Saturday, December 19, 2020

SEVEN YEARS OF MARTIAL LAW: A Thai model that Americans strive to emulate. I reference a certain faction of Americans who want to eliminate Constitutional Law and enact fascism. It would seem to only imply the "Right" wing neo's, but it encompasses Progressives and ultra-Right wing fascists). When it comes to women "like me" there is very little difference between ultra "liberals" and white supremacists in their agenda to silence and rape and torture (murder) and silence after stealing ideas as their own and taking credit while torturing me slowly to death and laughing about it (privately).

The hoped-for future of American politics for the group terrorizing me. What "they" are doing to me with this covert technology and their terrorist "stalking" groups is akin to what is openly happening in Thai culture and politics. The amount of terrorists attacking me in Thailand is no less or more than the numbers of vast terrorists operating within this global framework of terrorism in the United States (perhaps it is the US "black op" sectors of the Government and cooperation with private sectors of the technocratic multi-billion dollar conglomerate "research" and R&D companies/incorporations and global entities funding these technologies. Alas that I am unable to find even simply information online due to internet blocks by hackers within this terrorist operation, much less relevant information on mind control technologies dispersed to absolute low-educated Nazi mediocrity which attack me in swaths of hundreds of people all employing these technologies. In America and in Thailand the system of terror and torture remains as a seamless operation. However, the front of "Democracy" must stand for now, but I submit to you hackers seeing what you can STEAL from me so your white male patriarchy can continue to operate with the black spokespeople operating as your agents (who LOVE YOU AND LUV YOU SO MUCH YOU WHITE PLANTATION MASTERS).


"Thailand's Future Forward party dissolved". (YouTube title).

"Thai Man Is Sentenced To 35 Years In Prison For Facebook Post That Insulted The Monarchy | TIME". (YouTube title).


*Time article:

"I'm Facing Life in Prison for Violence Against the Thai Queen. I'm Innocent"


Business Insider (Australia) article:

"A 16-year-old boy in Thailand is being criminally charged under an infamous law against making fun of the king and could face up to 15 years in prison."


Below contains my personal commentary (while I am always drugged up, under attack as my fingernails are falling off from YEARS of sharp knives slicing under my cuticles and digging up flesh every single day--day after day after day in the same spots but all around my fingers with huge welts of dug into flesh nearly bloody--fingernails falling off--and that is only my finger tips my entire body plus RAPE WITHOUT END has been forced upon me by the highest office-holding personality in the United States, using these covert technologies. The "liberal" predecessor holding that very same office rank, has held sway over this rape and torture white supremacist contract for his family and himself to continue to have high ratings amongst the white racist "liberal" factions so the endless revolving door of their campaigns and attempts to retain power for decades is only bet by the endless rotation of their fellow politicians who have held onto things like Senate seats for decades, always held in power by the adjoining media celebrities who have exactly the same ultra-right wing agenda that the media is labelling "nut case" but in fact is just the exact mentality that is in the 3rd tier of enactment not just a new emerging fascist movement.

However, back to the point of Thailand, which is only the goal that Americans in power want to emulate and are fighting to create such a system, but even more murderous and deadly because "the People" must be traumatized with their very lives at stake for this new agenda to take root. That reason alone is one of the main principles of how Nazis have taken over the planet and have retained power through "liberal" fronts of "minorities" holding office. This is a theme I could go on for a while if only I were not blasted with brain-altering technology and hacking I could actually produce something other than a few short posts, which are then stolen from by insidious "Progressive" and "liberal" fascists posing as humanitarian care-takers of society in their blathering media exposes! Ha. What they are all really operating towards, from the "left" and the "right" alike, is what is now the current absolute block of "Democracy" but I can't write any more because I have breached Thai law probably in one sense or another, as no reason suffices to incriminate someone for offending the fascist controllers of society. That is the goal these "nut case" throngs on America are now create The Big Lie to enforce an absolutely strict silencing of all opposition, even from within their own ranks and if they could only have their way, it would be a firing squad for people except for their few jocular fake opposition pundits who are "allowed" to make any public commentary whatsoever; and when "they" are allowed, it always has to come from a white male or his minority minion subordinate, making endless "jokes" about the situation so the laughter absolutely dissuades people from taking direct action spurred by anger and rage (against the Machine) but for real.


The rest of this, besides more of my opinions for which I experience more slicing and cutting into my body *(which continues despite any silence or writing but it increases slightly when I write any form of criticism whatsoever, which is then STOLEN MOSTLY BY WHITE MALE BIGOTS POSTURING AS "LIBERALS" and you can bet the absolutely approve of me being teleported and raped they are as sexist and racist as the white supremacists from which they originate. Their only lectures are about obtaining power and in endlessly focusing on the Right, which is a brainwashing tool to keep people focused on their real promoters while feigning that they are "fighting" against these "Republicans". I keep hearing vague references to things I have just recently written in their most recent videos, but rewritten to align with their false premises that they are "fighting" the opposition). Please be careful America that the Progressives, some of them, are truly more in alignment with the alt-Right than you could ever believe, and this "gridlock" for the Stimulus fiasco is a veiled proof that they are really working for one goal and that any real opposition is dead in Congress.  Or dying, or some politicians truly care but are silenced, or threatened, or being drugged and poisoned with mind control drugs and technology because my government has truly latched onto these technologies and forms of subconscious and subliminal coercion and death threat absolutely like psychopathic drug addicts committing crimes for more power and money highs.


Pannika Wanich
As I am under endless scrutiny for everything I write and THINK to myself, with this "Progressive" technology aimed into my brain and the hackers combined with the Eye of Sauron beaming HIS red eye upon my every movement and thought: perusing a bit of Thai politics there is a very wonderful format below which omits blathering political PC rhetoric (how wonderful it would be if that could only be the standard for US political candidates when they prance around with verbal scripts and stuntman posturing about their mostly open-air-head promises and campaign pledges:
Here is the one woman in the list of male candidates in Thai politics. The last female to have held high office was ousted in a most peremptory fashion by the male-dominated league of "guardians" of the poor Thai people who long for justice and political monarchistic patriarchy to rule them.
Because the male candidate who was a media mogul, but young, from the Future Forward Party--used some of his personal millions of dollars (equaling billions of Baht) to help finance or give a loan to his party--supposedly prior to his announcement that he was running for office, as any candidate in Thai law who donates his money or to his political campaign is abrogating the Thai Constitutional Law and thus--the ENTIRE PARTY WAS BANNED FOR 10 YEARS. This was the main opposition to the military coup that was established (which kicked out Yinglung, the "Red Shirt" female leader who appeared quite weak and incapable-- back in 2014) .
I post this here because oh, how in America the forces of white male patriarchy (which really rule Thai politics in the form of the silent investors--a personal opinion, and that includes that which back the main investor group, the Chinese, the Communist Chinese are the largest investment demographic in Thailand but behind THEM are the white supremacist Europeans and other white male lead backers and funders, hiding behind their portfolios and lacking the legal and financial access and also hiding behind the Chinese to conceal their real operative goals).
Oh, how American white male "Progressives", "liberals" and fascist "Conservatives" representing the aspirations of white males and their white female counterparts (who will take 2nd place as long as people "like me" get tortured, robbed of all intellectual property that has never been "allowed" to flourish as they steal ideas from me continuously and I have to see them repeated to me on my YouTube information channels all the time--) and yet, I see this huge continuum here in Thai politics which are not half a planet away it's only a click or a phone call or a text away nowadays.
How Americans of the fake "left" and the ultra (trying to get there to that point of absolute fascist tyranny in America) they would love to have any opposing political party completely BANNED from all political office or gathering for a 10 year moratorium only because the government claimed that a leader breached the constitution but the opposition demonstrated with evidence that he had not. The Thai High Court simply omitted the evidence, claimed that the proof that the former head of the Future Forward Party held was not applicable and continued with their claims that he had committed campaign fraud and completely blocks the entire party for a decade from all participation.
As you can see below, the very brief interview lists the "Radical Liberal" platform that the ultra white supremacist white male party of America is deriding currently.
As I have written for so many years now, what happens in a place dominated and infiltrated and colonized like Thailand is exactly what the Nazi and (fascist, Totalitarian) Communist Parties want to enact in the United States government. With all the very willing sell-out candidates and actors endlessly vying for political office in America, there is no shortage of potential future backward candidates to fill the roles and aspirations of a completely draconian anti-Democratic regime in The United States. You need only study for a bit how the multiple coups that have occurred in Thai politics over the last few decades coincides with the endless onslaught of investment from foreign sources (concealed as "Chinese investors" but I can assure people reading my posts that I seen very few Chinese actually enjoying the sprawling newly built ecostructure devastation mansions that have eaten up the pristine nature and spawned a huge Nazi subculture which has gone underground in Thailand because there was too much attention being paid to how Thai people were being indoctrinated into "Nazi fashion" as the Thais call it. Look it up, there is plenty evidence but the news stories have dwindled in past years as I wrote due to the huge investment boom in Thailand and that is absolutely parallel with the political landscape of quelling and silencing all dissent with prison sentences for even silently convening to protest. Martial Law penalties still remain in place after more than 7 years after the coup which ousted the rogue female leader Yingluck.
How Americans would love to copy a situation like this in America and they are currently fighting to establish such a system. I remain being attacked for every post I write and the bigot white males who form the "Progressive" YouTube infotainment channels (many of whom are interconnected and have attacked me, they have operated together and they have teleported me and repeated my sentences albeit only using something akin to a "soundbyte" so it could not be used as some sort of theft claim if I ever had the chance to do so).
Also, I was not aware that prostitution is illegal here in Thailand. Need I describe how sex tourism has created a large part of the very lucrative Thai tourist sector and supports much of the Thai economy? My years of living in Phuket, a huge tourist destination (9 million people arrive annually on this tiny island per year for tourism--this is a tiny island and that many people pouring into this small island is amazing) and ZERO PROTECTIONS for prostitutes. There are no support systems that are open and available. There are ZERO domestic violence shelters for women there are NO non-profit organizations to defend or help prostitutes.
I end here because although the hacking is not as bad as usual it';s still making typing nearly a huge exercise in pounding down on keys and backspacing to correct hacker inserts.
If only "they" had their way in America to fully establish such a system as exists here in "Paradise" Phuket (and Thailand).

Pannika Wanich was an MP and Spokeswoman for the Future Forward Party. She, along with the party’s executive committee, was banned from politics for 10 years on a contentious decision by the Constitutional Court.
Do you support gay marriage?
Do you support abortion rights for women?
Is climate change real and should we spend money to fight it?
Yes it is and yes we should.
Should we increase the minimum wage?
Should marijuana be legal?
Should prostitution be legal?
Should we get rid of the military draft?


*I have to state that my writing is hyperbole as I am drugged by mechanical arms that break through the panels of this room to slice into my body and put poison and drugs on my body or in my food. The mechanical arms only require a space of something like a circular eight of an inch to breach the panels, which are cut into with laser tools after I have sealed them off and hooked all sides and middle parts from the panels to the sides of the cupboards, the laser tools, I believe, simply cut around these hooks. The layers of paper and other objects I have glued for 2 years into these panels are simply loosened by expert solvents and then re-glued with some form of adhesive that is more firm than the epoxy I use, so much so that it operates more like a varnish and is almost black and clear, not whitish and gooey as the glues I use.

Otherwise, I am writing in exaggerated tones, cannot really be calm and academic or use the most politically-correct persuasion. I realize how this tone can be a turn-off, and that is the point of the mind control. I also must fight hackers while I am fighting to think as parts of my brain are always stifled by these technologies. I "remember" words that are far more elaborate after I turn off the computer. The ideas come surfacing into my consciousness as I realize that the way I want to express is being clouded by experts inserting hissing hate sentences into my subconscious using these subliminal voice-to-skull technologies.

how I wish my government would stop allowing the current and former president(s) to exploit me for their future political campaign promotions (as apparently they are under the control of some pernicious group which allows which perpetrator to run for office and who gets assassinated who poses a threat).

Welcome to Thailand 666.66: American presidential races for the next how many decades! The children are also running for office, and so they just latch on to targeting and torturing me to obtain more and more promotions by this most evil group (I believe they are foreign entities i.e. Nazis out of Europe) who are controlling these American sell-out politicians and entertainers, as I have SEEN then when teleported and been attacked by them. SOME OF THE AMERICANS IN QUESTION ARE ALSO MARRIED OR RELATED TO THESE FOREIGN FASCIST NAZI CONTROLLERS.

By now, my head and brain and mind have the obstructed sensation of feeling heavy, feeling slightly crushed inward and dizzy" from the brainwave altering technology blasting my brain and blocking higher cognitive functioning. The keyboard: as I press keys other letters appear instead of what I have pressed. The keys are extremely stiff so I must exert all hand and arm effort to pound down on keys. I feel so sick and dizzy from the brain attack by these terrorists with their odious technologies--funded by president after president--I now have a huge group of former and current leaders--who want to run for office, their wives and children want to run for office--and so, trying to write and appear capable of erudition is impossible my brain is attacked so a highly emotional response to YEARS o ftorture from one of these hateful leaders to the next and these A-list celebrities--literally for over a DECADE one after the next takes turns literally without a day of this hell ever ending for me--

the prison sentences of the Thai protestors--one of whom made no public statement and did not even hold up the 3-finger salute when the Thai Queen's arcade passed by as he was pushed to the forefront of a crowd of protestors: he faces 35 years in prison for simply having been at the front of a crowd of protestors he didn't even write a single thing on social media. (See article above, read the whole article). I have not even protested these odious leaders. I wrote posts disliking them years ago, assuming that (correctly) they fully endorsed the terrorist operations and for this--THEY HAVE PARTICIPATED IN TORTURING ME PERSONALLY and year-after-year they go on. Now a wife is running in 2024, they gots ta keep attacking me so the Nazi group they belong to will continue to fund their campaigns and keep them in the higher ranks of the global Nazi "elite" structure that retains political and media power. They have to keep torturing me to obtain original ideas BECASUE ALL OF THEM OPERATE DAILY ON SCRIPTS AND CAN'T STRAY FROM THE STANDARD NARRATIVE.


Correction to the above post: after stumbling like a drunkard away from this malevolent computer system beaming or affecting some kind of brain obstruction while obstructing the keyboard (continuously). I recalled that I had struggled to "remember" the term for a figurehead parading in the streets. The term I could only partially access in my blocked brain memory retrieval section was the word, "arcade" when, upon getting up, doing some washing of clothing that has been sprayed with substances that smell like a combination of rotting meat and fungus (every SINGLE DAY THIS HAS GONE ON FOR OVER EIGHT YEARS WITHOUT END, DAILY). As I immersed my hands in water some kind of clearance to my energy field enabled me to remember the term "MORORCADE" which had hitherto been absolutely blocked. My ability to spell also is almost obsolete for words that have a few more than one syllable. One comment that a prominent figure wrote and hacked into my system was that I use too many elaborate words and that I really need a dictionary because I am using words wrong. This person has stolen ideas from me which have become almost household phrases in the past 4 years. Odd at that but not for me. As for you reading this, you continue to support THEM by remaining silent and that is because 99.9% of you reading this fully support this system and participate in it. If you disagree your silence is COMPLICITY at this point the threat to any sort of egalitarian system on any continent is at peril. The Europ countries will remain "Socialist" but they retain colonialist aspirations which have become ensconced in places like Thailand, which are a refuge for vicious and violent Nazis out of Europ-a-land, which is my deflective term for the very coloniaistic Nazi EU, which I use because when something is so anathema to me as these bigot Nazi fascist murdering psychopaths out of that land mass have proven to me in years of living outside of the United States; amongst them without the umbrella of fellow Americans who also participate in this attack upon me, and thus I have a very hard time willingly calling it or any person associated with this travesty of justice any real name as they are unreal in every sense. They are so regugnant in every action and psychological pretense and their underlying reality is so perverted and psychopathic and violent and genocidal and using extremely disgusting methods of murder and assassination--and any real designation of seriousness attached to them is a sick joke upon those who actually have real credibility.

My writing is still tainted by the mind control affecting my brain. There is also a "truth serum" sort of effect and I pour out ideas which I know should be filtered or at least written without name-calling and other "immature" verbosity. However, I am not able to access parts of my brain I know that my brain is being stifled due to the brain-mapping capabilities of these "mind control" technologies.

I wonder if ANY of you out there could ever associate what is happening to me with what IS happening to you unbeknownst to you, as I suspect that a form of HUBRIS permeates the entire global gamut of this organization which most of you happily belong to, are members of, take oaths to, and follow and obey without question and act like (and now I won't get into the animalistic expletives that I really surrender to because the behavior is unhuman when there are no lights, cameras or action except for the "DArk web" sinister snuff film enthusiasts who cheer on torture, rape and endless violence of the most stupid forms towards me by these Europ-a-controlled animals who you all love as your celebrities turned into politicians and politicians who strive to become as entertaining as possible to "sell" their bs posturing for another cycle in political office.

These political/entertainment strategies I just tried to write above with difficulty in stifling hate speech or references to animals or cursing (as the brain-altering tech is responsible I really am not making an excuse). This is the Americanized carefully implemented version of a fascist takeover, using comedy, entertainment and oh, ho ho, a host of technological mind-bending and drugging instruments that are as stealth as the threat to your HEALTH at this moment. Don't forget that a heaping dose of trauma-based mind control is currently in operative functioning and also, that your dire life-threatening financial collapse which the Stimulus talks can never alleviate, is another form of teetering opinion towards more fanatical response towards more violent political parties. The "Big Lie" as Hitler termed it is also very heavily in operation at this time. (Look it up, it was written of in Mein Kampf, "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it" as a political strategy of recruitment and mass mind control/brainwashing/indoctrination/persuasion/group enlistment).

The American version is a heavy-handed death comedy spoken by laughing fake news pundits spewing out Democracy continuously and descrying fascism while all these years they have been promoted because they looked the other way, they obeyed, they got promoted the greed and brainwashing have created an army of media  proselytizers. (Hail $$ and power). So many of them have attacked me from the "liberal" sources and I keep hearing my words echoed but regurgitated in news stories (meaning my exact vocabulary which I use as alternatives to the usual flaptrap stuff.) Because they use such a small quotient of my words if I were to try to point to the exact theft of my ideas, which are always reworded, the commonplace aspect of the rewording would account for no evidence of plagiarism and thus I remain somewhat "discredited" as these are experts at mental manipulation and theft and crime. 

I sound so ranting but I am so drugged and this has been years and years of torture, people entering my room and raping me, thousands of thousands of people attacking me in streets, nearly killing me, car accidents, my body stinking in every orifice of stinking substances my body with evidence upon waking of rape--my body disfigured every single day--absolutely ostracized by all of every society everywhere I go and people who may not agree with this system keeping a nice safe distance from me.

Therefore, I still submit to you people who I may be able to persuade against participating in this system any longer a brief picture, albeit written under drugging, duress and torture and hacking, of the future of AMERICA as prescribed by the fascist Nazis that are never mentioned in the US media as having any influence in US politics. The system that the last few presidents have PARTICIPATED in and colluded with is a completely fascist Totalitarian society with a police Martial Law State and you can now obviously see that these terrorist groups operating within America are fighting using the Big Lie and other template fascist Nazi protocols in order to try to create such a system, but they will require many more people to die in order to achieve this because Americans have believed that they are entitled to a Free society and this must slowly be eroded (lots of comedy skits will allay any reaction from "liberals" who remain intellectualizing and not understanding that their opponents have arms and weapons of mass murder capabilities that they are just itching to use at this point.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...