Thursday, January 21, 2021

Please save college radio station WNYU.ORG from horrid mainstream fascist, Nazi takover and co-opting. The radio station, which I have been a fan of for a decade since first learning of it, am chagrined that during the T-rump admin and when the H-wood terrorists began to assault and teleport and use terrorism against me, they infiltrated the station to put themes and hints about my situation into songs (not delusional schizophrenic delusions that I write of). In the last admin, out of NYC, the DJ's or radio hosts have played TOP 40 music and used MC and DJ-style vocal endless interruptions and almost top 40 notes on the popularity of the mainstream songs that they played. They used a format that only repetitive media outlets use with horrid music that they gyrating mediocrity pop stars are endlessly featured in every album and every year the same horrid skanks. Now what had been a truly original and unique station has been infiltrated by the fasco-techno-brainwashing media pig-ape-hyenas and the music is worsening and worsening into a near top-40 style presentation and the music is either old top 40's or those songs that haven't made the top hit charts. It's so horrid I must go back in the archives of WNYU at least a decade, and the station has taken all the great years of their archives off the website and they keep deleting older files so all the great stuff is GONE. .Please rescue alternative music from this mainstream deluge of K-rap horrid music and this "Millennial" group taking over the airwaves with all stations even purporting to be "alternative" and subculture dominated by this fasco-horrid mediocrity organization of fascism and Nazi propagandized media fodder.

 this post has been hacked and rewritten in parts but I am lazy don't want to fight to get into the title page and scroll because the functions are blocked and it's so time and energy-consuming to endlessly backspace while writing as they insert typos as I write, and then to publish and then have to go into a post while the functions are being blocked so I must at least twice rewrite and go into pages that have typos which appear like "ghetto" grammar. It's really more of their discrediting tactics which I write of on every post. 

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