Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A disappointing beginning for the Biden Administration. The Inauguration is a testament to how stupid Congress has been and still is. I refer to the celebrity performances during the Inauguration that turned it into a dismal reprise of the terrorism that every administration has funded and covertly supported to terrorize and slowly murder me.

 My last post--and this post and every post I put the script into large print and every time I fight this the hackers force the print size to be very small. Words continue to be omitted and hacked out so the posts are lacking cohesiveness. My brain is under severe brain-altering attack so I can't think clearly while I must fight to backspace to correct inserts or deletions that hackers force onto the page. I think of the much more elaborate and well-worded phrases that my brain begins to formulate but which are blocked and I begin to curse and call people names. The creeps in question then torture me for calling them names after they drug, poison disfigure, make my home a filthy and stinking mess every single day through their proxy terrorist agents, they order me to be huge and bloated and endless not able to function while they torture me and thus I call them names and then they increase the violence. I am not able to think at all clearly while I am in the middle of writing. What comes out begins with some ideas that spiral into hate rambling cursing by the end of each post that's how it all ends. Now hacking is making typing extremely difficult ---

I have been waiting for some decent administration to stop this crime and it appears like these Congress people are adamantly absorbed with keeping things the same corrupt level just hiding it much more cleverly in the future than what happened with T-rump and his overt hate statements and behaviors endorsing terrorism. I have no home, I have been bereft of every capability of earning money. I have waited for months for a new administration to come to power, only to have this symbolic sting of seeing the same criminal performers sing and make their sleazy entrance into the politics of a new administration right in the middle of an inauguration. I still can't get over it. Who the hell planned something this insignificant for such a momentous occasion? 

I now have to ask the silent readers, whomsoever is out there, to please intervene on my behalf at least as a human gesture of some kind of decency because these actors are pure scum and shit in my opinion as I have written only day after day for years and years. They keep inserting videos of babies I am constantly followed by creep stalkers carrying babies which disgusts me. They have also raped me so much my sexuality is completely gone, plus they severed out part of my uterus and my hormones and all the stress, hate and rape and abuse has left me absolutely shell-shocked with absolute disgust for these scumbag pieces of crap who are endlessly trying to make huge deals out of forcing an extremely unwanted unloved baby out of me. The crimes never end. I am now pounding down to fight to get anything out on this laptop and my brain is in a state of hate from the attack on my brain. PLEASE GET THEM OFF OF ME THESE DISGUSTING FOUL ROTTEN PIGS AND APES and these shit female skank whores who are their wives, children and lovers and partners. I must appeal to any humanity there may be out there as obviously this new administration is keeping the same status quo or they are too stupid, or greedy, or absorbed in this quid pro quo system to begin to stop the onslaught of domestic terrorism that is the real underpinning of these celebrities that they endorsed to perform for this horrendously boring and platitudinous empty meaningless ceremonial Inauguration spectacle of celebrity mafia Nazi endorsement. I need support I have to request what the politicians won't do nor have ever done. What they haven't done but should have has nearly killed them by this terrorist attack at the Capital but they continue as if nothing but a mere singular attack happened but everything will commence with the same routine as they all get paid for endorsing the same terror network that has tried to undermine them and have them killed. Still too greedy to be truly intelligent but highly articulate and trained in higher educational skills. Alas poor America must continue to suffer endlessly due to their greed and blinder position on how their corrupt side-deals have turned America into a dying country. Hopefully the newer members of congress will actually care, or the Americans who claim they care and do care will continue to fight to stop these criminal politicians who are too complacent in their power to actually be bold and strong in the face of corruption which has nearly destroyed everything they claim they represent. They continue RIGHT NOW ON DAY ONE of the Biden Administration with the same old mafia Nazi cartel operations that they have always endorsed as their back-up investment portfolio can't lose schemes. I mean corrupt deals that they make that are certain to pay -out and the deals they make with mafia and Nazi interests to pad their greed. I believe this is the real situation. It's very very sad that they can't learn to go higher into the promises and oaths that they make to uphold the Constitution. They rant about it when their lives are at stake but continue just as if everything is going to be just fine because these performers who are enablers of terrorism are so nice and sexualized entertainment slingers and it lures these politicians into a fake sense of entitlement and lethargy while some of their real enemies are those they applaud. They still can't learn to investigate how mind control operates as they hear and know about my situation. Because I am so usually in a hysterically hate rage ranting state of course I am discredited so they don't take what I write seriously. they also never stop the attacks upon me so I can actually write without excessive emotional ranting and hate subliminals poured into my inner ear. They really don't want me to write clearly about what they are privately endorsing. Welcome to Obama 3.0 administration. How I hope Biden will morph out of this former role of allowing this to go on (for over 40 years in the Senate).


I am trying to listen to Biden and what he is saying is pretty boring and nondescript. Platitudes and flowery rhetoric that ring of scripts and political grandstanding. I am not criticizing Biden but just this horrid performance. The remaining energy of the throngs of hate that pervaded the Capital seem to tarnish the energy of this event. I would prefer Biden to not sound like a Hallmark card company wrote his Inauguration speech, and definitely not to have to have seen two criminal terrorist perpetrators who have participated in me being teleported and raped and then disfigured sing in the highest symbolic political ceremony of this four-year period. It's like I can never escape from the sickness of toxic media celebrity endorsements even in watching what should be a sacrosanct political ceremony, and not a baseball game highly paid prostituted singing pair of mafia skanks singing in horrid street-level style about situations that they are paid to pollute and defile so they can demonstrate that they really have no soul or content internally. And yet, Biden's theme is to restore the soul of America. This proves an extremely bad beginning for that claim. He above all should know that these singing skanks are the most corrupt creepy sleazy sell-out soulless prostituted crap (not the "most" but in terms of having soul, they are mostly null and void) and yet, they have been chosen and allowed to continue under Biden. Biden, friends with Obama who has been part of this criminal conspiracy of teleportion against me, is well aware of exactly who has participated with T-rump and all the other fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland and their ilk and yet they continue to allow the same criminals to go on and on being put into lead position. 

This lack of either intelligence or awareness of how Biden must like Obama bow down to this media cartel and insert this shit into the middle of an Inauguration is a shameful example of how and why---they have not even begun to investigate what the real problems are and continue to bring the same terrorist groups into power. 

This is also why I did not get involved in politics for most of my adult life because of the intuitive sense of the futility of these leaders who have brought this endless terror operation that nearly had many of them killed which they continue to endorse--fully into power until it's nearly imploded into a complete terrorist operation destroying the country.

Yet they never seem to care and continue to feed into the same system. 

Excuse all my hate sentences I am under "mind control' effect which creates excessive hate, the attempt to discredit me, and I am not able to block out these technologies and always being forced into sickness and poverty and shunned by all society everywhere I go or attacked by people trying to exploit me is no help for me to not succumb to the attacks because I have absolutely no support or diversion. They also stole my one and only loving source which is my cat, and they have killed all animals that are near me--they even killed a huge reptile that had a burrough outside my window and because I enjoyed watching it and connected to it, they killed it. They are sick and a death to America and they continue to put their whore entertainment into the political arena with the dumb and dumber politicians just watching it clapping while they KNOW what these whores are really doing when it comes to attacking me using these death and terror operations and technologies which they fund and continue to endorse. 

I am going to stop hearing Biden blathering about Truth and Justice at this point. If he is too stupid to allow these rotten criminal skanks to sing at his Inauguration he's either too weak to control what is happening or too dumb to understand what he is allowing to continue to foment: death and terrorism in America through these disgusting, rotten celebrities which are part of the T-rump terror coup attempt. How can they not understand this and continue to let it pass without even a hitch? These political power-people know which fascist-Nazi-funded "celebrity" (pig-ape-hyena hybrid--and I describe them as such DUE TO THEIR ACTIONS AND THEIR BEHAVIOR WHICH IS SUBHUMAN AND DISGUSTING AND NON-HUMAN AND CERTAINLY NOT LIBERAL OR HUMANE) "people" are attacking me. The rhetorical question is: why are they allowing them to sing at the Inauguration? Are they going to posture like Obama did about how they care and then continue to allow fascists to overtake the country but they still cling to power as a caucus raking in the millions in funding to promote interests of the mafia and Nazi cartels? How disappointing it all is. My early enthralled expectations were dashed seeing skanky gag gag I am now correcting what hackers have inserted to discredit me; also, as I type the hackers are juxtaposing letters I type and inserting spaces between letters. They have also deleted much of the more elaborate word choices I used when writing this, deleted them and put it all into more common and basic language skill sets to demean my capabilities because they want me to be and appear less threatening to their positions--as they continue to steal the concepts and word choices I actually use). To continue as I must pound down now as the capital key function won't work, I must pound down with my entire arm and hand to get anything to operate correctly.

I wrote about this nasty mafia iconic singer who has won top awards year after year, but when I listen to her singing and see her acting I see nothing notable: I hear Broadway style singing with horrid nasal  vibrato. I see someone who has no emotional basis put into lead roles. I have been teleported to this nasty boring skank and have FELT and witnessed a great evil energy and seen an empty, meaningless grasping skanky whore who attacks me and laughs bout it with this technology, all backed now by president after president. When people accused Biden of being from a crime family, I now understand. Back to this rotten singer who I gratefully turned the tube off so I would not have to hear it sing for this Inauguration: because I swear I have tried to understand how her horrid singing is so well-endorsed and from years of being teleported I see only that it's because she's a sleazy and rotten mafia skank, and that is all. It's surprising that mafia Nazi Taylor Swift did not also get invited, but I guess Biden under Obama's advice with Michelle and the rest needing to bring the worst skanks of H-wood into the Inauguration to let Nazi and mafia investors know and feel assured that their ties and connections remain covered by the next adminstration, as they were under the last administration and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and etc etc...


As for the Freshman Congress members like John Ossoff--I was impressed by his intelligence and style. Also by Warnock but moreso by Ossoff. There's also AOC, but I'm unsure about her real affiliations as I know she is aware of my situation and has put the usual signs onto my internet. I realize how "delusional" this sounds when I reference famous people putting videos on my YouTube channel. The form of the way these are presented is a very planned series of attention-grabbing sequences that occur in something much more cohesive than an algorithm-based series of videos. I repeat: the channels I have subscribed to rarely if ever appear and people I detest show up with never-ending repetition who  I never clicked on or subscribed to or liked, and then they teleport me which I have no evidence of so this all sounds "crazy" to any outside but---this is how these criminals want to influence viewers behavior and to impress their status upon people to remain at the pinnacles of the monopolies in the media which they have used to exert so much political influence upon politicians that they are now inserted in the middle of Inauguration events while politicians who know that these are undemocratic fascist Nazi-enablers sit and applaud.

How sickening it all is. That I must see this as a formerly apolitical unconcerned non-voter is amazing that I now have a clear view of what no one will admit and they insult and call me crazy for writing about. It's like I see an alternative reality that is the real reality that no one will admit to as they keep pushing a fantasy delusion that people believe is the "fragile" reality of "Democracy" that they just "rescued" America from but have really created in their greedy greasy back-room deals and orgiastic celebrity endorsement scams.


Now, for the first time, someone is reading a "poem" that is heart-felt and authentic, or very much impresses this upon me. It's a black male reading his writing about healing the sick, loving your enemy and it's a poetic aspiration for healing and peace that I find uplifting, yes, I do agree this was a fine representation for the moment. He's praying to God and to our humanity and our commonness. This is the first lecture that doesn't sound like canned laughter at a serious event.

Otherwise, Bill Clinton looks very very unhealthy like he's on the doorstep. His black circles under his eyes remind me of his huge heart surgeries and that he's very, very seriously ill. 

I do not condemn this inauguration and I am glad that the Congress can vote along at least one similar line to pass legislation that will help people instead of feeding the wealthy endless in this piss-on trickle down k-rap hate policy that must be ended, and I so hope it will be.

I love the new tax codes that Biden is proposing and the new Green Deal. I am hopeful but this Inauguration reeks of mafia influence and Nazi bs performances (not on his part). 

I must emphasize so wholeheartedly that politics should be unraveled from the influence of performers in Whorewood and that includes news outlets forced to stop making reference to movie plots and actors and k-rappy performers which they do often, especially from MSNBC AND NBC--one of the teleporting vicious hateful attackers is a regular at MSNBC as prime time news anchor. That channel in particular makes references to movies and actors and this intertwining of this entity with politics has LEAD TO THE NEAR MASSACRE AT THE CAPITAL BUILDING but no one will acknowledge the seriousness of this grave mistake these fascist Nazi mafia enablers are making. It must force me to believe that they actually want the absolute destruction of the United States but to control it as a colonized Nazi colony. This I believe. Now hackers are blocking keys and stiffening the keyboard so it's time to stop because it's just endless backspacing and rewriting while people never seem to take what I write seriously but what I portend actually comes to pass and yet I still get no acknowledgement or support from anyone. Now I see that the people who I hoped would show a bit of concern and caution in continuing to support this criminal media cartel of fascists and terrorists are still leaving me here and the criminals are still being paid for the lies that they are performing.

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""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...