Sunday, December 20, 2020

A few hours after having written my last post. The disgusting attacks I must face every single moment of every day in this torture/surveillance studio which I am "supposed to be grateful for" because if otherwise not poisoned into 10 years of paralysis, I may have had my own home and a career otherwise without the obstruction of this terrorist network currently and all my life attacking me.

 I can never just acclimate to the daily surge of hate directed at me. The attacks are repetitive and yet, it's always a fresh assault as what this group does is heinously sick, disgusting and unnatural so much so that only a "demonically possessed" filth thing could ever consider or conceive of these actions. And yet this group encompasses the globe and it's nearly impossible to find any single person who won't willingly and happily perform these disgusting acts of sabotage and hate. The attacks are always subhuman examples of sickness and spiritual and mental deterioration and something akin to always being confronted with a cesspool of sleazy sickness. These are the leaders that the world has chosen as their representatives, at this point in history. Even if there is a change.....perhaps the newest shift could mean something more significant for my situation but it's very dubious and I did receive a veiled hint from a movie producer/director/writer that "nothing is going to change". He of course also puts out conspiracy theory movies which are famous in the catalogues of the movie databases. This particular personality has been derided by William Cooper as being an Illuminati agent who has been misleading the public by his movies and actually promoting more violence from within society. Thus, it would behoove him for NO CHANGE on this point and he would gladly welcome that this situation continue indefinitely towards me and anyone else his group targets. If the conspiracy theory I just briefly mentioned by Cooper is correct. Otherwise, he included many videos and written statements that were repeated that "nothing is going to change with the new administration" (or any administration). That is a phrase that Cooper himself pressed into his lectures on Hour of the Time. However, he was pushing for a heightened awareness so these types of situations (mind control, MK ULTRA, genocidal death plots aimed at the public to enhance a future Martial Law Police state, a "One World Totalitarian Socialist New World Order".) While Cooper delineated the tactics used to assist in bringing about this global order, the other H-wood icon has slipped into a propagandist perspective that there is no hope and nothing can be done about it (so why bother resisting, right? It would certainly help him to continue to profit in millions for putting out the same conspiracy theories year after year claiming that the Government is horrid but it's all bad and there are no solutions offered, ever).


I am under so much attack in this studio, and that is what I was going to write at the onset of this post, but the brain-altering tech has made me, yes literally forced me, to meander as my train-of-thought just got lost into the recesses of ideas that have been bothering me, associated with the next and the next facet of how awful this situation is because NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING TO DEFEND ME OR STOP THIS OR STOP THEM OR SHIELD ME OR BLOCK THEM OR SUPPORT ME. Of course, I remain attacked by mechanical arms from every angle of this tiny studio. I had to unlock my kitchen sink cabinets which are tied with hooks at 8 juncture points. Tied with strings, rubber matting inserted into the huge gaps which the terrorist organization uses to push the mechanical (tiny) arms through--however it's done. They insert the arms through the cabinet and then through the sealed doors and into my room, covering the entire room to slice into my feet, hands and whatever they can and are ordered to spray with stinking rancid substances (the clothing I wear every day stinks upon waking after cleaning it the night before, for example, that is a daily attack I wake up to). I had to unlock the cabinet doors underneath the kitchen sink. The pipes of every kitchen sink area have been pierced so every single set of pipes is always lacking the rubber seals that protect against leaking. If I can, I open the pipes and the seals are always either removed after I insert them, or they are cracked and leaking. I have to resort to taping aluminum foil and cloth tape around the pipes, which are then pierced when I leave the room and stinking fungus/water is flooding the bottom of the cabinets--every time I want to use anything that I store under the sink I must take at least 15 minutes to open the doors, the hooks which are used to seal the doors is made mushy and soft so the hooks are not usable and no matter what angle I rehook them into the panels of the doors the terrorists go in and pour whatever they use to soften the wood. 

I had to polish the one pair of boots I have (the one and only pair of shoes I have.) The years of this going on and on have proven that if I leave a single pair of shoes unattended the terrorists rip the soles out of the shoes and glue them back on, so after about 30 minutes after I put the shoes on, the glue wears off and the soles fall off. They also spray horrid fungus so there is white fungus growth on my shoes and so, I always have only one pair of shoes at all times. I have had to seal and lock off all the cabinets in this room except for stinking fungus sprayed closets of clothing, and I have removed almost everything that I could have stored easily in the other completely taped and plastered-off cabinets which line the entire areas of one wall from floor to ceiling--all are entry points for mechanical arms.

But that is not all! Outside I have covered the ceiling and floor too with layers of silicone, paper and etc. Pieces are ripped and hanging off. I made a lattice for vines to grow covering the entire surface of the patio open area and the terrorists have killed vines that are growing on the ceiling area which I covered with Christmas tinsel to make designs, which the vines latched onto. All are dead and hanging off, and etc etc it's a complete mess adn they pick off more than 60% of the flowers that should proliferate on the vines and it's always almost empty and only one vine produces flowers. I see flowers picked off and laying on the ground. Just now, after having to thoroughly clean the fungus water poured into the kitchen sink cabinets under the sink, which I have to seal off--as I went to wash my feet in the bathroom for less than one minute because I went on the patio for one second to get something and my feet were filthy--the terrorists pour filth and grime and dirt and leaves on the floor of the patio every single day so it's always a mess. Dead vines are hanging off the ceiling where it should be vines, flowers and absolute beauty but it's mostly shabby, plant after plant gets killed. All animals and flowers have been killed outside my window where it used to be covered with flowers and birds--all are gone, all SHOT AND KILLED OFF the fear of all animals has left this area of the hillside like a dead zone. 

I put the boots which terrorists had slashed part of the soles off the leather and after having glued them back, precariously, together so there isn't a huge gap--I polished the boots after getting the shoe polish from under the sink--the entire time it took to open these doors, get the shoe polish and then clean the entire cabinet and soak and burn incense to remove the awful smell, and then to air dry the area afterwards and then re-seal it took me ONE HOUR. Every attempt to open any cabinet requires some kind of endless cleaning of fungus, filth and then climbing on a ladder to remove the ropes from the hooks near the top of the ceiling, all the way down to the floor only to have wafts of stinking fungus come out of the closets and clothing I have sewed and made BY HAND are sprayed and stinking like rancid piles of mold and fungus due to what these terrorists do to my clothing. The wealthy billionaires who are ordering this done are claiming that I have no fashion sense and only they do. I make beautiful clothing which I am scared to wear because every single thing I own they rip and make  holes in and spray with stains so the beautiful things I wear, which they destroy are immediately ruined. Meanwhile, the boots I polished and oiled were slashed deeply because I left them to dry on the ledge of the patio entrance and went into the bathroom without locking the patio door and taking the boots inside--there are deep gauges in the boots that polishing them will not remove--very deeply slashed with knives used on the edges of these mechanical arms that I have tried to block, but all my attempts have been ripped off by terrorists when I leave this studio just to be attacked endlessly while driving and shopping by thousands or hundreds of people per trip (thousands per month, hundreds per day).

And that is an example of a daily cleaning and fighting to remove toxins, poisons, from my clothing, furniture, blankets, pillows which are always sprayed every single day with stinking foul substances that do not really wash off after bleaching and all attempts do not get this stink out completely. 

This is all being done because 10 years ago I realized I was BEING MURDERED by people who were teleporting me. I began to fight against it and the attacks have gone into these ( and many, many more) of attacks that are just the physical material attacks, not even beginning to describe, as I have been doing all these years with it never ending and more and more people benefitting from attacking me using the same system)

and, I ask once more for this new shift in US leadership to actually NOT  be fake and awful and sick psychopaths using this system and to stop these foul and nasty criminals who have lead the country now nearly into ruin. All of them claim that their policies have literally swept the country into prosperity and financial stability. They are all fighting for The American Dream too. 

I ask that someone finally not allow them to continue to terrorize me like this or in any way, for anyone ever again. I realize that some people have informed me that I am "supposed" to be tortured like this until they murder me, when they are "finished". I ask for justice that this is stopped for the unknownth time for the last 8 years I have realized that people are reading and stealing my ideas so they can "sell" off Democracy and Freedom for the media. 

That this disgusting criminal scum filth attack upon me is STOPPED and not used as a vehicle for promotion any longer and that these groups are actually STOPPED because now people can see that these psychopaths are not just going after targets "like me" who these foul parasites call all kinds of names as if the blocks to my success (and health care, and all finances, and all freedoms, and even to have my cat to even live in peace) and that this somehow is due to my incapacity and lack of capability (there are very nasty terms they use but I am not going to repeat them because I can't even write these terms about myself even if it's supposed to be copying what THEY say and what I feel that they are--if not on a financial level but certainly on a personal level as human beings they are defunct in all that defines a superior personality.

This is the kind of sick filth that I must fight against every day. The physical attacks have created an endless shock to my immune and nervous system while these hateful millionaire/billionaire parasites have tortured me on a 24/7 schedule complete with heart palpitations that have gone on day and night for years--tears streaming from my eyes for hours going on every single day for almost two years or longer--nightly teleportation skits to trauma, torture, rape and violence and hate imposed upon me by psycho creeps who are being handed full access to higher promotions for this kind of sickness. Endless sickness from poisoning which has left me partially paralyzed while these creeps block my ability to pay for medicine and health care and food and housing that isn't a filthy hate trap of torture and rape where I must fight with scant resources to defend myself against being mutilated and raped. One of these violent people has had fungus poured into my ears, vagina, hair and into my food every day for years--he has been increasing the mutilations until my feet are slashed to the bone every day because he needs to force a baby out of me so he and his family can continue to exploit every single thing out of me--laughing about violence and torture to my face and now demanding a baby out of me so he can continue to suck every single thing out of me possible while destroying everything I am and have and have worked for all my life.  He has passed the ideas and concepts I have written of to his buddies and mafia friends in the media to use as their concepts and has laughed while they torture, rape and disfigure me. 

The leader before him allowed his other partners in the media to do the same sorts of things but sometimes even worse than what this current leader has allowed. To put it frankly, if you think Trump is bad and awful you should see the A-list psychopaths out of H-wood who are REALLY fascist Nazis disguised as every kind of liberal humanitarian. Trump was my choice out of all of them because he had some semblance of a spirit and soul, believe it or not, compared with the actors he was like a kindly person (that kindness was exhibited two times for less than 5 minutes each time). That is how bad this situation is, how sick these people are towards me and what they REALLY are when you take the plastic surgery and fake posturing smiles off their nasty rotten faces.

I NEED SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY DEFEND DEMOCRACY AND CARE TO PROTECT ME after years of writing about this. The last two administrations are absolute criminals and have been profiting off passing me off to the really violent psychopaths in H-wood and indeed participating themselves, and now they keep on because they want to re-run and re-run for office and get more book tours and more deals and exonerations and the list never ends of their exploitations of me. I do understand that the bigot Nazi scum who instruct them on how badly to torture me have defined me as an expendable torture victim TO BE TORTURED SLOWLY FOR YEARS TO SLOW DEATH.

I ask again for anyone out of the Biden administration to stop this crime to protect me and make it so I am living in security in a very beautiful happy home and place, where these psychopaths have no more access to the torture equipment or the group administration to enact these covert assassination policies. I am now stumbling to fight to type this out as the keyboard is being very badly blocked and I must pound down as well as the keys are too stiff to type without using all force to get an ything out. So I'm ending the 8th year of asking on some internet media source to unknown, unresponsive members of this terror organization that if you actually care about your society you will stop this form of terror and violence aimed at me, by your peers, because they can or will come after you too and in some ways they already have done so and have been doing so for years and perhaps all your lives too. Stop living in denial that you too can be victimized by these very people you consider to be leaders, with this technology. The collateral aspects of the attacks also could be as dangerous for you as they are for me. Do  not doubt this but goddamn it's years of writing about torture to the endless blank complicity of this planet. No police, no group, no lawyer, no support system will acknowledge me, they participate they mock and insult me and attack me and threaten me. The length of this group is global but I urge you people to reconsider that they can victimize you very easily and probably are using great mind programming to keep you complicit to their designs which may not actually be beneficial to you in the long run. 

Trying to convince sheeple to do something about terror that you all witness but won't do anything about unless you personally are threatened. I wonder if you do-nothing readers can surmise that the threat looms closer and closer to your personal existences day-after-day although it's all shielded in other circumstantial explanations.


One more thing: it is nearly impossible for me to get shoes or boots that fit me here in Thailand, as I wear women's size 10. There are no shoes in the major stores that size. In the expensive shopping malls shoes that fit me cost over $100. I could buy plastic types of men's shoes that are ugly at the Thai stores, which do not fit my feet because the terrorists have broken my toes and I require leather shoes which stretch. My feet are now deformed (I really need a doctor as my toe has been broken and is sticking out nearly at a 45 degree angle into my other toes--broken while I slept and a terrorist/rapist broke my toe and then this leader and this group rebroke the toe a few months ago so it's sticking out more--while they keep cutting the skin completely to the bone where the toe has been broken into the very arch of my foot--literally gouging all the flesh out every single night--to cause a complete collapse of my foot and I am fighting this with all my resources night after night. The mechanical arms use solvents to dissolve the packaging tape I ply around m ytoes and feet every night--they cut through tissue wrapped around layers on my fingertips and the entire fingers are wrapped twice with layers of paper and gauze and they still cut into the cuticles night-after-night and I wake up and it's all be repasted back the same way. This is expert and professional surveillance and entry and violation adn I have spent all my time and money fighting to save my life and body from poisoning and dismemberment and I simply cannot accomplish this on a $700 monthly budget without the ability to pound layers of wood on top of the panels. 

I need a home that is not a terror torture rape situation and I do not mean having a "baby" with some rapist terrorist Nazi so he and his wife and children and friends can obtain a huge huge deal out of doing this to me. I mean TO LIVE ALONE WITHOUT ANY OF THEM NEAR ME, MY CAT(S) RETURNED AND TO LIVE ALONE IN PEACE and this situation STOPPED BY MY GOVERNMENT AND A SYSTEM OF PROTECTION ENACTED because otherwise the problems that America is now facing with vigilante fascist Nazi groups touting assault rifles WILL CONTINUE AND EXPAND and this "stalking" programming is helping greatly to encourage psychopathic violence in society. Using fascist Nazi protocols.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...