Friday, January 22, 2021

Whorewood terrorist report: the filth is attacking me because it wants promotions for my reaction. I am going to react because I have just woken up from an extremely nasty hate attack from the hormone-growth hyena actor Arnie Snort-a-nigger (aka S-nigger or shit-nigger--and he's a white Austrian Europigape whore piece of filth by the way he's only black as hate psychologically and emotionally but unfortunately he was the California Governor because of Nazi California. The worst prison population in the world is located in CA after Mr. hormone-growth hyena got done with imposing fascist racism "systematically" into the penal system and into society. Huge masses of Europigapes have swarmed into higher positions as ALL OF Whorewood is controlled exactly like the dumbed down slave colony of Nazism that is demonstrates year-after-year. Congress is controlled by the same group and operation, now people can see that this is an obvious FACT and not a delusional fiction I am ranting about. However, they still worship these celebrity traitors, treasonous sell-out whores and have absolutely no question about the authenticity of their posturing bs. The Biden Inauguration is a testament not only to his inclusion in ths Nazi rat pack, but also how well advertising has been incorporated into selling these ineffectual politicians who are the destruction of the United States but are being advertised as a New Day with black people holding up fists in the air while the sun rises over the Capital building. What a great publicity stunt. What utter lies and whorewood public relations propaganda that event was, and the current administration has proven to me from my experience of this contract simply being passed off and ignored by Congress when most of the leaders like Biden and Harris, Clinton and Sanders all know, I have been teleported by the two latter and the situation remains the same for me.

 When I write "Whorewood" which from an outsider perspective makes me sound uncooth--I refer to the disgusting behaviors of these celebrities and indeed the group to which most of you belong. 

If I were to write the authentic title of Hollywood, I would be insulting the authentic actors, artisans and artists of that community. That utter scum has risen to the top in an artificial annual regurgitation of this scum which is put to the top layers of what should be a healthy eco-system of competition and the highest talent, is a discredit, a shame and now a tragedy that keeps being reinforced administration after administration. 


I write these "immature" mostly hysterical ranting terms, as most targets rant and get hysterical. We are all drugged up by most vicious drugs, and our brains are under the most insidious technologies while we are trying to express the chagrin of these disgusting people and their attacks. I should not insult the term "people" as these are subhuman crap who have lost all humanity--these terrorists.


So I am going to rant a bit right now. I have just woken up from a most racist and hate attack. Probably to the hormone-growth hyena Arnie snort-a-nigger the absolutely stupid and vile bigot out of Europigapeland who lives comfortably in mansions along with his cartel of fascist Europigape friends who he has, like all the Europigape scum I have ever met, once they obtain the American-Nazi-Party confirmation into power, these foreign immigrants welcome in boatloads of their fellow Nazis out of Europigapeland--or it may be also from violently racist South Africa--whichever bigot Nazi colony they have infested and are now looking to continue the Nazi "master plan" of dominating the planet. How Planet Hollywood has put them into plastic cases set around by bronze frames of glorification in their displays while Americans can go eat hamburgers (hamburgers associated with Americans is a snide joke for the Europigape fascists and they show it openly here in Phuket, but in America they smile and fawn over the food and the people who then smile in return and hand them power and mansions). I have had to run out of America to save my life not once, but twice from poisoning and accidents and literally all access to real health care while literally millions of people in America, just America alone, have attacked me (a tentative figure from a lifetime of being under attack--here in Phuket that number due to the Europigape fascist Nazi tourism has reached probably something close to a million fascist whites and their black and brown slaves attacking me during the last decade--literally, the numbers can reach a few thousand per month--and that is only from being sick and able to get out maybe 6 times per month from sitting indoors sick and fighting to heal--while still, health care is blocked and I am stuck unable to earn money due to blocks upon my finances and earnings and health care and ability to heal--while they continue to torture me to death from stress and poisoning).

Thus, this rotten ugly sagging hormone-growth hyena, who associates himself with a "lion" but he's a disgusting dirty predator actor scumbag out of Austria who made a huge deal because the Nazi hormone growth technology made him huge and disgusting and he could act like a robot with stiff body movements and a glaring hate bigot Nazi face--which won him endless promotions because racist California so wants to promote this fascist image and he has played his "cards" so well in this respect. 

Now, because I downloaded the movie which I hated back in the 80's, the 2nd Terminator film. After being forced to watch utter crap movies for the last 10 years of being incapacitated due to sickness, instead of the years of daily exercise, running around, going out to eat, do things, go to grad school, enjoying nature, etc etc dancing--I have been stuck paralyzed--semi--and tortured with electronic weapons, raped at night for years by "neighbors" and shit coming into my home with every landlord handing them the keys. Not knowing what was happening, I had no protection and no one ever warned me my entire life. 

But I downloaded this movie because, just for the music I was stunned that this Nazi promotion movie had such a great sound track. Then I noticed that the synergy of the actors working together with the people who created this concept were on top performances for all. The energy they operated under was of high concentration and they all were enhanced by the entire creative functioning of this crew. Obviously there were some geniuses behind the camera but I do not consider the director to be one of them, even though he has won all top awards. This film itself was a production that brought out the best of the otherwise unnoticeable actors. And indeed, the very day after I watched this film, a slew of photos of the actors in their current degenerated form were pasted all over my YouTube channel and have not stopped until I began to write about the lead fascist hyena hormone sagging predatorial scumbag last week or so. 

I can never insult lions by identifying that bully creep as anything like some "proud" lion but instead a skulking, lying, parasitic hyena if he is going to associate himself with African predators as if he is just like the fascist Nazi symbol that the Germans never have been and currently still are not. If the Nazis "win" it is because everything they do is rigged in some way. In my case, I used to win at sporting events and in academic competitions and also in playing violin I was set for a career in classical music. Within 4 years of being too drugged to practice I rose from not being able to play the instrument to playing in a symphony along with other adults--at age 13 I had gone from worse than beginning to nearly having a career in classical violin. 

I had to stop because my neck was "freezing" and because Germans in the orchestra began to assault me. I was very drugged up thanks to my family complying absolutely like the slave minority minions that they are. I had to stop, and I was induced to stop. I then took up drumming and I was attacked by white pig boys who I beat in all competitions and gangs of them followed me home because I was positioned higher than them in the band and for playing drums. 

And on and on something like 40 years later I am under assault by multi-millionaires who are torturing me because people like the English "aristocrat" vile filth who controls so much of the Whorewood scene has handed award and deal to the terrorist "liberal" fascist Nazi pig apes of Whorewood for attacking me. My words and concepts have been literally stolen verbatim for over 10 years until I have had to stop writing anything. Even then, little sentences have been stolen by nearly incomprehensive stupid pop singers--one of whom has won top awards for the latest mafia-sponsored pop music awards categories. She literally stole what I had written and incorporated into her bellowing screeching singing. For some reason, if a singer bellows out a vocal arrangement and can keep it's voice sustained instead of cracking, this is considered at the top pinnacle of pop music in America. Of course, the range of their vocal arrangements extend for only a few notes and continue within a very narrow 5-10 note span within one chord range. I of course used to sing and was in choir and under my family's instructions and under mind control and being lied to by a doctor, a microchip was inserted into my throat so I can no longer sing. Every time I talk to people in public my voice is strained by the chip constricting my vocal chords and my throat and larynx--I choke on words, my voice also can be modulated by the tech to sound at a different sound level so they can make my voice sound "old and tired". One time they even modulated my voice so I laughed in exactly the same way, literally with the same vocal range and tone as a male who had a dorky and stupid laugh. It was creepy but this is how badly they have affected my voice and ability to sing.

And thus, back to the latest scumbag out of Whorewood. He inflicted a most ugly racist attack. Because they have a type of  "editing" process in these teleportation skits, because they believe that they are going to brainwash or create behavior modification in me--as he has been doing for the last two weeks, people (mostly women) approach me with the most racist statements possible (very much like Nazi hate speech that was used to create the genocide and all the genocides in all the colonies since then--hate speech of dehumanization aimed at me. I react but it was an "edited" "stop and start" type of action. I responded but said things very politely to some dirty foul nazi-looking piece of utter shit. It was completely a fabricated mimicking of what I had been hypnotized to respond to.

I can only say that after a decade of my government never stopping this group of shit but instead globbing onto them for promotions by the Nazi cartel which has most definitely taken absolute control over all aspects of the United States, and the world. Yes, the Nazis have taken over the world. I can only hope that the Portland antiFa attack upon the Democratic headquarters means that there is some hope of a real anti-fascist alternative that remains in America. I have no idea why supposedly "anti-fa" attacked the Democratic headquarters yesterday. The news propagandists gave no interview and provided no information. As usual, silencing of any real opposition remains. I am not condoning physical assault but on the other hand, considering what this new government is, which is just a more mild version of the last T-rump administration with an economic policy of more global nazi infiltration--as black Nazi Obama with his ugly wife who is a firm black Nazi supporter--for purposes of putting blacks into power but only as long as they conform to being anti-semitic hate enablers of the white Nazis like good old Arnie "old Mcdonald snort-a-nigger" as I call him--the bigot Nazi pig ape of the California Whorewood and Prison-Industrial-complex plantation. Hormone-growth hyena not a "lion" of nobility. Absolutely a disgusting and perverted rotten and sagging from hormone excess scumbag put into power and adulated by government officials and allowed to inflict racist torture upon me using teleportation.

I have just written about this pig piece of shit and he's going to be promoted--just like I wrote about skanky gag gag the K-rap mafia sleaze who has won award after award year after year but has participated like a rotten ugly skank when it comes to attacking me for promotion. Like rotten pit the pig actor and his skanky nasty wife, and the rest of this group of shit that remains endlessly starring in stupid movie upon stupid movie until, years of observing their crappy fake "liberal" movies, an old movie I had most correctly identified as in promoting a fascist Nazi actor portraying a Nazi image--which to me that is what the Terminator movies really did and represent--the fascist Nazi ideology put into movie sci-fi plot--but the music, the other actors and the team for that film did an excellent job of performing including the pumped up hormone-growth hyena for his rigid bigot Nazi role. In the 80's or 90's when I first watched the film I thought it was a disgusting racist promotion for a bigot Nazi actor. I was absolutely correct. The movies have degenerated so badly that this movie I hated years ago is far above the horrid bad level of acting and performance and CGI and music score and directing that has come out recently which is so bad and awful that what is left remaining as anything alternative is the racist K-rap that another terrorist in this group has been handed by mafia and Nazis to crank out--tarantulatino the fascist mafia construct with his black nazi enabler actors (yes, Mr. Jackson is one of them) and...

only because T-rino includes funk music into his movies and the plots are somewhat alternative to the utterly boring scripts and the inane and meaningless movies that are put into such awful format with awful actors playing lead roles instead of having fresh faces--new concepts, creative entrepreneurs, original scripts and concepts, feminists who really are feminist and anti-racist who are really racist instead of posturing bs con artists who enable fervently Nazi infiltrators obsessed with dividing and controlling their stupid American "hamburger-eating" dumb idiots who put this shit into power year after year.

And so, I was accosted by this hyena because he needs promotions and so do his friends who haven't had starring roles in anything for at least one or two decades. The other actors starring in Terminator 2 are also involved. The new administration the leaders of the H-wood pac are involved and thrilled that Whorewood has provided them with a top brain swamp of advertising for their new Old fasco-Nazi system but it's now in the hands of the old black Nazi enablers just revamped as the whites who probably controlled them in the first place. If you can get the twisted phrase I just wrote, the convoluted references to who has always been in power. 

Alas, a decade of writing about this situation has brought no change and one sick piece of shit to the next gets access to this technology and then they are promoted by the Nazi organization which has taken control over all of the United States leading agencies and media corporations that are publicized. I can't get access to any real alternative news sources, literally I get no search results and all is blocked. 

I have also been attacked by Progressives who are famous at an almost 100% level (almost, not entirely) who operate as politicians or media pundits. One of the most disgusting was a black male who is famous for being able to spout Ivy-League rhetoric. He's thrilled this is happening to me so his "brothers and sisters" of the Black community can have some other group to assault just like the white fascists who attacked them--oh how well they turn it upon someone else when they get the chance--"they" as in the black supremacists who do the filthy work for the white Nazis who have brainwashed and programmed them very well. And now Whorewood is programming the rest of the Black population to learn to emulate their black leaders who are there to "help" them to rise up in power.

And the Nazi continuum has been just regurgitated, repacked by expert mass communications psychology mind fuck teams putting the new administration in a new golden light of a "new day". These easy slogans win over the hearts and minds of the confused masses. The celebrities who belt out songs and perform acts of million-dollar paid--for acts of "kindness" for cameras are behind all the fascism that has erupted in the last 4 years but always was being promoted by Whorewood, and old Arnie Old Mcdonald Snort-a-nigger (aka shit-nigger) hyena hormone former Nazi controller of prison-industrial-state California--what he produced what he helped to build what he has turned that destroyed state into so people are moving out in droves

but, keep going dumbed down Americans as the Europigapes continue to control your brains through Whorewood and the advertising specialists who have just packaged off the same old bullshit into a new package of a "new Day".

I have just experienced the continuation of a terror contract that the former terrorist administration of Obama and Biden has continued without a glitch in the "Matrix" (oh yes, the star of that movie franchise has threatened to kill me after raping me in the teleportation violence that my government sponsors).

Alas and unfortunately, my ranting writing remains silenced, the pigs and hyenas who are loathsome who I have written of (one of them I did not write by name, but she is the one who stole my words from Facebook--last year I wrote them and she came out with an album literally stealing my words and she sang for the rotten new bond film--has since won top awards and there have been a plethora of this rotten hideously ugly and sometimes very amazingly made-up woman glaring in utter hate into photos that are placed on my YouTube channel when I try to get information and news stories. I need to visually see what is going on and I can only use the YouTube channel to get any information while I am here in Thailand. I got rid of all tv's because the apes from Whorewood have plastered their movies non-stop and consecutively on my tv "cable" channel and I finally stopped watching that form of the boob tube. YouTube is just another boob tune channel format but I have to rely upon it. I also download videos and the only free downloading format I can find is operable on on YouTube. I am modern technology challenged mostly due to various factors associated with economic block and brain swamping drugs that have kept me nearly incomprehensive for years due to excessive drugging.

please, please get this rotten dirty foul bigot Austrian hormone growth hyena actor arnie snort-a-nigger bigot scumbag piece of subhuman rotten crap off me. It would be so wonderful if this new "new day" administration could begin to actually put in place actual and real anti-racist and anti-Nazi policies and practices that have helped to promote these same "new" but old performers into lead political positions--for they are acting in these roles--they have had 5th avenue professional advertising pump up their otherwise mediocre personalities for this "new day" administration. It would be great if the people reading this who were alarmed by the coup attempt would stop buying into the hype that has created all this brainwashing and belief in the sanctity of these actors who are just whores performing roles instead of real artists being put into lead roles it's these same mediocrities who have been put into the top positions because of their Nazi Party secret oaths and affiliations. That includes their dear colleagues who incorporate all the same media production hype into their campaigning and then resulting media presentations for the public.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...