Monday, January 18, 2021

I see that hackers deleted grammar and inserted words in the title of my latest post (yesterday about Uganda). I did not correct as it's extremely exhausting to continuously rewrite that which I struggle to write obstructed by hackers and brain-altering tech. THIS post is going to be a rambling rant about the stupidity I encounter at stores in major shopping malls from the terrorist skanks and their white supremacist Nazi overlords who control 20+ stalkers dressed in the store uniforms who are attacking me. All real personnel are sent to the back rooms, and they later reemerge after I leave and I can see them if I suddenly return--all the former attackers are gone and replaced by friendly, cool and nice actual real staff. Below is a rant about the stupid antics which the white trash hyena-hormone-growth "actor" out of Austria but has been handed an empire in Whorewood to inflict his anti-Nazi lies while he's fully supported by the fascist trash white Nazi contingent here in Phuket--(fuck-it white Nazi Paradise).

 I had to add the expletive word because of the phonological similarity to Phuket and f**-it. It's such a prostitute-laden zone of exploitation and sleazy pulchritudinous filth when the white sleaze apes come to get their sex vacations (aided much by the Vietnam war American soldiers who came for sex relaxation vacations in Thailand while they were fighting for ole Uncle Sam back in Vietnam--so the blame is not omitted from the Americans who are now the "Patriots" fighting for their sleazy rights of white trash empowerment entitlement that these actor hyenas with all their hormone growth posturing have made so much money off of--only to replicate like the robots that they are the same prostitution formula that has encouraged these "A-list" celebrities to enact the same hate skits that the sleazy and "brown" Thai terrorists in these stores enact--but on a "public" level while the white pig apes from Europigapeland watch on hugging their little Thai sucking/cooking/cleaning/spouse slaves who provide them with legal means of investment into Thailand. They even spawn children with them, who then become the soldiers who create fascist coup political spectrums of corruption and suppression and absolute Totalitarian autocratic rule, which is now the law of the land, sponsored by the white trash who proliferates here.


At a store in the very "World Class" shopping mall complex (spanning three huge city blocks in the main area of "Phuket Town") and if you try to picture luxury lifestyle in this depiction, you can forget all about that in Phuket Town. The aim is to create a high-end city (white with their Thai pawn controlled) mega luxury endless construction zone--thus the hilltop of empty condos where I now reside are awaiting demolition to create high-end luxury investment something or other--which these rotten celebrities have purchased with full welcome from the fascist Nazi contingent and the governance here in Phuket and in Thailand in general (from the general who is in control over the Martial Law political system, so only white supremacists can control the "good" prostituted slaves who serve and obey and act out the hate skits so the Thai culture is absolutely enculturated into fascism and Nazi mentality and completely immersed therein).


At one of the less-frequented areas of the most solitary blocks of this huge mega-shopping mall complex--I think it is facing the Easternmost side of the three blocks--is a home-improvement type of (huge) store called Baan and Beyond. All kinds of fixtures and appliances and building materials and  home nic-nacs and etc are stored within the enormous building. It's a very wonderful store I do have to say I am never disappointed in what I purchase at that place. During the low season, or if I go to that place without great preparation at night, friendly, helpful and competent people help, are there to give information and stand by to assist. There are never problems. Not so during the  High Season (which is right now) and after the hormone hyena huge disgusting sleaze Nazi bigot out of Whorewood who I have been writing of for the last week-who had sleazy and disgusting nasty teleportation skits--as the sleaze that he is and on every single level possible, demonstrating only stupidity as a basis of his mentality--of course, fascism and hate underlie all that he does with huge jokes and stupid come-backs that he is "famous" for. I can also assure people that my years of having lived in Stuttgart--which is one of the more "Progressive" cities in Germany, and was one of the more American-influenced cities in Germany (and in Europe) due to the FOUR military barracks situated around that city. Over 50 years of Americans pouring into the Stuttgart region produced an effect of a type of assimilation into American mentality (but of course with a huge dose of cynicism and hate directed at Americans, which eeked out once the soldiers began to leave and Nazism of course began to surge back into daily life of the city, as I witnessed and experienced after returning to Stuttgart to live for one year, back in 2010-2011. I know that a huge arrogant puffed up meaningless bigot Nazi like this actor would be joked about, perhaps behind his back, by the people of Stuttgart who are much less imposing in their posturing about their real political motivations behind the posturing the Germans really do all the time, like it's an ingrained lying program they have all been programmed by. The braggadocio type of arrogant, extremely typical "Germanic" type of Nazi (thug) personality would not be as openly welcomed as it has been in America, where obviously the American population will buy into any lie as long as it's of a Nazi nature which enables them to believe and follow orders to achieve a Nazi State of entitlement and white privilege. thus, he's gained a huge following and a fortune for his exploits and exploitation of America.

And thus, here in Nazi-controlled Phuket (and Thailand and SE Asia and of course Uganda and Africa and elsewhere around the world): as I drove to park in the empty spaces of this mostly empty building, no one was on the ground level as I entered from the main entrance where I had parked my motorbike. But one white pig ape Europigape male was briskly walking almost out of nowhere to block my path at the exact moment I walked through the doors, which had a rope cordoning off the one area to get onto the escalators to go to the upper floor. This rotten younger white male glared into my face as he brushed and pushed right in front of me as I began to put the shopping cart with all my  many bags on the rolling escalator. This is one of the most often used attack strategies, is to push in front of me in lines, in elevators, at cash registers they rush to run to jump in front of me as I am walking to any exit, entrance, elevator, cash register, etc etc. They all have precise vector analysis software to guide them and instruct them through their ear-buds or through even the Voice-to-Skull technology on exactly how quickly to go, they back up into me as I walk past and glare in hate after they are instructed to push into me as if I have walked into them.

But, that began the endless assault in this usually very friendly and nice store where I often go because I must continuously buy cloth tape and other items to fight to block out the mechanical arms and all the destruction these terrorists make in the tiny studio where I must never-end fight to defend my body and life from their endless intrusion. Every time I leave this room the terrorist rush in to spray deadly toxins, stinking substances on clothing and into all cabinets and on all clothing and blankets, pillows and etc. They then rip and tear and spray grease and grime on the deocrations I make and the objects i use to try to block all their entry points inside this room with their mechanical arms through all the panels along all the walls and from the patio. It is a never-ending drain on my resources, time and energy. It is literally all I spend my life doing, every single day because they never stop destroying what I build and put up as defenses. I thus go to this store at least, a minimum, twice a month to spend a large amount of sub-poverty income on expensive items just to rebuild what I have already spent money on for years to fight the same things over and over it never stops or is stopped by anyone. Certainly not the politicians who profit off this who are not now leaving as they are just in partnership with others of the same ilk, who profited and still profit off this contract out on me because they all have to re-run for office and continue to crank out that "Black" liberal stance and get re-elected to rescue Americans from the death machine that they fed into like all the prostituted Thai slaves who surround me continuously to attack me for Big Daddy nazi who pays them lodging so they can clean and suck and fuck and clean for Big Nazi Daddy they all adore. It is exactly the very same system in Whorewood and from this hyena pig ape who just ordered swarms of disgusting stupid white pig ape males with their consort Thai slaves to do these disgusting things in the stores while the managers sat back counting the extra money they were handed for doing this and sending their real employees to the back rooms to wait until they all got their payments for these pseudo-atrocities (they are all precursors of genocide and are a result of genocide, mass murder, coup d'etats and all the vices that these hyena pig apes create in the misery that they inflict globally so they can endlessly control these banana republics, which America has obviously become even the nazi-controlled news anchors are describing what has just occurred as being something that the US has sponsored in countries like Thailand--under the black Nazi Obama administration which has so fully endorsed and supported this terrorist contract out on me, while they also endorsed terror and torture CIA camps in places like Thailand and in other countries, as they also bombed and terrorized countries in the Middle East--and now they are coming to "rescue" America from the white supremacist fascists who they adored and obtained their endless and current contracts because they too serve the beast Nazi cartels that control them. Yes, good ole Michelle and Obama--so sickening to see them posture right now as if they are saving America from Trump and they will come to further their political Machiavelli aspirations if you will just vote for their new plastic surgery-coated huge smiles as they posture with the new administration--their old partners in these political events). And America, desperate for "change" buys into it as they continue to watch the Nazi hyena actors who are just programmed to be slave whore pig apes emulating fascism and hate which Americans, even the political commentators, will refer to in their commentaries. 

I urge Americans to stop being so brainwashed by these celebrities for a change instead of adulating fake lying posturing greedy exploiters of fake sentimentality.


In the store: pushing my cart through an aisle as three Thai women dressed in store uniforms blocked the pathway while two other women were (faking) looking at items on the shelves--of course, one was wearing a store uniform. In the distance, another 20 Thai skanks were milling about in store uniforms, making a total of 30 people dressed in store uniforms of that store in one area. As the three women/terrorist agents pushed on in front of me coming at one direction, the two facing the other side backed up into my cart just as I was struggling to get past the three walking in a spread-out formation to block the pathway. I was right in the middle as one of the women on the other side backed up into my cart, banging her sleazy dirty body into my cart. She glared in hate into my face within one second of this happening, of course because it was an orchestrated event. My body was then sieged with brain and nervous-system attack which accentuated a reaction of rage out of me. This was two days ago while my heart and nervous system had been under non-stop attack already for 24 hours. I was exhausted from lack of oxygen and also from the endless healing I must face while these disgusting parasites attack me (years and years without end day and night without help day after day writing about it year after year the Obamas seeing what else they can profit off this day after day writing asking my government and country for help only to get Trump and more torture for another 4 years). Exhausted and yet, must keep going ALONE and asking people to do something more than stand back and stand by and watch fascism come to destroy America as I write and write about who, what and how I am ignored but my ideas continue to be stolen non-stop by the apes participating in this from Whorewood.

that was just one attack, but it got under my skin because it was such a surprise attack. I was in a very good mood and my body and brain was shot with this pulsated energy which shifted my brainwave activity or various other centers of my body into a shock and hate mode--as this woman made a most rude and ugly look directly into my face because she was blocking my path while the other skanks blocked all other possible inches of space on my other side. I had to see what was pushing into me and my cart adn thus she glared with absolute hate into my face. It was a disgusting display and this is what these pieces of shit do all the time in stores. While I was trying to buy some tile pieces that were on sale, in a huge "island" in the middle of an aisle, as another 15 Thai terror agents surrounded the white ugly red-faced old male with his granddaughter-aged girlfriend/wife/investment whore sucking/cleaning/servant slave exploitable, disposable whore skank they stood with hands on hips in Nazi posturing while I tried to get someone to help me with measurement. All the terror agents completely ignored me, and as I tried to get someone to assist me, as there were ten of them surrounding this white pig ape scumbag, they completely ignored me. Upon this action, the white pig male and his Thai whore slave hugged one another in a gesture of absolute warmth and love--this is another terrorist stalking maneuver that white pig apes use when they have their minions attack me. They embrace one another in a kind of mutual partnership of terrorist action that has been performed perfectly by the dirty foul minorities or their poorer white trashy crap who act upon cue much more perfectly than the actors who are a part of this--who are simply minions performing the hate actions they are being trained to do and behave and then turn into by the fascist Nazi shit that has completely infiltrated Whorewood so America is now completely a Banana Republic--but still, the actors are exempt from all scrutiny in this regard, even in this current catastrophe that Trump who is friends with them all, one of his bases is Hollywood but yet, there has not even been the slightest denunciation of H-wood which continues to crank out absolute propagandized lies about how much they "hate" Trump. They are all being handed this technology from Obama down to Trump and now I have to wait and see how much collusion this next administration will have with this Nazi organization. I have sort of lost hope because it appears like of course this system is fully entrenched into the very fibers of the fabric of American society. But, to continue the lie that America is a country of "exceptionalism" the actors are one of the last refuges of the lies that it really is a fascist colony of Europigapes who have trained and promoted fascist ideology through this filthy filter of whores in the H-wood brainwashing arena.

Thus, I was ignored, and finally I just dug into the vacated cash register/help area where there should have been someone attending to help me--but there were terror agents surrounding the ugly white pig ape and his stupid dirty Thai whore while I just began to pull things out and find eventually a measuring tape instead of standing there in the middle of this area while dirty pig apes stood smug and gloating and hugging one another because fascist Nazis controlled their dirty and ugly minions to that extent (and far beyond that extent). Once I began to finally get what I need, suddenly I was being stared at in hate (the demonic-possessed black-eyed stare) that even blonde-haired and blue-eyed pig apes make when they are stalking. At the cash registers as I put the on-sale tiles on the counter, while the ugly white red-faced pig ape and his stupid Thai whore partner had pushed in front of me to rush to the open cash register, and I got in line at the other open register (there were only two because the store is essentially empty until I get there and masses of people surround and attack me and then the stores are all empty once again after I leave and all the people dressed in store uniforms are gone and nice, friendly real employees are at the registers once more--always happens, every time). The tiles had large prices taped onto them: as I put them on the counter, the terrorist agent pointed to the prices with her middle finger and began yelling (as I always have music headphones one in these shopping attack situations) and of course they could see that. There is nothing to discuss with these stupid skanks I never have anything to say and they, in the last few days, have begun shouting at me while I am trying to just negotiate putting items on the counter, making sure no one is behind me to rip threads out of my bags or flick things and stains or rip my clothing while I am facing the counter--as also always happens while everyone stands around staring at what is happening to me. She began shouting the prices at me while the prices were on huge stickers. My brain was absolutely pulsed so I laughed like it was funny, I could not understand what was happening on this hate and terrorist level--as ALWAYS happens they affect my brain so badly I can't count simple numbers. They over-charged me double the price for one item that had been marked on sale and then, when I checked the final price, they had put another sign on the sale price box which I pulled this out of, claiming that I had the wrong price (the price was not on this box as I pulled it out.). They then told me that I could not return the item. I had to go to the customer service area, where the "real" employees were alongside the agents sent to monitor every area of my shopping so if I went to customer service, I would be lied to there as well. They then directed me back to the register, and I told them that I was refused service. Then came with me and left me there to wait while two other women wearing store  uniforms ignored me and then began packing items that they had brought from some other area of the store, ignoring me as I asked four time during a ten minute wait what was happening. During that time I was busy myself so I wasn't sitting there just waiting, I did things and packaged up the tiles in boxes I had brought but I am simply referring to the action they took at this time. Finally one of the women who had been doing unnecessary packing actions slowly refunded me my money, and then made the stalking "trigger" comment and question that has been a  ubiquitous triggering verbal act that accompanies all the stalking. Once more I remain mute as my brain was shut down verbally but I could still operate mechanically and physically.

At another cash register, the huge plastic bag of tape that I had bought to tape up more of what the terrorists have shredded and ripped up from all the many times I have taped and fought to defend my little tiny microstudio space from their dismemberment and rape and destruction of what tiny property I have left--which is continuously sprayed and shredded, shrunk and destroyed by this group anyway. I mean every single item I own is always attacked and made shabby and broken down or destroyed. The bag had the grip handles and I had tied the bag securely --there were 14 rolls of heavy cloth packaging tape so the bag was huge and full of these rolls of tape. While I was paying for items at another very nice store, the terrorists had someone reach down where this bag was stored on the bottom shelf of this cart, and they untied the bag and placed is so as I began to walk the tape began to pour out everywhere. This happened in an area that was in an overpass walkway and the tapes began to roll out as I ascended up a more steep cement walkway. 

There were many more, but since the hyena-hormone growth disgusting ape pig from H-wood by way of Nazi Europigapeland Austria has begun to attack me with the same stupid arrogant Germanic thug dumb ape mentality that I have seen so many times--his answers are so expected his behavior is so characteristically uniform and programmed--(it's so boring) and....that is what this creep has brought into this terror situation alongside the Aprah blacks and the anti-Nazi whites who play these roles for the cameras and are fully in concert to be programmed by the already programmed hormone growth thug who defines himself in Nazi style as a "lion" but I see only a hormone-growth hyena and he's and they are disgusting examples of the by now very easily identifiable group of terrorists that they are absolutely all a part of: the terrorists at the US Capital on January 6, 2021. Their modus operandi and expectation of privilege due to only being violent stupid programmed to repeat lies dumbed down parasites that they are. For me, in this situation, the terrorists at the Capital building have provided me with a very clear and useful example of what these actors truly and really are behind all the posturing. If only people reading this were people who actually cared about not wanting a situation like this to envelope American politics--or if you do, you certainly can't care to risk your privilege to stop this situation which the Obamas also have brought into being by their inclusion into the black minority minion privileged parasitic enabler population. AT least stop supporting their endless exploitation of the debacle of the fascist system that they are fully incorporated into and have been financed by and are now "fighting" with all their huge book tours and hopes for more political presidential nominations and elections coming up in a few years. 

At least stop putting them on clay pedestals stop putting them up as cultural heroes that helped to create this current situation of fascism and Nazism. That goes for the H-wood actors--stop putting them up as cultural icons stop referring to their movies in a political context as if they are role models. Stop putting them out as heroes because of the scripts that they never wrote nor believed in but are being paid in millions to perform while they sieg heil to the Nazis who have completely taken over like the colonist slave-mongering owners who they all love and do everything to emulate--like Uganda like Thailand like H-wood and like America.

I am now pounding down on mostly inoperable keys. My thoughts are meandering and I am in a hate zone mode--as I knew I would be because my brain is always under assault while I fight to type on an endlessly blocked keyboard while hackers then rewrite what I fight to type and think out.

This post, however, (as I fight to backspace now constantly and my bicep is completely strained from fighting to pound down as keys won't operate) and---this is my only exercise, they have paralyzed me with poison and deformed my entire body nightly for years and a decade and longer with these mechanical arms and from nightly rape and break-ins--which all political administrations have endorsed for at least the last ten years--meaning actively participating in exploiting this contract--president after president. I am rambling but they have kept me poisoned and sitting in a room being tortured and then surrounded every time I go shopping by sick psycho scumbags who operate for the shit that teleports me to torture and rape me while I am in sleeping mode and thus, this is all I can do to release stress and to try to convey how absolutely fake and sleazy and sick these actors and politicians really are. You readers remain supporting them and leaving me to write about it. I do so hope that the terrorist attack on the Capital, which I am redefining in terms of the actual methodology behind it, as it was a "stalking" exercise in power that the real Nazis of Europigapeland are gloating in, but publicly denouncing as they are "supposed" to continue to farcical lie that they are not Nazi any longer. That is the prevailing "Big Lie" that has resonated only in the little "Big Lie" that the media is blaming the last two month election coup effort as being.

My arm is now very tired from pounding down and backspacing to rewrite what hackers delete while I am typing.

I doubt what I have written will influence anyone reading my post right now to "change" and to stop endorsing these people and their policies but I have truly tried and also I need to get this shit out because they pour this shit into my system while they block my brain from normal defensive measures to not get so influenced,. The brain-mapping capabilities and the blocks to brain functioning are very deadly and are capable of utterly destroying people who have no knowledge of these systems, which politicians still keep silenced and with no public awareness although most of the public appears to be participating in these crimes--how many of THEM are being programmed by these subliminal brain-altering technologies and how many of you reading this are currently under this control apparatus and you do not care or understand it?


I just moved my arms after publishing this ranting hate post today. Both of my upper arms are completely sore to the point of being unable to move without effort because I have strained my muscles for one hour to pound this out and continuously backspace due to hackers blocking the space bar and inserting letters while I type--with the keys so hard to press down on I must pound down completley with my entire arm and hand.

The scum terrorists out of Whorewood always revel at my rantings, laugh about it, and obtain ideas out of all I write as the contract entails that they steal ideas from me. One of the Europigapes who has infiltrated H-wood (the English scumbag who is associated with English Monarchy) was so distraught that I wanted to compete in an area he has been informed he is entitled to rule and dominate--the arts, and he was and is so boring, mediocre but trained by the very best that Europe has to offer in painting "fine art"--has been handed everything by his dolting parents and by birth has been associated with English royalty--with his anti-American hate book and movie that were produced two weeks after he first began to attack me using this teleportation rape and hate technology and the gang stalking apparatus--he has had to make sure that I see that these scumbag creeps of Whorewood are not only being elevated and awarded for stealing ideas but they torture and attack me afterwards--as they get paid and I am blocked from literally all financial earnings unless it is the most low underpaid menial labor, where I am then again attacked on all levels, unpaid if possible. That is what they are all endorsing, from the Obamas to Trump while they are also mutilating my body and forcing me to eat poisoned food, breathe in poisoned air all night in a hermetically-sealed enclosed room that has been doused with fungus and mold and chemical toxins every day for years--all clothing as well. (fighting to pound down and backspace now almost every word). Shunned by society and left to sit alone in rooms for a decade while I am tortured non-stop and deprived of health care. The list of deadly damages inflicted upon me just under the T-rump administration coming from the Nazi women who surround him (his wives and children)--they recently have begun to slice my toes, in the joints and inbetween the toes--all skin to the bone, cutting through tendons and capillaries and they have done this every single day until I am literally losing my toes which are being severed off slowly, night after night while I am unconscious as the pig ape hyenas of Whorewood teleport me to hate, insults, yelling, rape and violence every single night as well.

Not a single one o f you can ever intervene and now you are all "shocked" at the terrorist action involved in the US Capital and the threat to your country. AS the pandemic "rages" and I believe this was a laboratory genocidal exercise in depopulation and political instability as the wealthiest like Tesla's owner who has participated in this contract for YEARS and has only become the most prominent and unrecognized terrorist of the planet and is still being lauded as being some incredibly swank hipster alternative wondrous guy by the media and it's Nazi adherents.

And so, I am now going to fight to get oxygen flow back to my biceps as this is extremely stressful on my arms to pound down like this. It's unbelievalbe. Now Trump is leaving and I have to wait and see how bad and awful the next adminstration is--friends with the Obamas who really handed this terror operation over to him and the result has been they come out as "heroes' rescuing--Whorewood formulaic plot style--America oh how they are rescuing America from the evils of white supremacy--their controllers actually who they defer to and have been awarded this symbolic position which they so cleverly have performed their roles for--to T-rump who is the hero of the white bigots who think he is rescuing them from black supremacists like the Obamas.

Oh what a sick joke it all is. I write of all this and I wait for all of you to continue to do nothing about it but leave me writing about it-which you think is fun and a joke and you laugh about it. Keep laughing dumbed down hyena pig ape idiots who conform to this sick Nazi system as they are colonizing america and you still welcome them all in and want them to make more robot Nazi movies for you with all the familiar hero rescue plots saving the victims which you mostly all claim you are of one or the other of the one-sided pluralization of the country which is controlled by vicious foreign fascist entities which you think are "classy" and have so much "style".

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...