Monday, December 28, 2020

The hackers and mind control exertion upon my body and brain make writing anything impossible for this blog (or on any forum my sentences are always rewritten with typos and words deleted).

 I remain stuck in this rut I never created or slipped into through weakness on my part: this group, the people profiting off attacking me, and there is never a deficit of those attackers profiting off attacking me--they create chaos, impossible-to-deal with situations and I write on these social forums (my blog, Facebook)_ and the situation simmers to a low torture boil for a short while, only to increase almost immediately and always the very next day another onslaught of attacks begins and never stops. I write on Facebook or here (my thoughts digress so often while I begin to write what I had intended to be only a short sentence and the tech effect on my brain forces a reaction of utter verbal expulsions that ramble into phrases that I never intended to write, which are then partially deleted and strung together by hackers. Later on, perhaps the next day or months later, a movie or a YouTube video is put on my YouTube "recommended" page, which I spend hours on for various reasons but mostly because the technology literally effects real nasty MIND CONTROL and I cannot control my actions--it is literally impossible in this situation and under these conditions because once I get on the laptop and turn on the WiFi I can't stop being controlled to a certain extent. With the realization that it is happening, and partially that is due to the endless chaos that is happening in the news so I am obliged to turn on the WiFi to see what catastrophe or calamity and political fiasco and coup and blasting and bombing has happened in the United States yesterday and today. So I remain glued to this system which I had intended to stop participating in, because this is how these people who have attacked me for years (this specific H-wood group and now beyond, the more I look into the political commentators the more of them join in this huge group which is like a blast ever-expanding in scope and numbers of participants).

I want to emphasize that the chaos that my posts appear to be is 100% and entirely due to hackers and this technology blasting into my brain and altering my thoughts, mood and performance ability and cognitive functioning so I can't write without digressing into other points. The hackers create the rest of the mess that appears to be completely inconsistent rambling but which WAS WRITTEN COHERENTLY IN A COHESIVE MANNER.

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