Wednesday, January 27, 2021

How "mind control" was used against me while being teleported, asleep, drugged up, under duress, my body slashed and cut into and attacked while in the teleported sleeping drugged up state. Words subliminally introduced into my teleported, sleeping state. What I repeated was used to continue hate attacks as justification and for more endless assaults on every level by people then stealing ideas I said or wrote online and published on this page or on Facebook. They then slandered me by their protegees who want to get more promotions if they adhere to any lie. Thus the Trump minions of H-wood have once more acted exactly like the terrorists who created the insurrection and followed orders to create terrorism by following lies and disseminating lies.

The "title" of this post, above, was absolutely rewritten by hackers. Grammar was deleted and sentences were strung together. I am not going to rewrite but I just want to display how much censorship I must face every time I fight to deal with a hacked laptop where I can't use the keyboard without a serious struggle and using all my arm muscles to  pound down to get anything to print out. It is ALWAYS the same thing, for every post.

I want to add, as an afterthought because my brain is under so much attack while I write so I can only recall information that had been blocked--only after I physically get away from this spot directly in front of the laptop. I forgot, or was blanked out from writing, that the video I pasted below was of course top and center of my YouTube recommended page. I am not subscribed to this man's channel. The channels I have subscribed to except for a few political commentary sites, which also are dubious and most likely (I believe 100%) a part of the hacking/terror network and members of this huge global terrorist operation. They are Progressives and claim they care. The ones I subscribe to are infinitely informative and if they are legitimate, which they do appear to be, I can't deride them for their stance as their YouTube presentations are top notch and worthy of higher media status competing with the other top anchors, many of whom are excellent as well regardless of their political stances (but I watch those I agree with politically as the Alt-Right channels are too obnoxiously opinionate for me to bear for more than 2 minutes per viewing stretch. I'm sure the Alt-Right viewers say the same about the "Left" "liberal" media and are ready to shoot to kill, upon order of their leader of course.

I did not subscribe to this channel but have watched his shows, featuring for his segue sketch for his show two of the H-wood (I mean Whorewood) black performers/writers who have joined into the hate circus attacking me. One in person, the other stealing an idea I wrote of on Facebook, inserting glaring hate photos on my internet searches, and then doing nothing to stop his racist benefactors from continuing a fascist Nazi contract out on me. Now he's fighting supposedly against his friends who helped him get his films into the Academy Awards year-after-year since participating in this most racist crime against me. As for the YouTube Daily show this other black male puts out, I watched it, sort of gritting my teeth seeing him laughing with delight as he is talking with someone who has attacked me, (as I suspect this politically-correct endlessly analyzing racist content YouTube but famous personality although I never heard of him until he possibly or probably began inserting his videos onto my channel. I watched a few shows, and then I believe it appears that another person is trying to latch onto this contract, perhaps. The video below echoes what has happened to me in this contract and the dispute with these black performers who are absolutely vying for power using a formula to turn racism against me--and obviously against many others in a variety of categories...whatever is off the preferred list and turned into a hate target that disagrees with the premises of this hate organization to which these media personalities all must join (or die, meaning for their careers).

I believe the man in question below fits into the category I just described. Regardless, he is an excellent intellectual and a talented person. I just won't click on his videos ever again. I hope I have not promoted him or anyone of this terror operation by writing about them here. That is what they are aiming for. I have played into their game, but the situation is so disgusting and remains an on-going torture protocol being passed around for promotion to every hater in many fields, not just in the media. 



"Politically-correct" deflector versus un-politically-correct deflector operating in a skit for YouTube that is almost entertainment for me as I watch this, but have to click it off and write this post.

Cool, Hip Liberal black male versus bad, ignorant Conservative  black male in debate (yelling match), Another semi-permeable performance that is quaintly transparent in hidden content, aka, duplicity for purpose of a one-sided "debate":

As so many in the media state openly, the people who follow these lies are not stupid or delusional. They are akin to soldiers following the cues in order to march to the orders given. It has been called, "blind obedience" and that means that when a statement is made about an attack situation, people follow because they want to create a force of absolute power and control. The issue is not their mental health but rather their mental stealth to pass the lies down the line of violent terrorist or soldier rows to continue the force of violence against any perceived or real enemy. The enemy often is also thus labeled due to lies, but the minions do not care what is at stake is power and behind that is money and security and mostly, hegemony.


I never used the slang words "Turkey" or "Jive". I think in my entire life I have never once used the N-word against anyone or casually or for any reason whatsoever. I believe I have never done this one single time. Not that not saying this word is so exceptional, but I am trying to build up an "argument" against accusations leveled at me by criminal terrorists who used mind control to force me to say, on camera, while I was in a deep, drugged up sleeping state, teleported so much of my body and cognition were hindered by this more ethereal state in my body and brain (and vision, especially). IF anyone can understand how nebulous that state is, as compared to being cognizant in normal 3-D space. I am under mind control regardless any time I write on the internet (such as right now and every time I write) or even moreso when I am in public. However, in teleportation the terrorists attacking me are being paid to "experiment" in this mind screw operation for their promotions. 

How is it that people are not immediately alarmed that criminals who are more protected from any question more than any politician has ever been, are being handed mind control technology and everyone is embracing them with hopeful joy that they are going to make America Great Again with their mind programming. I know the programming is based on Nazi propaganda. Everyone seems to still think they are exceptionally talented and incredible because they still keep being put into lead award-winning categories every single year and are on the front spotlight in every revolving movie that comes out every single year. 

However, part of the mind control technology is aimed at attacking the brain like "truth serum" so "real thought" can be extracted, ideas and commentary based on revealing the real thoughts of the target being manipulated. The other uses are aimed at inserting false words and thoughts to replace the real thoughts and emotions of the target and inserting the controlling phrases that guide the target to do the bidding of the perpetrator exploiter manipulating this deadly technology--which they all use as a fun game and laugh and are exceptionally gloating and glib about the whole promotional instant mega-million dollar enhanced slot in the larger power structure. Completely immersed with power and hate because that is the contract in order for them to smile and put out their lies about how much they love and care about every single injustice on the planet:  absorbed by their enhanced "power" using these insidious technologies like kiddies getting a new atomic bomb  for being good little obsequious obedient minions. So happy they are to inflict this kind of "control" that has programmed them, to return that psychological hate crime against someone else. 

In this nebulous state, sleeping, telepored, drugged up, under physical torture, which has been ongoing literally every day and night for over a decade in a more serious program of attack. 

One of them, I have mentioned recently but I was drugged up when I wrote the post--I called her an Aunt Jemima. She spent 2 years assaulting and ordering rape, torture and disfigurement along with my home sprayed with horrendous toxins every single day and night. My toes slashed to the bone, and etc. She demanded an apology. I have written of her before. I spent two years prior to the two years of her torture trying to avoid her endless videos placed on my YouTube and her photos injected into multiple search engines, continuously. After she STOLE AN IDEA FROM ME to promote herself as having "altruistic" motives, as viewers believe, as I used to, that these actors are not whores playing roles so they can portray a huge societal lie in order to cover the emerging fascist party that they actually are members of. No, I tried to avoid clicking on anything involving her. However, I saw her with her arms around a woman who has tortured at least 4 movies using themes I wrote of and sat laughing while her male "A-list" celebrity friends used genocidal Nazi slurs against me as they raped me in front of this bigot white female who used me to obtain "alternative" ideas for  years prior to this black Nazi who has been assaulting me for years and with her arms around the white Nazis, she has been handed every multi-million and billion dollar contract and surfeit possible. She is now an icon for black women to emulate, and the Whorewood gaggle of black women aspiring to get more fame and fortune make reference to her, under the Trump administration which has been a huge boon for her, in addition to playing all sides of every fence but mostly in playing good Aunt Jemima on the camera to provide solace to whites who are the kinds that are openly racist. Or that is what I was thinking but never wrote and would not have said if she had not attacked me in teleportation and I exploded after and during rape, torture, endless assault on my property and slow murder. Two more years and longer have gone by. 

At one point, maybe 6 months or longer after she began, with openly racist joke-making "Italian-American" mafia actors out of NYC--of course, all operate under T-rump and all claim they hate him for public promotional viewing because of course they all play both sides of every issue and block real criticism in the media if possible. 
This black woman in question also ran for U.S. President while operating to torture and attack me along with Trump. She was playing the fake opposition in order to weaken the real fight against racism. In the process, what she and her fellow black Nazis obtain are awards into money and businesses and lead roles that they would not otherwise obtain if they actually were protesting and fighting for equal rights. What they are "fighting" for is for themselves to be handed power by the hands of the bigots. And apparently attacking me is a great way for them to be patted on the back instead of patted on the derriere for their attempts to rise up higher in the ranks of the white, male power structure (now a few women are included as well--huge fanfare--they too, even if blonde, have to play a white female Nazi version of the same "game" in order to obtain power and promotions).

Because I said this and then when demanded to "apologize" after she had participated in torturing me for over 2 years, and that was over 2 years after this initial disgusting attack upon me (i.e. she thrust her nasty genitals in my face and it was truly despicable, the low level that she and these creeple all actually exhibit which underlies their false premises for cameras and huge million/billion dollar deals).

After more than half a year of her attacking me, where under this drugged up, tortured, assaulted state of sleeping and drugging (while they were awake and using mind control tech upon me) I called her a "Jive Turkey" almost joking, but it was angry because she had shown me a stuffed cooked turkey in teleportation, offering me food (which of course I can't eat while in this state of sleep and being teleported) and thus she offered nothing, and has given nothing, and does nothing but attack, exploit and thus, in order to show other blacks observing this--all vying for huge awards, promotions and deals out of participating in this crime against me--but using mind control tech, like all the lies that the T-rump campaign used to get their minions to create a force of terror--and they still continue to make death threats to anyone who may vote for Impeachment in the Senate Trail. Thus, passing the lies off to HER black minions, they got me to use these terms after I told her to stick the turkey up her fat ass (my exact words). I also never use terms like this while awake, but mostly because I am not in a constricted environment being openly tortured by people saying and spitting out at me hate and abuse and  hitting, raping and attacking me--night after night without end for a decade and longer. I just "remembered" after struggling so hard to get this post out despite non-stop hacking intrusions and deletions--I am not going to re-edit this post it will necessarily have been rewritten for a discrediting attack by the hacker terror network. I wanted to say, got lost in fighting to type and under "mind control" attack: I told this black woman that it was she who had to apologize to me for not only attacking me viciously alongside her Nazi Whorewood friends, but also for having stolen an idea like all of them have done, under this most discriminatory contract out on me--and of course she remained mute and has since continued as if I have inflicted the worst hate crime against her by calling her, in a sleeping, drugged up state of torture, an Aunt Jemima--and then later while under the effect of mind control, calling her a Jive Turkey after she offered me some cooked turkey, but maintaining an absolute impoverished state of not being able to afford to eat or buy what I need while she and her gang of thugs (not a racist term) continue and never stopped now for over 4 years inflicting crimes upon me that should have been met with prison sentences, consecutively ordered but no....

and now, just to add to that, the Senators in Congress are scared for their lives if they don't continue to support all the lies. And that is how these terrorists are operating. I continue to live under torture conditions and the criminal terrorists in Whorewood continue to enjoy the profits, and more important, the image of the lies that they purport that they really embrace in real life (but none of them do in real life). They continue to be utterly protected and waiting to see how they can formulate the next action of strategic importance for a complete cartel ruling not only Whorewood but also Congress.For the inauguration it was evident which group has more symbolic purity and promotion than even politicians and political leaders. The celebrities are NEVER put into doubt as to any pretense about their fake liberal affiliations that the media keeps, like all the lies, advertising and promoting all these lies about all these terrorists who are disguised as politically-correct black and white "liberals". This also has a trickle-down effect in activist circles and in the domestic sphere. I have been likewise attacked but not so viciously by so many people who have taken over all the "alternative" scenes that were originally alternative but have been co-opted endlessly so there is never any more real opposition. 

I have no idea what anti-fa is like. I lived in Portland and I never met people genuinely concerned about politics to that extreme extent. I have no idea who those people in Portland are or if they were changed or I was just blocked from meeting them, in all the years I lived in the "alternative" areas and hung out and participated and was attacked in every "alternative" group I attempted to join, in "extreme Left" Portland. I hope maybe I just was blocked from meeting people who do not privately endorse fascist, racist white supremacy. But that is exactly what these black performers who have also run for President are doing for promotions. It was what the predecessor to T-rump has covertly participated in along with his very politically-motivated wife. They have created a most bulletproof display of pristine impeccability in their image but behind it all, they have had to play this double-standard game and have completely endorsed these attacks and the black "activists" who join in and hiss hate at me using anti-Semitic terms while Nazis watch on smiling at them all. They remain a monopoly in the industry and any blacks who want promotions must bow down to them and play the exact same double-standard racist games--as long as it's against Jews or Latinos or whatever the unwanted flavor they are told to spit hate out at, they will do so like the Jive Turkeys that both the white and black terrorists are behind the cameras and posturing they are paid so much to perform.



Thus, I believe they had inserted these into my subconscious so they could film me saying this, and because HER minions are not stupid, not delusional, but want to believe the lies, and will follow all lies in order to create a power structure for their own interests--exempting all real concerns for fighting against racism--except when it applies to themselves and their power structure--as for it happening to me, they are ALL FULLY INTO IT. 

Thus, I said things like "Jive Turkey" while in this state. I have used those terms before: back in 1975 while in the 5th grade in my elementary school on the playground with other white people who I played with and then only a few times--as these were the popular stupid slang terms people used back then. I heard white people using these terms as a joke against one another all the time, back in 1975. Because she swept her arm over a braised and cooked turkey, when I could not afford to eat--they blocked all my income as they are still doing--I wanted all that cooked food also because I need nutrition and not to be continuously drugged and poisoned, as she and they have all completely sanctioned in this slow murder situation. However, in this state I used the term Jive Turkey in reference to her for some sleeping, drugged up, teleportation, under duress and torture incident where she then latched on to this and has since convinced her minions of the black cartel that is beneath her role in the white Nazi power structure--playing all sides that can grant her and them power and media exposure all the while claiming they are INCENSED against racism. They have now turned that rage onto me, but still grovel at the feet of Donald Trump, but only symbolically as they remain silent watching him and his friends and the white Nazis attack me, silently. And then for their approval, jumping in with absolute hate and violence. 

I have tried to give a background to this situation. I write this because I just watched a black commentator on YouTube who was arguing with a "Conservative" black male in some heated "argument" (that probably was a contrived discourse of opposites). Yelling at the top of his lungs, this famous black activist shouted that calling black people "Jive Turkey" and "Thugs" is tantamount to calling blacks the N-word. As equal a gesture of racism as anything else that racists do, in the opinion of this male. I then realized that while they either pumped words into my subconscious and then I repeated them, or I was under a complete state of torture, I said this but because of her recent attack using a turkey, and that reminded me of what bs this woman is--and thus the term jive turkey. Of course, as with all clip-and-edit procedures, perhaps while they took videos of this happening, they omitted the background to this story as blacks then piled up against me in teleportation calling me racist and assaulting me. They have since won top awards at those mafia awards ceremonies run by white supremacist Nazis who partner with Mafia. Just as this black woman does in her spare time of attacking me. I guess I have to find a different euphemism because by slurring this in that sleeping state under torture and drugs and violence, I would be construed, in addition to calling her an Aunt Jemima--as being utterly "racist". 

I just want to add that THE GENERAL STUPIDITY OF THESE PEOPLE ATTACKING ME is really beyond reproach. I also have to alter what I wrote above, in that some of the T-rump supporters in believing these statements are kind of stupid as well. In short: the blacks who have labeled me as being racist are just T-RUMP SUPPORTERS following a train of lies in order to "deflect" and turn the accusations onto the target/victim. It's also known and called, "
Blame the victim". But I really believe that this black woman who has attacked me for not buying into the lies of her posturing iconography, which I have never once admired or thought was legitimate nor could get through her tv shows for even a few minutes. That is simply a personal opinion. However, I think she used this tech to try to force these words out, under torture and hate for this nasty woman who is by now anathema and odious in every respect, who demands respect only because she has in her possession torture weapons. Welcome to America in the future unless you people reading this care about anything beyond trying to be secure in a delusional state of disbelief watching this K-rap on the boob tubes of the planet. However, I think she used this tech as I have not used this terminology since I was 11 years old, when everyone else was using it around me. I have not used the terminology since, but during back in the day, the white people and blacks in school and in my home my brothers would joke about it as we all would because we saw it on the tv boob tube and thought it was funny but not a "black" racist term. Discrediting me and turning her violence in reverse against me, then using this to support her claim that I am racist and she is the "victim" and not me (after also, like all of her good fascist white Nazi buddies in attendance at the YEARS of teleportation torture she has participated in and still does, along with every fascist Nazi in Whorewood who wants also free huge deals for violence against me using this technology. Because I keep fighting for justice, for The US Constitution and my citizenship and not to help further a fascist Nazi takeover of the US, I have been fighting ALONE against endless line-ups of celebrities, a few scattered politicians (one notable and his predecessor behind the scenes, allowing blacks to rise up in Whorewood so he and his wife could further their future hopes at promotions and a black power cartel in Whorewood and in Congress. Allowing for Nazi bigotry is of no importance to them as bringing themselves into higher power within the cozy confines of their Nazi network and fully supporting every white bigot to attack me--no problem for them. Now they are blaming the whites who are their friends in teleportation and I am now labeled as a "racist" and have said, according to their interpretation used to justify their promotions by attacking me for any response of resistance and anger and rage and hate at them--under torture, while asleep, saying things I have not said for decades and would not have said if I were actually aware and not drugged, in the exact same situation. This I know is 100% definitely true. 

I want to explain how this technology is being used, as I know they are enhancing the capabilities. Quantum computing is going to probably be used in conjunction with this brain-altering tech so fewer people will have the capability to even question the brainwashing that these celebrities are helping to reinforce through all their posturing. 

I suggest that some of these YouTube presenters are doing exactly the same thing. I have been teleported to a few very nasty ones posing as Progressives who are fully playing a false oppositional role. 

I wanted to get that out. Since no commentary has ever been sent to me (except for one person who has since never responded and that was after I emailed her and sent my blog information-she's another "target" and I am blocked from contacting anyone or getting any real support system by this over-arching attack global entity that these blacks are fully members of operating in the interests of the general white fascist Nazi supremacist plantation.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...