Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns of the mind control programming being forced upon me. I listened this morning in no attempt to deconstruct anything, with the intention purely to drive such thoughts out of my mind. However as I am teleported continuously then almost every song seems to relate in some aspect to more than a decade of non-stop emotional barrage from the insidious forces trying to effect "behavior modification" in me. The effect they desire is the unraveling of my own personality and their programming of subordination, insecurity, hate, negativity, utter emotional carnage and psychological, physical, and of course financial destruction. Thus any sort of relatively popular song, which try to appeal to mass numbers of people for the usual range of emotional values, triggers a sort of response out of me and now I write about it because it all relates to my situation (which I have been writing of for over 10 years on many social media platforms so this should be nothing new to people who have followed my posts and rantings and explosions and explanations and declarations for all these years). This is not hyperbolic ranting in this post but it's on that inter-personal level that is so crucial to mind control programming that requires great fortitude to overcome. If one is strong, these acts of sabotage and emotional/psychological and other types of terrorism that I have detailed for years being inflicted upon me could serve as instruments of higher understanding to actually countermine the intended effects of unraveling the personality of the target and instilling instead utterly subjugated lack of confidence. One can actually empower oneself by a kind of perseverance by strengthening one's sense of self by NOT succumbing to these entrapments that I describe below. Some of my thoughts relate to Buddhist or other types of internal meditative states of non-compliance to the emotional triggers that this mind control programming tries to instill in the target. In being endlessly drugged by such harsh poisons and drugs by this organization I know that I cannot achieve the state of detachment I would truly desire but I am aware of the attempt to achieve this state.
Some jazz songs I heard this morn, from the great and not late Nina Simone. Would she include Goddamn Minneapolis 3rd District from yesteryear into this mix if she were alive today? So goddamn proud now of Minneapolis the people who said goddamn this is goddamn too slow and so they changed it!
THE OTHER WOMAN by Nina Simone
That green monster (I don't mean that symbol of jealousy I mean the slimy other monster associated with another one of it's ilk as both of the grifter scammer jammers try to bilk from me what they cannot scrub off their plastic-coated surfaces concealing their slimy interiors).
I mean to say the other slime-bag greasebag that could be associated with that green slimy monster otherwise known as "jealousy" but that is what they want to believe that I feel but I just see a cesspool of the other woman sliming the monster thugs in it's gang trying to slime me. How they like to play people, races, colors, groups, countries and corporations against one another to gain a divide-and-conquer strategy for control. Never submit to jealousy but always be protected against green monsters who want you to wallow in negativity against "the other" as they control you.
That's an old mind control trick--the old chestnut story people never get hormonally tired of nor want to enact and re-enact.
This is not based on a specific person but it is related to recent relations. It's a recurring program of psy-ops that is a recurring theme, much like psychological training to induce a state of indifference in me to jealousy and the power games associated with this strategy for manipulation and control (and usually for destruction). Either way, one makes one's choices on how to decide. If one is not aware of the conniving strategies of these green slime monsters it is much harder to protect oneself against their emotional and mind control manipulations. I entreat people reading this post to consider the misuse of the mind control technology that is being so amply handed out to underhanded and criminal miscreants who should never, ever have been handed these technologies in the first place. The protocols of attack heaped upon me by your insidious icons of entertainment and political celebrity worship have taught me the importance of having a stable base of grounded insight into such emotional forms of manipulation and control. I believe the Buddhists had a firm grasp of these concepts and taught people how to remain centered and calm against such tempests and sinister forces. Yet the technology and drugging plus the pure evil and malicious intent of such people is a force multiplier for these very ugly and awful types of mind control manipulations. I am forced into this situation of a most disgusting and rotten plastic-surgery-coated slime expletive using man-after-man to assault, rape and torture me (for her) in these teleportation skits of hate and violence heaped upon me nightly for years by the same celebrities that keep being handed award after award in these awful and rotten awards ceremonies that are supposed to represent the very apex of talent in the United States (but controlled entirely by English Monarchist anti-Americans who these celebrities are all cloying to with devotee worship and adoration). Imploring the population to stop these criminals has produced almost no results for the past ten years that I can visibly see, but I know that there has been some effect. I urge people to stop the use of these technologies and I will continue to do what I can to inform people of these malicious destroyers who have been handed these technologies. Trying to discuss and scream about this with one of the rapist abusers and this rotten woman who is a most foul and greasy, filthy sleaze parasitic creep with these men attacking me and attacking me after this piece of scum has stolen ideas from me regading feminist concepts to sell her rotten and foul, disgusting and ugly sinister fake image as being Metoo which she has been highgly publicized for as her studio and her associates have taken up the gap left over by the exclusion and endless anti-Semitic deadly assault upon Weinstein. Well, I am not writing this regarding jealousy but this parasitic creep who for the last 10 years along with her hubby have tortured me using these groups, their friends, the mafia, presidents, politicians, endless numbers of fascist Nazi europ-a's and now it's just going on and on for another day of the same thing. I warn and warn people and they continue to allow this filth to use these technologies. Los Angeles GODDAMN what a cesspool of creeps and scumbag liars, fakes and parasites.
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