Friday, January 15, 2021

A REVOLUTION is necessary in mainstream entertainment and commercial media. NOW IS THE TIME. The Art of the Brain Steal. Relating to selling hate concepts, but also relating to how terrorist squads operate (as this must be included). Direct violence versus psychological manipulation through social media and other art and mass communication means: If black and white can achieve the same level of the lowest common denominator (demon-baiters) through terrorist activities (i.e. "Gang stalking") then they can also equally possess the highest capabilities and are therefore equal, inherently. What a great hypothesis. However, advertising assists in the White Wonder high-end sales pitch for social engineering. A thought on white bread and black long, dark cigarettes and the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays puts a bit of import into how people can be easily corrupted and brainwashed.

WONDER WHITE the bread package states in bold letters, but the frame was partially cut off so you can't read it or see the entire package until you play the video. Classic subliminal racist message.
White wonder bread so much better for you than brown bread and more nutritious too, you don't need brown bread at all! Just stick to WONDER WHITE.


Racism as a sales pitch is not new, of course as everyone knows. From my upbringing in English literature and having read texts from centuries such as the 17th or earlier: racism was enveloped in the literature of earlier centuries and indeed main focal pieces of other earlier forms of art which have morphed into "social media" of our current time. Visual, aural and psychological coercion of racism combined with mass engineering utilizing the constructs of terror squads--which the US Capital just experienced a most violent example of this past week. No one can deny that means of mass communication and social engineering brought about the terrorist network into their most visible formation of breaking and entering that has just occurred, which is finally drawing out the ire of the politicians and the public. 

This Capital Building breach was gang stalking at it's most visible version, but will remain silenced into the future by those who sponsored it and will continue to sponsor and allow it to commence and continue and thus: I call out for a revolution in the media but I do not mean the continuation of the most egregious form of racism as NewsMax represents. 

The protocols I observed in the last few days of more information being conveyed by the media news outlets concur exactly with my first-hand experience with being terrorized in the same protocol system by the H-wood celebrities and the groups which operate globally using the same system as the Capital rioters and the H-wood celebrities and the local groups operating against me here and those who have always attacked me throughout my life.

The system and the modus operandi is exactly the same from my target situation to what the US Government just has experienced.

However, the history of brainwashing and programming people into these actions has a long and sometimes fuzzy romantic past and otherwise a more diligent perversity in racial epithets disguised as advertising and entertainment and political machinations.

 After centuries of race-based art and literature and musical appreciation entrenched socio-political and racial lines: then, when tv (and radio) commercials and advertising came along in the last century (yes, it is getting longer and farther into the future each and every day): the effect was to ingrain what has always been ingrained in public consciousness through earlier centuries of  literature and artistic and socio-political rendering of how society should be, according to the social construct engineers. 

As for direct conditioning without subliminal mental coercion: According to the "task-masters" of punitive social engineering, no advertising was necessary as slavery was legal and violence and mass murder was the most useful social engineering tool, the quickest and least expensive in many cases. Now that direct violence is "illegal", the violence is done subliminally through socially-enforced ( with covert deadly punitive consequences if not conformed into) memes, reverse psychology media constructs which I have been trying to write for years (fighting hacking and brain-altering attacks plus recurrent drugging and poisoning and blocks to my functioning particularly when I fight to type and think for any public sort of expression). However, as the secret remains: the real violence is now being conducted through these "gang stalking" terrorist groups which operate to inflict DEATH and the US Capital just had an explosion of some of the most militant stalkers, who only represent huge swaths of the general population who back down and claim they care about the Constitution once they see they have to recede back into the former death squad terrorist groups which remain "at Large".


"Racist Commercial" (YouTube title). A commercial for "Confederate Insurance" where the white male is the "master" of the home (land)!

Confederate Insurance Commercial. It appears to be something from SNL but supposedly it's a bonafide commercial from back in the day (last week).


1970's Hostess Ho-Ho's (for the inner Ho in you which is a mixture of black and white creamy artificial flavor)

Wow! Back in the 70's tv commercials sold Wonder Bread and Hostess junk food as being packed with vitamins and minerals (the Wonder Bread, and Hostess Ho Ho's packed with VITAMINS according to the adds. Also featuring cigarettes which also were "doctor-recommended" to help relieve stress!
Now using the term "ho-ho" would also be used for an SNL skit.


Morgan Freeman switches from short, emasculated white male penis cigarettes to long, hard black cool smokes from what appears to be something like a Black Panther activist inspiring him to just be cool and smoke like he's not a fool. Those black cigarettes, baby be cool. Long, hard and black what a man rising up from his father's fathers. What a politically-motivated sales pitch and how empowering it feels to smoke the black long and hard ride.

Damn! That is Morgan Freeman making a long, black penis oral fixation substitute symbolism of black male power against short, white male penises, It's of course an obvious reference in this not very subliminally obvious commercial which is very funny nevertheless.
Long, long black suck it baby! Forget about all those short, white emasculated weak white male oral penis substitute little processed cigarettes (and the white man in general).

BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white in these posts, just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing. However, when it comes to victimizers, there is very little difference in color lines. Human behavior really has very few real distinctions between colors and races when it comes to gang stalking. Since this phenomenon has been silenced, the research on how and why these operational principles that can be carried from one race and color spectrum to the next with absolute ease has remained the research of entities which keep the results of their analyses quiet. If only I had access to more research databases or journals I might not so easily be able to hazard this hypothesis that the information on human behavior when it comes to being mismanaged to attack in group formation against a civilian in a civilian setting under order and protocol--this remains silent as well from all I have tried to find. There really is very little difference in the most "elite" racist white supremacist and the most black or "brown" performing the same acts who do it in the same way using the same system of conformity. Thus, really, when the bottom is analyzed of the worst of society, there is really very little difference and that should prove a point that if the worst is equal amongst races, then so is the best.


If racism can be sold as a commercial package of white bread and Insurance and Black power sold as long, hard cigarettes, then Edward Bernays helps us to understand that anti-racist products can also be sold if we are just creative enough to topple the ancient stereotypes and cliches, perhaps even through advertising and social media. 

It is very subtle but the change is necessary. So far, people of all races are selling anti-racism when they are part of a global racist genocidal entity which has wrested control over a huge portion of the media, entertainment and perhaps even in the political sphere. It is time to "take back" our minds by rethinking how media is played by having people who are extremely astute in the variances in psychological brain-twisting that goes on behind all the scripts and decisions.
That means a revolution is necessary in the media.


The King of 5th Avenue advertising. Nephew to Sigmund Freud.
Edward Bernays on how to influence and peddle almost anything: (however, Letterman did a good job of contorting around the contortionist and played an excellent game of repartee with no animosity but instead friendly, and polite rebound. One of the most friendly interviews I have seen by Letterman and he did a good job of playing around the words of Bernays in a funny and innocuous way.)


BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white people, or any thing in between in these posts. I am  just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing by relying on color bias due to racist ideology that is assumed.


Caveat/Nota Bene: I had to spend yet more time rewriting part of the beginning of this post because my brain is under so much attack while I write. My sentences literally have holes in the though process and much is omitted because I am struggling simply to get words out due to hacking. While I fight to type my brain is literally being turned "on and off" because I do know that this organization can force me to literally pass out and I think they can cause a break in my consciousness that lasts for less than a second so my brain completely blanks out and I lose train-of-thought. This same effect happens each and every single time I am in public and trying to operate or purchase something, have a conversation or get any single thing done (much less being able to count).

Thus, my writing is very disjointed and disconnected and the connecting thoughts that would make my sentences have impact are either deleted out by hackers or just blocked from my brain while I am writing. My writing because cryptic and lacking cohesive word structures. I am continuously fighting hacking every second I type.

looking over this page after pressing the publish button. Hackers continuously block the type font so I try to get medium or large print and always end up with a very small print on this page. I highlight and change the font and publish and what comes out is always a much smaller print size. 

While fighting to just open this page after publishing, the entire laptop froze, I could not scroll down and had to wait while other pages opened instead and the blog shut down while the cursor spun and spun in a cycle. I did not try to get the print a red color but the hackers just inserted that particular color. What else can they do to block my ability to type, think or publish? To block the ability to see--they are forcing tears out of my eyes while I am reading a scientific article because they want me absolutely dumbed down and without relevant information or anything on a higher level than their brainwashing mainstream meaningless endless blather that they force upon my every internet search, while blocking content I search for but can never find.

I am so sick of the US Government sponsoring this. Will they "learn" from what has happened during the last week to STOP THESE TERRORIST GROUPS WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN SPONSORING FOR DECADES OR FROM EVEN THE PAST CENTURY OR LONGER? This is a revolution to be desired in many more areas than simply in the media--and I do not mean another alternative for Fox News but for something that truly does not conform to racial or sexist stereotypes and allows people who are "different" to also analyze society and the news. As long as they are not fascist Nazis because as I have been writing of for so long, many "alternative" "liberals" have participated in this very hate-oriented Nazi contract out on me and thus, what really needs to be done is a careful analysis of media content to stop dispelling also the false oppositional narratives that also create the current terrorist death squad society that the United States obviously has become.


Of course, I "forgot" to mention above that hackers also delete and rewrite passages, and then if they delete parts of sentences they string what has been partially deleted into one huge paragraph. They usually delete/omit commas and periods too.
I am so sick of these sleazy and nasty foul terrorist squads which rampage all of society but those who govern information continue to keep this a "top secret" of the government to be used by people the bigot fascists can't stand to see have a chance to compete or best them in any competition. 

Even now, when there is supposed to be some huge change in society: I wait, I wait to see and it's so ....enervating to have to wait and see if society has learned a lesson from the capital attacks because it was "gang stalking" at it's very violent but most obvious state.

The very same sick and evil grins--demonic faces--that stalkers had in some of these media photos--(I cannot find them online, I saw them inserted into media clips--they were not the usual photos of the rioters in the Capital building) . The greasy, demonic smiles of some of these white males were very similar to the greasy smug giggles and laughs of the celebrities and others who have teleported and "gang stalked" me for most of my life. 

The situation has now gone out-of-hand and it has now affected the very organization which has, for some of these politicians at least, helped to sponsor the covert funding and operate the platforms and oversee the funding and apparatus of this huge global entity.

Now it has been turned against political rivals and I do hope that this technology will be STOPPED and that the willingness to continue to fund and help pay for and operate these terrorist groups which are only part of a huge global enterprise--will be stopped and from the "greatest country on the planet" the United States which should be upholding some semblance of Democracy where citizens are not microchipped and thus tortured by gangs of sleazy sick scumbags who operate exactly like the thugs who broke into the Capital building. The most "sophisticated" of the white blonde Nazis who have teleported me have the same exact sick and stupid demonic grins on their filthy greasy sleazy faces when they attack me. The same looks of glee, absolute joy, schadenfreude and the thrill of committing crimes and in the act of sabotage, attempted MURDER OR MURDER and torture, creating fear and carnage. The looks are the same, the modus operandi was and is the same when you see that there was surveillance and operational methodology in the attacks. 

Because some of these sick perverts are enormous factors in the major media I do urge people to begin to search for not only alternative actors but also alternative systems and in obtaining experts at psychology to analyze these scripts and movies to search for extremely deadly subliminal hate content that has been pumped out through these movies and cartoons and commercials and in all kinds of ways through the media. I also urge as much effort at transparency for the actors and this huge multi-national conglomerate operation to have boundaries, committees and inspections of their operations for sabotage of the United States as this entity of the media through the entertainment media has been very instrumental in helping to achieve this current terrorist subterfuge of the United States Government. The infiltration of foreign hostile entities from my personal experience of being teleported to this group of hate Nazis posing as "liberals" of every kind of angle that could possibly create a false illusion of a "Democratic" society has proven that there must be as much attempt to root out corruption from the groups that help to control the minds of the people who then go out and act upon what they have been programmed into by these psy-op media and commercial productions, which so blur with politics it has now become inseparable.

I can't understate how adversely the attack on my brain from whatever technology is being utilized to render me incapable of expressing--how badly I am being attacked. Not just from the rewriting of what I write and the hacking, but my brain is put into a miasma of confusion and dizziness and I can't see clearly as my vision goes blurry (not from tears remotely being forced to blur my vision). My writing is so disjointed I must get off the laptop, walk away, do something else. Preferably running my hands at least under water. A few minutes later the ideas come back that had simply blanked out while I was sitting here fighting to bypass hacker obstruction to the keyboard. Today is no different. I would have to spend hours simply rewriting or correct a three-paragraph page.

I am listening to a video from a man who is echoing what I wrote above regarding media input on situations and how the positioning of the media is supposed to represent the adversity to fascism or Nazism but is instead subtly advertising these fascist entities as if promoting them like a commercial advert. As the YouTuber is a former military specialist and has picked out this fault in the media presentation (but does not include which media or clip to which he is referring so I base this only on what he says in this vlog clip). 

It is the same premise behind the movies and news clips purporting to be against or aghast at these practices of fascist overtake (which the very same actors or media representatives actually participate in) and these very subtle "advertising" through condemnation (to create reverse psychological effects in order to lure people into doing what is actually on the agenda of the terrorist organization).

"Let's talk about the highly trained at the Capitol and the media...." (YouTube title)

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...