Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Hitler (1938) and Stalin (1939 + 1942) won Time Magazine's happy, celebrity-genocidal Person/People (but I say pig ape fascist racist rapist murdering whore-of-the-Nazis) of the Year award, once again, this year 2020. The genocidal tyrant iconography has been splintered off into black, white , male and female multi-colored/socio-political fractals but all emanating from the same SOURCE and organization (ultimately when the divisions and names are reduced to the onus of power). Hitler has died a happy peaceful death in Argentina thanks to post WWII American protection. Joseph Stalin was nicknamed "Uncle Joe" by adoring American fans, who were glad that the truly humanitarian Communists were killed off by the Totalitarian lying regime that took the name and the power and created a despotic Surveillance and oppressive State apparatus termed the CCCP and is now just called the Former East Soviet Bloc Countries plus Russia. The Whorewood movies make a big deal out of portraying Americans as having rescued the world from what Time Magazine had endorsed before all the info on their genocides and hate plans were made more public (years later). The actors play heroes rescuing America for Democracy. They teleport me with Nazi/fascist protocols and hate themes and outright references to genocide and the Holocaust aimed at me. The former Time Magazine genocidal leaders are long dead, but their legacy has won once more and won big in the minds of the viewers and readers who are not cautious and believe and trust in what they are demanded to believe in (with have a happy day as the mind controlling slogan, selling yet another commercial product to the "masses"--a Communist term by the way). Genocidal fascism and death squads and Holocaust representation has won Persons of the Year Award once more, a never-ending tribute to "them" for almost 100 years thanks to Time Magazine's brainwashing of the population, they never go out of style.. Unfortunately, the people who are not familiar with The Big Lie concept are beguiled and seduced by these images and "believe" that these are actually legitimate care-takers of Democracy and of humanity! Thanks to media publications like Time Magazine.


**the usual brain-altering tech and laptop hacking forces me to have to add this up front (plus the inevitable hacker rewrites which make my writing completely distorted and turned upside down in intention and meaning--). In the aftermath of fighting to think, type and express myself earlier, I remembered that there is yet another person who has "won" this award who has been behind the scenes for many years now. I get endless videos of this man on my YouTube channel on the top page, he's littering my page now daily. There was another performer/artist from his ensemble who I highly esteem, who I believe was assassinated because he would not play "the game" that enables these fakes into highest position as philanthropic underwriters of "Democracy" and "Freedom" and all that entails as consumer products sold off on the market to the tune of millions or billions of dollars. Thus, there are three people in/directly involved with teleporting and having my raped, poisoned with fungus on a daily basis (inserted into orifices of my body and in my food and I must breathe it in because it's sprayed all over my room) and thus, they are slowly murdering me in this stealth fashion. All put on Time's great influencers of American society for this year --AGAIN. AGain and again, publication, award ceremony and lead position I see "them" being handed all front-page accolades. All I can say is that, once more to reiterate: let the future be a new horizon for esteeming people who are not fakes and I must quote Trump in saying (and he stole this concept from my writing, actually) let there not be FAKE NEWS and media performers pushing altruism in the name of stealth hate organizations operating from behind these "puppets" (pig ape whores). In the longer post below, which I ground out because of the hardness of the keyboard and the increasing impossibility of typing due to the malware algorithm--I "forgot" to include the 3rd person in that 2020 listing-and as for the others, I have no idea if they have also participated as I believe there are many others who do not actively attack me in teleportation but certain either view the videos or conference calls observing these hateful and violent ugly and sinister teleportation attacks upon me, or they offer advice, or look the other way and thus are held as potentiates in the inner circles of power and then awarded.

I am now in the "dizzy" and nearly fainting stage of the brain-altering attack and must stop. I discovered upon reading part of the title of this post and then a few sentences down into the post that my brain had been blanked out and I "lost" the thread of my concepts and thus there were huge gaps in my ideas as I fought to express them.

I also urge the people (I mean pig ape whores) who continue to proliferate and pollute my internet with your faces, which are abhorrent to me, and your movies and videos to please stop doing this, as I have been writing about how odious this attack is for years. You all persist as this is your avenue of promotion, but you are DISGUSTING and I can't stand you hacking and staining my internet searches and your personalities and faces create a nauseous disgust in me and having to see any of you is a rotten pollutant when I am searching for important news clips on YouTube.


Two terrorist "actors" who have teleported and attacked me are listed as Time's "People of the Year 2020." Both make openly vociferous and vehement statements of anti-Trumpism to the yearning yawning black hole of the media press. The sad reality, reality that I need someone to provide video-recorded evidence to prove, however having been tortured and teleported by them for a few years along with a huge never-ending increase of their goony loony cronies in H-wood and beyond: Without Trump, ALL OF THEM, the most famous charity humanitarian A-list celebrities many of whom have participated in this--and many are the most outspoken and claim they represent the "Democrat or Progressive Party"--they would not be in this position or have had access to this hate and torture, bigot and racism technology (or how it is being utilized by these unscrupulous posturing apes). One is "black" and one is "white". Another one who has indirectly been involved represents the fight against racism. The attacks upon me are the most vicious racist attacks and all stem from outright parallels to genocide from Nazis. ALL of these people/pig apes participate in attacking me and all have obtained promotions and endless media celebrity endorsements and political as well for these years they have participated in this, either openly or indirectly but they have made their presence and participation known to me, as part of the contractual obligation they have made with their horned-partners (I still believe the powers that are behind this ultimately stem from foreign infiltrator sources determined to "divide and conquer" and create chaos and take over more and more control over the United States. These are the pig apes who appear to have absolute control over at least large segments of the H-wood rotation of the same actors, in their ever-tightening monopolies, encouraged and sponsored by adamant genocidal racist/rapist anti-American funding partners in their huge multi-national conglomerate partnerships.

I didn't know pigs were people, but The Nazis controlling Time who are subhuman posturing "elite" pig apes consider them as such.

There is another one who is indirectly involved on the same list (he has never made his presence known to me, but is tied in with some of the worst predators).

I believe it was in 1931 or something that Hitler also was voted as Time's Man of the Year. The point is that these "people" are supposedly chosen because they have made great impact on American or world culture in some way. The real impact that the terrorists participating in torture, rape and endless violence against me, glaring in hate, ordering rape, disfigurement and poisoning/drugging of me as the yell at me (the black male, fighting for every underdog cause on the planet especially when it can promote him into this coveted position as a representative--thus $$$ big big money for his role) screaming undoubtedly angst at the bigot racist Trump who is his benefactor and friend, outside of the cameras. Same for the white male who makes endless public statements descrying Trump but is responsible for handing him the technology to torture me--the quid pro quo agreement of these non-gentlemen has generated endless lead roles for both, top priority and endless media coverage and now these awards and prizes from the Nazi-controlled media.

These fake news/media terrorists are listed more highly than the US President and Vice President in the sequencing of the photos---the top positions go to performers.

That is America today. I wonder if the new administration will produce anything more representative of reality and of the human race in the reality of determination to actually care about issues outside of representing a huge billion dollar industry iconography tied-in to political (aspirations) and control and representation.

The merging of politics with these celebrities is another "recipe for disaster" that has gone on unabated for so long.

I try to disentangle these lies with the reality of this nebulous technology forced upon me. I have no stake in either the US Government or in H-wood so when one of these actors on either of the divides influencing the public proves to be a THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY as these terrorists are--I feel obliged to try to fight this. They are also a threat to my life, however so many people are being victimized I wonder if anyone can hear me outside of the din of the endless cries for help that are only increasing in exponential fashion through America and indeed throughout the planet--due to people like this who are being AWAREDED AS REPRESENTING THE "BEST" OF HUMANITY AND THE "BEST" OF AMERICA AND IT'S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.

The people I have only referred to are extremely violent and racist (yes, even the blacks who are being trained to be anti-Semitic or whatever other race they are being promoted by Nazis to hate and attack--for them, as their minions)'s very disturbing that I remain absolutely silenced like this.

I write this now to try to once more urge people reading my posts, as I know there are some or many but invisible to me--to please not continue to allow this usurpation of the media by Nazi forces (or whatever groups they belong to--from whatever countries).

I can only say that this push to have people absolutely violent, lacking all moral consciousness, engaging in tyrannical elitist practices and promoted for pursuing a genocidal agenda should not continue to be promoted or pushed in the media as these Time people of the year--you can bet that the resurgence of Nazism in America, which was not a small faction during the 2nd World War at all---this high regard for Hitler and the ensuing Nazi subculture that has risen in the last few years from a kind of subdued radicalism to almost mainstream populism and death threats and violence are now openly proclaimed in the streets and in the social media networks---it's publications like Time's People of the Year which honors these veiled threats to freedom who are touted as being esteemed personalities has only served to create this now open threat to "Democracy" that so many of the "liberal" media are complaining about. The "liberal" media is one of the greatest sources of pushing these absolutely violent fake "liberal" personalities in the first place.

I do hope that the new Administration will at least covertly work to undermine this insidious fascist Nazi control over the media and to quell this very deadly trend that I seem to be the only one to expose--and of course, I am "silenced" and then my ideas are stolen by these pig apes who then are instructed to turn the ideas into more Nazi propaganda after they attack and violate and help to rape and encourage these Nazi propaganda ideals through their fake "altruistic" charitable "liberal" fronts which are so carefully packaged. All the pig apes have to do is posture and lie and that is ALL they are doing. Millions of dollars paid out to these worthless whores and creeps and parasites---they are just that from years of being tortured by them when they don't have to fake their rotten fake personalities for cameras for the duped or not so dumb public which remains in abeyance and "stands by" for the ultimate signal to wreak death and hate upon these groups they are only secretly willing to destroy--which also includes those of their "own races" who don't conform to the mediocrity that their group demands of them. They are trained to sing and perform, which they do. I also claim that there must be others in the shadows of the media industry waiting in the wings who could probably perform MUCH BETTER WITH MORE SOUL AND STYLE AND HAVE SOME ACTUAL CONVICTION OF THE CLAIMS THEY MAKE ABOUT THEIR PROFESSED CONCERN FOR SEXISM, RACISM, DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM (FOR PEOPLE NOT FOR NAZIS TO GO OUT AND KILL AND RAPE AND TORTURE--AND THAT REALLY IS WHAT THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR IS THAT "FREEDOM").

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