and they continue to narrow down all opposition while people remain allowing it to happen by doing nothing or saying nothing and receiving all these benefits and promotions. As I wrote above: some of them are now engulfed in chagrin that they were almost murdered and assassinated by the very same system in it's more plebian and unadorned waves of violent gang stalkers converging upon The Capital last week. There has to be more than complacency now when it comes to this organization and your allegiance to being silent and allowing it to continue to flourish.

there's more I want to write about how the minority minions behave while they are attacking me, gloating and laughing as they do, with their white "masters" putting their arms around them hugging them because they are "helping" the white Nazi bigots to have their paid-for minions attack me for their inclusion into the power structure (pyramid hierarchy where they are so happy to be a member of). The same looks of delight are on the faces of some of the most rabid black anti-racist vehemently shouting actors and performers who attack me and are gloating in photos while they are in Europ-a-land alongside white Nazis who hand them and their aspiring children plastic surgery vacations and cat walks and movie roles and endless shopping and party invitations (not understanding that they are really being invited into the Nazi Party) but they party nevertheless. They then return to California where they "fight" for millions of dollars to promote "black" interests and continue to viciously attack me because blacks have to hate Jews in order to be invited into the "elite" nazi party circles (so they think, so they assume that's were they are being invited into). Otherwise, I see the exact delight smug behavior in Thailand from the women (especially as they are the lead portal of investment for these bigot Nazi white males who have completely poured and scoured over Thailand and the very best, most beautiful and all places are being completely taken over as has the government and all politics in the country--just as I see happening in America and in H-wood).

Oh, it's very much the same. Why must I write this for YEARS and still it appears to people read my posts to steal information and ideas but remain allowing this system to continue unabated? Can't you understand that death and genocide even of you and your entire group you belong to are at risk? Even if you are white and a Nazi it can also happen to you. The people who were threatened with death went along with the white fascist ideology up to the point that they didn't want to betray certain oaths that they took. They were then turned upon viciously for simply disobeying orders without question. That is what this group is aspiring to, in reality but you keep assuming I am ranting and drugged up (which I have been for so long).

Friday, January 15, 2021

A REVOLUTION is necessary in mainstream entertainment and commercial media. NOW IS THE TIME. The Art of the Brain Steal. Relating to selling hate concepts, but also relating to how terrorist squads operate (as this must be included). Direct violence versus psychological manipulation through social media and other art and mass communication means: If black and white can achieve the same level of the lowest common denominator (demon-baiters) through terrorist activities (i.e. "Gang stalking") then they can also equally possess the highest capabilities and are therefore equal, inherently. What a great hypothesis. However, advertising assists in the White Wonder high-end sales pitch for social engineering. A thought on white bread and black long, dark cigarettes and the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays puts a bit of import into how people can be easily corrupted and brainwashed.

WONDER WHITE the bread package states in bold letters, but the frame was partially cut off so you can't read it or see the entire package until you play the video. Classic subliminal racist message.
White wonder bread so much better for you than brown bread and more nutritious too, you don't need brown bread at all! Just stick to WONDER WHITE.


Racism as a sales pitch is not new, of course as everyone knows. From my upbringing in English literature and having read texts from centuries such as the 17th or earlier: racism was enveloped in the literature of earlier centuries and indeed main focal pieces of other earlier forms of art which have morphed into "social media" of our current time. Visual, aural and psychological coercion of racism combined with mass engineering utilizing the constructs of terror squads--which the US Capital just experienced a most violent example of this past week. No one can deny that means of mass communication and social engineering brought about the terrorist network into their most visible formation of breaking and entering that has just occurred, which is finally drawing out the ire of the politicians and the public. 

This Capital Building breach was gang stalking at it's most visible version, but will remain silenced into the future by those who sponsored it and will continue to sponsor and allow it to commence and continue and thus: I call out for a revolution in the media but I do not mean the continuation of the most egregious form of racism as NewsMax represents. 

The protocols I observed in the last few days of more information being conveyed by the media news outlets concur exactly with my first-hand experience with being terrorized in the same protocol system by the H-wood celebrities and the groups which operate globally using the same system as the Capital rioters and the H-wood celebrities and the local groups operating against me here and those who have always attacked me throughout my life.

The system and the modus operandi is exactly the same from my target situation to what the US Government just has experienced.

However, the history of brainwashing and programming people into these actions has a long and sometimes fuzzy romantic past and otherwise a more diligent perversity in racial epithets disguised as advertising and entertainment and political machinations.

 After centuries of race-based art and literature and musical appreciation entrenched socio-political and racial lines: then, when tv (and radio) commercials and advertising came along in the last century (yes, it is getting longer and farther into the future each and every day): the effect was to ingrain what has always been ingrained in public consciousness through earlier centuries of  literature and artistic and socio-political rendering of how society should be, according to the social construct engineers. 

As for direct conditioning without subliminal mental coercion: According to the "task-masters" of punitive social engineering, no advertising was necessary as slavery was legal and violence and mass murder was the most useful social engineering tool, the quickest and least expensive in many cases. Now that direct violence is "illegal", the violence is done subliminally through socially-enforced ( with covert deadly punitive consequences if not conformed into) memes, reverse psychology media constructs which I have been trying to write for years (fighting hacking and brain-altering attacks plus recurrent drugging and poisoning and blocks to my functioning particularly when I fight to type and think for any public sort of expression). However, as the secret remains: the real violence is now being conducted through these "gang stalking" terrorist groups which operate to inflict DEATH and the US Capital just had an explosion of some of the most militant stalkers, who only represent huge swaths of the general population who back down and claim they care about the Constitution once they see they have to recede back into the former death squad terrorist groups which remain "at Large".


"Racist Commercial" (YouTube title). A commercial for "Confederate Insurance" where the white male is the "master" of the home (land)!

Confederate Insurance Commercial. It appears to be something from SNL but supposedly it's a bonafide commercial from back in the day (last week).


1970's Hostess Ho-Ho's (for the inner Ho in you which is a mixture of black and white creamy artificial flavor)

Wow! Back in the 70's tv commercials sold Wonder Bread and Hostess junk food as being packed with vitamins and minerals (the Wonder Bread, and Hostess Ho Ho's packed with VITAMINS according to the adds. Also featuring cigarettes which also were "doctor-recommended" to help relieve stress!
Now using the term "ho-ho" would also be used for an SNL skit.


Morgan Freeman switches from short, emasculated white male penis cigarettes to long, hard black cool smokes from what appears to be something like a Black Panther activist inspiring him to just be cool and smoke like he's not a fool. Those black cigarettes, baby be cool. Long, hard and black what a man rising up from his father's fathers. What a politically-motivated sales pitch and how empowering it feels to smoke the black long and hard ride.

Damn! That is Morgan Freeman making a long, black penis oral fixation substitute symbolism of black male power against short, white male penises, It's of course an obvious reference in this not very subliminally obvious commercial which is very funny nevertheless.
Long, long black suck it baby! Forget about all those short, white emasculated weak white male oral penis substitute little processed cigarettes (and the white man in general).

BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white in these posts, just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing. However, when it comes to victimizers, there is very little difference in color lines. Human behavior really has very few real distinctions between colors and races when it comes to gang stalking. Since this phenomenon has been silenced, the research on how and why these operational principles that can be carried from one race and color spectrum to the next with absolute ease has remained the research of entities which keep the results of their analyses quiet. If only I had access to more research databases or journals I might not so easily be able to hazard this hypothesis that the information on human behavior when it comes to being mismanaged to attack in group formation against a civilian in a civilian setting under order and protocol--this remains silent as well from all I have tried to find. There really is very little difference in the most "elite" racist white supremacist and the most black or "brown" performing the same acts who do it in the same way using the same system of conformity. Thus, really, when the bottom is analyzed of the worst of society, there is really very little difference and that should prove a point that if the worst is equal amongst races, then so is the best.


If racism can be sold as a commercial package of white bread and Insurance and Black power sold as long, hard cigarettes, then Edward Bernays helps us to understand that anti-racist products can also be sold if we are just creative enough to topple the ancient stereotypes and cliches, perhaps even through advertising and social media. 

It is very subtle but the change is necessary. So far, people of all races are selling anti-racism when they are part of a global racist genocidal entity which has wrested control over a huge portion of the media, entertainment and perhaps even in the political sphere. It is time to "take back" our minds by rethinking how media is played by having people who are extremely astute in the variances in psychological brain-twisting that goes on behind all the scripts and decisions.
That means a revolution is necessary in the media.


The King of 5th Avenue advertising. Nephew to Sigmund Freud.
Edward Bernays on how to influence and peddle almost anything: (however, Letterman did a good job of contorting around the contortionist and played an excellent game of repartee with no animosity but instead friendly, and polite rebound. One of the most friendly interviews I have seen by Letterman and he did a good job of playing around the words of Bernays in a funny and innocuous way.)


BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white people, or any thing in between in these posts. I am  just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing by relying on color bias due to racist ideology that is assumed.


Caveat/Nota Bene: I had to spend yet more time rewriting part of the beginning of this post because my brain is under so much attack while I write. My sentences literally have holes in the though process and much is omitted because I am struggling simply to get words out due to hacking. While I fight to type my brain is literally being turned "on and off" because I do know that this organization can force me to literally pass out and I think they can cause a break in my consciousness that lasts for less than a second so my brain completely blanks out and I lose train-of-thought. This same effect happens each and every single time I am in public and trying to operate or purchase something, have a conversation or get any single thing done (much less being able to count).

Thus, my writing is very disjointed and disconnected and the connecting thoughts that would make my sentences have impact are either deleted out by hackers or just blocked from my brain while I am writing. My writing because cryptic and lacking cohesive word structures. I am continuously fighting hacking every second I type.

looking over this page after pressing the publish button. Hackers continuously block the type font so I try to get medium or large print and always end up with a very small print on this page. I highlight and change the font and publish and what comes out is always a much smaller print size. 

While fighting to just open this page after publishing, the entire laptop froze, I could not scroll down and had to wait while other pages opened instead and the blog shut down while the cursor spun and spun in a cycle. I did not try to get the print a red color but the hackers just inserted that particular color. What else can they do to block my ability to type, think or publish? To block the ability to see--they are forcing tears out of my eyes while I am reading a scientific article because they want me absolutely dumbed down and without relevant information or anything on a higher level than their brainwashing mainstream meaningless endless blather that they force upon my every internet search, while blocking content I search for but can never find.

I am so sick of the US Government sponsoring this. Will they "learn" from what has happened during the last week to STOP THESE TERRORIST GROUPS WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN SPONSORING FOR DECADES OR FROM EVEN THE PAST CENTURY OR LONGER? This is a revolution to be desired in many more areas than simply in the media--and I do not mean another alternative for Fox News but for something that truly does not conform to racial or sexist stereotypes and allows people who are "different" to also analyze society and the news. As long as they are not fascist Nazis because as I have been writing of for so long, many "alternative" "liberals" have participated in this very hate-oriented Nazi contract out on me and thus, what really needs to be done is a careful analysis of media content to stop dispelling also the false oppositional narratives that also create the current terrorist death squad society that the United States obviously has become.


Of course, I "forgot" to mention above that hackers also delete and rewrite passages, and then if they delete parts of sentences they string what has been partially deleted into one huge paragraph. They usually delete/omit commas and periods too.
I am so sick of these sleazy and nasty foul terrorist squads which rampage all of society but those who govern information continue to keep this a "top secret" of the government to be used by people the bigot fascists can't stand to see have a chance to compete or best them in any competition. 

Even now, when there is supposed to be some huge change in society: I wait, I wait to see and it's so ....enervating to have to wait and see if society has learned a lesson from the capital attacks because it was "gang stalking" at it's very violent but most obvious state.

The very same sick and evil grins--demonic faces--that stalkers had in some of these media photos--(I cannot find them online, I saw them inserted into media clips--they were not the usual photos of the rioters in the Capital building) . The greasy, demonic smiles of some of these white males were very similar to the greasy smug giggles and laughs of the celebrities and others who have teleported and "gang stalked" me for most of my life. 

The situation has now gone out-of-hand and it has now affected the very organization which has, for some of these politicians at least, helped to sponsor the covert funding and operate the platforms and oversee the funding and apparatus of this huge global entity.

Now it has been turned against political rivals and I do hope that this technology will be STOPPED and that the willingness to continue to fund and help pay for and operate these terrorist groups which are only part of a huge global enterprise--will be stopped and from the "greatest country on the planet" the United States which should be upholding some semblance of Democracy where citizens are not microchipped and thus tortured by gangs of sleazy sick scumbags who operate exactly like the thugs who broke into the Capital building. The most "sophisticated" of the white blonde Nazis who have teleported me have the same exact sick and stupid demonic grins on their filthy greasy sleazy faces when they attack me. The same looks of glee, absolute joy, schadenfreude and the thrill of committing crimes and in the act of sabotage, attempted MURDER OR MURDER and torture, creating fear and carnage. The looks are the same, the modus operandi was and is the same when you see that there was surveillance and operational methodology in the attacks. 

Because some of these sick perverts are enormous factors in the major media I do urge people to begin to search for not only alternative actors but also alternative systems and in obtaining experts at psychology to analyze these scripts and movies to search for extremely deadly subliminal hate content that has been pumped out through these movies and cartoons and commercials and in all kinds of ways through the media. I also urge as much effort at transparency for the actors and this huge multi-national conglomerate operation to have boundaries, committees and inspections of their operations for sabotage of the United States as this entity of the media through the entertainment media has been very instrumental in helping to achieve this current terrorist subterfuge of the United States Government. The infiltration of foreign hostile entities from my personal experience of being teleported to this group of hate Nazis posing as "liberals" of every kind of angle that could possibly create a false illusion of a "Democratic" society has proven that there must be as much attempt to root out corruption from the groups that help to control the minds of the people who then go out and act upon what they have been programmed into by these psy-op media and commercial productions, which so blur with politics it has now become inseparable.

I can't understate how adversely the attack on my brain from whatever technology is being utilized to render me incapable of expressing--how badly I am being attacked. Not just from the rewriting of what I write and the hacking, but my brain is put into a miasma of confusion and dizziness and I can't see clearly as my vision goes blurry (not from tears remotely being forced to blur my vision). My writing is so disjointed I must get off the laptop, walk away, do something else. Preferably running my hands at least under water. A few minutes later the ideas come back that had simply blanked out while I was sitting here fighting to bypass hacker obstruction to the keyboard. Today is no different. I would have to spend hours simply rewriting or correct a three-paragraph page.

I am listening to a video from a man who is echoing what I wrote above regarding media input on situations and how the positioning of the media is supposed to represent the adversity to fascism or Nazism but is instead subtly advertising these fascist entities as if promoting them like a commercial advert. As the YouTuber is a former military specialist and has picked out this fault in the media presentation (but does not include which media or clip to which he is referring so I base this only on what he says in this vlog clip). 

It is the same premise behind the movies and news clips purporting to be against or aghast at these practices of fascist overtake (which the very same actors or media representatives actually participate in) and these very subtle "advertising" through condemnation (to create reverse psychological effects in order to lure people into doing what is actually on the agenda of the terrorist organization).

"Let's talk about the highly trained at the Capitol and the media...." (YouTube title)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Watching the Impeachment debates in Congress on the tube. Fighting hackers freezing all pages and DOS attacks and then reading in USA Today headlines of the Whorewood parasites who have partnered with Trump, are his allies and friends, have enabled and actually helped to put him into office through this teleportation contract out on moi, and now they are being headlined once more for being against Trump because of this most deadly false opposition that some media celebrities posture as to absolutely make ineffective any real opposition to fascist take-over not only of H-wood or Congress through their foreign allies who have huge deep pockets, (i.e. conglomerate interests and all that "Dark Money") but also, these people really want a slave society that they are in control of and over. That includes blacks and all other "minorities". I react and blast out another post in rage, which I wrote on Facebook and now I will copy it here and now. It is not as much a hyperbolic rage piece because it is VERY IMPORTANT and it is so accurate but the hacking and the technology and the DOS attacks make writing in a style that could really appear as a serious endeavor is completely blocked. However, the real problem remains that NO ONE WILL EVER DO ANYTHING TO DEFEND ME OR STOP THIS SITUATION. Now the situation has become a national crisis. This current teleportation hate crime these actors and politicians have conspired against me for years is one influential factor in the entirety of this governmental crisis and cultural calamity. the toxicity that these people and their technology are, I must get this out like the poison that remains in my body (which they keep murdering me with by continuously re-poisoning me by inserting these mechanical arms into my home to poison my food--the mechanical arms are ingeniously evil and can break through very much and do deadly damage and actually murder/assassinate someone with almost no evidence--no evidence actually). I need support I need a secure living situation they are murdering me just from poisoning, not to mention by stress and dismemberment

and thus, in this state of counting the ills that the above paragraph only brush upon in a most superficial rendering of the enormity of the endless series of repetitive attacks that never end for a second of day or night:

what I wrote on Facebook, which I need to expel from my body and mind. If I just remained not looking at any media I would then not react, but since my current situation is absolutely dependent upon the perhaps vain hope that a change of government is going to perhaps mean that someone will actually CARE about actually defining domestic policy in terms of responsible concern for individual rights and not in torturing me for "experimental" purposes and for promotions from presidents to any scumbag who needs a free promotion off the street to do the bidding of those who pay them the lowest price possible for the performing most filthy deeds. The people "at the top" but not quite at the top also perform most filthy and disgusting acts of human degradation and then imply that this is supposed to mean that is what the target is and not them. It's all very sinister sleaze and scum behavior from the lowest levels to the very pinnacle. Some of the most clever are the most apt at disguising their crimes but the system is now a threat to the United States government. Gang stalking has turned into mobs threatening to kill politicians during an election. This is no exaggeration. Once people become accustomed to breaking and entering into people's homes to gang stalk and terrorize and murder and rape, they then become more emboldened and go to higher goals for more gain. Thus, I then submit more expulsions of ideas and rage, which these meaningless hateful parasites are scouring to steal ideas from and I remain appealing to the planet to stop this crime against me. I have tried to defend the US Constitution and Freedom in terms of not being subjected to torture and rape and attempted murder by the State and by State actors, literally. I have been tortured non-stop as a result and today the US President who has most openly participated in this teleportation crime is now being Impeached, presumably. The partners and culprits who handed him this technology are now being publicized as being his opponents. What a safe game they have been allowed to play for years like this. When will Congress and anyone else reading this ever stop allowing this to spiral out of control and for torture to become a habitual pattern of politicians and lead media celebrities? Look at the result--look at what you have allowed to go on and on while I have been writing about the obvious effects and consequences for YEARS and I remain doing so even after the catastrophe has culminated in a global focus on how insane America appears due to the violent instability of those who participate in Gang Stalking terrorism. I can assure you that those who stormed the Capital are those who participate in Gang Stalking terrorism and fully embrace all the mind control torture and violence associated with this death technology. You are ALL COMPLICIT UNTIL YOU STOP DOING NOTHING AND STOP THIS SITUATION FROM COMMENCING ANY FURTHER. 


I saw yet ANOTHER celebrity who has participated in the same room with the defamed culprit to attack me in this heinous teleportation crime. I am not using direct reference but the defamed person is currently awaiting the verdict for Impeachment. The gyrating skank "pop music star" who is so famous but I have never once admired her nasty singing or personality has once more come out to most vociferously descry this politician who has been responsible for her being nominated and awarded (or is in cahoots with those governing bodies who form the committees which host the events and award the perpetrators. The more sinister and fascist they behave, the more awards they obtain. Most of the worst are some of the most outspoken "fake news" opponents of Trump and the one I am referring to now in particular has been nearly front-lined in USA Today endlessly. I can't imagine that her mafia background has anything to do with what could be a mafia news organization, could it? I don't know but it seems that so much is controlled by Nazi/Mafia (they operate together in a mutual partnership--alongside the other factions of the global pandemic organization).
It's so disgusting to endlessly see them being honored after they teleport and attack me, and then being openly "against" the benefactor who has allowed them to play this fake opposition. They are coming out like termites pouring out of a burning ship to denounce their leader so they can jump onto the next gold digger ride in the circus carnival that keeps putting these parasitic scum into the spotlight, over and over, year after year, on and on the same exact people. Hint: gag gag what a scum performer but so famous it can only mean, for my personal taste, the absolute low level of artistic depth of America at this juncture in it's Nazi infiltration because nazis can't stand to have depth, meaning, or anything similar to anything that make people think or extend and reach beyond this most basic programming the nazi mafia apes want people to behave and follow. Thus the "art" is so banal and repetitive, the music is gyrating strip tease videos and the politics...welll....
and they are all being publicized endlessly crying into cameras about how they are so glad Trump is leaving and how they are fighting for Democracy while they are actually absolute fascist Nazis behind the bs posturing once the glam is turned off they are sinister parasitic scum that is so true I can't begin to express it clearly with hacking and this attack on my brain...but suffice it to say...I have written of this for years.
Not only is it time for a change in politics but in the media and in particular in the movie and pop music industry.


So much of what I have presaged for years on Facebook and then on my blog has come to pass. My depictions of how heinous these "celebrities" behave and the imperviousness of the surrounding protective shells that the US Government and H-wood has allotted them, plus non-stop awards they receive for participating in fascist Nazi protocols of torture via electronic torture technology and this top secret teleportation machinery--they are not artists and they have no sense of depth of spirit, soul or compassion,. Greedy, grasping, selfish beyond detail and having been spoon-fed everything for decades, they have been programmed to be narcissists who then morph into psychopaths and are then handed technology to steal ideas and torture rape and rob and then slowly destroy me--or anyone else in this situation. I have written about the future prospects of allowing such a system to remain in place. Now the situation has become tragedy and catastrophe and yet these scumbags remain posturing as "opponents" to the very people they helped put into power so they could obtain more deals and awards--the awards are not meted out due to talent but to politically-motivated operational social engineering agendas. Whomsoever conforms to this fascist overtake of America via the media is then handed studios, production costs are awarded (free) and then they are awarded by the corrupted awards governance that is supposed to be celebrating art and talent. Not saying that they are not "talented" but the utter lack of humanity they have ALL exhibited means to me that these are mere performers following orders and through a monopoly are then put into every slot and all the rest are omitted and if possible, stolen from if they have ideas and even I, who has never even really been to H-wood (one time when I was a child) and actually never wanted to compete or go to that arena is now being stolen from while every thing I write is ignored but stolen--the oxymoron of it all. Yet I have to write this because the problem also needs to be addressed in the basis of this current administration and how this has come to pass and been allowed to manifest. I wonder if I will ever not be tortured, attacked and asking for help endlessly and asking people to intervene and if this will EVER be stopped. These actors and singers are partially RESPSONSIBLE FOR THE FASCIST NAZI OVERTAKE OF THE GOVERNMENT they are partners they are under the control of foreign fascist Nazis out of Europe who feign that they are "liberal" they are all now descrying the chaos and the leader whom they embraced to further they aims to infiltrate and destroy the USA and then take it over. These actors who are being publicized as "speaking out" against Trump ARE HIS FRIENDS THEY HELPED HIM TO OBTAIN POWER AND THEY ARE PUSHIGN THE EXACT SAME AGENDA THROUGH THIS CRAP MOVIE SYSTEM OF MONOPOLY THAT NEWSPAPERS LIKE USA TODAY and others keep furthering. This has remained thus far absolutely silenced and yet it has been demonstrated that this is far too crucial to US Security interests and should not be IGNORED ANY LONGER.


Again, hackers inserted the typos into the post above but I won't correct it. Just writing this has posed many backspacing and retyping in just one sentence. I could not finish my thought. It began well enough and then my brain was under too much assault in a seemingly cognizant but foggy technologically-induced state of near amnesia. This has been the case for years and I still want to try to fulfill my ambitions to have a career in writing and in arts--if just to write a blog without this going on. When will my country ever stop this crime against me? When will people stop defending these criminal actors and singers who have been stealing verbatim my words from my Facebook page and making millions of dollars while attacking me with hate and deadly poisoning and then being further promoted for this kind of behavior? When WILL THE GOVERNMENT STOP PUSHING THIS AGENDA OF MIND CONTROLLING PEOPLE? If you can't understand that this creates absolute power-mongering psychopathy in those who wield this technology who have no psychological or spiritual basis upon which to make decisions on how to use the technology for anything other than corrupt purposes. The exponential amount of violence they all exhibit that I have detailed, which has been filmed to a great extent I believe, should be some kind of evidence to people observing that these technologies are being handed out in order to DESTROY American "FROM WITHIN". That quote comes from a former "enemy" of the United States and this operational principal is still in operation especially out of Europe.
They are indoctrinating many people in Thailand, for example, to emulate this behavior I hear anti-American sentiments coming from Thai people now as the echoing parrots that the terrorist stalker Thai population (and indeed all those who are their minions) repeat. When will I just not be terrorized by my government and it's secret agencies handing out these torture and murder poisons and weaopns to civilians who are now "storming the capital" and these are only the most openly violent. The celebrities are just a tiny fraction of less than half a percent of those who appear as "liberal" or "normal" who are much more passive. I write about the celebrities because they have ordered my torture for something like 7 or 8 years without stop. When will I not be silenced any longer? Oh, I realize, I have too much information and I have to be discredited and left silenced while I have no idea how many read and hack into this page which is blocked to all people but still--my ideas and words verbatim are being stolen still. I don't know why. I just assume it's due to a contract put out by perhaps the English bigot "aristocrat" who could not stand to see me compete and not play into his usual game of manipulating people and he has been coming after me to steal and rob ideas so he can infiltrate the American market with "alternative" concepts he steals from me (and many others I assume) as these creeps from H-wood surround him to obtain their prostituted deals out of attacking and raping and robbing me with hate and violence, endlessly then never stop. How much longer must I write about their crimes before they are at least stopped from having this technology any longer and I am not teleported to sick psycho rapist fascist Nazis posing as anti-Trump, their good friend who has helped them to obtain more endless awards and deals while they keep presenting themselves as being oppositional to him and all the represents? It is so disgusting but this has been foisted upon me for over 8 years without end day after day year after year celebrity scumbag after sleaze creep and it never ends. Will the Biden adminstration ever get out of the Obama/Trump continuum of teleportation for deals they both enjoyed in their terms. Obama was excellent at hiding his criminality behind pc posturing rhetoric but now...I remain here writing asking people to please get this sick group off me to stop this crime against me. I just want my own home that is decent and not to be attacked and financial compensation for these endless injuries they have gouged and cut into my body and th epoisoning is killing me. They are still poisoning me to death I need security I need someone to finally stop allowing fascists and Nazis to endlessly attack me. When will any government finally put an end to these technolgies and the problems that are now making world headlines because the participants become absolutely imbued with violence and a sense of entitlement after they can just press buttons and then torture and rape and rob people of their ideas and strength--combined with endless terror squads similar to what happened at the Capital building last week--I experience basically the same thing EVERY SINGLE DAY thanks to the US Government.


By way of Hollywood by way of Europeans who control both politicians and Hollywood and also major news outlets--of course they are "silent' investors who are not openly associated with anything but they invest and CONTROL ABSOLUTELY. I think much or some of this extends to the English Crown (in it's large umbrella organization). And beyond it's multi-national but most assuredly it is not in the hands or minds of these Americans who pose as absolute "liberals" concerned with politics who "care" so deeply and the majorly defining role they play in all their speeches and movies is that they are victims--you can see this same strategy has been used by Trump to describe the poor terrorists who have been so slighted by the powerful --the same underdog principle applies to almost all the most vicious perpetrator's movies and themes in speeches.

"Gang stalking" -funding and enabling Congress IS "GANG STALKED" BY THE TERRORIST GROUPS THEY COVERTLY FUNDED AND SUPPORTED FOR DECADES: Serpentine twist of Fate and the spiraling of the tentacles into our very societal mental fabric which have dug into the heart for decades with full funding or tacit approval (or ignorance but so many people participate in "gang stalking" I find it difficult to believe that politicians are not aware of this situation as they are part of the same organization) . How odd to see the ramifications of their own approval for these terrorist "gang stalking" squads turn upon them by those they assumed were their good constituents. Some Senators and other House representatives shuddered or remain stoic but many simply trembled under their desks as gang stalking reached them on a personal level "in their house" as they have ordained that these very types of violent ultra-fascists could do the same to me while I fought to get any help from my government.. What will the future bring? Any realization that what they funded as mind control experimentation and attacks upon people they don't want to see succeed who maybe want to have their own independent lives who are not criminally oriented but nevertheless, they are implanted with microchips and thus allocated to being raped, tortured and slowly murdered with full assent by Congress and law enforcement and the very types of "good patriot" citizens rampaging through the capital looking for politicians to hang from a noose?


Will Congress and much of American society "learn" to stop funding and participating in these domestic terrorist organized activities after what has occurred?

For the people being assaulted on a 24/7 basis as I am and have been for decades, seeing the rioters on the ensuing slow trickle  of new news clips revealing greater violence as the days go by: what I experience with HUNDREDS of people attacking me at any mere grocery store shopping spree. HUNDREDS of people attacking me with cars, shopping carts, my home raided DAILY as the US Government on some covert level FUNDED IT ALL all my life.

Will they learn to stop funding these by now out-of-control activities when the looters are aiming their psychopathy upon the very leaders who helped create these groups. Don't blame your last president by the way for this violence as it has been left to fester for decades underground, silenced and all witnesses and targets silenced completely.


Will you stop these activities people who want "Democracy" after watching this happen to me for years and NEVER DOING A DAMN THING TO STOP IT? But now you are all descrying these activities because it may be a threat to you. 

If only people had actually cared about human life in the first place.

If they only tried to connect the possibility that by allowing this type of hate crime activity to go on that, blindly assuming it could never happen even to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed police officer, assuming that it only happens to me or people "like me" whatever that means....

If only you could have connected the potentialities instead of gleefully watching me fight for my life EVERY SINGLE DAY AS i REMAIN DOING, thinking it was fun and that you were safe and secure because you are far too special and America is always going to be a safe haven for your promiscuous appetite for pornographic cellular exploitation of people being victimized and tortured. Endless H-wood movies of death and sexual carnage and hate or compassion but played by vicious hate Nazis to truly dissuade you from any real action has not quelled your appetite for more and more hate and violence, oh America.


Copied from my Facebook post today:

Weird, weird and more weird on a small scale: when the riots at the Capital began, I was watching live Streaming on You tube the procession of State Electors announcing their Electoral Count(s). Exactly as the Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley stepped up to the podium to announce his State's vote, which was at the exact time the rioters breached the Capital building, just moments before Senator Grassley was ushered away from the podium by security, I turned off my laptop to go to bed as it was maybe 2 or 3 am my time zone (GMT+7).
Weird once again I restate that I turned the tube off nearly exactly as the riots began, assuming the rest of the coverage for that day was going to be a repeat of the one hour I had already watched, containing formalized counts with objections and confirmations and tallies of counts/votes. I think I turned off the tube exactly as the rioters entered the Capital building and I missed the mayhem on the tube by probably less than one or two minutes!
I woke up to see news accounts that Biden had been formally made President, and that there had been "riots" at the Capital. I saw photos of men carrying flags inside the Capital building with huge grins. There was no mention of the utter violence in the news accounts and as the days go by and more reports on the seriousness of the situation are unveiled, I am stunned. I have always been too positive in terms of what fascists are capable of. I had assumed that the take-over would be on a more technological (as has already happened) level, but that a violent show-of-force would not lead to such a disruption on a physical level. I always underestimate the severity of how this organization operates and assume that they operate within the parameters of normalization (according to what has been defined as acceptable behavior). I am always stunned at the hate and violence that this organization always displays not only at me personally but now I witness it happening on an international level (the US Capital attack was an international signal and a token representative of the internal divide that the enemies of the US have been covertly funding, organizing and are now enjoying watching on tubes all over the planet (because this Nazi organization has indeed devoured much of the planet). Nowhere moreso than in H-wood and in America, as I have been writing of for years but have only been tortured and left to fight for my life alone while I was ignored and scoffed at by all, it seems. Not saying "I told you so, na na na na na" would be nice to have recognition for my efforts and refusal to back down in the face of murder attempts due to this Nazi organization which has been funded by some of the members who had to hide under their desks on January 6, 2021 at the United States Capital Building, Washington DC, who all took oaths to protect the US Constitution FOR THE PEOPLE which they have all disavowed in the interest of their own self-interests (perhaps largely due to racist reasons).
However, back to that day when there was a much smaller amount of apprehension at what would occur at this Electoral Count. I thought the opposition would drag the process out for days, as I had heard multiple news anchors and You Tubers relate in days leading up to the huge event on the 6th. Assuming that there would be countless objections, leading to hours of stalemate to delay the certification, I turned off the tube just within 1-2 minutes of this explosion on tv news channels broadcast on YouTube.
What the US Congressional members experienced is what they have ENDORSED FOR YEARS to be inflicted upon me EVERY SINGLE DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY MY HOME IS VIOLATED AND TRASHED BY ATTACKERS SPONSORED BY THIS GLOBAL FASCIST ORGANIZATION. Every day my life is in peril due to violence that the United States Government has sponsored and keep a top secret "experiment" in torture and brain-manipulation "mind control". The same groups that torture/rape and steal and rob all they can from me have brought their tactical experience of gang stalking and terrorist activities that have been sponsored for years by Republicans, as my situation is NO SECRET--to them.
Will Congressional members "ever learn "from this situation, as I am trying to "remind" people reading this who may have influence or be a part of that political entity that is supposed to safeguard "Democracy" and be a "shining beacon" to the world, that they have fostered the exact type of violence upon INNOCENT US CIVILIANS LIKE ME, SPECIFICALLY ME--because they want a fascist Nazi organized type of government.
Someone needs to write this as all that has really happened to bring the United States to this exact moment is being "deflected" upon a few individuals when both parties are to blame for decades of sponsoring and protecting this very type of "domestic terrorism".
Now the people who were smug about covertly funding these operations are publicly scratching their heads and looking for whom to blame in this situation. The problem has been allowed to fester and sink into the fabric of American society for so long that it is now fully entrenched.
All that I can offer as some kind of remedy is a bit "callous" but...due to so many businesses being closed, it would be appropriate for the FBI and other Secret Service agencies who are now looking for what is funding these groups (try the United States Government) that most businesses are under the influence of this extremely hierarchical pyramid structure. Since during the pandemic so many businesses have been closed, perhaps people not involved in this death and hate organization could instead have a chance to compete who are not aligned with this "Illuminati" mafia Nazi organization because all I have seen for years is that every business and rental agency is a participant and even when some people try to be friendly to me, they are threatened and must submit to allowing me to be attacked in their stores. Agents representing these groups take over the roles of attack when those who are managers of rental agents do not want to participate.
Now is the time to install people who are against this deadly hate organization which insinuates it's tentacles throughout every financial entity on the planet and business and now they are reaching into the brains and they hope to suck out the souls and personalities and hearts of their targets.
The contortions of this event are more than Weird but the circuitous route of this organization are a serpentine twist on the entire structure of the planet, entwining it into a ball of confusion and hate and leading to an imbalance to deadly it may fall into a massive death spiral. If my words are too hyperbolic than keep doing nothing and allowing these groups to continue to be funded and organized and see what happens. That also includes the technocrats who have become the wealthiest in the world after creating factories of their "wonderful" new technologies in China who have been a part of this attack upon me (ps they are not from America and they come from fascist Apartheid type colonies of Europ-a-land).


The usual caveat to all my hacked/mind-control attacked posts remains: hackers are blocking the keyboard and will probably rewrite some or much of what I have written. Parts may be entirely deleted and then strung together into other sentences as has happened at a rate of 60% for years to every post I write and publish. My brain is so "foggy" that it's very hard to "remember" or think in addition to fighting to pound down on the keyboard which is made extremely stiff by malware. Always the same caveat.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Watching the Vaseline-coated Electoral College Presidential Count debates. Nearly a Hallmark special of sentimentality to past icons and remembrances of glory from ancient tales.

 Every time I click on YouTube to listen to (in this case Pennsylvania representatives--now politicians in Congress) endlessly reciting how their State is the home of John Adams, and the Constitution; and thus, THEY must also be defined as belonging to these most sacred American institutions only due to having residences in that State. That and their professed kinship with JESUS make them almost sacrosanct when they appear to argue the electoral counts and the claims of electoral fraud. 

Every speaker thus far has gone on to lecture like dream-weaver entertainers about the merits of what an incredible Democracy they are representing. If H-wood writers have not written their speeches, I will be temporarily speechless. In fact, the congruency between H-wood and Congress appears to have a very thin line betwixt the two entities of social engineering.

Glossy remembrances of glory of past days. Jesus as an entity presides over the Republican Party when they are contesting the election. I am waiting for any information pertaining to the count or the activities of the process. I only hear Vaseline-coated syrupy lectures on how these politicians (just like the H-wood celebrities do) are almost tantamount to being transferable icons for these pithy ideals and iconic sacred entities which masses look up to as guide posts in their organized chaos lives.