Saturday, January 2, 2021

Annuit Coeptis 2021: Balance and Genital Lives Matter (GLM). Copious copulation of Dancing and floating on a dream of soft penetration accumulating in a force greater than anything the Stars (H-wood celebrities and the like) have ever donned in their cons.

 All written under the influence of (remote, NONconsensual) brain-altering tech and hacking on Facebook today.

All typos and incongruities and otherwise "mistakes" are due entirely to hacker insertions and deletions.****




Genitals MATTER! Genital equality NOW. Cartoon expresses absolute genital equality. Our penocentric culture of warheards, penis-shaped structures, penis-mentality as dominance, and women trying to be like aggressive men must be radicatlized through cartoon dancing genitals to also embrace the Yoni as a symbol of freedom and equality!
(see subtitles of the Swedish cartoon for content on genital equality)!

The English Version of above song: (apparently the lyrics as translated do not match the subtitles of the Swedish version. I wonder why that is? Cultural acclimation between American and Swedish lack or block of sexual content and "morality" perhaps?)


Speaking of DICKHEADS: the hackers are blocking the computer functioning as usual. Keys won't print, I am continuously correcting the insertions of hackers and of course my brain is also under attack while it's all happening. The penis-posse strikes again with it's insertion and penetration with all the pussies out there doing nothing to stop these terrorists! Good do-nothing dickhead job of do-nothing limp and flaccid penis-ophiles.

It's not a matter of color, it's not a matter of gradation of degradation of hue: it's a matter of addiction to hormones, testosterone as one of the main sources of the woes of our indelible plight of inequality. It's not a matter of gender as there are rapists of both gender-bender kicked-to-the-curb bruised and broken fenders of foul festivities of filth. One is hard, the other penetrable. Our culture worships that which can penetrate and consume. The vulnerable are hard-pressed to find a soft spot to exist in.

IN other words: it's not about race, gender or socioeconomic status. It's about the f-er's and the f-ee's and the divide betwixt the twain and who gets to claim that they sustain society. The differential due to this hate organization is being socially-engineered to the f-er group has more penetration with protection than the f-ee group, which consists on both parts of every race, religion and creed on the planet. Therefore, a total devotional pseudo-religion of worshipping the f-ers is creating such an imbalance that even the onslaught of female impersonators does not begin to balance the toppling divide.


Proposition: THE HEGEMONY OF THE F-ER'S VERSUS THE soft power of the f-ee's which may prove in latent strength to be the most powerful force over-riding, dominating and conquering the hard penis mentality of the f-er's.

You can thank the loveless, heartless and calculating misuse of technology by people who become intertwined with AI interface and computerized life for this imbalance. The totality of the technocratic division is now being enhanced and I have to wonder how society will look if only the f-ers have total hegemony when all the f-ees finally can't take the penetration any longer even if they are being programmed to "love" their f-ers. Will human nature and the soft indelible but fiercest as all elements the permeable nature of NATURE like soft water which appears to easily penetrable utterly wipes out the f-ers in a deluge of some antediluvian presser-cooker that nature will inspire as a backlash against this most inhuman system of penis-worship society of f-ers pitted against the defenseless (seeming) f-ee's?


How soon before balance in our fragile Earth Paradise universe is restored so the aggression penis-worship culture is softened by sheer force piercing through the hard structures that have become so ossified that they will shatter upon impact of the real force of equality equalizing? The f-er group is so fossilized by now that the entire penis-structure can be blasted from the base of it's structure by a few well-aimed soft blows by the huge imbalance of the millions of the f-ee's who are trying to swing this ancient outdated structure of death like a virus infecting the entire surrounding area of the penis-generated environment. All the technocratic institutions remedied so there is beneficial support to all human kind when the ancient hard penis Gods you have erected come tumbling down by the soft penetration of the real world of nature and it's real laws governing the planet Earth.

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