Sunday, May 9, 2021

KILL OFF THE ANNOYING MANATEES WHO GET IN THE WAY OF THE PARTY FUN JET SKI TOURIST MONEY MAGNETS!! This is the not-reported-fiscal yet environmental catastrophe of having to build and build, construct, pour cement over and devastate with manicured mansions endless structures for parties, tourists and wealthy estate planning. The need to stifle protestors and stop demonstrations is tied to mind control programming and state-sponsored legislation to ban protests and covert operations to kill off those who resist the terror anti-nature, anti-life terror State that controls much of America, but so especially in places like Florida and California (despite in CA the seemingly "liberal" atmosphere it is a sham and a deception at the base of it's crunchy granola, vegan exterior).

 Copied from my Facebook post today:

Kill the manatees! Save the tourists and ultra-rich Florida, pro-Nazi, MAGA mansion property plantations (with all their masters and slaves and death all around them floating and decaying in the unnatural soil from the polluted waters and the fungus air and moldy mentality of the MAGA bigot Floridians! Living in that State for probably over a decade and seeing how it has kicked so many people out, defended all the construction and land devastation, turned into a fascist Nazi State and all I can say for it now is this sentiment (as a sweeping negative statement but in regard to the death this organization brings, and the threat to the planet that is not existential any longer from their rapacious land development worldwide with no stopping it and climate change denial and animals that were the natural habitat of Florida now decaying in the sordid sun hovering over the Florida bigots as the planet is now experiencing upheavals and animals are dying and species are groaning their last gasp of extinction and racism and Nazism is proliferating and tyranny is expanding as the animals and many and most of "the people" are now dying and shrinking off:

Yeah endless parties, skyscrapers and investment in Nazi Florida--where laws and whistleblowers get killed off or chased out of the State by a Right-wing Florida science-denying fascist Nazi, "Right-wing", KKK-based racist population. Denial of life and nature is a key element that drives the endless gluttony of this global organization. Endless construction for mansions with slaves and manicured party landscaping has resulted in this. Endless strip shopping malls--countless Super Walmarts built over pristine natural preserves (such as the 3 that were built in Gainesville despite protests). This is due to high speed boats and jet skis and tourists who must go at full throttle the entire time they get high, stoned, drunk and screwed by the also thriving sex trafficking industry that proliferates in Florida (for their sleazy and nasty party needs for a few days or months out of the year). It's the same thing that is happening now in Thailand. The planet cannot sustain the stupidity, greed and gluttony of this organization of bigots who believe they are "entitled" to sucking out everything that is vulnerable that they can exploit--the planet cannot sustain this mentality or this organization much longer and so much that was beautiful and of nature is dying out now. That also includes the beauty of human nature, which this organization through it's mind control and media onslaught of death, hate, rape culture, sexism and racism is promoting with each and every seemingly hipster movie that makes you think this is a "woke" culture. It is all interconnected, the dead manatee's of FLA and the death of life, extinction of species, death to culture as death culture pervades through the osmosis of celebrity death and hate culture endlessly promoted as being shiny sticks of gold (concealing the fact that they really are, or have been molded into being, pieces of s(*t).


I again must express that "mind control" technology has made typing of this post very chaotic. I could not get commas in the right place I was so intent on just being able to pound out the adjectives and thoughts without endlessly having to pound out more keys. It is so exhausting to fight to pound down and backspace. My thoughts became chaotic and non-linear--I got "lost" in fighting to type and think clearly and I became engrossed in a "lower" state of critical analysis and the tech enhanced the "emotional" aspect of writing so the post de-evolved into a few hate ranting parts instead of clear and analytical analysis with much better vocabulary. The terrorists "lower" my vocabulary and critical thinking capabilities through this tech. It is now becoming impossible ot write this out as the keyboard and my hands won't operate correctly--they also attack my motor skills. The entire brain-mapping exercise of shutting various functions down, enhancing negative states and lowering critical and analytical thinking capabilities is something I do not know how to fight at this time so my posts are always rendered in a nearly hate rant state lacking cohesion and grammatically correct structure.

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