Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A very short emasculated feminist Film analysis: Bad Bitch versus Good Witch/Good Bitch versus Bad Bitch. The same rules applies to the pyramidal programming sales pitch.

 Deleted Scene from The Craft. I do so love Fairuza Balk in this film. 

Why would this scene have been deleted from this most "scary" movie? Could it actually have empowered the dark-haired "evil" bad "bitch" more than the "good" bad but really GOOD girl (The blonde) who ran away only to return to kill the bad bitch in the end (with the other dark haired "losers" acting as substitute minority minions--a template that exists in the stalking terror operations but it's always repeated in these movies, and in life and doubtless reality created this power alignment more than movies ever did or have.


MORE Fairuza Balk at her most comedic/tragic scary bitch bad witch performance: (the bad bad bad girl black-haired bad bad always bad so bad the good girl the blonde always in confrontation at the "end" of the power struggle most of the time "winning" because she's blonde--not because she's best (in the films) and in real life, this modern technology used for mind control, paralysis and obstruction of performance and chemical "behavior modification" combined with remote and inserted microchip and other brain-altering technology, plus endless "accidents" and a world of terrorist minions performing the most heinous and stupid and sick deeds for the power Nazis-- as the movies always reinforce this hegemony

but oh, this was intended to be a feminist analysis and not a racial. However, witch=bitch and that's enough to delineate which of the bitches is good or not. The blondes are sexy, fun and intelligent, the dark-haired are losers who wreak revenge for not being blonde.

that's my spiteful interpretation (but so based in reality and in a vicious spiteful system of entitlement). It's not me who's the bitch and certainly in the movie above the real heroine is the bad dark-haired bitch witch who actually saves these parasitic losers and the blonde parasite as well. Of course they summarily dismiss her (kill her off) and then claim all they have stolen as their rightful entitlement. Oh, how this echoes my situation in so many ugly and sinister bad bitch ways (I'm the good witch by the way and the blonde Nazis attacking me REALLY are the wrong, bad bitches and not "bad" as in a Michael Jackson song but bad as in demonic whorishness, which they also find a complimentary term there really is no way to describe "them" without them taking it as a compliment unless I said that they were wonderful but stupid, which is first a lie and then secondly stupid in creative senses but intelligent in conniving whore acts of sabotage. Even that they would take as a compliment it's very hard to describe how disgusting these bitches really are without them feeling excited and encouraged as they really are thrilled with all forms of sinister behavior and action). 


What's the diff betwixt a witch and a good girl?
It's very, very scary.

"Good girls" don't "Make him pay" they just go nicely and quietly away...(after being raped).

"Good girls" also participate in "good boys" raping "bad girls" because they "deserve" it. According to the evil bitches of course. They are so proud of these boys these evil bitches they are the proud girls helping the proud boys to rape and torture "bad girls" and society is promoting them into highest positions in society!

MAKE THEM PAY--because I'm a good witch and I am suggesting that bad bitches who help rape or who rape should be destroyed.


I bind you evil bitches rape enablers and rapists: (if wishes could only come true). Maybe 2021 will be a very witchy year for me and a scary movie for you rapists and your filthy dirty evil bitch enablers!

I want the happy ending to be the dark-haired good witch killing off the evil bitch blonde parasitic Nazi bad bitch witch (it's never shown for the reality that it really is in movies and rarely in real life the truth is always so covered-up by this racist endless stereotyping).

I bind you stalker Nazi and other psycho pigs and your minority minions and your sick global structure FOREVER.  

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