Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My very last Donald Trump teleportation "goodbye" "skit" on the very last day of his very last time being President of the United States.


How to Cook a Simple Beef Stew Using a Rice Cooker (College Student hack lol)  (YouTube title)

It is January 20, 2021 in Thailand. It is January 29, 2021 in the United States at this very moment. 

I awoke from a sleep at midnight on this very fateful last planetary day of the T-rump administration. Sleeping in a deep hibernation from emerging two days ago from yet another 20-day detox which, along with the heart palpitation/nervous system attacks from yet another H-wood fasco-actor who was thrilled to be inflicting fantasies the actors and writers can only dream of inflicting during normal public exposure waking hours. Enervated from yet another one, I slept as my bloated from poisoning body was healing. Because recently I have begun to investigate the wonders of cooking meals in a rice cooker, which I never knew was possible before but living in a microstudio where I have had to empty out all cabinets and cuboards so all cooking materials must be stored inside the studio somewhere....no space whatsoever to do so. 

And my teleportation "dream" "skit" that Mr. D-T-rump has so graciously provided for me as a goodbye to his administration (or his underlings who produce such teleportation events as I know the former prez is busy moving to his mansion(s) someplace around the planet. 

I was forced to "dream" that D-T-rump was dead. He had died on the last day of his presidency. After receiving "news reports" in my sleep about this death, I was then teleported to a huge rice cooker which was bubbling with the remains of Mr. D-T-rump inside. 

The dream was a short version of the daily protocol of inflicting hate, death, misery and threats of being made homeless and destitute (while they have made me ill and fighting not to die from poisoning after nearly dying from poisoning and then fighting to not be severed and tortured to death from stress). This wonderful respite from the sleazy hate orgy scenes of the last few days from his spiteful actor friend in H-wood, who has probably not transferred this capability to teleport willingly but it probably was wrested from his unwilling clutches. It was a nicer teleportation skit than this personality has forced upon me for many months or years, it seems (just because the onslaught of attack from this next H-wood celebrity whose movie I just clicked on to watch the movie and not him, last week or two weeks ago resulting in torture and attacks that are dangerous--as they all are--the attacks I mean).

So this morbid sort of sense of humor about cooking this newly dead president--all symbolic of course. 

I thought that, of course, D-T-rump would taste much better ROASTED and not pressure-cooked.


Creepily, after thinking about the ROASTED D-T-rump, upon opening my laptop and opening up YouTube to see what next catastrophe has awaited the United States on this last day--a video clip with huge bold letters emphasizing ROASTING meat--which is their "mind reading" technology and the "gang stalking" protocol of repeating thoughts on various seemingly innocuous public internet pages or in symbols as I go out and about in the world (sometimes people wear tee-shirts with statements that echo things I have literally thought on that day, that are not usually framed types of sentences. All is supposed to make me sound schizophrenic or delusional, so if you are thinking those terms, I want people to understand how this operation works to turn all accusation and blame upon the victim.


Thus, he would be far better ROASTED then steeped in a stew in a pressure situation. He's far too used to pressure and the drippings would not be so tasty as the meat is so tough and insensitive and lacking of all tenderness (untenderized, I mean) that no real taste or enjoyment would be extracted if he were cooked in a rice cooker!


Now my brain has gone blank and I can't "remember" what I had wanted to write earlier in this post. I am definitely under brain-altering attack by "mind control" tech at this moment. My brain has gone completely blank on what I had intended to say in furtherance of this post.

--------Oh yes

one thing (not THE thing I had wanted to say but I still want to put this out)

D-T-rump has stolen my cat La Moux and I want her returned to me alive and healthy. Not forced to provide a "baby" with one of these tormenting bigot Nazis who have also been a part of this attack which has severed part of my uterus out of my body while I was drugged and unconscious--years ago. They stole my most beautiful cat years and years ago and I believe she may still be alive and waiting for me to pick her up. she is the last of my family and I need her back alive and healthy and happy and to have my own home paid for in my name by this group of millionaire/billionaire intellectual property thieves who have been masturbating over technology enabling them to torture me with the press of a button leaving no evidence as they also steal ideas that they drug and torture out of me and thne continue deadly non-stop torture every single day and gloat and laugh about it. While being promoted into top positions of society and power and paid in millions and contracts worth millions for having participated in this heinous crime against humanity.

Now the hackers are attacking the keyboard making it very hard to type and continue, as I must backspace now continuously while keys are blocked and won't operate and spaces inserted and keys juxtaposed as I type.


Otherwise, I so hope that my country has learned some kind of "lesson" from the latest coup and that the access to this type of technology (i.e. teleportation) can only enhance the conflated need for absolute control and power that these people attacking me become inflated by and engrossed by achieving more and more power. The more violence they inflict with the technology the more they need to inflict more violence in order to satiate the hormone high that they experience from using this on a daily basis.

Think of the consequences of continuing to do nothing to stop this onslaught of technology designed to eliminate competition and install instead megalomaniacal psychopaths into higher and higher political and social positions.


Again, as soon as I even closed the browser the idea that I had wanted to write immediately returned, as if the people using the brain-attack tech thought they could turn off the attack on my brain, my brain suddenly was able to recall this:

I have read tarot cards on D-T-rump for a long time, sporadically I must add. In terms of the last election, I got (before Nov. 3, 2020) that he would lose, and lose very badly. I got, almost every time, the death card. I got literal physical death as accompanying the Death card, which can symbolize a myriad of other concepts such as a complete break in a situation or life path. However, I got a card next to it that implies a very serious deadly situation after he loses. Thus, not sure if that meant some other symbolism as I never really pull that many cards for readings unless I am reading for myself and my interests. My only concern when reading about the election was to see/determine if T-rump would win or not. I always got a NO answer (for years). However, the concept of the Death card stuck with me and considering the increased numbers of enemies he may and has made in the last few months, the prospect of some serious attack may be more probable than improbable. Not saying I want this to happen, just using a type of analysis on the card reading and the potentialities. 

And thus, the creepiness of how much information these criminals can extract just from a target's (meaning you too) and what is THOUGHT simply thought (which the terrorists then torture me for THINKING AS IF IT WERE A THOUGHT CRIME).

Just adding this because people are still not doing anything to stop this situation of this encroachment of technology into a person's very thoughts, with torture if someone is thinking the "wrong" thoughts even (all inflicted by the most "compassionate" "humanitarian" actors who also steal ideas from me and then torture me for thinking about what shiite they are afterwards). I wrote for years about this infiltration of H-wood by foreign fascist Nazis looking to divide, conquer, steal and take control over as much of the US as possible. I warn people hacking in or reading this to actually try to assess whether any of this ranting I have been tortured into pouring out has any validity in light of the last few weeks and the damage that has resulted from unrestrained power handed to people utilizing these technologies which only enhance tyrannical power grabs of people who continue to get huge boosts of personal power from torturing someone without any censor or block and only endorsements and promotions.


Again, my bicep is now strained from pounding down on the keyboard. My hands stop mid-air as I can't move my hands correctly and the keyboard is blocked as I press one key three letters appear instantaneously. Etc etc etc and my brain is under attack as well.


One hour later, an afterthought to the roast meat dish of post-T-rump administration:

first roasted D-rump finely marinated in Bannon Banana sauce

then some Graham cracker dessert crumble baked on top of McConnell Funnel cake (crackers all around).


One more hour later: speaking of food. I am eating right now (just finished ) and while in the middle of swallowing a bite, the terrorists used the microchip implant in my throat (so I can't sing, they constrict the vocal chords and the larynx and thus, while swallowing they constrict the muscles to try to choke me). Years of this going on at very random times so I am never prepared, nevertheless from all this time of this attack I have learned to eat without gulping food down, and can actually salvage my food by eating gingerly and carefully. Except when I am very ill, as when these terrorists swiped a VIRUS into my throat last year around October (2020) after saying, in teleportation, something the T-rump didn't approve of when I criticized another Euro-p-a actor who was (and undoubtedly still is) attacking me in these huge groups of actors teleporting and terrorizing and assaulting and insulting and threatening and then with clipboards in hand after the "traumatizing" events that they are absolutely "high" on, they take note on my reactionary thoughts due to their terror activities. Theories, philosophies and concepts all sucked out by them from me in this manner. After saying in this deep sleep, teleported and hypnotized state of teleportation, I said to the Austrian Nazi (not the recent one) that I don't need his approval for the recognition of my analysis of Mozart's musical composition. That was reacted to by the T-rump group by a VIRUS that I felt was killing me swiped into my throat a day later as "punishment" which may have been the Corona Virus--I felt the presence of death in a way I have never experienced in my life and was exhausted, laying in bed in pain with muscle aches, and then while eating I gulped food because I was so sick after finally healing. The terrorists then had drilling in the studio beneath my room continue on an 8-hour/day basis for over two months afterwards. I had no computer at that time so I did not write about it as I was stuck in sickness in this studio where these terrorists continued to have people break into my room while I slept (before I spent months pounding hooks into all corners of all the multiple 30+ cupboard spaces and panels in this room while in pain from poisoning from hard poisons that I STILL have not been able to get out without HEALTH CARE OR THE FINANCES TO AFFORD THE MATERIALS i REALLY NEED TO HEAL, AS ALL IS BLOCKED.

And thus, just now they forced my throat to constrict while I was eating (there is 100% a microchip implant in my throat, after a "procedure" that was forced upon me due to the drugging and a doctor swearing I absolutely needed this medical insertion into my body).

The insidiousness of the attacks used to torment, disfigure, steal from, destroy and make ineffectual in the market place and in society this group has been handed endless weapons to inflict their rotten bigotry and racist ideology upon people they can't openly discriminate against so these weapons are now an integral part of the current racist cartels that have taken control over the country and the planet. If only people were just a bit more terrified of the potentialities of abuse of these weapons and a lot more cautious in allowing these types of weapons and free-range terrorists in domestic spheres to continue to go on unabated and fully funded by whatever entities that fund these activities. It is all--this TERRORISM--fully acknowledged covertly by the US Government and funded and even participated in by the afore-said. How long until people who may understand that not only their own lives but society in general are at dire peril of annihilation due to these "advanced" technologies and the lack of ethical and moral stance that these well-educated leaders hand out to H-wood-fed blank and "dumbed down" violent racist terror instigators and followers.


A little later, upon more reflection on my post. I realize that the last paragraph above would be a titillating thing to read by the psycho-bigots who not only participate in these crimes against me because they feed off negative reactions. Also, the onlookers are thrilled and want to emulate these practices so they can also torture and destroy people they can't stand to see compete  against them or have more than they can achieve or just who they want to steal something from and then later on destroy. How many people out there fall into that category?

I write because I am warning people reading this to not allow this technology to continue being circulated, endorsed and enacted upon by these terror networks, some of which just attacked the US Capital. There is no doubt that these terrorists who attacked the Capital are members of this global organization in it's various branches which all go under various names and organizational titles but are intimately connected, especially as technology allows these groups to collate their information with less than a minute's time on the other side of the planet.

I fear that the new quantum computers will allow AI to automatically attack targets upon various programmed vectors. The longer people wait for the situation to somehow continue assuming they can never be harmed or they don't care: by the time you are reeling and dying you may still never know what has happened to you which you could have prevented. The problem is that these technologies and the operational programming the branches of this global terrorist organization all operate under, with no break from protocol around the world, enable the proliferation of terror operations that if left unchecked will allow more people to be programmed to create terror operations that are extremely effective although surreptitiously rendered so there will be no huge crowds making their crimes visible for surveillance equipment.


The people who are inflicting deadly torture and violence using these covert torture technologies, who have been trained in fascist reactionary behaviorism and reactionary torture protocols a la fascist domination of people they want to crush politically, economically and physically without leaving "evidence". That is what these technologies are being used for against me, and I assume with all these other subliminal techniques of brainwashing, the bigots are being pumped with endless subliminals of complimentary psychic enhancement. That they are attacking a person not only for what they are saying under torture conditions, and then continuing the torture for what the torture victim is thinking about the people torturing them non-stop day and night for YEARS--THE VERY SAME PEOPLE GO ON EVERY DAY AND NIGHT FOR YEARS. 

This is the group that has not stopped putting out speeches, videos and talk shows and movies about how they are saving society from one ill or another. They cover the gamut of what they are rescuing their particular demographic support system from or against. They all essentially operate as one larger entity, as you are all aware, however. Again, this system is global and what protocols are used in one country are used without any deviation in another, around the world. When you notice that T-rump is "punishing" his employees or more seriously his adversaries or even those who support him but say NO to his policies who are then threatened by the throngs of the terrorists who perform every and all terrorist actions upon order (that has it's nascent beginnings of training in these terrorist "gang stalking" operations that people continue to ignore, keep silenced and never exposed or stopped). 

I never want to make the abusers get turned-on by my posts, I have been WARNING people reading my posts on this blog and on Facebook about impending fascism and now it has become absolutely evident to the United States' highest levels of governance which were silent when it happened to me but are screaming treason when it happens to them by the very groups they allowed to be handed these technologies who they assumed were their power base.


None of these actors/writers/producers and agents out of H-wood who have sat in row upon row staring at me in an audience of torturing "mind control" experimentation as one after the next attacked me in a consecutive and intertwined configuration of hate attacked that were kept in a continuous circulation for YEARS without end, night after night while they ordered my body disfigured in the primary physical state (here in Thailand) while my more ethereal body "double" with my consciousness was being teleported to their foreign locations. THEY REMAIN IN POWER AFTER THEIR PROMOTIONS to engulf the airwaves that are transmitted into the brains of the consumers who are ingesting this subliminal hate and fascist material through all the various very subtle psychological machinations that encourage such behaviors while ostensibly appearing to counter the fascist content. They remain "at large" and never questioned by anyone, their celebrity status has cloaked them in an invincibility (unless they are of minority status and then they had better never commit the rapes that the bigot Nazis are being promoted for inflicting upon anyone they can--male of female). All of the celebrities who have attacked me except for T-rump are the most famous for endorsing every charitable and humanitarian cause possible. They order animals to be killed that I take care of while simultaneously openly showering huge checks to every animal rights and protection charity that will garner them media attention to continue to propel themselves as every advocate of every concern possible that could be awarded, to further their false dissemination of fascist content disguised as charitable and "liberal" policy in media.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...