Friday, May 7, 2021

Terrorist report: May 7, 2021. The usual long, long list that is incomplete due to the excessive number of attacks on 24/7 basis.

 I realize this is "fun" for most or many of the readers/hackers who survey my writings and steal whatever they want to use for their own purposes. I write nevertheless to keep a documentation so one day, if my country gets tired of fascist incompetents ruining the country, they can for a change resort to stopping the supression of state-sponosred terrorism and resort to unveiling my writings as this drugged up, mind-controlled documentation of the modus operandi and the rantings of a drugged up and slowly-being-murdered target--me of course.


  • After many YEARS of trying to protect my body--but moreso many months of taping and inserting balls of cotton and other items between my toes, the balls of my feet extending nearly to my heels in an attempt to stop the slicing and the slow destruction of the skin and tissue between my toes on both feet--this has been going on for 3/4 of a year now on a nightly basis. The skin cut to the bone in the joints of the small toes is not growing back, they severed the veins/capillaries and the cuts are permanent and my feet are becoming paralyzed and severed with permanent damage going on and on every single night slowly in increments. I put balls of cotton between each toe, huge cotten pads between the first toes and the webbing which is still being cut into every night by laser technology that extends underneath a stretch waistband that I tie with 6 knots tied as tightly as possible so there is no slack for anything to enter into my leg area. The feet have been covered with material and sewn in so nothing can be inserted through the foot opening of these drawstring pants I sleep with. There is this addition belt that I tie around (tied w/6 knots every night and not a millimeter of slack is possible--but I wake up and it's been stretched and is looser). I tape with packaging tape (which is strong and sturdy) the padded toes, after all is taped down to the arch of my foot, I put a sheet of tissue paper and then tape all of that onto the ball of my foot and then I put a pair of socks over that. THEN I have strings which I tied 3x around my ankles over the socks, which I fold down over the 3x wound string. THEN, last night, I experimented with tying over the entire sock/tape and string area very cheap and unusable ear buds with the plastic-coated cord, the ear buds are used as a kind of block to tie more firmly.
I have woken up every day with mutliple slashes cut into my feet and top layers of skin burned off between the toes since last October. Every protection I use is breached by this most expert and professional GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED terrorist terror team. I woke up this morning and the terrorists had removed the electrical cord with ear buds and loosened the tape and severed skin off the area that is infected, swollen and all I do is fight to heal this every day as it's horrible and I can barely walk. They couldn't get through one of the feet protection blocks so that foot is healing from the damage they inflicted last night (and from months prior) but the other foot has been slashed. This is from creep actors ordering this to be done by nasty Thai people and their Europ-a "handlers" instructing them what to do and how to use this technology--how to behave like fascists and all because after years of these celebrities obtaining Oscars and awards and stealing ideas from me and all as part of this perpetual contract out on me--Please note they were not "winning" any awards prior to latching onto this contract out on me--and this has been going on unchecked by all administrations and all leadership for over a decade at this "high level" of media contractual awards promotions and corrruption (fascist, nazi overtake of government and media extending even down to YouTubers and all areas of "power" in all businesses and it's completely a global situation). As you all know but I am writing this post in hopes that it will be documented and perhaps used as some part of a resistance one day when the damage this group has inflicted is so heinous that a mass revolt will be the inevitable result. For now people just laugh and think they will always be protected and that this is all a huge fun joke that they will always be able to get free deals out of for their glib and sleazy participation therein.

  • My purse was stolen at the shopping mall while my back was turned. There was no one around me but people were milling around me like vultures waiting for any opportunity. This was after in a very small shop where there is almost no room for people to pass by each other (these tiny hole-in-the-wall Thai shops nested in squat one-storey structures that line entire blocks of streets--one hole after the next with room so tiny you can barely walk through the aisles if no one is near you). They slashed part of a purse that I spent 4 days sewing by hand-made of silk and fine Thai embroidery. Without me feeling a single thing they cut threads of the ornaments that I sewed on. They do this everywhere I go so I  must look behind me if I am paying at any cash register so my clothing and purses are not slashed and sprayed with staining fluids while my back is turned as the cash register terror agent sees it all happening and keeps me there as she/he begins to talk in Thai at me as if there is something wrong--while my attention is fixed on their thuggery the thugs behind me are destroying my property I am wearing or carrying. 

  • I am tired of writing about this and my arms and hands are sore from backspacing and fighting to type at this point from hacker terrorism. There is more of course but I have written more on the philosophical thoughts (which are always surveyed by the intellectual property parasites to see what they can steal and then adapt to their snake oil salespitch of media heroism and alternative posturing).

  • The hacking is once again so bad that I am waiting for the hard drive function of the display to open, it has frozen and the cursor is spinning and nothing is appearing. My posts written today have been partially deleted--this happened while I was in the middle of writing and looked up and what I had written was half deleted and then strung together. As I try to type the keyboard is being blocked so keys won't function and I must fight to pound down and then if I try to type quickly keys don't work at all and/or are deleted and blocked while I type. I must thus fight to pound down on each and every single key, cannot go more quickly than a slow pace and then must use my hand and arm to pound down nearly as hard as possible to get letters out. It is worse than exercise for my hands and fingers it is like construction work pounding down like I am hammering the keys into the keyboard. Regardless, I must backspace continuously as even pounding down is not adequate to stop the block of keys not appearing when I press and pound down.

  • My hair continues to fall out excessively due to poisoning and chemical damage that terrorists inflict in my shampoo, henna (they mix peroxide or other damaging chemicals into the henna mixture if the bag is left open because I use only half per treatment). The nodes or mechanical arms that enter into my room also reach/extend into the terricloth hat covering I have hand sewn which, the materials I obtained which have been sold for years in dollar stores--after-shower terricloth hats--which I doubled and then added a layer of sturdy Thai silk. The hats were so snug that nothing could penetrate them or reach up and damage my hair. This worked for a few days with the cap remaining the same size until the terrorists did their "group beehive brain terrorist storming operation" (my words) and pried the material loose so they could easily begin to damage my hair at the roots once more. I have begun to put very small closing pins into the fabric in various places and this is also secure. I wake up and my clothing and body have been rummeged through--the hat is loosened the safety pins are moved to different areas my hair is nasty, the texture is like dried out straw (despite it being silky and soft after endless strenuous efforts to heal my hair--but I am also too ill to do things very often I can't take showers because of how much I have to clean the bathroom after taking a shower--it's a very long story but the endless work I must do to just do the basics of life require all my time and effort plus the healing)
to continue: my hair is falling out an damaged once more. for over 2 years I have done nothing else but fight to stop the violation of my privacy and home by these disgusting minions operating for the plastic surgery actors and the politician who was a part of their H-wood cartel who was the president and has almost ruined the country and is still trying to do so, with all the gang stalker nazi groups of America and all backed by the Europ-a's who all claim they are "democratic" backing the American push for a fascist Nazi colonized status (with "them" being handed frontline beach and the best properties, owning H-wood as it is now completely under the control of English factions and other nefarious Nazi groups out of Europ-a-land. It's utterly disgusting to have to see this firsthand--or the aftermath of their collusions that then are turned into this brainwashing operation of mind control and microchip implants and teleportation to enhance the physical and mental tortures of subliminal endless loops of hate words and phrases inserted into my brain.

And thus, another thing in my body is in such a state of terorist-forced deterioration due to daily destruction for decades--but for months all I have done is fight this and they keep doing their brainstorming on how to very easily rip apart the dollar store items I can barely afford (neglecting to set money aside for FOOD AND HERBS AND MEDICINE) while WHILE THESE PARASITES TORTURE ME ENDLESSLY DAY AND NIGHT FOR OVER A DECADE SO MORE OF THESE BILLIONAIRE/MILLIONAIRE ACTORS AND POLITICIANS CAN GET MORE POWER AND MONEY OUT OF DEPRIVING ME OF HEALTH CARE, FOOD AND A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE. while they all claim they are fighting for the American People--feminism, freedom, DEmocracy, and love and peace. After they steal ideas from me, obtain positions like president of the united states, lead roles in movie after movie, year after year--their production studios "winning" top awards every single year if they don't "win" oscars for their crappy movies and violent hate sexist and racist movie roles. The entire time I can assure you they have participated (many of them, most of them) in the torture and intellectual property extraction through drugging/poisoning and mind control technology while I am sleeping and teleported as they torture me to obtain ideas about fighting oppression. After they "win" and get elected, they continue the decade-long series of nightly and daily tortures of me in order to continue to "win" and get more and more and more out of exploiting and torturing me. I am fighting for my life every single day and they never stop nor are they ever stopped. An entire subculture of subhuman parasites out of that infernal H-wood cluster of whore f's are clamouring to not only attack me along with Pitt and his cluster of lovers and wives and children, but it's just extending into every facet everywhere and all the time. Everyone wants Pitt to control the film industry. I can't understand why eternally torturing me has to be the one avenue he persues in order to attain this (in addition to his output, which is proliferous, he's still latching on to forcing a baby out of me or abusing me--the week prior to the Oscars he came as he does every single year along with the host of his rotten partners to assault, rape or abuse me and then to torture me further for not demonstrating that they and the crap they come out with and their most disgusting behavior towards me is rotten and foul---they are trying to force some kind of positive response out of me to demonstrate that their "mind control" has succeeded and that I "love" them for only and non-stop abusing and raping torturing dismembering killing animals I love taking all and everything away from me except a few cheap items in a stinking foul studio apartment where I am tortured by landlords and terrorist agents surrounding me. THey all glow with the hormones of murderous violence and they feed off this day after day for an energy boost and the sense of power. This is also part of the contract. Their proclivity for torture is enhanced and I am fighting now to heal while parts of my body are now permanently destroyed or have been broken or cut off--in the decade of this group my uterus has been severed and cut into while sleeping and drugged--two fingernails are dead and nearly hanging off and the blood flow is gone--they are dead and hanging onto the fingertips because sharp mechanical arms have inserted these knives under the cuticle for 6 years on one finger and a few years for another two more fingernails so now two fingernails are completely unusable I can't put any pressure on them, they are lifted up from the skin and dead. My skin is completely destroyed by chemicals smeared on them nightly for so long I have no idea how many years or decades this has been ongoing. My hair is extremely thin and damaged and right now I am fighting to have my hair back in some kind of decent shape before they make my hair completely fall out and balding forever--[this has gone on for years and years, just this attack on my  hair by bigot crap who break into my home with full permission of my country in all it's aspects of allowing such things to recur and continue indefinitely. There are many, many other physical damages but I really need people to get involved and stop this and get me into a safe home to live in. I am stuck in every kind of financial and fiscal stability and all telecommunications is blocked, all avenues of survival are essentially blocked to me. I can have no legal representation I am surrounded by people continuously committing every kind of grievous act of criminal violence towards me with full laughter of the expletives you all voted in for president, president after president and their cabinets who go along because they can't risk their careers or positions in society. Therefore it all carries on like the river Styx.
The rest of this post has been rewritten and hacked and parts are deleted (as are many parts above--) I read through briefly in various sections and segments have been deleted and then what remains is strung together into unreadable paragraphs and sentences.

This is my recurring theme but I have to go through my room and body to clean and clean and heal and fight to defend myself endlessly non-stop day after day month after month and now year after year while people still don't stop them--they are all rewarded year after year for this, they remain smug, gloating psychopathic mind screw operators who are screwed themselves and do the same upon anyone else they can--this trickle down effect (sorry I am not using all correct grammar I am fighting just to type this out with hacking blocks to the keyboard).

Just to add a small, seemingly irrelevant point to the diatribe about torture and the mechanical arms wreaking all damage to my body and home and life every single night while my brain is "shut down" with the microchip implant and technology teleporting me to terrorist haters and my body is comatose and feels nothing and can't "wake up" even while my body is being cut into and disfigured:
I sewed some terrycloth shower hats together to make a head protection while I sleep. I "forgot" to mention in the above that I also sewed on a chin strap which was stretched so badly by terrorists with their break-ins and mechanical arms that I had to then later on sew on snaps to bunch the lower part of the chin strap, which had initially been so tight there was no space for anything to get into the head protection "cap"--stretched so much by the terrorist I bunched up the strap about 1 inch and put one and then two snap buttons--the first one was open when I woke up and then it was falling off as the mechanical arms cut through the threads. They got through everything to destroy my hair and install these nodes onto my scalp, with the chemicals that are completely damaging my skull and hair and skin--every night. I had put two safety pins to clasp the edges of this durable silk material that I had sewed into the interior of this cap. That was then moved around and so I have added 3 more pins. That also is completely in different positions when I wake up, the cap is once more loose and my hair is damaged, falling out, bald spots, hard as straw, and I am teleported to disgusting people doing sick and disgusting things with rotten things forced upon me--last night it was really disgusting I won't go into details. I thought I would begin to write a section on how absurd and sick these skits are but I also fear that this will further encourage the psychos reading this to want to inflict such tortures upon others. The people attacking me continue only to be promoted after I write about them. 
The situation doesn't change. The only thing that is changing is that the power structure is enlarging because people can't wait to have victims to torture and also they want all these seemingly free and easy promotions and free hand-outs and the sense of belonging to elite entitlement and luxury life. They don't realize that they will be destroyed once the real nasty fascists have completely usurped all the power positions and destroyed all opposition. 

But to continue, I cannot defend myself unless I pour cement on the walls and pound in boards with nails over each and every crevice, crack, panel and board in this room. There are at least a few hundred angles, cracks and tiles where these tiniest of mechanical arms can penetrate and the terrorists conststructed these fake and permeable walls so cheaply and badly that I can't begin to secure them--the cheap plaster they used to create fake wall surfaces crumbles and no nails can stick or remain solid just from hammering them in. They literally fall out as plaster crumbles after the nails falling out. These are easy penetrable surfaces and places that these mechanical arms get through. Once I leave this room the terrorists pour into this room and make all the protections I have spent my money and time on, excluding buying food and necessities, just to try to preserve my body from futher permanent destruction as these celebrities feed off violence they feed off the rewards they are addicted to this endless decade of free lead roles and ideas they plunder out of me--they feed off the entitlement they gloat in smug delight more and more of them join on in along with politicians and famous media news reporters (who giggle and laugh as they pronounce all the scams and corrupt schemes that they are claiming they are "reporting" on but they are really just giggling through their every expose because they are part of the smug and gloating structure of criminals put into media reporting positions).

This is how hard I am fighting to defend not only myself but for my country which is fast becoming as awful as Columbia (see my next post on this subject). Just want to add other things I "forgot" to write while I was fighting to pound down and my brain was under attack so I could only remember these ideas once I got off the laptop:

the mafia personalities attacking me alongside these actors are themselves actors who play mafia roles for their mafia movies. As anyone knows, the long list of decades of such movies with the same actors playing lead roles, year after year, should be very telling in this context.
The United States Government supports the "fascist, Nazi, Mafia Columbian regime". You must listen to the news broadcast put out by Democracy Now that I posted today (above this post, posted today). The police and military have been given clear instructions to shoot-to-kill protestors. If you can imagine that the US Republican legislatures in many States have just passed laws or are trying to enact laws such that people in cars have all legal permission to mow protestors down with cars and if there is a fatality it will be considered "legal".

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...