Monday, January 18, 2021

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas which are then stolen by these terrorists you call the H-wood "A-list" celebrities so they can continue to foment Nazi ideology in movies but disguised as "liberal" fodder for the masses to consume and ingest and believe and follow the Big Lies that are continuously spewed out by this propaganda hate machine of H-wood and the media.

*I had to just rewrite this first paragraph because in the two minutes it took me to write the first draft, hackers had already deleted letters and words from the original. The rest of the post, which I am not going to spend more time in rewriting or reviewing, probably has multiple hacker "errors". Of course, I am struggling to pound down on the keyboard as the keys are being blocked by malware or remote interference. The same attacks I have been writing of for years continue today, as per usual.

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas. This, then is what these terrorist actors and writers rely on to obtain ideas they steal in bits and parts from my writing, so they can continue to promote their false narrative of being anti-racist and anti-sexist and all that other blathering K-rap H-wood keeps cranking out year after year about how hip and alternative these fascist adherent actors and writer/directors are (NOT). Thus, I am tortured without end by these unscrupulous actors and also part of the contract is to have visual evidence of me being deformed, broken down so I slowly deteriorate in a series of images from years of daily poisoning and torture which is also a part of the contract. These actor hyena parasites; I have many other more pejorative terms for them, but I am dealing with psychos who have NEVER YET been stopped from torturing me and attacking me and I am tired of my lethargic American population allowing these terrorists and terror operations to continue. I assume now that people understand that my years of "ranting" about infiltration of Nazis into H-wood and in America was not a delusional ranting spree that I just went on for years and years every single day, without end as they torturing me for writing about it and no one has since, and still not yet, ever stopped them completely so I can live in peace. Thus, It is very probable that the reason the attacks were stopped was because the actor who I wrote of yesterday is using any and all means to ensure a response in order to fulfill the terms of this contract of attacking me to obtain responses so he can be promoted for having caused a hate and rage reaction, then the parasites continue to suck out ideas that I rant on as the technology opens various centers of my brain so the concepts I am literally, and physically incapable of writing due to hacking and these attacks on my body and brain, are just stolen while I sit here unable to create my own writing pieces, unable to do anything but fight to not be poisoned daily by these terrorist expletives who you all keep allowing to control and attain higher ranking in influence and power in the media and the mind control Nazi apparatus. lungs are not being electronically constricted because some hateful attacker wants to see me be slowly murdered in just that one single attack of an endless series of deadly attacks (that he and all involved condone both for me and for others).

Whomsoever has intervened, I thank you and I do urge you most (impatiently) to also become involved in stopping these weapons because they are being dispersed not only to white supremacist groups, but to many other groups as well GLOBALLY. Instead of hearing the chants in the streets of, "I can't breathe" and "Hands up, don't shoot" these barbarian haters will be using these covert weapons to constrict heart muscles and lungs, until fibrillation and then cardiac arrest ensue. No videos to implicate police will ever be used for mass protests ever again, just these silent electronic weapons to MURDER people in the streets or in the silent sanctity of their own homes with through walls and other versions of these murder electronic weapons. The list of attacks, deadly all, are enormous.

Think about it dearly woke people who are also at risk, you are at risk as well. You can be the most successful white supremacist but if any one of these people who has these weapons wants to eliminate you, they need not do much more than get ahold of any one of these weapons, (are they accounted for, who holds the stockpiles, where are they stored?) and just murder someone, even without "permission" from their superiors in the ranks of this insidious organization.


thank you for assisting if anyone has--unless this response of stopping the deadly attack on my heart muscle is part of their "game" to entice me to react, and once on the computer the brain-altering "mind control" tech kicks in and I begin to pour out ideas which are then sucked out by the parasites posing as the "alternative liberal" fighters in the media who are 100% a part of the Nazi take-over scheme of the United States (and the planet).

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