Friday, December 18, 2020

Aldous Huxley interview below, heralded the threat looming for the future of USA TODAY. The newspaper source USA Today is a threat to the United States in some of it's coverage: The Entertainment section in particular IS A REAL FAKE NEWS source but it's FREE!! The stories cover the news and it's done well enough. The entertainment section, which has originated a few leaders in the political realm (since Ray-gun) is an absolute harbinger or foreshadowing of the new fascist leaders and their promotions are endless year-after-year. I urge a boycott of that publication if you are against a fascist Nazi overtake of the USA. I need to know who or which of the shareholders or their associates come from which of the formerly fascist Nazi countries, or who of the shareholders belong to ultra-fascist Right Wing Nazi parties within the USA (or "Communist" if you want to use that symbolic trope of "evil"). Of course those who are Red pose as Progressives or "liberals" along with the rest of the poseurs. When I use Communist in a pejorative sense I refer to genocidal Totalitarian authoritarian fascso-autocratic aspirants. Now, if you think my post sounds crazy and conspiracy-theory ranting, I urge you to watch the interview with Aldous Huxley who you can use as some surrogate authority on this subject. What I have written is merely a shadow (although somewhat overly hyperbolic on the verge of "hysteria" loose rambling drugged up under mind control ranting).


Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace : 1958 (Full)

What I wrote above really does sound like crazy conspiracy theory ranting--well, this is the time and age of it so I am just participating in the current zeitgeist! (That was meant to be a little sarcastic joke on the QAnon group, which I DO NOT  subscribe to in any sense or in any fictional sense.
I want to state that I am always drugged up and unable to write with clarity whenever I attempt to write my thoughts. The sensation of my head being slightly crushed inward and then spinning as I lose vision acuity and my brain blanks as I struggle to remember words and ideas is akin to some technology skewing my brain neural firing signals or blocking transmission. I really am ranting but in essence, without the ability to truly elaborate or elocute my thoughts what comes out does sound like crazy ranting conspiracy theory.

However, my 5-6 years of living in Germany (Stuttgart) and speaking German, being surrounded by Nazis (literally, not just using the term loosely to apply to "Germans") and I also refer to African-American soldiers who steadfastly participate in REAL Nazi stalking and terror operations. In return the men get blonde German girlfriends (who ultimately use racist slurs after they unceremoniously dump them after they seduce them into the Nazi fold--the blacks then return to America and are now part of the huge anti-Semitic army that the Nazi organization and it's offshoots of America utilize as their stooges and gyrating performers--who are influenced by their peers and the haters who pose as their liberators from within their own "ranks" in the rank-and-file minion organizations all basically stemming from the nazi sources which promote, publicize and are now endlessly awarding them as being "The best" year-after-year in publications like USA Today. The unravelling of my claim would entail not being hacked, drugged or my brain put into a pulsed incognizant zone of being blanked and blanketed and frozen and incapable of really connecting my thoughts as thoughts and ideas are blocked.

I "apologize" for sounding "racist" which I swear I am NOT being in this situation of describing how utterly insidious these performers and their promoters really are, and how little they truly care about these issues for their own sake. They are concerned with their power structures and cartels and that is the most they can do. Their power groups are confined to those who also perform the "divide and conquer" racist schemes, which I have been subjected to all the way from Stuttgart, Germany to Miami, Florida (where a Nazi takeover is now officially recognized by some who are aware of the real situation). 

I cannot condemn the entirety of USA Today as a credible news source, but the flaws are too rampant for me to take this news source seriously and I am sickened by the promotion of the same rotten-to-the-core performers who are endlessly promoted by that mind control propaganda news source. That many performers in H-wood are vying for political office and endlessly winning top awards should be a red light to some who may be a bit skeptical of who and how these awards are meted out and that the same people recur and never go away; why, this very closely resembles the 80-90 year old crusty and nasty Senators in Congress who have come out of the dust bin hiding places within the Senate to condemn the Biden transition. These monopolies of power encrusted and latched onto by the post WWII baby boomers who are now nearly 80 years old have kept the situation of torture aimed at targets like me going on and on for over 50 years that I have been alive, and that is perhaps how long some of them have been in political power. I am NOT referring to Biden but I am sure he is a comfortable elbow rubber with some of them--

I endorse Biden by the way. I am very glad he has won and I like him from a long distance that I want to keep as a long distance view as I have enough of these famous people who have SOLD AMERICA OUT WHICH HAS BECOME A DEBALCE OF CHAOS FOR THE USA TODAY.


This is what I wrote earlier and I will paste it now. I am not questioning that hackers have changed, deleted or rewritten the post (or the above) but I am not going to spend more time as fighting to pound down on keys and get letters out due to hacking obstruction is taking up far too much time as it is. I must endlessly clean stinking filth that the mechanical arms entering my room while I am unconscious have sprayed and sprayed on everything. I am always drugged and I remain being cut into by these knives that the mechanical arms cut into my body every night. I wake up and am drugged and thus incapable of real calm and reliably censored writing. What comes out is a ranting form of conspiracy theory unfiltered and raw. I am sure that if I re-read it I would balk at how badly it is written and how crazy it sounds but I write it now because I just am going to do it---despite all the threats surrounding me.

I want to get it out, they are so odious they are so DANGEROUS TO THE USA TODAY.

THREE scumbag rapist enabler, teleporting terrorist (of me) performers have been hailed as having the "best" music videos of 2020, according to USA Today (today published, or yesterday as I am 12 hours ahead). One of them hissed anti-Semitic racist rants at me, and is being hailed for her endless gyrating twerking videos about how she's "fighting racism" along with her fellow racist, anti-Semitic hubby. The two white women, one of whom or rather both are rabid mainstream white Nazi "feminists" who have been awarded prize after prize as they have covertly or openly attacked me in teleportation skits.

Another white female, her sexual orientation is one of her big mainstream media "alternative" selling points, has participated in my attack situation, absolutely exonerating her blonde haired, blue-eyed fellow rapist "friend" and is endlessly awarded celebrity promotions by endless stories about her and her lover.

I should boycott USA Today because every time I open that page there are promotions for people who have teleported and attacked me. I have no idea who or what owns and controls that media outlet but I do know it is not a friend to the USA or it's "Democratic" principles. What is being championed is the absolute reverse/obverse of "Democracy" by USA Today. Perhaps the newspaper really does symbolize what the USA IS today, but however they are creating that bigot, Nazi dumbed down atmosphere by endless promotions of the same people yearp-after-year who indelibly prove year-after-year that they are willing to be every and any kind of gyrating strumpet for the camera, flaunting their sexuality as a selling point for their sleazy "compassionate" "liberalism".

Just like neo-liberalism, what they are really bringing to the table is globalism akin to the financial tragedy of outsourcing that has lead to the demand for "Made in America" but which is sadly a hypocritical selling point that has no real base in any concern for "The people" or the American economy other than how it benefits a ruling global conglomerate power structure.

If that sounds "Progressive" in any way, I highly suggest that people understand that the "Communist" agenda is just another word for an elitist 1% power pyramid, as exists in these "communist" countries. I have been unduly attacked by Progressives posturing in the media, which operate clandestinely hand-in-hand with ultra Right wing fascist Nazis. Truly there is no hyperbole in what I am writing.

I need a source of news information that is not tainted by these people. As I have noticed for years or a few decades by now, the former alternative sources that I once took for granted have been co-opted and it's hard to find any real differing opinion or voice or celebrity that is not a part of the one-sided "duality" that these media tyrants endorse. The foreigners who control the media and their endlessly greedy, selfish lackeys who do not give a hoot for America or it's future or politics except for how much power they can amass for the lies and posturing that they are trained and coached to perform. That they run for office after years of their banal media presentations and their hyped-up sexualized "singing" videos, which are mostly visual and lack real competence of the highest quality for which they are endless awarded year-after-year without end is another low point for American culture and it's all so integrated into politics that there is scant differentiation between the two. Alas, I have had to personally witness all of this in the years of being teleported to the "A-list" actors and now politicians. I can wholeheartedly state that the real politicians who have obtained Masters and Doctorates and are capable are not part of my condemnation. They have put in the work and the competence is much higher than I had imagined now that I am focusing much more of my time on the political spectrum as it's vitally important to me at this time (and now it will continue to be much more tantamount to my life in the future).

I can only blame myself for not having been more involved in politics in a real tangible way, however I must state that the mind control drugs and hardening poisons which kept the drugs locked, fermenting into the interior of my brain and body for decades is much to "blame" for my lethargy and incapacity for real cognitive functioning or involvement in anything--leading to partial paralysis which I am currently fighting day-after-day under, at the same time, deadly non-stop attacks of every sort.

These celebrities who are being awarded year-after-year are the most callous, psychopathic scumbags you could ever not want to get involved with and yet, they remain at the apex of the media pile of bs propaganda and all they do is get more power handed to them the longer they create the real atmosphere of chaos, ultra-right wing fascist Nazi ideology as the gyrate and claim their sexuality is as alternative as their coached posturing lies.

I have to boycott USA Today--I never thought it was a credible source of news information from it's very onset back in the 1980's when Reagan information startled me in it's biased support for the Republican agenda. It's now a fascist Nazi news source although it does cover the news well enough --and FOR FREE--- ALAS that I am forced into this poverty by this very organization so I am stuck very often resorting to such "trash" news sources.

After nearly fainting in the midst of struggling to "remember" what I was writing about in the midst of writing sentences--not able to cohesively connect ideas and then losing the thread while backspacing to correct hacker inserts--continuously

walking away, dizzy and sick from the brain attacks upon me--"remembering" that I want to state that the USA Today for it's news section is extremely well done. It has concise, well-informed sources that are more compact in information output that most of the other sources. I can rely on USA to print in a very easy accessible way the important news. However, sprawling at a near parallel to eye vision in the layout are endless articles and photos of these Nazi terrorist celebrities (and I do know that they are well-prepared to hack these inserts into my searches, which means that perhaps what I see is not the actual publication and that is probably a very high likely explanation for the apparent convergence of actual news with entertainment fodder that permeates my every news search except for news sources like Politico. However, USA has a very excellent news reporting service but it is undifferentiated from Entertainment personalities (who then later aspire to political office). The interchange is a horrid example of brainwashing and propaganda. Again, I must try to also delineate how much of my information has been created by the terrorist/hacker group or what is a bona fide news source that I click on and read.

I also want to add a bit about the Aldous Huxley interview, which I so excessively rambled past in an excessive hate "conspiracy theory" rant that sounded as a discrediting mess. In my years of writing papers in Graduate School I can assure readers that I am indeed capable of a much more refined capacity to delineate ideas without rambling into excessive name-calling and hate memes. However, the drugs and the situation call for emotional response, which the mind control tech also exacerbates while diminishing cognitive higher skill sets (please understand how extensive brain-mapping technology is an how it must operate to suppress more cerebral functioning while, under torture and drugging, an emotional hate reaction can be forced and WORDS CAN BE FORCED OUT OF A MIND CONTROLLED PERSON THAT ARE NOT HIS/HER OWN. This is a reality and still remains a secret that only "crazy" people like me ramble on and on about, without evidence and I cannot find ample proof of the technology because I am so engrossed in the sickness of healing and in understanding the endless onslaught of sensationalism attached to one of the terrorists who has made my life a living hell for years--who is always the center of media attention and is probably addicted to the spotlight and is bellowing in rage that his endless daily media appearances are going to diminish. He is now building up a media empire which I don't know if it will sink or continue the wave but....I watch the events unfolding day by day when I had made a sort of promise to myself not to write, as these terrorists want a reaction because every angry rant I write enables them more funding from this most hateful and insidious group (now I can see the Senators in these news clips who probably have been part and parcel of the funding operations of these "black ops" torture protocols and terrorist "gang stalking" groups--which is why they remain in power for decades upon decades because their organizing groups rely on this Congressional power for their continuation of their heinous racist policies of death and slow genocide and purchasing of minion pawns to do their filthy dirty work for them --that includes a large segment of the "jewish" population so do not assume that because I wrote of "African-Americans" I am solely referring to them or any other group in particular.

As for Huxley--when he elaborates only briefly upon the "agenda" of "Communism" in over-population, lack of birth control *(i.e. the hate agenda of blocking abortion) and then creating a centralized monopolistic State apparatus to control the necessities of food distribution to countries whose economies are failing (ahem, as has been and is now happening in America--and who is there to rescue all these nearly homeless and homeless people in poverty sinking in despair? Why, the Progressives have an agenda that the Right is calling "Communist". However, in my experience which is a revelation of who is operating alongside whomever else and what and now I see why----well, I have written of it, and Huxley pardons the evil conniving aspect of these groups when he says that "No one wants to " create a death atmosphere and "no one" wants to create death and misery to force an agenda (a paraphrase) and in actuality MANY PEOPLE LOVE AND DESIRE DEATH, GENOCIDE AND CONTROL AND MURDER and Huxley explained the socio-economic parallels but exonerated the absolute evil of these banal power grabbers.

I actually become depressed if I listen for too long because what Huxley describes to Mike Wallace is so absolutely current in this exact moment in political history that it's shocking how well he was INFORMED of future catastrophic events. He is shielding the absolute violence and "evil" of the people and groups who are definitely turned on by deadly violence who are enacting these policies. The agenda is going on course as he explained over 70 years ago. That is why I included this interview and how it ties into the current traumatizing political Machiavellian power grab that is taking place globally (not just due to the pandemic, but also the economic "crisis" that was created and manufactured I am tentatively, conspiracy-theory crazed believing at this point).

Listen and make your own judgment but I only write this as for the moment I am under the delusion that speech if free and the First Amendment applies to me just as people who are openly claiming, after they leave prominent positions of authority or even while in authority positions that they would hang, shoot or kill anyone who dissents from their prevailing machinations for power in politics and in the media it's as odious and ominous but completely veiled and hidden. The same and WORSE mentality applies and I actually choose Trump as my partner over the A-list psychopath actors because they are so much more evil, lying and violent than he is (but you can count his wives as being very violent and fascist and Nazi so--I have not been fighting for my life to get rid of all of t hem completely and forever but STILL LIVING HEALTHY, HAPPY WITH MY CAT LA MOUX RETURNED ALIVE AND HEALTHY AND HAVING THEM PAY ME FOR THEIR CRIMES AND ME BEING PROTECTED FROM THIS SICK HATE ORGANIZATION.

People can sneer that what I aspire to is impossible but I must write it out and print it out anyway hoping that some mysterious benevolent group will actually conform to some concept of Democracy when it comes to these technologies of torture, teleportation and "gang stalking" terrorism and that I am FREE to live in peace and paid with a huge reimbursement for the ideas they stole, the years of torture, the damage to my body and finances and then left to find happiness in whatever way I WANT IF NOT HARMING ANYHONE ELSE unlike these famous leaders who are promoted for torture and murder attempts and rape and theft and non-stop violence while completely exonerate and cherished by America Today and it's sick deranged society that is otherwise known as Gang stalking America (not the totality of Americans but it includes far, far too many and it's a veritable army of hate that poses as leaders and entertainers and police and etc etc etc teachers, professors, psychologists, business owners and LANDLORDS and by the way, this landlord here is extremely nasty and is a by-product of your glittering in gold leadership that you all fawn over or hate but continue to let control the media and get away with every and all crimes towards ME which people still keep relegated to some secret hidden torture situation that is too "dangerous" for America to reveal. I suggest that this situation of me has had very serious and deadly consequences because people left me to be tortured and to allow psychopathy to only grow into huge proportions until all of the USA Today is immersed in it's legacy and aftermath, in one dreadful and deadly way or another. I need to move to a safe home I have been living in torture for over 10 years without end--and much longer and I am no political enemy I have committed no crime and yet I get no support system or protection WHATSOEVER from any of the so-called support groups around the planet and thus I ask for a SAFE HOME FOR MONEY FROM THESE HATERS WHO HAVE STOLEN FROM ME EVERYTHING POSSIBLE INCLUCING MY FAMILY/CAT AND FORCE THEM TO PAY ME RESTITUTION IN $$$$ SO i CAN LIVE IN PEACE AS THEY HAVE DESTROYED ALL MY CHANCES FO RHAVING A CAREER OR A JOB OR LIVING IN PEACE. I make this request once more today after writing yet another post to another silent audience of people participating in this who never have any concept of actually going out and doing anything to help or defend me--so it seems and so it is. But I try anyway. Remaining silent as they would have me do, but they drug me to force a reaction after dismemberment day after day and torture and hate from hundreds of people each and every time I go outside to do anything--while tortured as I am sleeping and from neighbors on all sides cutting into my body and being drugged and then drugged into reacting and writing about it which is a form of screaming into the blank and silent internet to stop these murdering bigots and of course--all of you reading this are murdering Nazi bigots and thus....I am sending this missive out as a kind of aimed misdirected appeal to any source of goodness that exists on the planet which will pick up my signal and respond with the appropriate defense (complete defense and protection for me).

Think about what I am fighting to type out, do-nothing readers who continue to assume that this situation of me being tortured has no bearing upon your lives or is a threat to the security of you or your country of the USA Tomorrow.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...