Friday, January 22, 2021

On to different themes. "Since Neo-Liberalism, Money became the religion of our times." (Vandana Shiva quote). The themes are related to my experience. They are also related to brainwashing and mind control. This particular post regards a lecture on the hypnotic mass appeal of concentrating on the numbers of the Gross Domestic Product quarterly gains. The illusion of profit always spiraling upwards into a heaven of excess and increase. The boom bust cycle resumes a vetting of the middle and lower levels of entrepreneurs (my thought, not hers). That people in power are absolutely driven by these numbers and the quest for endless upward mobility where there is no ceiling. There is no base. There is no stability. They allow for such torture experimentation contracts such as MK ULTRA (in my case) with the bottomless pit of their greed and selfish self-promoting aspirations. They have no self control they have no oversight they have no capacity to think beyond these quarterly gains and (in avoiding taxes, which is akin to avoiding all consequences of their crimes). For too long they have been allowed to not pay taxes or not have to pay the piper for their crimes.

 This is still a very interesting lecture. I heard Vandana Shiva being interviewed on the BBC many years ago. I was very impressed and remembered her name despite all the drugging and memory loss from the drugging and mind control miasma that has been forced upon me. She made an impression upon me then, and I accidentally discovered her lecture on YouTube today through this Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (in Berlin--where she, Ms. Luxemburg-- was shot in the head by Nazis--before the Holocaust by the way).  If you want to understand aspects of modern German Socialism, it is good to study a bit of what Rosa Luxemburg brought to the table in the 2nd Internationale (Communist Party). Considering how Americans think, I am not advocating Socialism or Communism. I am advocating studying the concepts to be informed about how these ideologies operate and are acted upon and the history of such thought.


The futility and the tragedy of being consumed by consumerism when the planet is dying from over-production and pollution (aka Global Warming).

Yet when it comes to being promoted in a most heinous contract utilizing vile and subhuman technology (the technology brings out the subhuman qualities of these otherwise educated and previously somewhat human people who obtain the torture technology. They explode into super-psychopathic hate-mongering lying violent torturing sleazy assaulters who are addicted to more and more violence as they continue to utilize the technology. They are all addicted to the numbers of acquisition. The trend of entire societies being immersed in the consummation of consumer treadmills has produced near cataclysmic devastation not only in politics but for the environment and in the economy and for the moral and spiritual life of the human species and for the flux and flow of the universal energies converging in a vortex of human and spirit interaction. If that sounds to ethereal or esoteric I am really just referring to the spirit of Life instead of the Death Energy that these torturing money-grabbing gold-digger parasites thrive off the death of the planet and of other human beings they can feed off . They are never truly satisfied with anything except for the quest for more acquisition and power. They are the life-fuckers who are responsible for the organization to which they belong that is destroying planet earth and the inhabitants therein.

The lecture goes on in this same sort of theme. It is a much higher level than what Greta Thunberg states in her lectures of anger. The wisdom and sense of a more universal theme is what Ms. Shiva expounds and conveys. This is why my thoughts are tending towards the spiritual and the connection to the human plane of existence and the necessity to stop the materialistic destruction of the planet due to the artificial economic paradigm that drives the hate and violence that the superficially smiling criminals are controlled by. It makes them extremely ugly and sinister evil-imbued demonic parasites on the planet devouring all they can grasp and suck out.


Vandana Shiva speaking via podcast in 2020

The pandemic is a wake-up call. 

America needs Vandana Shiva to speak her knowledge and wisdom and information in news interviews and talk shows of mainstream import.

ISF2020: Vandana Shiva & David Suzuki: The Virus is a Wake-up Call (YouTube)

EarthDance 2020 - Vandana Shiva and Reclaiming the Commons

What are called, "Land Defenders" in mainstream media, these proponents of psychedelic awareness and fighters against "Corporate-bio-piracy". That is a much better term. 

My four years of having to deal with Mr. rape-the-earth-and-everything-in-between Heaven and Earth corporate superstar (cultural icon) but otherwise known to me secretly as Mr. Humpty Hubris ..ha ha.. has left me back on the track of politically aware and correct earth-centeredness. If I were to describe how the mind control drugs and technology blasted me so far off course and would have blown me into death while in a state of utter brainwashed incomprehensibility-- but how can you understand this when you can't experience it and/or you deny it could happen to you so it's just another statement that you doubt and can't understand? 

I forgot that I was a child of the wind, blowing into the ether while stationed with feet planted firmly on the black soil of nurturing beauty and awareness of life. They made me stray so badly off my life path--they these mind-screw crew I mean YOU.

Now I see footage of ice caps melting and hottest earth temperature ever on record. I see people going crazy to be able to continue to devour all resources and not wear masks because they are dinosaurs entitled to devouring all living beings and entitlement to do so should be without question. As the world is alternatively burning and melting and cooling and dying and becoming extinct and in a global meltdown and dying from laboratory viruses and bio-eco-terrorism on a massive economic scale of consumption. The Nazis' wives have kissed their Nazis to go out and conquer, as the women go outdoors gone as loony as the Karen crew busting through all barriers, because they believe they are the predators entitled to devouring all and destroying the rest.  Karens is the nice euphemism for the women of the genocidal Nazis who rampage through the planet destroying and building over the wastelands of slaves they create to have more and to consume without end. Entitled, they believe, to build more and devour more and they are never satiated.  All slavery and debt and death are their entitlement to conquer and usurp. They are a pandemic upon the planet. 

After the deluge of their hundreds of thousands of terrorist activities and terrorists "gang stalking" me throughout all these years of living on a 9-million tourist per year island of endless waves of post-Nazi colonialism coming on their endless weeks of paid-for-vacation due to the money they murdered millions of innocents to steal from. After realizing that my former friendliness to them before I understood that nearly ALL are attacking me, I am now reverting to where I was so long ago before the drugs made me absolutely a brainwashed product of mind control dying from poisoning. They are nothing but filth polluting the earth, and I am now at the place where I was a long time ago, when I would see such people but never want any contact with them. They forced contact upon me as my brain was absolutely jellified with will-power and resolution centers of my brain dissolved into a polluted dew of overly friendly acceptance of scumbag whore parasites. I was Completely nearly bursting at all internal organs and arteries and veins from the blocked and clogged hardening and bloating and coagulating drugs these parasites have poured into my food all my life--used to inflict their mind control. I am now into Ten years of detox. I am almost at the point of saying I might be able to not have to do this any longer perhaps in another 6 months after a decade of it. My body nearly completely paralyzed from hard poisons put in my food most of my life or all just to force mind control experimentation upon me and then to control and stop me from competing and not undermining bigot Nazi racist claims of superiority which are as deleterious to the planet as the endless pollution they pump out to continue to have a "healthy GDP". Listen to the foils of such a mentality and the crime and death these systems of Nazi genocidal death have produced a la "economic growth" that must continue year-after-year. Controlled by fascists and white supremacists even in the most "black" and "brown" of countries. Destroying, creating criminal economies and subservient slavery and death to the ecosystem wherever and whatever they stomp and chomp their greedy, disgusting snouts into.

My very hostile (and mind controlled/drugged writing now, exacerbated rage or hate, my brain stifled my cognitive processes blocked or emotional hate states enhanced by this tech--seriously, and unable to think clearly or connect or "remember" what I want to say in every post)
I write the above under these conditions of mind control
after a decade of living in Thailand (longer than 10 years now, most of it spent sequestered indoors unable to take heat or sun due to deadly poisoning WHILE the parasitic pig ape Nazi Europigapes and their American prostituted slave obedient minions turned students of fascism who attacked me while healing in a dying state--on a 24 hour basis that has not ended even with the brand new day of Biden I remain being attacked by mechanical arms and sitting watching all news channels to hope that maybe this system will not be endorsed any longer. The death to the global ecosystem is a global manifestation of the inner workings of the greedy consumer fixation with acquisition on every personal and environmental scale. 

Ten years in Thailand of observing white Europigape Nazi bigot fascists overtaking the country. The military government literally conducting land grabs from Thai former owners of beach-front properties only to hand them over to the investors who are backed by the fascist Nazis, who have turned the formerly less nasty prostituted Thai women I have been around in my years of living in Rawai into being now long-gone and replaced by viciously Europigape-obsessed fashion/fascist nasty prostitutes who are absolute puppets being paid to mimic and imitate fascist Nazism in every of the most servile and obsequious forms, which are exactly as the white and black Americans behave to emulate the very nasty colonizer Europigapes in Whorewood who star in their movies and dominate and control these actors who always play the compassionate liberal in all their movies--fighting against racism, sexism and Nazis. All are slaves and servants even if they are the whitest white skinned-bigots claiming they are also "Nazi" in their secret oaths. But back to Thailand, which is not what America was once long ago, but what America is becoming and has to an extent already become. Exploited and colonized and turned into a nearly fascist coup government controlled by Martial Law. Yes, you can thank the Obama Adminstration for helping to create both this situation in Thailand and in America as well. Yes, it is a reality that no one is talking about or admitting to and least of all the people who run the government who still project these fakes as being heroes of some alternative wonderful America that used to be great and now can be great again. The sick joke of it all and the silencing of reality--and reality is nature.

Back to Thailand--the land grabs that have been officially recognized thanks to Obama and his "liberal" crew allowing the fascist Nazi take-over (while Obama was courting Angela Merkel so Diamler could completely invade the US auto industry after Detroit went bankrupt--and oh, how the Obama family has profited off the black nazi position and is still playing the "fighting against racist" card and "winning" every rigged hand (not meaning any election being rigged but just the distortion of the conniving and black racist mentality that has been the foundation of the situation I now face--at least for the last 8 years and they are still behind my situation and profiting off it and allowing it to continue)

however, in Thailand: the Europigape white male fascist parasites and their nasty wives behind the coup military government of Thailand:  after stealing extremely profitable beach-front property that had been legally paid for by local mom & pop businesses, suddenly the contracts for land and property were disputed without any recourse to protest by the corrupted city councils of Phuket (with backing from the Martial Law military coup government) and all the former owners were overnight kicked off the properties they paid for and had held as their own for decades.  The beautiful beaches are now compressed under tons of cement and huge sprawling hotels and structures have taken place of the beautiful peaceful massage huts and fun and playful beach areas that had children running and playing and nice little quaint Thai restaurants and funny cheap tourist merch for sale. Now huge expensive "glamorous" hotels which are currently completely empty and dead, like the land they are destroying like the planet they are consuming so every white male pig ape prostitute-maker can have a business in the 3rd world on their pension plans derived from genocide, the Holocaust and now from a holocaust of the planet's natural resources. The Thai government, bowing and smiling as servants and prostitutes partnered with these schemes and scams, claiming that any protest by the former inhabitants of the paid-for and decades-owned properties is illegal due to "lese Majeste" under endless Martial Law that continues to this day, years after the coup took place. The properties then were handed over to investors (Europ-a's) and their Thai partners. The construction over huge and beautiful swaths of land have been an ever-encroaching cement hell of square and squat buildings all that appear exactly alike. The formerly nice and pleasant Thai women who were "stalkers" but not viciously nasty as they are now, are all gone and what has replaced them are very nasty and full supportive subservients of the white bigots who retire and go to Thailand out of the genocidal policies and the Holocaust lucre they stole from millions of victims they tortured and brutally murdered in most heinous atrocity ways. 

As the animals and birds and land are being killed off by the greed of these disgusting parasitic Europigapes and their ilk, the entire island that was once much more relaxed, friendly is now endless rows of coffee shops and hostile, hateful "fashion-obsessed" skanky and nasty creeple operating non-stop as terrorists under order from Nazi terrorists who are considered "classy" in the American fiasco that has taken turns attacking me with teleportation hell and death technology. All that I have written of in this post is combined and non-separable. The problem is that I am not able to write with calm intellectualism as my brain is under control as are my emotions--I mean "mind control" and the keyboard is mostly inoperable so I must literally write in pain because my bicep is working so hard to pound down with my entire arm strength.

So I can't pound down any longer and I have been attacked to the point that my writing is reflective of the technology blocking my brain and enhancing hate speech. This is no excuse these technologies are seriously deadly, penetrating and are used by psychopathic disgusting parasites for parasitic interests. 

All I see of what they have produced here in Thailand is the devastation of the ecosystem, the destruction of beautiful areas that are now hideous ugly cement sprawling box structures that are now empty due to the pandemic. More construction is going on in anticipation of more tourism when the world returns to "normal". The "Normal" has wrought death and destruction but the short-and narrow confines of the minds of these sleazy greedy prostitute-making porno earth and life F**ers is that they must continue to rake in the exploits of exploitation upon formerly very beautiful Thailand. Every area that was peaceful, beautiful nature is being built upon in Phuket. The birds, flowers, animals are being killed off and have nowhere else to go. The earth is being killed by these fascist Nazi technocratic idiots who think that the pandemic will eventually stop and they can continue to suck out all resources and keep on building over all and any natural resource possible. 

Rethinking development in the 21st Century--Vandana Shive lecture (YouTube)

The hacking is now very bad. I have fought to change the underline function and I have pressed it off SIX TIMES IN TWO MINUTES OF FIGHTING and the hackers then deleted a video and then blocked the function of the entire page.

I am completely unable to think clearly and fight to type at the same time with all these attacks going on simultaneously upon my brain and my hands, motor skills and nervous system and brain functioning. I am so sick of these apes blocking my path to expression and my life and no one doing anything about it.

When I write of Thailand, and then I see America turned into a devastation of infrastructure crumbling. Of Nazis marching in the streets and politicians going along with it to a larger majority of participants than the American public had been hitherto willing to confess. The lies of a Free and Democratic government and of course the lies about the celebrity whorewood scumbag parasites remains intact that they "represent" without question these "values" of concern about all human life while the Nazis somehow continue to proliferate at an alarming rate in the United States. All of these variables tie into the current deluge of "problems" that people confuse with a new group of the same people who had been in power before coming back to rescue so things are hidden in plain sight much more cleverly behind politically correct rhetoric. The problems of the last administration are all going to be solved and no need to protest any longer. Everything will be just fine. The GDP is going to grow once more. Growth will be accompolished and we are going to rejoin the Paris Accord although, for some reason, the Paris Accord has not stopped global warming before or after the US left the consortium of globalists who profit off the planet's GDP growth.

Am I rambling now? Probably. I am backspacing to rewrite what hackers are deleting more than I am writing so writing anything is very impossible without continuity breaks and hackers do the rest of the discrediting insertions and deletions.
America needs someone like Vandana Shiva to be a host on MSNBC and ABC and CBS instead of the fake liberals whose speeches never impress me but they are always on air spouting their orchestrated rhetoric. Most of them are male or women who emulate male discourse and logic.

If you listen to Vandana Shiva you will see that her references to a female power that has been castrated and is in need of in order to rescue the world's current death paradigm is what is needed to truly help restore the planet and not more of the same to placate the fears and anxieties that have come to the fore because Trump did not conceal the agendas that these celebrities and politicians have so cleverly hidden for so many decades behind their pc rhetorical distortions and lies and platitudes and media movie marketing manipulation to quell all real introspective analysis (killing off intellectuals and radicals with mind control and terrorist gang stalking) which is why they aren't stopping this situation forced upon me which they forced upon me before T-rump took over the technology--handed to them by the very same people coming to "rescue" the United States from what they could not conceal under their pc lies any longer. 
I sound so conspiracy-theory like but this is not conspiracy theory it's just being knowledge and information suppressed and silenced.

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