Monday, December 28, 2020

Realizations on how "mind control" technology is beyond control when I sit in front of this laptop and attempt to pound out a post or two (due to hackers making the keyboard stiff so it's nearly impossible to pound down after 15 minutes because my arm is literally sore from strain).

 *Just re-reading this post again and saw that part of the very first sentence had been partially deleted by hackers. I can only assume the rest is similarly destroyed but pasted together to make it appear as if I am not finishing thoughts. I also just want to state at first that the sensation of the "mind control" technology is akin to being drugged and losing all orientation while sitting still in one place. My vision is slightly in a kind of blinder "tunnel" vision, something I experience physically in fast-acting situations where my eyeballs are literally made to look downward when I am trying to confront a white supremacist (I instantaneously lose vision, I see a black fog for less than one second or one second and my body feels like it is floating--I can only assume that this group, which can force me to literally faint in an instant, is making me "faint" using these microchip implants in my brain or skull and other remote sources connected to the controls of this system, but I experience this so badly while I fight to type as hackers block the keyboard function and then later rewrite all that I write. This is so disconcerting and I have to try to not write any longer until a period of time (I also need to heal my right arm bicep as this is painful by now pounding down continuously to write. The over 10 years of non-stop attack without end from this terror group has made every day of another attack a reason for me to pound down the angst because it's too much to hold in any longer waiting for someone or anything to ever protect me. The waiting for any justice is now at a forever and nearly impossible stage so I write, just to alleviate stress because I am partially paralyzed due to the terror organization poisoning me so badly nearly to death all my life, then attacking me without end while blocking my capacity to earn any money online so I remain without health care and living in a torture situation they laugh about having created and enforcing for their continuation of million dollar investments for using these technologies for YEARS on me.

Thus, here is my first sentence which has already been altered by terrorist hackers. I had written that I "am writing this after having written earlier today" and you can read how hackers change this. The rest is probably very hard to understand and there are undoubtedly many phrases inserted to discredit me and etc. I am so SICK OF WRITING ABOUT THIS AND WAITING FOR ANY LAW AND JUSTICE TO STOP THIS GROUP OF PSYCHO PARASITES WHO ARE ATTACKING ME WHO YOU CALL YOUR A-LIST CELEBRITIES AND POLITICIANS RULING/RUINING THE COUNTRY.

I am writing this section long after I wrote what I will now copy and paste from my earlier Facebook post. The effect of the technology blasted into my brain from some source either nearby or perhaps there is a relay system embedded into my computer which operates on WiFi frequency or some other technicality which I am absolutely unable to find information on because it involves a level of electrical sophistication where I am just akin to a neophyte.

I am building up a muscular bulge on my right arm from pounding so hard on the keyboard and so, having already exercised this muscle for a few hours plus non-stop backspacing due to hackers deleting letters while I am pressing/pounding down so I must rewrite continuously: I leave it as what I wrote under drugging sickness, after waking up to drilling and pounding in the room below, and then the "mind control" technology kicked in and I began to rant and use expletives and hate phrases about the psychos attacking me who are famous and fond of destroying other people's lives if they can get away with it and profit off it. 

Welcome to the new "K-economy" and it's pitfalls of the wealthy preying upon the vulnerable. The celebrities you all love absolutely exemplify these qualities of elitist genocidal murder towards anyone they can rape, torture and murder with full exoneration because they are "celebrities" and wealthy. Welcome to the USA Today. I write about some of the rage and the effects of mind control below. 

What needs to be written of more is the inaction of the majority of people who are now realizing that they are actually not entitled to endless security and that their lives are now in a state of chaos, just as they watched happening to me all my life but never even informed me of what was surrounding me. Thus, I write this post as a warning and as a suggestion to not take for granted that what you read of my attacks and the hate and aggression and ugliness that is being continuously foisted upon me by your favorite celebrities is now a looming threat to your lives in one sense or another. I end here because my arm (my right bicep, because I am balancing the keyboard on my left leg so my right bicep must dominate in pounding down every single keystroke and it's now absolutely painful to do this any longer.


What I wrote today in a long, laboriously written (terrorist-induced) non-consensual drugged up with mind control slimed-state-- this post I wrote after more threat to my peace and security, which is a continuous threat to my life every single day with zero protection from any source after years of attempting to get even one single human being to protect me:


And the cycle of terror and "relief" comes for another day: I wake up and pounding and drilling, which has been in sequences going on for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for periods up to 2 months, recurring repeatedly for a length of a total of almost 8 months in the 2+ years I have lived in a tiny studio, with the studio beneath mine pounded into all these months--all day, literally 7 days a week. The distance between the door and patio is less than 6 paces. The width of the studio is about four paces. All studios beneath mine are the same size in this box structure.
The cycle of attacking me, then me writing about it as the silent organization temporarily stops the attack. I then am BOMBARDED WITH MIND CONTROL TECH as I type and thoughts and emotions come pouring out like from a sieve. The brain-mapping capabilities of this technology literally create an electronically-induced "truth serum" with emotional hyperbolic responses where other words and sentences are then inserted into subconscious eruptions of emotions while I type--the discrediting occurs through my seeming emotional excesses--which, after more than TEN YEARS WITHOUT A DAY'S PAUSE IS MORE THAN EXCESSIVE TOTURE in addition to daily dismemberment and all the other attacks that never stop. The effect is rage and hysteria which through drugging and the mind control tech blasting away at my brain as I have to ask online for the cycle for yet another day to be stopped so I can have at least some kind of healing space after multiple murder attempts, disability from poisoning and endless threats to my life which are a daily event.
The cycle has gone on for another day. I get into theorizing as the parasitic people attacking me to TORTURE ideas and concepts and healing tIps FOR FREE, ENDLESSLY FOR FREE and not just that but blocking my ability to publish, earn anything from my self-healing modalities and my experiences all blocked as these hate apes steal all possible while insulting and denigrating me and then physically assaulting me when I try to defend myself verbally after their endless physical and deadly assaults including the multifarious physical attacks. Right now the keyboard and my hands are not functioning as my brain is now being hindered in motor skills so I have to hesitate to "remember" where keys are.. I should be able to type at an excess of more than 75 wpm if not hindered endlessly like this (much faster actually by now).
Thus, it happened again. I got into explaining hoping that people might be actually concerned about the various tortures that are endlessly and daily and nightly aimed at me while people just keep reading my posts to see how they can use my terms and vocabulary per the contract out on me which is to steal concepts and realign them to the conforming narrative that is a highly structured variant of the general mind programming.
And so, I succumbed to the daily cycle of abuse and then "relief" which is just me endlessly being attacked and after years if it with even just my cat stolen from me, I have absolutely no relief from, no chance to obtain protection, no chance to reach out to any support group as none exist (all that claim that they are are either hacked and I am attacked by hacker agents or the groups are simply facades) and then, this cycle never ends.
I did it today. I had no intention of reacting but more drilling and hammering after months and months, which I tried not to react to, and plus my laptop had been broken, I had no recourse to communication online--and I could not afford to pay for even a few minutes at internet cafes my money was stolen repeatedly from my room.
I really want people to intervene and stop this sick group from inflicting their hate and hell at me ever again. That they can't stand to see me have my independence and live with a chance to compete and be happy and beautiful has been a source of near death attacks that never end.
I also want to state that when I begin to surf the internet, my brain and mind are so influenced by the mind control tech that the endless slew of movies and clips I find with the people --celebrities and politicians--who have teleported and raped and tortured me--I find myself "curious" to see how the next adaptation of a series that came out years ago, starring the people who ordered me to be hit by cars and they nearly murdered me after years of torture and they tried to kill me after I called them "apes" or "pigs"--online, after YEARS OF MURDER ATTEMPTS AND RAPE AND TORTURE and I sit in a daze watching them because my focus and my choices are so completely under a haze of smog from the mind control I do things that I am absolutely against and have sworn I would never do.
At this point the keyboard is so stiff I can't print out anyh longer. I spent so many hours pounding down on this keyboard my arms are sore from exertion just from the last two days and I can't type any longer it's literally too painful to get out anyh more
I am thus so blasted by this tech that I am writing as if I am being spun around and have no bearing, no direction and I look at peopole I would rather see disappear and not get more contracts---and yet I watch out of a curiosity that absolutely disappears after I get off the laptop, almost scolding myself not to do this and while I sit in front of this laptop I am absolutely bombarded by brain-altering mood altering technology and I can't truly "blame" myself but this is an effect of how badly the technology affects my reactions and choices. But, this is how they want to get more misery posts out of me, to fulfill their contracts of creating hate, negativity and misery (which is slow death and murder) and they get more contracts out of ordering hate, negativity and every day these psycho creeps order my home to be made more filthy, dirty and broken down while I spend my life cleaning up their filth inside and outside my body and I am always surrounded by people I consider to be disgusting and nasty and ugly. I see no exception from the people teleporting me except that they have been paid for much plastic surgery and are enthralled at having someone to suck the life out of after rape and then torture.
And yet, they remain being championed and I remain writing and sitting in a torture chamber and under so much attack that I "must" write and once I get on, the ideas flow the parasites suck out the ideas they continue the cycle they get more deals and awards I sit here writing endlessly for YEARS AN DYEARS ABOUT THEIR FILTH AND CRAP WHICH IS NEVER STOPPED. I remain with ZERO SUPPORT SYSTEM AND NO DEFENSE SO I MUST REMAIN WRITING ABOUT IT AND THE CYCLE NEVER ENDS.
Update for today: the hammering, drilling and pounding in the studio beneath mine has apparently stopped. If anyone is helpful in having stopped this, then a great thanks but I really have no idea how this situation is being monitored or the other nutty bolts involved in this screw situation.
I want to also add that after years of having written these posts and also having done a very small level of observation on how the group en toto responds--I do not write about happy and bright things that I feel or experience any longer. Any time I do, the terrorists are quick to destroy whatever good mood I exhibit in writing, or what I claim is a bright spot in my life is almost immediately destroyed or stolen and is gone within a day or two. Thus I write only about the problems. I am not in such a morbidly negative mood all the time. However, the technology affecting my moods and emotions along with a consistent stream of hate and ugly subliminals poured into my subconscious and the tech changing my brainwaves into a more "negative" mood, altered and I feel the difference almost the moment I get outside, out of this room. However I remain partially paralyzed and am not capable of leaving this room for days on end, and thus I remain in a dazed techno-drugged state of negativity with cyclical repeat negative phrases endlessly repeated like broken records almost dominating my brain. I try very hard to breathe deeply but even that is difficult as the hard poisons have latched, literally, onto my rib cage and my lungs have been blocked for YEARS due to this hard poison makign movement and even breathing painful if I attempt to do deep meditative breathing exercises.
However, I appreciate the few good things I have and am not endlessly sullen and enraged but I can't really demonstrate it online due to an increase in the destruction of all I enjoy and love if I exhibit any pleasure at anything.
The "behavior modification" rewards system entails being able to purchase things that I think of that I need at dollar stores and in 2nd hand clothing stores, which later on are stained, holes and threads are ripped out or the products are slowly chemically destroyed (all metal objects are rusted almost immediately) and clothing that is put out that I buy is shrunk to a tiny child's size so whatever they "reward" me with is immediately sprayed with stinking odors that never wash out (chemically treated with stinking permanent sprays from disgusting laboratories that this most professional entity orchestrating all these attacks have been handed out of research labs and organizations)
So, whatever.....I also wanted to add from my last point a very small detail, as while I am writing my brain is literally blanketed-out to the point that I can't remember details while I am writing about subjects, and indeed my brain wanders to other points while I am in the middle of sentences (as a discrediting technique but it's my brain being bombarded with technology to stifle or block brain activity and cognitive functioning with all their brain-mapping technological capabilities).

*At this point, upon re-reading that which I wrote this morning, it is now nighttime and dark outside it has taken me an entire day to relieve my arm from pounding down and then going into this post to try to correct hacker deletions. They deleted the first part of this paragraph and they strung it together with the paragraph above. If anyone read this post earlier today, I am trying to correct what is the inevitable mess this group makes of all I fight for, obtain, work very hard for, and create that is original (they steal all they can).

I was writing about a dress I converted into a sleep garment so my hands would be protected from the mechanical arms cutting into my body and under fingernails, which has been going on for years every SINGLE  NIGHT and by now my hands are extremely damaged and there are many other damages that continue with these mechanical arms and from people breaking into my room (probably for much longer than I have ever imagined and don't even want to consider or think about). Thus I continue with what is left of what hackers did not delete. You see, deary readersz: the information about the mechanical arms is probably something this group of criminal terrorists want undisclosed so they deleted what I had written. It contained information about their modus operandi.--This is where I leave what is remaining of what I had published as a cohesive paragraph earlier today (and now I'm not going to continue to spend another hour re-reading the rest of this post I know there are parts missing and I am tired of this so I'm not going to go through with more. If any of you could even care to put money into my DONATION box and then help me I could not have to spend a huge portion of my life attempting to write just to try to get anyone involved with protecting my human rights, which every person you all think of as your humanitarian celebrities--all of them consider me to have absolutely no human rights whatsoever and they have full access to every predatorial attack upon me they are allowed to commit (they all operate continuously on a life script and under orders)...and now the post I had written but which has been so badly hacked and partially deleted..." I sewed sleeves and then added parts of fabric to a dress so that there is no opening for the hands, all is sealed and the only way to access my hands is for me to take the dress completely off. This was done to salvage my hands from further permanent damage to my cuticles and fingertips which have been cut to the bone since 2013---SEVEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT there are huge insertions into my fingers to the bone, very small of course but on a daily basis. I only sewed one layer of thread and thought to myself that if I sewed another layer it might make the sleeve opening too tight (I didn't measure the sleeves that I cut and sewed onto the open arms of the dress--) and because this group literally monitors every single thought and uses every vulnerability to exploit, they cut and inserted their mechanical arm through this opening in the sleeve that they cut into to try to damage my hands once more. I of course use other layers of protection to protect my hands and I was prepared but this is the extent of attack that I live under every single day--(and much worse to the point of absolutely unnerving my nervous system and the attacks are far worse if these terrorists get access to damaging my body in very ugly ways. I have spent over 2 years fighting to just defend my body from absolute damage that this group inflicts if they have physical access to my body. The mechanical arms, however, can open my refrigerator, poison and drug my food, spray stinking odors that are permanent on my clothing and furniture AFTER I endlessly clean all they spray it at night so it's never clean. Etc etc.


Again, as I copy and paste this, I realize that in my first introductory paragraph above, I began to nearly feel a sensation of spinning, confusion, inability to stick to the topic and a blank attempt to gather my thoughts and express them. The tech aimed at me every time I try to fight the hacking to write is so bad and awful in terms of blocking my brain functioning that it's impossible, literally to get a cohesive train-of-thought out. I have always wanted to have some degree of ability to have a career in the written word. That my brain is under so much attack that I cannot even connect thoughts due to this tech is more of the endless torture. This organization to which most or all of you belong who are currently reading my blog and posts is of such a pernicious nature it's so unhuman and so dangerous to the security of the future of the planet itself. The lack of concern about anything or really anyone that so many of these attackers exhibit, and how things are now falling into the pattern of chaos that they are being programmed to exert upon me, is a testament to how miscalculated their machinations are turning out on a global level and how deadly their aims really are. They simply plan to create chaos and division and then after the slaughter take over what remains of the planet. They assume that nature is just going to bend to their collective (beehive) Will but however nature is a bit more intelligent of design than these unnatural parasites can even begin to imagine in all their hubris about their "power" with this technology they are so disconnected to reality.

Back to what I had written earlier today--as my arm is sore and it's just sickening to continue to write these posts I am so sick of this I so hope that the situation I write of will not be taken as a mental masturbation sport of those hacking in and that this is not a theater and it can affect your lives to the same degree that I am currently and have been expressing for years while you all seem to remain silent or laugh about it (or do nothing to stop it because you think it can't ever happen to you). Listen to the people fighting to survive now who are losing their homes who miserably claim the same phrase of they can't believe it's happening to them. BUT OF COURSE, THE PARasites and scumbags reading this are only concerned with what phrases and words and uses of vocabulary they can steal from my writing, as this is only intended for them to steal ideas due to the miserable violence this huge group of fakes in the "arts" use to suck out and drain concepts from me. They laugh about all of this. They are millionaires and billionaires living in mansions (some are facing a bit of stress lately though). They still assume it's a fun game and can never happen to them. However, not all of you reading this are of that psychopathic group and perhaps you may be concerned that perhaps what you allow to happen to me may happen to you or your children or to your PLANET.
But, the creeps hacking in and reading this never donate money to me although they keep stealing ideas and then being awarded top prizes in the awards ceremonies dominated by the Nazi/Mafia you all adore because they keep making movies about and for these people whether as anti-or pro, it's really all a constructed propaganda to brainwash you into only referring to them in your very mental constructs as your reality and leaders in all fields. Thus, they steal from me and I remain sitting here being tortured day after day so they can force a reaction so they can then use the mind control tech to steal more ideas out of the misery they create. They are all about sucking everything out of the planet through the massive misery they create and by now you may be able to understand an iota of what I have been silently screaming at top pitch in my posts on Facebook and in this blog all these friggin'years which no one has responded to in any way so far.
Still fighting to backspace and retype and pound down on keys it's so arduous to type it's almost impossible and so I just finally stop writing about the hacking. I really want to stop writing these posts about the misery these parasites inflict I so hope you reading this will finally engage in defending me and others who are being attacked by this disgusting sick group you have allowed to take power through these ill-gotten means in their organized chaos of hate, racism, sexism, violence and impoverishment of larger and larger masses of people now facing not poverty but DEATH and these parasites are going to reap up that which has been left from their devastation.
I just noticed, after getting up I see that the skin on my shins, on both legs, have been cut into so skin has been scraped as if I cut myself shaving. Due to illness, I have shaved my legs for three day and the cuts are fresh. I sleep with a huge terry-cloth cap with straps I made myself, with a soft fluffy sleep eye blinder thing (I don't know what it's called my brain is also blocked for memory and I am fighting too hard to struggle to type to do more waiting for the hacked system to reveal names of these items) and....I have covered my arms and torso, my feet are bandaged and covered and the covering is tied in twisted string around my ankles after rolling them up so it's not easy for the terrorists to unravel and break through--but my legs are exposed and so, these terrorists "must" cut into my body and now they are creating endless scars on my legs from slicing skin off my shins--which they also do every time I shave and now they are doing it days after the last time I shaved so---I must sleep completely covered from head-to-foot and then, after more than two years of struggling to stop entry into my room, now the mechanical arms are the main culprit with all their surveillance and technology endlessly attacking me. As I wrote, I have been too ill to spend more hours unpacking and cleaning stinking clothing (as all smells bad from these attack, all that I own has a nasty odor no matter if I have just cleaned it to perfection or not) and then, I must unwrap items I need to carry so many things I don't want absolutely destroyed if I leave them in the room, and it takes me a total of FOUR HOURS TO just unpack and clean and fight to get all arranged (I can't leave it out overnight due to the mechanical arms) I have to try to bury my items to try to block the mechanical arms from destroying all if I plan to conveniently have it placed on my clothing rack and open it will be destroyed so when I wake up I will have stinking and broken items I need and it's always that I must fight for HOURS to get out the door, which is blockaided with items stuffed into the cracks of the door to stop the entry of people absolutely violently attacking my body physically (not just the nasty attacks but they also put my hips and spine out of alignment every time they get in) and thus---that is the story for today. Is there any compassion out there although so many people MORE than when I first began to write and issue my warnings about allowing this technology to enable people who are deadly to be put into power--and now so many MORE people are suffering and dying what I am writing about almost pales in comparison. While I was one of a relative few (in general terms) people ignored me pleas for help because it wasn't their problem and now that they have multiple problems they can't get involved because they are lost and confused in a panic of destitution or they have enjoyed huge spikes in their portfolio enterprises and thus are more empowered by utilizing this system that I am writing about as they profit and get promoted endlessly These are the people being handed plastic surgeries who are now descrying all the problems that they really had and still have a huge investment in maintaining. As I fight to just not be permanently destroyed with physical scarring from the mechanical arms while I fight without any access to health care because these billionaires have blocked all my financial avenues of earnings so they can manipulate adn threaten me endlessly while being paid in huge sums in the millions for these activities as a protocol for a much larger exercise in devastation. Keep remaining doing nothing about this situation that I write of though, perhaps you won't be one of the casualties if you just keep silent and quiet about it even as you count all your new profits off participation in this system perhaps it won't last as long as you have been lead to believe.
No new emails have appeared in my Google account for the last two days. All are being blocked by hackers.
The hacking has increased in the last week to a most obstructive degree in all respects. All emails that should have arrived are being suppressed.
The terrorists are drilling, pounding and hammering in the studio below mine for the 8th month out of 2 1/2 years. It's a terrorist attack of "sound" manipulation of senses.
Otherwise, terrorists ripped a hole in the garment I hand-sewed to try to insert a mechanical arm down the sleeve and rip into my cuticles and fingers once more. The hold is less than a half-inch circumference wide, and that is how large the mechanical arms are which get through many layers of defenses I put on every single panel on the floor, on all sides into all cupboards lining the walls from floor to ceiling, and the ceiling also has huge gaping holes with light fixtures that allow for anyone on the floor above mine to insert anything like a camera or mechanical arms. I have taped and hammered nails into all and what I really have to do to more securely protect myself would mean more permanent damage (although all the furniture has been damaged by this group, and I am financially responsible for it all) board up cabinets and cement into the tiles and etc would mean I could face immediate eviction by this landlord who operates for the terror organization.
I still don't know if he has renewed my lease as I am in too much pain and sickness to have to unpack all my purses and backpacks I use to carry the items I can't have destroyed (which they destroy at night with the mechanical arms, I have to hide them under layers of objects which mechanical arms can't get through, without leaving visible evidence--and that is the ONLY protection I have is that their protocols at this time will not allow for visible evidence but ripping holes could be perceived as a "normal" occurrence
I would have to spend two hours just to clean the items I want to wear (by spraying cleaning fluids on the clothing) as all clothing is sprayed with at least a thin layer of stinking fluids while it's hanging outside of my closet on a rack--I have no space to move in this roomb ecause I have to take all objects out of all cabinets except for two clothing cabinets which are laced with fungus and I must seal them to try to prevent the mechanical arms from entering but they still do and then remove all evidence of breakthrough--
and so...that is how I must be forced to try to live in this space, which has some benefits and is not as bad as some of the options other victims of this organization have faced and are now having to deal with.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...