Monday, January 18, 2021

Security Expert describes forms of electronic torture via terror "stalking" operations. A bona fide, accepted human unit embedded into the fabric of society actually delineating the attack systematic operations that most of you reading/hacking into this are staunch members of, participate in, and glorify in. For those who fear for the future of the planet, here is a bit more information on how sick your colleagues and the pundits of this system really are because what they are brining into America and around the world is a huge death system that even these blind followers of orders could themselves be controlled by or killed. It could also happen to you. No one can even BEGIN to care about society and the ills they/you all allow to happen until it's a threat knocking on your door.

I have to fight all of this and much more every single day: alone. Alone because none of you will ever come to defend me or any other person involved in the network of this systematic death organization. Don't imagine that the greed of this group will be limited to simply attacking those who are not a part of your league or on the insider group. Once they obtain a penchant for power, their insatiable desire to steal and rob and murder will engross all their subsequent actions and yes you too could become targets unbeknownst to you. You will love them until they murder you, never knowing that you have been wacked covertly with these weapons and this system.

Think more about continuing to do nothing to stop this group (or help me because too many people are being put into power who have extremely callous attitudes towards the harm they are helping to further into society and on the planet. They simply do not care, for all their posturing in this respect they are excellent actors playing roles. That includes those who are not professional "actors" because this organization creates livelihoods comprised of performing roles designed to steal people of their property and lives. All they do is lie and act, almost all of the people I have seen involved in this group/global oganization.

If you truly do become a target, the system is so apt at stealth operations that you will NEVER know what is happening to your home, food and body and no one will inform you as well.

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