Monday, December 21, 2020

A small addition to my post (published Dec. 20, 2020) on Thai martial law continuance for the last 7 years. MAGA Martial Law? CIA Torture camps in Thailand (information now inaccessible online but was online when Feinstein revealed her report 6 years ago). Obama a funder of terrorist operations (including mine?) How can such an ultra-hipster BLACK saint be guilty of supporting terrorism could he be colluding with Trump did he collude with Trump to hand over this torture operation against me 4 years ago so when the time is/was ripe, he can now flaunt his "liberal" anti-Trump stance, promote a book tour, and have his wife elected in 2024? Are these all interconnected? Could the USA be such a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY AT THIS POINT IN HISTORY?


"FBI: CIA torture report may spark terror threat" (YouTube).
Wolf Blitzer condemns Sen. Feinstein for threatening US personnel overseas as the US hampers down on protections. Seemingly Sen. Feinstein is being criticized for having made these torture camps made public knowledge and that is "wrong" and a "threat" to the United States. I do so love how the crimes of the perpetrators are turned around as barbs against those who expose or try to enact justice against their crimes. This video appears to be another example of blaming the whistleblower. 

I want to add that Sen. Feinstein has recently been disavowed by the Dem. Party due to her backing of Judge Barrett. I do also wonder how much mind control has been exerted upon Sen. Feinstein in the ensuing years so she will "shut up" and do the supportive role of enabling the emerging Nazi party of Amerikkka by being so drugged up (and I know a lot about this aspect of mind control) into loving the opposition and approving of them almost by rote because one is under a smog of chemicals and brain-altering tech. This is and can be done currently and I urge people to stop assuming that this is only a particular "experiment" being conducted upon myself in a sole situation. People like Sen. Feinstein are the perfect examples of how mind control operations are carried out. She was a "rogue" dissenter and now she's complicit (a term so amply used as of late for the past few years). 

Sen. Feinstein's uninterrupted speech on how sinister the torture camps are. I feel that my experience of being TORTURED here and abroad in every country is an example of how pervasive torture operations have become, ensconced into the civilian population to a degree that every business and real estate agency in the world (almost, but in the major places of population that I have gone to in my 3 times of traversing the planet to get some kind of security and NEVER having any chance to do it in any place, country or small town). These operations are global, seamless and extremely deadly.  Senator Feinstein I believe is an example of an "elder" Senator who is not senile or out-of-perspective but is actually a very highly likely candidate of mind control, poisoning and brain-altering attack. She has not only been silent but is approving of the very conservative (to the tune of Nazism) Republican base now. No more anti-terrorist documentation comes from Senator Feinstein any longer. How wonderful for the opposition which fully supports and laughs about torture that she's been mind programmed into their "base" and is an example of how successful this over-arching system has fully been incorporated into the fabric of all societies around the planet. With full silencing by the media which castigates any rouge elements like Feinstein (see video above).


DECEMBER 21, 2020: INTERVIEW WITH FORMER GENERAL  retired four-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey, "This is thuggery. This is Third World behavior...".

Because my brain is under so much attack while the keyboard is also blocked and tampered with remotely: I "forgot" to add that many years ago, perhaps before the last election cycle, Senator Diane Feinstein made a presentation to the Senate on CIA torture camps that are covertly operated in many countries worldwide. One of the countries listed on the documents she revealed was Thailand. A few months ago I attempted to retrieve this information on my internet source which is never without obstruction in search engine results. I got no more information on Thailand being a host to CIA torture camps but I do know that I was able to retrieve this information when the Feinstein report first came out. 

As there is this slight evidence of collusion between the United States and Thailand in terms of torture and other covert operations of torture and imposition upon suspected "terrorists", which I fear the designation of me pertains to in order to fit into the funding of these government-sponsored terrorist operations inflicted UPON ME BY TERRORISTS. 

That the Thai government is a fully operational arm of the United States, and that the Martial Law that has been in full operation since the last coup in 2014 or so (I should look it up, I am tired of fighting to get search results and tired, also of writing about these situations because I really just want to have fun--in this life I don't want to continuously, day after day dwell on miserable ugliness that fascist Nazis dump on me because they want me to be ugly, bloated, crooked, raped endlessly for the rest of my life, tortured without end, disfigured, made old, broken down, crying into suicide--maimed limping suffering etc all that Nazi stuff--as I used to be floating, beautiful, creative, and competitive and I WON very often in competitions and so--poisoning until I am paralyzed with the symptoms I wrote of in my last post, Under so much attack by countless hundreds of thousands of ugly and nasty people of all socioeconomic ranks performing the exact same ritualistic hate attacks upon me and my cat and animals and surroundings in a repetitious idiot circus of stupidity and sickness and psychopathy--and then, relieved, they get funded, paid, plastic surgery and go off laughing and fluttering around prancing in joy after the crimes because they were hissing in hate seeing me have anything that could threaten their claims of superiority. I am obviously not the only person who has been targeted thusly, I just write from my own experience but probably many of the people who have been assaulted in the past ARE CURRENTLY DECEASED because they could not get health care they had no idea what was happening or they just submitted and were killed off slowly through inserted cancers and deadly poisons and then left to die slow, agonizing deaths (or suicided) or whatever...

But I want to make the connection that I had not been able to "access" in my brain due to this endless block of my brain's capabilities by these technologies when I was attempting to fight to pound down on the keyboard the last time I wrote about Thailand and the nebulous connection to the United States. The connection appears to be more manifest when one considers that Martial Law is not some abstract threat to the US at this very current time in space. People may laugh about the prospect of this happening (and many are NOT LAUGHING ABOUT IT) but I wrote the last post because the US exerts much influence worldwide in "emerging" "Democracies" like Thailand, where revenues from the controlled (by white male) investors is reaching multi-billion dollar strategic importance.

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