Thursday, February 11, 2021

Movie Mind Control: to be Gay (in the conventional, "old school" sense, when gay meant being fun, light, light-hearted), to be airy, to be like a fairy--to dance and bring joy for every girl and boy.

Fred Astaire's Best Scene - A Damsel in Distress. (YouTube Title).


I have considered starting a different site, one of those "free" website builders to begin critical deconstruction of movies and other themes for the purpose of writing in a more creative vain (however, daunting that all I write is blocked from the main internet and every single thing I write, if only a short sentence where I try to exert my own concepts-has been stolen for years. Pop singers with their tiny little fabricated synchronized repeat sentences for their computerized vocal arrangements, cut and spliced bits of other songs and tunes, and the belting out of vocals by people whose ranges are within a few NOTES on the scale for one octave (a musical crime for real musicianship). Short phrases I have written have been literally copied and turned into someone else's belted out song which have won awards for the criminal terrorists who engage in this system of hacking and theft and then attacking me afterwards, especially when I react by writing about the theft on my Facebook page or on this blog. 

Since all functions for anything I attempt to search or create on the internet are completely blocked, hacked and rendered useless for creating anything I want, For now, I believe I will begin a movie mind control section here on this blog as I am essentially a beginner when it comes to creating websites anyway, even with the hacking. But with the hacking almost every function besides the most basic is blocked, so I never get real training in using anything beyond basic templates such as in this blog on Google's Blogger, which is extremely easy to use and yet when I press functions they also do not operate. I have tried to add pages and the functions don't work. I have tried to change the font size and the font appears "large" when I type the blog in this pre-published state, but once I publish and look at the result, the font never changes except for the largest size font possible. That is just one example of how I am unable to access editing processes or using any website without essential functions being blocked. This blog remains as a huge long thread of posts and I cannot get the function to add pages, I have tried it is absolutely blocked. Thus, this blog site remains hacked, rewritten by terrorist hackers, I can only write a sort of stream of ideas and not compartmentalize the pages I want into organized sections.


Otherwise: as this post reads, I happened upon this video by accident, not wanting to watch an oldie but now I see how much of a goodie it really is. 

The mind control involved in the "modern" movies I referred to in my Facebook post, which I am pasting and copying here, is that people are being indoctrinated into being traumatized and into resorting to violence, murder and expecting through what has been termed "Predictive Programming" to expect huge catastrophic events to unfold, such as pandemics, plagues, mass murdering robot zombies, heroes who perform the most unhuman acts of rescue, and the like. Death, hate, revenge, rescue, heroism are the repeat formulas that H-wood cranks out year after year. Super-duper dope heroes are embedded with fantastic technological capabilities to help rescue the planet. Killing the "bad guy" is such a release in the movies that it is the endless 2nd-to-final act of so many of these fascist-Nazi themed movies (and I do know that the lead actors are indeed involved in hate groups but it is all veiled so carefully and they always endorse every champion anti-racist and anti-inhumane activity they can for public relations advertising of their faux personalities that their agents concoct for them. 


I am of course not the first to have noticed that there is programming involved in movies, but when I happened upon this clip this morning the stark contrast between out current movie formulas and the individualized TALENT of some of these older performers and the joy and gaiety they bring is amazing compared with the hate-movie-release-death-heroic rescue themes that the public has come to rely on. When real (perhaps engineered) catastrophes await the public, the actors who play these roles RUSH IN to rescue society from the evils, just like in the movies. This is an aspect of mind control that these (mostly white male) conspiracy theory critics never connect because, of course, they are part of the fanatic programming and what they analyze has huge gaps in the analysis so the consumer of this information, like with all "good" programming and disinformation/misinformation--gleans only part of the analysis thus leading to one set of conclusions instead of having a more broad picture of how the operations in question are relayed to public and consumer mind control programming.


When actors turn into politicians and vice-versa, as I have been writing of for so long, the movie themes of pandemics and tragedies turned into media entertainer rescues from the calamities are such an ingrained formula that the public almost comes to expect it. Thus when Obama comes out with his book and Michelle his dutiful, wonderful glowing and stainless heroic wife come out with media performances to rescue America from the evils they have "always" been fighting against (which I KNOW that they helped bring into power and are part of the problem and not the solution). *** This is the brainwashing and mind control. Of course, as I wrote two days ago, ms goody goody two shoes Michelle Obama, who has participated in this contract out on me, who is a conniving liar, aspiring white supremacist and absolute defender of black anti-Semitism. Black participating in racist hate crimes using technology (aka "gang stalking" but it's nothing more than technological terrorism). I have discovered that blacks participating in anti-Semitic attacks while racist whites sit back smug and gloating while their minions do the hate and filth attacks for them, that blacks are pawns used by racist whites for these gang stalking activities (and also other minorities but in America this is extremely prevalent). Black racism--a most recurring theme in the gang stalking purview that other targets have written of, I am not the first one to write of this black reverse hate activity. It has only took me years of experiencing this to stop claiming that the other targets who have written of this were "racist"--as I would write to them and respond to their claims that blacks were more violent than whites when it came to stalking, especially on public buses and in public places. 

When I wrote that the Obamas were handing T-rump these technologies, it was for the purpose, as I later deduced and see clearly now after years of them participating in this crime, that they are involved in media output and Michelle is going to host a children's program. I guess that means she is not going to be promoting violence but you can be sure the theme will be on victimization and silly puppets coming to the rescue--I guess, I may hazard watching the show for a few moments to see if my guess is correct. But, the Obamas used this tech against me, have helped to further their careers in the media because they are agents of death and terrorism (not just upon me, but in foreign policy during the Obama Admin which, THANKFULLY Biden is beginning to unravel and stop---all these years later, I mean decades --YEAH BIDEN!!!!).


What I posted on Facebook today, thinking of the terrorist actors who have been ordering their minions to put clumps of stinking fungus-growth into my toilet--which created a black stain that won't get off the porcelain. Literally whatever they put has created a black stain that I have poured bleach, baking soda, vinegar, scoured and a black stain remains. The clump was so huge that it was 3-inches in width and plopped off the side of the toilet when I sprayed water on it. The terrorists (of course, the "brown" minorities operating under order from the white bigot Nazis) did this under order from the H-wood team. My home is filthy and stinking. There are brain stains that won't come out that have been sprayed on literally the walls, my tiles on the patio--on the glass of the patio sliding door--all furniture, the walls, etc. This is what the Obamas endorsed and it continues from all these years of Obama, through the T-rump admin, and now it's still going on but some of the attacks have lessened. 

As for the movies and mind programming, the programming is tending towards themes of hate--not just "tending" but directly referencing murder and violence, redemption and rescue. The actors playing rescue operations in movies are ultimately fascist Nazis and this has no color division at this point in the entire induction of blacks and other "minorities" into the white supremacist league of death and genocidal hate, portrayed in these movies in various levels of violence, murder and hate (but rescued by hater actors who actually represent at best, conspicuous consumption --of lies and wealth and orgiastic "glamor"--oh yes, sexuality in the fascist Nazi sense plays a huge role in movies, of course! But that is a different theme. I recognize that my ideas are being stolen. However, I cannot hide my light under a bushel forever, waiting for someone to stop these people from stealing my ideas any longer and my ideas really blocked from public view and my ability to earn profit thereof absolutely denied me by the "heroes" who rescue the planet from the death and ills that they actually have covertly helped to create. 


(Written on Facebook today):

Would a scene such as this (Fred Astaire video above), put into modern times, win or receive any praise in our media entertainment spectacle? Would this be too sweet, charming and nice for our modern violence, death, revenge, victimization, hero-rescue by criminal fascist Nazi actors portraying formulaic rescuers of society or the planet or even the universe, with endless CGI explosions, killing death murder sex-on-camera hate hate movie-themed plots of "Today"?
ME thinks that this is too charming a scene for the mafia Nazi cartel that has taken over the industry circus-crime-syndicate Nazi brainwashing media entrainment conglomerate.
However, it is indeed charming to watch. Fred Astaire defies every convention of drumming possible (if you have studied percussion this is never taught in school).
So much fun, look at the delight on Fred Astaire's face! And he carries that inebriation into this performance and carries it out into my mind and heart!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Another YouTube/media personality that I have mentioned very recently on this blog (or on my Facebook page) has, like the fascists Nazi/Progressive/Liberal/Feminist/"black activist against racism" et al who, because I click on his videos and have begun only since the November election due to needing information on the political situation, but too sick and drugged up repeatedly by terrorists and their minions to be able to focus and read--so ill from detox from a lifetime of poisoning and the recurrent drugging that continues by terrorists poisoning my food and also I believe putting drug patches on my skin that also dissolve. Regardless, so ill and my brain under attack, also my vision, while I fight to read, I have been relying on YouTube videos for all information regarding this political fiasco that the US Government appears to be (to me very definitely due to the complete collusion of the entire Congress in allowing this situation to continue when it comes to THESE high crimes and misdemeanors aimed at me by US President after President, their wives, their allies in the media, now one mainstream MSNBC news anchor, and now a few Progressive Senators and House members, and now as I drift into watching YouTube videos on the topics of this deterioration of the United States government and it's deleterious trickle down effect upon the US population--now it's a YouTuber who is hostile, nasty like all the Progressives, feminists, black activists and all fully supported by avid fascists and Nazis mostly out of Europ-a-land).stolen my concept that I just wrote a few days ago on this blogI was teleported again to another tangent branch of the terrorist organization, this time a YouTube vlogger whose political analyses and commentaries have provided me in my drugged and very woozy mind controlled state with easy accessibility to political content that actually reading is more difficult to absorb. This man is sarcastic and he has a gift of tying threads of commentary with sardonic but humorous segments of political analysis. He does appear to gloat at the misfortune that various political actors are experiencing, but that gloating from my perspective is a bit of a soothing effect as no justice from years of them ordering my physical torture has only this small outlet in the sarcastic vitriol that this YouTuber cranks out, daily like he's addicted to making videos. He is colleagues with some of the other Progressive white males who have also teleported and attacked me. This man, whose name is anathema to me by now, although I wrote glowing posts about him because he helped me to absorb political info while also sharing in the vitriol as my only purgative catharsis for the years of violence that the targets of this commentator's hate vitriol afford in this state of utter criminality that I am forced into.

 *Nota Bene: HACKES HAVE REWRITTEN THIS POST SO IT IS CONFUSING TO UNDERSTAND. Right now, I must add that after having written this segment about how badly hackers have destroyed my post, the hackers have rewritten this "nota bene" just after I posted it--so even this segment has been rewritten and is completely confusing and meaning has been altered as to be unintelligible. Even my first paragraph here has been rewritten as a discrediting tactic by hackers. I am so under mind control with the keyboard not operating that I am fighting every single word to get anything out. I remain writing about this and the real message that I had written  hours ago is at least three paragraphs below this, just because the discrediting aspect of the hacks have done to this post. I must add it because I am very much a sincere perfectionist when it comes to writing and this is an every time occurrence. Regardless, the people stealing my ideas never have a problem understanding what I write as they steal the concepts and then block my access to actually receiving any wider audience than these criminals who are your famous leaders and media personalities. They have no problem stealing the ideas which means that the original piece that I write is left untouched by their system but for my purpose of publishing this post, it is completely altered as to have all coherency lost as this huge discrediting operation. It is extremely enervating to fight hackers continuously blocking key function only to have people steal my ideas and then to write to an empty void that keeps this same system going on and on.

*As I listen right now to Day #2 of the Impeachment Trial and hear from every media commentator: no Impeachment is going to occur and Trump is going to get away with this crime against the United States Capital and Congress. The same system of allowing every crime committed by Trumps "liberal" friends in H-wood is the exact same situation but it has far worse implications for the future and that there is this lack of utter concern on the part of American consumers is the worst part and the most deadly threat to the country and the concept of "Democracy". All H-wood does is sell "Democracy" but it is such a mind control operation to actually sell off Dictatorship.


*I read this post after getting off this blog hours ago. Just now, hours later, I see that entire fragments of sentences, at least halfway down the page this hacking gets worse and worse as the post progresses--parts of sentences were deleted, then pasted together while also being rewritten and glued into the next sentence so the meaning is completely lost. The post sounds so confusing that it's a complete chaotic mess and this is very evident at the halfway mark of this post. By the time I got off the laptop I had to literally stop doing anything as my entire back and my arms were so sore and nearly numb from the effort of pounding down to get anything out I could not go further with endlessly fighting to write anything else or rewrite or re-edit for the 3rd time--as I routinely edit to try to correct the hacker inserts and reworded hacked sentences.


Thus, definitions are deleted regarding the identity of this bald YouTuber. I really don't want to advertise him whatsoever, as his purpose was to obtain a reaction out of me, that I would write after his nasty verbal violence towards me after he posted a video using the exact same theme I wrote of two days ago--and he has been doing this for a few months--his videos just appeared on my YouTube page I never searched for his information. But I will add his name now, just to label who this is. I wrote of Ring of Fire channel on YouTube and his other channel is Farron Balanced. His name is Farron Cousins. I tried to write this below but I will try to write it clearly now: the drugging and the attacks on my eyeballs from this microchip or the remote tech/drugging interface or whatever--causes tears to well up in my eyes so I cannot see to read. They can also blur my vision and attack my brain so I can't absorb information that I am struggling just to see to read. I watch news videos but this man has commentary on subjects that are hard to find on mainstream media. He has a legal sort of background and is a decent commentator but my reason for watching him is his sarcasm when aimed at Trump and the Trump environment. Hate and sarcams are rife in his posts and because there has been no justice for all the crimes committed against me, listening to someone blast these people who have tortured me and continue to torture me in the most nasty ways without absolute near death (but it is slow death and it is murder and it's still going on) but...I watched his videos even realizing he's part of this system. However, the hate and violence these putrid terrorists who are famous and well-renowned in the media circus are absolutely violent towards me and all are told to behave like this by those who endorse their endless frontline media appearances and promotions into higher orbit in their criminal enterprise fake opposition roles for public brainwashing purposes.

I want to add that Michael Moore is another fake. I don't want to get into why I know this or how I came to the conclusion. Like all the pig apes, he is probably glad that I am writing about this so that lying lard ass can get another promotion for his fake alternative "Progressive" agenda.  I just want to say that because there is the possibility that people reading my posts, which are so badly rewritten and partially deleted, entire segments completely deleted, words, grammar and all that I struggled for 2 hours to pound out and backspace and retype for hours has been destroyed by hackers. 

I will not just leave the rest as the complete mess that the hackers have created and with the very little information I have given above, if anyone is reading this, and I am trying to reach out to the people who may care about not allowing such a deadly system to continue to be condoned by the US Government, the Presidents the Senators--America is in dire deadly danger just from the lack of real Democratic representation in politics and absolutely 100% this is accurate for the entertainment section of the major mind programming institutions of the media. As for the major news networks, I was teleported to absolute hate by Maddow of MSNBC and the list of "famous" people who keep being elevated into lead powerful positions who sneer in hate at me, have me disfigured, raped and attacked without end for their promotions are just smug as any sleazy criminal thug gang with the loot of their crimes hidden under false pretenses of being politically-correct.

I will now just end this with all the retypes and mistakes and confusion that hackers have created. I can't go through fighting to pound out words any longer with all these attacks on my brain and keyboard simultaneously as I've spent hours every day fighting to detail these terrorists and their attacks. That they are all famous is supposed to make me sound "crazy" but they truly are sick and psychopathic/sociopathic criminals and it is they who are mentally ill and not me.

They are all 100% inundated with lies, and I suspect and believe firmly that people like Trump and many others are being drugged and brainwashed and are under mind control but they are too comfortable and secure financially to try to assess any potential threat to their lives. I have told Trump that I believe he is under mind control and he has just attacked me more--with his wives (two of them) probably giving all these orders of rape and disfigurement at this condo that they have bought for their investments and also to have this space emptied out so only terrorists surround me at all times and no one can provide any evidence. The people who are attacking me I believe are not independent personalities and absolutely comply with every instruction on how to act when it comes to being promoted. If anything, that entails a huge amount of pre-conditioning into mind control operative status and they are brainwashed and controlled themselves, even if they are not implanted or drugged, but I believe that they are or in some significant way controlled by stealth technologies and/or drugging. They don't care, they are so wealthy and living in luxury and being handed so much power they could care less if they are under mind control. Thus the United States is in SERIOUS decline and facing a huge catastrophe much worse than anything that happened under Trump--because this technology was handed to Trump by these actors and they are much more sinister and violent and fascist and tending towards Totalitarian autocracy and despotism and genocide than Trump even. If you think Trump has created some kind of Neo-nazi cartel, you should see what I have seen of these actors in teleportation and how much more violent and sleazy and genocidal and Nazi they are--that includes the blacks feminists anti-racists--I had to almost run to Trump because the actors are so violent and fascist and with the Europ-a's behind them in these sessions, absolutely evil and just waiting for a complete collapse of the United States which they ALL endorse--those who teleport me, who keep getting lead roles in major blockbuster movies and heralded year-after-year by the entertrainment industry which is fully controlled by foreign interests and corporations which are fascists and Nazis in disguise as being expert patrons of the porno and subliminal persuasion into fascist mentality cloaked under the title of being the arts, denizens of hateful racist  haute fashion,  and fascist fashion connoisseurs. 


The post below goes so far away from any linear thought structure due to HACKING AND DELETIONS AND REWRITES BY TERRORIST HACKERS it is a complete discredit to me by this hate organization. I did not write the badly written post below--meaning that incoherent parts. This is true for every post, but I write this caveat for every post just to try to defend myself just in case anyone reading this, now or in the future, is unaware because people could just skip to any post and not understand how badly my writing is being completely altered by terrorists hacking and rewriting and deleting.

I tried not to write about Moore or this Cousins pair of absolutely white, racist bigoted men who are so vehemently putting out their "liberal" and "Progressive" content. I saw a personalized photo by Moore today who was arm-in-arm with someone I wrote of who had made violent gestures towards me and has since been awarded and handed since that time major motion picture access to directing with a huge studio deal (I would venture a guess that most of the cost has been deferred and paid for by this hate Nazi organization to which he belongs--this is Viggo Mortenson or whatever his last name is--I don't give an expletive because I am right now on this brink of makind this decision on whether to write their names or not--if I don't write their names, regardless they get promoted. I wrote about his violence towards me along with S-pit the actor who has had me nearly killed in car accidents before he raped me just because I asked for justice in this situation of YEARS OF HIM ATTACKING ME. The personalized hate photo was of Moore in a "bromance" type hugging photo with "thumbs-up" in a digital camera phone picture that was posted on my Facebook feed. Being under extreme mind control tech plus hacking (as I am right now) I wrote a comment and then unsubscribed from Moore's page. I am just writing about two white males who are extremely passionate about pushing this AOC type of support for all the "Black, brown" and every other politically-correct mantra that could be sold as a jar of snake oil to sell off the disinformation campaign of the "liberal" assault on Democracy that these terrorists really are employing in partnership with the white supremacist "brothers" who march in the streets carrying Swastikas. They are really in private partnership, these neo-Nazis and these white males of the "Progressive" stance who all cheer on their fake alternative infiltrator media personality of AOC--their mascot. Just like that black woman who Trump used in the 2016 campaign to sell  his image as being supportive of black people--that black woman who wore necklaces of gun shells and would viciously fight for Trump. Once elected, the black woman was absolutely gone in all media attention, and replaced by blonde women all wearing the same sort of dominitrix fascist fashion gear along with their Nazi Europ-a fashion iconography--the black woman who helped bring Trump into power was absolutely booted out once no more need to display pro-black females was necessary to promote Trump for his first presidential campaign. And that same exact protocol of using AOC is being used by the white males and their more subordinate white females to sell off their campaign as being extremely friendly to black women and men and as they call them: the "black and brown" people of America. 

I now stop pounding away to try to explain the horrible hacking and discrediting--and to get my point out. 

I am now in need of a break from writing about these criminals. I have asked my government and country for all or any rights to be supported as I fight to defend my life against one disgusting criminal after the next who you all put into lead position. That the degeneration and destruction of America is still ongoing is without doubt to me, because these criminals are still in power and I don't mean the Republicans in Congress I mean the actors who are some of the sole support for these fascist media-turned-politician representatives. Speaking of which: black Nazi Michelle Obama just landed a role in a tv series--as I have written, the merging of entertainment and politics is now almost so complete that there is almost no difference between celebrities and their eventual run for office. The public appears to not understand the difference between someone who lies for a living and someone who represents politics and ethics, supposedly. The tragedy continues and began during the Inauguration when Biden and Harris decided to allow terrorist actors and performers to showcase their segue into the fiasco of the administration that is just a carry-over of Obama-Trump-fascism black and white now it doesn't matter what color of skin but always the blacks are remaining subordinate and like the black woman who helped to promote Trump back in 2015-2016, who has been completely ignored by the media after Trump didn't need to exploit her image as a black woman any longer--these blacks who are attacking me and others and doing whatever it takes to try to form a caucus of power are going to discover that they don't mean expletive when the white fascist males of the Progressive Party obtain more power along side their secret brothers of the KKK and all the other hate groups that these white males who are Progressive liberals really belong to.



Alas, I knew that this man, and the only way I will identify him is that I wrote a post about him probably on Facebook a few days or last week/2 weeks ago while drugged up, saying that he was funny. I knew weeks ago that he was a co-conspirator with all the other fakes, Progressive lying stealth fascist Nazi bigot white males who have attacked me with their minority minions put so happily into Congress to help sell their snake oil to the public--because I read a small bio of his career on Wikipedia and it states that he's worked with some of the other YouTube Progressive criminals who have teleported me and attacked me months ago who I have since blocked and deleted and finally, after months of their nasty videos plastered all over my YouTube and Facebook page results and main thread, they have stopped trying to trigger a reaction out of me-- (when I say attacked I mean I was teleported to them immediately upon watching their videos, then insulted, abused, one of them hit me when I said I didn't like his tv show--this is one of the more H-wood level of "celebrity" abuser/rapist and criminal co-conspirators in this fascist, nazi overtake of the media and government although he did not "rape" me as such, he supports it so I wonder how much other violence he inflicts upon women, "Minorities" or whatever his hatred is directed at in the sexual, financial, in discriminatory purview of his detestable inner life's hypocrisy). 

I knew that I had to delete this bald white guy's videos or "unsubscribe" but the temptation to hear hate and insults poured upon the violent abusers who have teleported and ordered torture upon me, along with the other white males and their "black and brown" and Jewish and latino minorities who are part of the fascist Nazi team--for purposes of selling the "alternative" bipartisan lopsided flop to the public, they are now being labeled "Progressives" but they are really endorsing socio-economic regressive politics. (Regressing back to National Socialist genocidal totalitarianism). 

I watched his video this morning and--this bald guy who has two channels that I know of; one of the channels has copied the title of a Johnny Cash song--to give a hint. He's from Florida, this white male who is part of the fascist Nazi team. He, like all the rest of these violent bigot fascist Nazi cartel with their even more nasty and violent blacks and minorities operating for the whites who just order these wanna be supremacists to inflict the violence against me, for their gratification at watching it happen from a safe distance while any potential accusation could be aimed at their nasty minority minions who do the filthy things that are ordered for their Masters to enjoy watching.


I wrote about L. Lunch a few days ago, maybe two days ago. The same theme of how the progression of hedonistic pleasure leads to violence and absolute corruption--(in the case that I wrote, leading to the Insurrection at the Capital and prior to that, the endless allowance of the pleasure principle with no blocks to endlessly getting away with every hedonistic and narcissistic crime against others, particularly vulnerable people, has been met, through US policy especially since Reagan (I am now amalgamating various ideas I have been writing of for the last month into this one theme). How the white males are just allowed to get away with every kind of criminal violation because of their white status has been commented upon by the disparity between how the BLM riots at the Capital were met with thousands of arrests, while when White Supremacist hooligans broke into the Capital less than 200 were arrested. Most of these white males are out on bail, one of the black males who also participated has not been released on bail, unlike the whites. Just a coincidence?

To continue, as hacking and blocks to the keyboard are making typing arduous and extremely slow-and painful on my arm to pound down endlessly to get anything to print out. Unless I pound down almost with my entire arm's strength, the hackers block individual key functions and I have to backspace to fight to get any single word out without endless spaces as nothing will print until I pound down with all strength of my fingers and hand. The nasty white "progressives" who endorse this action upon me continue to steal ideas from me while teleporting, insulting with great hate, even more than the fascist Nazi actors, the Progressives, along with the blacks and all the "disenfranchised" people "fighting" against tyranny are some of the most vicious when it comes to attacking me, in public and in the "privacy" of these teleportation skits which are being used to push the positions of these fakes into higher "anti-Republican" pro-third and more Party splinter factions. Their ultimate goal is to actually take over other political platforms but as for essential "change" to racism or sexism, you can really forget about that as they are simply using these "minorities" to obtain a kind of alternative that the desperate for change will latch onto and vote them into power for.


That is what I have seen of the Progressive Party people who teleport me and most of them are famous and now operating in high positions in Congress and are famous for this.

So to continue: thus the bald-headed hissing snake selling the usual snake oil to the public. The shared hate sentiments and jokes he makes are soothing to the turmoil that I have had to personally experience. Now it's time to try to find some kind of neutral source of information if that is possible. 

The question remains now: since watching movies where all actors are not yet dead could mean that any one of them still living could teleport and begin to rape, torture, dismember, have me nearly killed or try to murder me, etc etc if I just simply click on their movie, or if they are just involved with the people who are attacking me--as has been the case with Aprah whose movies I avoided because her nasty face was also plastered all over my internet searches and pages and I avoided any sort of clicking on the stuff she puts out that I NEVER in my life ever actively made any effort to watch--except for one single time, or two, that I tried to watch her show and could not get past a few minutes it was boring, meaningless and I have never admired this person who is so famous in America--I could never understand her appeal except that, as I said to her, she represents the good black supporter of white supremacy and nurturing female sort of domestic and emotional support that white racists have relied on as their crutch for their emotional problems for all the centuries that slavery has existed. I have experienced for years that "stalker" terrorists begin to tell me their problems, or they make problems up, as if my "role" is to be some kind of sponge absorbing their negativity while they go off laughing and saying interesting things to others while just dumping negativity upon me if I try to have a conversation. That is why I gauged this black woman to play this role of listening to the bs problems of white supremacist racists and thus, this role is amplified and psychologically continued through this "talk show" forum but it is highly racist in nature. With her attacking me and asking me my opinion of her while I was teleported and sleeping, drugged up and enraged that she would participate in this crime against me, as ostensibly it is a "racist" crime although I know that other women who are not "minorities' are also targets so really I think they just want to use racism as a form of denigration and psychological conditioning to break down any kind of self determination I have within my psyche. I thus told her this and her violent attacks upon me have not stopped for years with demands for an apology for this thought. She also has routinely attacked me for what I think to myself, as these criminals use "thought-reading" technology--


Back to the bald-headed Southerner who has exhibited today his utter racist affiliation--not just by being a Southerner but I lived in Pensacola, Florida where this man went to college and I can assure you that this community is a most divisive racist place and his ascension into power within that region only means that he's a staunch good ole racist boy, bald like a baby, and has an immature hateful disposition--but then again, after more than a decade of torture, I have reduced my former more placid self into a similar type of immature name-calling mode which of course adds to the discrediting of my personality. That I am a drugged up tortured victim that has been under non-stop violence, duress and physical, sexual and every other kind of assault for over a decade (much longer in fact but in this stage of the targeting, it's directly deadly and continuously as earlier it had been covert and I had no idea what was happening to me).


I now have to ask this very sobering question rhetorically speaking to myself: if I read newspaper articles online, will the JOURNALISTS begin to teleport and insult me too? How far down this bs rabbit hole do these layers of teleporting terrorist liars, fakes and fascist bigot racist "Democrat", "Progressive", "Liberal", "feminist" "anti-racist" agents go into the levels of media output who will then teleport me, steal ideas if possible, insult, order the attack on my body and home and then get another promotion alongside their "brothers and sisters" within this pernicious hate crime organization? 

Do I dare actually read any articles in fear that the journalists will join in on the teleporting and terror activities, along with the movie stars, politicians, all people involved in the media spotlight for mainstream industries--now on YouTube, and what else how much lower can it go where I can watch or read something relevant to politics or media where my life is not put in peril simply because I want to obtain information or watch some "entertainment"?


I wrote this post where the concept was stolen by this man who this morning (my time) began the most nasty insults like children in about 5th grade, just prior to sexual awakening (at least while I was in grade school kids weren't having sex in grade school-I don't know about kids today but probably they ARE!)--anyways: it was like some pre-adolescent nasty bully abusing me with really nasty and hateful commentary. His hissing and nasty comments for his video show which are so soothing to my victimized state because the terrorists are just endlessly getting away with every crime--as this hissing nasty man makes hate comments and jokes about how stupid these criminals are--and there it is: they are "friends" with them, like all the rest of the fakes, they are all banding together to utilize this technology to create a fascist, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, technocratic dictatorship genocidal society in the United States. 


This bald, nasty man--who I argued with and bounced back hate insults while I was doing menial tasks of endlessly cleaning up the stinking filth that their agents pour into my room with their mechanical arms--used by the minority minions who they employ to attack me, just like the "minorities" in H-wood and everywhere else--the same racist configuration and attack system prevails on every level and in every situation everywhere, and every time the attacks take place.


This bald guy also mentioned often two white male actors for their videos who are a part of this huge cartel of actors in H-wood assaulting me using this tech and their adjacent terrorist operations. 

I knew to stop subscribing but I could not. I did not, I was drugged up, I needed easy access to information where I would not have to deal with the terrorist attacks upon my eyes, for example. The terrorists can force my eyes to water and tear, so when I try to read I simply must stop within a few minutes because tears are constantly welling up and I can't see. They also make my vision blurry regardless of whether they can force tears--through these microchips or from remote attack on my body/brain centers--I don't know which or how but they can force this even while I am driving as has happened for a few years--many years ago. Dangerous and deadly.

I am so blocked while surfing and trying to find alternative sources of information that I literally can't obtain real alternative news sources except for right wing or these fake Progressives. They have usurped my every search and I find thousands of results and only can click on less than ten when I conduct any search.  There are lists of sites but these are not connected to any news or videos sources. Thus any search I do on any engine has many results but those results that are actually linked to my search are limited to ten at most, and all redirecting me to extremely conservative terrorist agents most of whom are posing as "liberal" and "Progressive" pundits. 

I was just attacked again today, and I have spent or wasted a lot of time fighting to pound this out but I write it as a documentation of this crime and also explaining to those who are still stuck in the folds of this death organization to think about your utter allegiance to them as these are the operations that are being and will be more fully implemented in the future and could also happen to you, while you claim that the people who are sabotaging you or even causing you injury, theft or even death and you will die thinking they are your friends--or when it's too late you will have no recourse to defense if they continue to thrive and put out this K-rap any longer without any check on the validity of their claims. 

The problem is that I knew this nasty man, even today when I watched his video he lectured on the very theme I had written of a few days ago regarding my Lydia Lunch critique of her hedonistic pleasure-principle theme, which has turned into a variant of fascist white male privilege to to out and do whatever you want and you can even kill someone on 5th Avenue and the public will love you for it. That is the result of all these policies giving tax breaks, endorsing fascist actors who in turn take over the media, but who appear as liberals--and now they converge upon me after stealing my concepts, I am blocked from earning all money off my concepts and then attacked and blocked from writing (by hackers) so I really can't, it is literally impossible for me to actually produce any bit of writing or anything without it first being stolen and then I can't write at length due to the fatigue of pounding down, the block and redacting and rewriting and just discrediting of these terrorists and their hackers.

Then, as with the protocol, the hateful white male who went to school in the city where I was almost assassinated in yet another murder attempt through a car crash, that left my hips out of place and all health care denied me even though I was covered under Medicaid--and nearly killed in other ways as well--this home of this bigot but who put out very vicious hate posts about the people who have tortured me--apparently his partners in this most racist hate crime against me--but blonde women who are not of some alternative group are also targeted and I think many have been killed in the past.

Thus, he used my theme, and then according to protocol, under the direction of these fascist Nazi H-wood actors, he's attacking me immediately after having stolen an idea from me and using for his credit, for his idea and then assaulting me afterwards with most nasty insults. This has been the protocol used against me for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. Endorsed by the Obamas, by T-rump and co, and now it continues under the next admin. The Progressives who have attacked me in this system have been promoted. All celebrity attention is being meted out to them in al the news clips. One of them has had glamor photo shoots and is a regular in a kind of political celebrity version of hyped up iconography--she sounds like a Millennial and is just another prop used to sell white supremacy but under the guise of a "minority" female. All the white males who assault me who profess to be "Progressives" use her name like the arm candy they would to a cheap escort they hang on their arm for some porno-themed white male Bachelor's Party. As they are mostly all married, but their alter lives center around abusing women whenever possible, they latch onto this female "brown" woman and also latch onto this contract out on me, after stealing ideas from me and shape-shifting them into their own pockets for profit exploitation and fascist fodder for the gullible and now desperate for change traumatized public. Now they are ascending into power. Soon they may not need the little outspoken "brown" activists in their midst, but until the time for the revealing or unveiling of their ultimate white male with a few white women power structure, the Regressive Party that they really are and represent, they will use these women and then attack me gloating and smug about it in their private cartel of hate, hate crimes, and endless profit and promotion into the higher ranks of these tangent branches of the singular one -party system that they are all "friends" and partners with each other in, integrated into one seeming bipartisan now vying for 3rd and more Parties to join in to replace what had been the old power sharing system. 

Trust me please readers when I say that the Progressives who the Fascist White supremacists call extremists, are really just the false opposition to their own hate agenda and really they all operate as one entity and will converge if they continue to be put into higher positions using this contract out on me, and along with the other targets that they mutually attack, as they are doing and have done to me since they formed their parties and I have been alive.


It is without a doubt that hackers will be rewriting this post. As it is, the hacking on the keyboard is something like fighting a haywire system where what I type is always mistyped nearly every single word I must backspace and rewrite. Every time I publish my written posts which I really fight to correct and make perfect, there are huge gaps and holes in the sentences because hackers just delete so many words or add other discrediting misspellings or word replacements to make the sentences comically ridiculous.

That is what these Progressive men and their white females and "brown and black" minority puppet props are not just endorsing but very clearly DELIGHTED to be participating in and partaking in.


The solution to this problem? Any solution I even think of will be stolen by them. AT least I have written this. It appears that my posts are thrust into the void of blank negation and silencing and suppression of my information, however what can be stolen is indeed taken from my writings by insidious haters of the above detail that I have fought so hard to pound out today (for so long and it's taken so much of my time, when I actually type at extremely accurate and top speed in reality and this is taking more than 10 times longer than it should).

All so some bigot, hateful white men and their nasty white wives, their even nastier "black and brown" and "Jewish" and "Asian" subordinate minority minions can have a jolly good time attacking me to obtain the ideas they force through "traumatizing me" endlessly every day for years, then thriving off the information and then attacking me after they steal the ideas. 

That is what they are doing. The rest is silence as none of you ever stops them. They continue to wreak havoc into America so they can divide and conquer. Each wants its own contingent to gain more power from within the same one-party system, but they want to wrest power from their seeming opponents but for the same system to be put into place. The victims will not thus necessarily be "black" but for anyone who does not conform to their agenda (will be eliminated, tortured, "stalked" and poisoned/abused to death slowly in full view of public like a witch hunt, fully accepted but all kept silenced by all conformity from within this one huge death organization. Eventually they do not want to pretend that they are "liberal" and that is when no amount of fighting will be able to stop them. Just wait until that point, oh people reading this and see how "Happy" you will be to love them and worship them as your icons and leaders who are rescuing you from their "friends" who are the "enemies".


I have decided to write actual names of people who are attacking me in various versions of this huge attack contract, via media trigger mechanisms or through trigger gestures in photos or videos--all of it intended to make me sound delusional and schizophrenic and they are extremely eager to label me as such--I wanted, today, not to write insults and silly names but I want to write at least today the names of the criminals--as I tried to write above but my brain is under extreme attack and I can't fight hackers and get my thoughts out while my brain is being "blanked on and off" (to try to describe it) like someone is pushing a button changing my brainwaves like a child pushing buttons like a gag--turning a light on and off like a strobe light--my brain is under such a similar type of attack it's like gaps are being made in my brain functioning but it's at a very fast pace and very subtle so I can sort of function but can't get a single sentence out and then hackers rewrite it all after I stop writing.

I want to write their names today because I just wait for people who are fighting this hate genocide Nazi system and trying to prevent a complete collapse of the country that people like Michale Moore and these other YouTubers that I have written of are actually working to bring about. When they talk about Nazis and how these leaders get away with crimes, they are actually advocating the crimes. They just want their group to have viable power to compete against these other groups and they will use the exact same protocols to usurp power and damage the United States to create a completely hate culture with all broken and destroyed but they living in mansions (they hope with all tax breaks, slaves in various disguises as their "help" and a completely destroyed country with them taking over to "rescue" America--as their endless movie themes go (but in most movies now they are saving the "universe" which means they want a global system of utter despotic Totalitarianism that is of "universal" imprisonment of all countries with them in power over all--for life, they are all now being featured in entertainment and fashion and in music decade after decade without end--their plastic surgeries are so professional it's amazing.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Every single archived program from WNYU, the NYU University radio station that I have listened to for a decade, all shows listed in the archived section from the past few days to the past 15 years is being blocked by hackers. There are "no files" listed on programs since beginning of Feb. My attempts to reach program administrators by email are returned with explanations written by people I have not written to. All attempts to access older shows from times when the files have been listed so I can access music I really love listening to are all blocked with a dead, black page that is frozen. Can someone stop this hack on my system?

A next-day continuation and clarification of my post from yesterday (banking/IRS fraudulent terrorist attack sponsored by the US President and his fascist contingent). Whorewood American and Europigape hyena Actors and models included

HAGAR THE WOMB--'Life of Lies' (YouTube title). 

Yes, I sound immature. Yes, it's so silly and delusional what I write--as you will claim when you discredit me further after you have organized covert stealth operations and drugging and torture upon me for DECADES but for ONE ENTIRE DECADE 24/7 NON-STOP. All disguised, all hidden, as you are promoted by this global terrorist fascist Nazi organization that I attempt to type about, which reaches exactly only members of your insidious organization. All the "liberals" and all the "Progressives" who are the lead role players for the media entrainment spectacle of inducing more confused and traumatized Americans and everyone else into the folds of your death embrace organization--

I wanted to insert a term but I have to explain it now: I wrote some posts a few days ago referring, in my drugged and attacked state that I have been physically assaulted while in the MK ULTRA "alter" sleep state--unconscious, unable to sense physical attack, mutilation and my consciousness is literally swept to another location when I am teleported as my body literally is split in Twain--attacked in the Prime state and also in the double state whereever I am teleported--thus both physically, sexually and then emotionally and psychologically assaulted by both split entities of my corporeal being and then on every other level as well--and thta is only while sleeping. I was assaulted repeatedly and drugged--as I still am now-- until I began repairing the very shoddy set of defenses I use to block my front door from being opened from within by mechanical arms (breaking in through the panels separating my room from the next terrorists' rooms on all sides--top, bottom, on both sides. My skin has been smeared with damaging and permanent chemicals, my hair also, and I was raped and drugged very badly and parts of my body mutilated on this slow, incremental scale while my room was sprayed with stinking toxic odors and some of my money was stolen from my purse while I was teleported to scenes of animal decapitation and death and murder organized by this Europigape who I have been fighting to get off me for nearly a month now, since watching a movie he played a role in while I was fasting and just sick and tired and thought that watching a movie made in the 80's would not be a threat to my life by any actor. I have been so busy repairing things that terrorists have damaged that I have been unable and in too much pain from exertion from bending and repairing what has been shredded and blocked from my patio side of the attack situation--so I have been sitting here only able to get a few things done, sitting in pain in front of the laptop and having endless videos of the terrorists who attack me thrust in my face on YouTube as I try to ascertain if any justice whatsoever is going to be enforced upon the criminals who have organized endless violence against me--who were the president cartel who made sure I received no stimulus payment that I was yesterday completely attacked in when I tried to phone the IRS to get around the block to the internet site which would have shown me immediately what was happening. I am still blocked from the site because I actually never received the payment and they won't put this as an authentic result if I can actually get past the hacking blocking my ability to enter the Internal Revenue Site. Instead, I want to add here--as I am now editing because hackers have begun DELETING parts of sentences so there are gaps in what I wrote--I am now "correcting" but my brain has been put into this rambling, confusion state so I am digressing into all these ideas I just want to get out--yesterday as I was waiting for 45 minutes on the phone to have an "IRS" rep answer the call--(the ID of the woman with the US Southern accent gave me was  1002650704--please get this creep fired--I had checked, by the way that the bank account statement I was looking at while trying to download pdf files to obtain records of the first stimulus payment in May, 2020--which never appeared actually in reality in May or for any month, as I wrote--but it appeared yesterday and as I double and triple-checked the account number on the statement I had downloaded, and various aspects and elements of my transactions and Treasury deposits were shown in this fake statement--I realized upon waking this morning that during the 45-minute wait period the terrorists had constructed this fake page by altering the template of the bank site--while my brain was like a blank state of confusion while electromagnetic waves bombarded my ability to think as various parts of my brain were stifled as I fought to understand what I was looking at--I was so dizzy, nearly fainting I could not understand what was happening--I remained in a giggly state that was induced--as getting angry means that these terrorists hang up on me, or refuse service which shows up later as the transaction being done wrong or not done at all--

Right now the hacking is very very bad. I had to change the font size and without my hands on the keyboard the letter g just appeared. 

While I am typing right now terrorist hackers are changing the font size just as I am about to type. I must stop and try to get into the font tab, while the cursor begins to flicker and move as I fight to get it to land on the right tab. As I press the tab the cursor jumps and I press the wrong button, and etc etc etc

I just had to do that again. All I did was space twice to add a new paragraph and the font size was changed to the tiniest size. It is so hard to get words out and pound down I must top, I am so bombarded with "mind control "tech that it's like trying to write while being spun around but I am just sitting still pounding down with all my finger and hand strength as I must also use my biceps to get anything out at this point.

Back to the terrorist actors and this situation, which I can't write about any longer, the hacking is so awful: as they hack and insert endless videos and photos of themselves and all the other triggering devices they use to obtain a reaction. I had written of this "performance artist" female a few days ago. I was drugged up and she has made endless videos regarding violence towards women. Now, to try to connect the dots a bit: one of the lead "A-list" terrorist celebrities who has played a Pirate role and is famous for his psychopathic personality-shift performances--a splintered personality and a violent and abusive man out of America--out of Kentucky--(see all the absolutely racist politicians out of that State and you can only surmise what the lower classes who vote for and support such candidates for decades actually espouse and what they will do when they are handed these technologies--even if they are millionaires and famous-can't get that hate out of them. The fixation with appearing all things French and aristocratic has intoxicated this actor so that I have been besieged with every kind of reference to Paris--as his wife comes from Paris or is of French origin--has made her entrance in French cinema during this terror time frame of her former husband obtaining this most lucrative promotional contract of torture, rape and endless violence upon me. I called him a clown for years and then I added to this term Ass clown just as a kind of more direct reference to the type of clown this was/is. 

This female performance L.Lunch artist (and yes she is a talent and an artist but a debauch and advocate of the system of rape, entitlement to do what you want to others as long as you have a great time doing it and can get away with it--that is what she espouses in her "art"--and completely adorns the real sentiment of this Nazi and fascist organization she is a member of--but puts her art out in direct and raw form whereas the Vaseline-coated Whorewood crowd hides all their insidiousness through plastic-coated smiles and movie plots of victim-turned-hero-turned rescuer who actually is coming to kill and rape and plunder from whatever they can get away with while having pleasure at their crimes and rape and murder and assassination--and that is the truth, Ruth.

Lunch, who clearly depicts what this organization really stands for: whose videos I had included on my Facebook page in the last few days because she so aptly shows who and hwat the real pesonalitiy is behind the Austrian fascist who has just grabbed onto this contract, whose video denouncing his good patner T-rump who just handed him the technology of torture and rape and violence upon me--and this cheesy most fake video which the entire country bought into, just a day after beginning his assault on me for every racist, greedy promotional rationale possible and is a most sexist and woman-hating man and racist and abuser possible--and of course, endorsed by Kamala Harris the other Californian who must continue to endorse and support the Nazi culture of that State and of course of America in general--but helping blacks to be handed a bit of the pie in the Big Lie that they put out--as a huge caucus and unit--so she endorsed this video and I responded to all of them by putting some Lunch videos about their rape culture mentality---which she so openly and artistically with great humor portrays in her rants which are ingenious but still--a component of selling off this and advertising all vice as being a part of the "learning" experience and  a part of the gratuitous "pleasure principle" which helps one to grasp a deeper meaning of the Self within the oppressed context of having to conform to Society and it's limitations. This is exactly what this teleportation allows people to do, and also what this group endorses. That is why assassinating people like Pelosi and other politicians who do not fully go along with every lie and every criminal plot to steal and allow europigapes to colonize through their American dumbed down counterparts is met with death threats--all limitations to absolute "pleasure" of having endless people to victimize, endless modern slavery endless wealth obtained from genocide and mass murder and impoverishment--thus leading to more minority minions slaves doing the dirty work and cleaning, sucking and f-ing the bigots--black and white now, this is not limited to whites but it's  intended ultimately to be the exclusive "right" of entitlement of whites--a la Europigapeland aristocracy of the Dark Ages.


So I put some posts of her art work, which are a relief from the lies after trying to write about how criminal and sick these creeple are. I can't express anything original as it's all stolen by this bunch of K-rapper scum and this has been  ongoing for a decade as well. I just copy what others have said because they can't steal the ideas from me any longer. However, now Ms. Lunch appears to have joined immediately into this promotional torture scheme. I am not surprised but I am writing about it now just to emphasize that first I do not endorse her philosophies she repeats about women being violated, raped and murdered in her films. I was just putting out the philosophical content that this group really operates under which Lunch so blatantly depicts in her art. She is truly talented that I cannot deny. However, she is lurid and obscene and that, of course, ties in with the older Dadist and other Europigape movements that she claims that men in 19th Century Europe created--which have been her inspiration. She associates herself with a male alter-ego. I can relate to that in a sense. However, I don't endorse her philosophy and like some of these pig apes I can admire what they put out but that does not mean that I endorse them as the people they are when I am attacked by them in this hate crime--as all their talent appears to melt into a toxic dew once they aren't posturing and acting any longer.

I am tired of fighting hackers I can't surf because especially while I type hackers block all functions to the point that it's hard to just insert commas and punctuation but then, hackers delete it all anyway once I click on the publish. The woman endlessly making videos about violence towards women was selling her book, in this video on my YouTube channel, the caption under this video advertised some aspect of art that was not included in the video at all. It was her selling her book in Paris at a book fair or in some stall in some huge indoor marketplace. She was having an interview with a French woman--in this very low-key interview filmed on a camera or some small device--not highly glossy and professional in other words. She used the term "ass clown" at the end of her little interview speech about her new book and selling it, and then using this term I used to refer to Mr. Johnny Psychodope as I called him--I can't use their real names, they are inhuman they have no real personalities. The fame associated with their names is as false a construction as the scripts they repeat that have been formulated by their fascist propaganda agents who "Handle" and control them, and then get them promoted for participating in this contract out on me.

It is yet another example of a woman playing the advocate for women's rights but certainly, if for racist reasons or for promotional reasons or just for greed and promotion, has participated in hate crimes and rape and torture of me in order to see her new book advocating "pleasure" at all costs above all else. I believe her most debauched phrase advocating an absolute lack of all credible scruples or moral/ethical stance was that "pleasure is the ultimate revenge." As with the protocols that these hyena pig apes always use, they steal a phrase that they can use from my writing, block my every attempt to reach any audience except for your terror bs operation as you reading this are all a part of and completely support this crime against me. However, she followed that protocol as they all have done and happily ended her next promotion to sell off her liberal women's rights which underscores her obsession with fame and obtaining promotion by actually endorsing all that rapist and racist sexist men are yearning to absolutely indulge in with no incrimination possible. This teleportation scandal that has become an almost tour d'force within this wanna be Europigape American crowd, with their Europigape handlers watching on glib and smirking as their stupid American pig apes absolutely emulate everything about the most lascivious and violent Europigapes instruct them to do--

I only used the videos from Lunch because she so absolutely encapsulates the mentality of the rapist pig apes. When I saw videos of Lunch back in the 80's, (shown at First Avenue on a huge, big screen--and this film she made was about rape--and I can't find any reference to it online--it has been completely censored but in this short film Lunch "rescues" a nearly raped girl who ran out of a forest area--while Lunch in her S&M black leather gear with her skanky boyfriend was sitting next to her. The teenage girl dressed in white ran to the car crying that she had been attacked and nearly raped. Lunch, in this film, then offered the girl "help" and a "ride". During the next few moments Lunch then slapped the girl, stopped the car, dragged the "virgin" girl to the side of the road where she and her boyfriend took turns raping the girl, then left her dazed with eyes open (dead perhaps?) laying on the side of the road. That was a film Lunch had made. It used the old formula of rescuing the oppressed innocent victim and then--like this group she is associated with, continuing the victimization. It was a direct display of how this organization operates. I watched this and thought that Lunch was a sleazy orangutan but, the point stuck and it was a very vivid and graphic violent movie, artistic but like Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire, it was as lurid but more immediately shocking. I never listened nor watched anything from Lunch until recently when I was accosted by a most negative of the Europigapes who absolutely encapsulates all the aspects of every fascist "celebrity" you could imagine--of course, with the "anti-racist" imagery carefully pasted on by his "handlers" who instruct him on how to infiltrate and propagate all the lies and distortions. I thus used the Lunch example of explaining what I am really not capable of writing. Every creative idea I have expressed, even in very short version, even a few sentences that I use as creative fiction, are immediately stolen by one or many of these ass clowns.

But as for Johnny, the models I mentioned yesterday are ALL connected to him. One is a black woman out of London who attacked me glaring into my face and literally looking like the black Grinch-her nasty oval face with her ugly frown was exactly with the same shape and expression as the Grinch who Stole X-mas. Operating for the white male actor next to her out of Canada who plays the hero rescuing the entire planet from the Matrix--who threatened to kill me at least 4 times, and got 4 movies put into main orbit at the height of the lockdown for movie theaters--his films featured thereafter for the year. This rotten black ass clown connected to Depp was featured, like the pop singers who attack me, in the USA Today (from yesterday) online feature photo gallery on the Paris Fashion Week Celebrities--the terrorists associated with the clown ass posse were the first to appear on the pages--their  faces (three women of "middle age" status, one of them has inserted her daughter into the modeling industry and Psychodepp has tried to make his daughter a star by torturing me and she has participated in it and obtained endless promotions while endlessly attacking me with vicious hate, then being promoted into highest levels within this attempt to create a nepotism society, aka aristocracy with birthright entitlement a la Europigapeland during the Dark Ages before the Englightenment and certainly long before Democracy took hold: almost all of them who have been attacking me using this teleportation contract--along with their friends since 2013--heading the many photos listed with USA Today (which routinely features the criminal actors attacking me in their pages--or the pages are hacked--since I have no access to any library here with American newspapers I have no idea which is which--is it all hacked or is this legitimately the actual site endorsing endlessly these criminals participating in this hostile takeover not only of Congress but also of the media--but, if many of the were welcomed to perform for the new President and his Inauguration then I can only imagine that USA Today is absolutely endorsing these creeple. The onslaught of this terror organization encompasses both sides of every issue and they have it all covered and the media sources such as USA Today is one of the bigest contributers to fascist overtake of the country.

But back to the photos of the zombies walking down the Europigape catwalk with (some of the fashions were spectacular for the males from by Louis Vuitton--as I actually want to see MEN for a change wearing beautiful clothing and not ugly and squat and frumpy like so many men here in Phuket are--and in America too) but..that is a digression. As for the women--it was two other hate fascist Nazi skanks out of London also appearing--all connected to Depp and his Ass Clown posse of terrorist fascists out of Europigapeland. It was nasty Moss and this ugly nasty woman who had dated Depp's former wife. All of them put into lead position for this promotion of the DECADES of at least two of them endlessly being promoted as the "faces" of fashion--now put into lead dominant position by having helped to instruct and learn how to manipulate people's minds into "loving" only them--subliminals inserted into people's brains as they watch the K-rap that these apes put out for their media spectacle ass clown performances, for example. --\


...and I am ranting and hissing in hate. Please note that it's well over a decade by now of non-stop attack upon me. 

One thing I also want to add (I have written of this before) is that another MK ULTRA "victim" named Cathy O'Brien has been doubted by her claims that president-after-president, politician-after-politician who have become world leaders used the earlier versions of MK ULTRA to rape and torment her. This, I guess, was before teleportation became a new technology to exploit for these same nefarious purposes. For decades people have immediately discounted O'Brien's claims  that a long list of famous personalities have attacked her in her MK ULTRA state. I too thought that it would be impossible until it happened to me. That I am claiming that every famous personality from current and former presidents, actors and famous people are attacking me would sound ludicrous unless you were a victim experiencing the same situation. I believe that my teleportation situation is at this emerging prototype stage and it is a novel type of "experiment" in sexual trafficking, slavery, torture and eventual murder all conducted with full permission of leading government officials, all police agencies, all law enforcement, and all levels of society all keep the silencing, oppression, discrediting and perform all the functions necessary to eliminate, isolate, torture and rape and eventually assassinate the target(s). This system is currently in full operation. The operatives in H-wood are the most loud advocates of every human right and compassionate charity possible. Once the cameras for the public posturing are off they turn into the most idiotic and sleazy sick predatorial parasites you could ever not want to imagine.

Of course, most or all of you reading this actually want such a system to be enacted and fully endorse them all and a take-over of "Democracy" with blacks operating as operatives performing --as Obama and his wife have done for years and are still a part of this--put into highest position and they are shielded from all scrutiny, they can't commit any semblance of corruption for the public as any act that goes against their false posturing would be used to tear them off their unstable heights. Unlike people like T-rump, the successor who has been graciously handed this teleportation torture equipment, with Kamala Harris hugging Mendacious Michelle Obama in her pursuit and their pursuit of a 2024 presidential run with both of them in power, I guess I surmise and I think it's a good prediction of possible future events.

I am now tired and I have lost my train-of-thought and spent time I really need to do other essential things in writing about this. It will be stolen by parasites and used as justification for more torture and attacks by the pig ape hyenas and today there is supposed to be a Kangaroo court Impeachment trial which all the commentators have assessed will bring nothing more than media circus ass clown coverage for one week to continue to advertise the absolute "pleasure principle" of absolute tyranny a la Democracy put in advertising but sold as a criminal Impeachment trial.  Thanks to the blacks in H-wood like the Obamas and now Harris--

the tirades I write I guess will continue as long as I have a laptop in which to write about this while I have asked people to get involved and stop this for over a decade by now.

When your country is so destroyed that you have actually lost all power to fight back, then perhaps you may reconsider doing nothing to stop this system. Right now you are all being promised that it's a New Day and that it's all going to be put back to the old normal if you just keep on believing in fairy tales and movie plots and formulas that the media keeps replaying like a bad old record that keeps getting an upgrade by new technology.

Another banking and government agency (Internal Revenue Service) and probably US President, Executive Branch terrorist report: I just underwent an internet DOS attack which forced me to have to undergo another telephone terrorist attack similar to the bank phone call terrorist agent I spoke with (aka "gang stalking" operative but renamed by me as terrorist as these are terrorist operations not "stalking" operations).

 I am under brainwave alteration right now while I type this. I just got off nearly a one-hour wait to speak to an IRS customer service representative. The stimulus payments did not appear on my bank statement (online) until after I got off the call. When I clicked on my bank account I was under so much attack I could barely think. I repeated the same questions as my brain was blocked from short-term memory. I was so "confused" I began to giggle also as this technology can induce giggling and laughter at the most inappropriate times. I repeated questions three times and the terrorist agent on the other line (a legitimate IRS agent but saying with impatience "as I just told you" but, it was rude and probably one of the terrorist operatives answering this call). As I tried to download bank statements I clicked on one of my two accounts. I was redirected to the other account where the direct payments would not have gone. As I searched the statement I would click on a specific time-frame and the dates were incorrect for the tab I had clicked on. For example, I clicked on May and got the next month's statement. I tried to find middle of May, 2020 and nothing appeared. I had to download 6 statements to try to find mid-May and June and I kept getting July or early May before the payment would have registered.

After I apologized and laughed, in a daze, my brain in a fog, unable to "remember" that I had asked questions earlier. That I had the correct address and had tried to log-in to the automatic website so I would not have to phone--like with my bank earlier, the functions that should have worked quickly and immediately were all blocked. Nothing registered with my correct address that the IRS has on file despite never having changed my address. I thus asked her to repeat the address she had on file, and she said that she had just told me that she had confirmed my address earlier on in the call. I was so lost fighting to wait for the bank statements to download--spinning, not appearing, wrong dates showing, (unknown to me was that I was clicking on the correct bank statement but receiving instead the other bank account where the direct deposit would not have appeared. All of this confusion created by hackers while I had already spent 45 minutes waiting after being put on hold by the former agent who kept interrupting me as I spoke and then transferred me to this terrorist agent. Not a guess that these were part of the terrorist operation as the exact same formulaic attack system occurred and these are specific in detail for every single "business "call I make, especially to these automated and then professional banking and government system phone calls. The same sort of interrupting while I am speaking, the same sort of block to internet forcing me to have to be put on hold for at least 30 minutes (today was nearly an hour) then being nastily received and the phone call garbled by hackers. All has happened with regularity to a near 100% repetition for over 8 years, or longer.

After fighting against hackers blocking my pages and opening wrong pages--I began in a dizzy giggly state (under mind control effect) apologizing and laughing about making her wait while I had to fight against hackers to open the pages which were blocked, as the completely wrong pages kept appearing--she , this agent, with utter hate in her voice, responded with her droll and nasty response and despondent (terrorist protocol) replies and negativity--

oh yes, the phone call was garbled for most of the call so I could not hear her without straining--like someone was clicking some button repeatedly to mute the sound. (And right now hackers are making typing very hard as I must backspace to correct what hackers are blocking and pounding down to get keys to function at all).


As soon as I hung up, after ending the phone call by requesting a 3-month track on this payment. I tried once more to check the bank statement while I was not on the phone any longer trying to answer and ask questions while the hackers were blocking the functions. 

As soon as I was off the phone, the pages downloaded immediately for the bank statement I had clicked on 5-6 times prior to hanging up and could not get the dates I was looking for (but while I was trying to get information, not only did the hackers open the wrong bank account statement but also slowed down the download time so I had to wait and wait for any page to open up as the agent made sighing annoyance noises in the background--hackers also blocked the template of the real pages so I could not retrieve the actual date I was searching for. 

I IMMEDIATELY opened the correct page where the payment was open. As soon as I had hung up with the agent and then, not seeing the payment which actually NEVER APPEARED ON MY STATEMENT UNTIL TODAY, not registering with my account, I never received $1200 in my bank account and I can guarantee that this is the absolute l000% reality but what can I do? After I finally could open the correct page (and the download time for opening the statement on PDF was immediate. While I was on the phone the page froze and didn't open for at least 45 seconds or longer--as I waited and waited and I kept repeating these apologetic giggly statements about her being patient while she was making noises of annoyance-I was in a state similar to being drugged (which I am from these drugs I can't stop being pumped into my body) and brain blocked and altered by this brain-altering tech. It is so discrediting to me and I kept fighting to be accurate, professional and responsible. I ended up apologizing as she kept saying nasty remarks but in a pseudo official voice--as I wished her a nice day she remained silent and there was an ominous bad energy silence on the other end. This was 1000% a terrorist agent and this was another example of a terrorist attack upon my finances. The money suddenly just now, after I hung up, registered on my bank statement and the money has never arrived in my bank account. There is no way I can prove this discrepancy and no way to obtain this money because terrorists have blocked the payment but it still registers on my bank statement--and only today, it was blocked and never showed up until today. 

I never received this money. I never got it. Is appears on my statement but when I should have gotten this money my bank account balance was not increased by the amount I should have received. 

I write this, because I have been writing of such things, as a kind of addition to the endless years of writing about these financial and other endless varieties of criminal attacks upon me. While I write the letters I write are tripled without me pressing any buttons--the hacking is so bad.

But while trying to get any business done on the phone, first what should operate online is always blocked so I must phone and be put on hold for a minimum of 30 minutes for the simplest of information or date exchanges. Then my BRAIN is altered and I can't think clearly--like being spun around and dizzy but unaware that I am kind of "floating" mentally because this technology is so stealth and so subtle but so powerful. 


After turning off the laptop I am adding this here in the midsection of this post: I had not even heard of a stimulus check until months after the first checks were sent out. My laptop had been broken after a year of torture from shit-pit the "actor" who also tried to have me killed in a car accident. A few years earlier he had a cat I was taking care of brutally murdered and part of my uterus severed out after I began yelling at him to leave me alone after, at that point, 3 or more years of him actively and in the background helping to rape and extract ideas so his nasty wife could obtain ideas, year after year, for her movies while he won top awards year after year at the Academy Awards--only beginning at the onset of his involvement in this teleportation contract of torture and slow murder out on me. I had written in one Facebook past that I asked the readership--whatever and whomever--for JUSTICE and that he and all of them stop being awarded year-after-year while participating in this promotional pyramid scheme of attacking me--as they just keep "winning" awards and all promotions and free every kind of deal for using this technology to rape, teleport, extract ideas, suppress advancement of the target and in every way to destroy another human being, all they love and have worked for. I asked for justice. He and Bolognia T-rump had me nearly killed that year--the end of 2018 early 2019 --I wrote asking for JUSTICE. I was hit by a car and I landed, as my handlebars swerved 180-degrees to one side as I swooped onto the pavement going at more than 40 mph--I landed on my jaw. For the next two years the terrorists would pierce into the injured area of my gums every night so whatever they harmed from the initial injury, which was no harm to my teeth but just a cut on my chin--to loose teeth a few days later as attacked literally broke my teeth so they were loose but it appeared as if it had been the "accident"--I was then, for one more year every single day, after being assaulted physically and raped by shit pit, they then broke my laptop and then increased the torture until pig pit won his academy award. That was year 3 of the t-rump regime. I had no computer and I was so financially constrained that I could only afford to pay for an internet cafe once or twice a month. My money has been routinely stolen from within my room while I am sleeping. I was thus spending my time at internet cafes writing in desperation for the deadly assaults to be stopped--nothing happened of course except more pig ape hyenas joined in to get their awards too. I thus missed out on the discovery process of obtaining information about the stimulus check that NEVER APPEARED in my account UNTIL TODAY--more than half a year later--but listed as having been deposited in mid-May--I bought this laptop in July because the dollar had risen and I was taking out half the amount of money I normally do because banks were closed and it was so expensive to just get my money out using an atm--as I have to pay $20 for each exchange--AND OF COURSE EVERY ATM DENIES ME SERVICE FOR MORE THAN half of what I am entitled to take out--thus I would have to spend $60 just to obtain $700 in three separate withdrawals at any ATM. I am charged both my US banking withdrawal fees, plus a 3% fee, plus the Thai fee for using an ATM. Most ATMs blocked my card except at one single bank in all of Phuket. When I would phone my bank I was redirected to terrorist agents/operatives who claimed that there was no record of me using any ATM and being denied service. Every phone call to my bank is fraught with fraudulent blocks to my financial status. When I ask to have blocks removed if I use an ATM machine, nothing happens and no record is ever recorded in the bank's system even though I ask for one before I hang up. Every phone call to any serious business is blocked and rerouted to a terrorist, lying and abusive agent who lies about services provided. Here in Thailand if I phone anything like my computer firm, I am redirected to Thai people who say "no speak English" and then say nothing more as I ask them to transfer me---silence, silence, silence until I hang up. Every phone call thus.

So I had no computer because it was broken because after nearly killing me, trying to knock out my lower teeth after mutilating my fingers and severing my toes every single night, spraying deadly toxins all over my home on every piece of furniture in every cabinet in my hair, vagina and in my food--killing cats in a brutal way and laughing about it all after raping me--that's shit pit your pig actor and his filthy nasty wife and they helped to bring fascist T-rump into power--and you all still "love' them for it. But, that is why I never received my payment which I am due, which has only today appeared on my bank statement after more than half a year--after two weeks of me attempting to log-in to my IRS statement and all information blocked--but the IRS has the exact same information for my account when I phone them. I never heard of this and then I have only just been well enough to phone this IRS--

T-rump has caused me serious problems with my money in the past--using the GOVERNMENT AGENCY  I am indebted to for financial security--he has nearly had my finances completely cut off--because I am fighting for my human rights, to not be raped, poisoned and murdered so some pig ape hyenas can take over the United States and install a fascist Europigape-controlled colony that used to be something called The United States--which would remain in name--as it now is--but it is IT IS now controlled by these same said foreign groups---and thus, I write about this because no one ever does anything so why not write about what no one wants to see stopped? Why not? I repeat, in this by now silly drugged up state, why not write about it? They need ideas to put out their K-rap and bs movie and tv stuff--

Also, three of the fashion models who have participated in this are featured this month for the Paris Fashion Week. All of these women ("feminists" and "anti-racists") are responsible for assisting with glee and joy as their boyfriends and husbands and fathers raped, tortured, beat and assaulted me night-after-night while they watched on like cheerleaders--they are now featured like the pig apes in Whorewood for the top media slots and they headline the shows now. I can't believe anything other than their participation in this crime has been probably the most instrumental element in them having been chosen to lead these robotic fascist fashion zombie-appearing "models". 


So I had no laptop, they had it broken. I was restricted to listening to a tiny mobile phone radio that was so horrific that I can't describe how bad and awful mainstream Thai radio is. I have the same emotion for American mainstream radio. Speaking of which, the mundane terrorists blocking the one radio station I have listened to every day almost for years (except for when I had no laptop) is being so badly blocked that no shows are being archived as hackers are blocking all that I have relied on for interesting music--


And they have all endorsed T-rump, have operated with him to attack me. I believe this block to my finances is due to T-rump and thus I included this in the title of this blog. He has had me harassed by government agencies with hate and negativity as my mailing service also blocks all my mail and then sends me letters from the government that have no post mark and so have not gone through the postal service and are not stamped. Endless threat since T-rump took office to cut my money off. And now, I am sick from the attacks on my brain and thus ends my re-editing which has turned into a long digression. I am very sick from the attack on my brain and nervous system from hours of fighting to type and think (mostly backspacing to correct what hackers are blocking as  I type). I have the usual sensation of floating, spinning and nausea due to the attack on my brain and body so I can't think or function unless I get literally feet away from the computer, wash my hands, change the electrical current being bombarded into my brain and body---


All the criminals who you have all allowed to attack me are laughing it up at their parties, at their mansions. The terrorists have tried to assassinate politicians and Senators and Congress representatives so there can be a martial law military take-over of the government. No problem for the whores of Whorewood, they remain smug and content that they will be handed top roles every year which ever side of the political spectrum they chose to feign. Their only allegiance is to foreign powers who control them and hand them castles or mansions on the Riviera for their help in bringing every fascist Nazi parasite into America to help create this fascist Nazi state. The women in particular remain unscathed by any scrutiny as their posturing "good girl" or "bad girl" media hype protects every sleazy and stupid act they portray for the public and no questions are ever asked about the legitimacy of their posturing bs stunts and political aspirations and never a thought as to the credibility of their credentials for such positions. Only posturing and playing roles are good enough for the ostensibly genocidal American population by now. 

But the dumbed down Americans at the street "gang staling" level got paid by the first stimulus check and I have been stuck not even knowing I was entitled. Every trick has been made to insert this amount into my account while I actually never got the money--ever. This kind of bank account manipulation has happened before.

But, you all just keep on cheering them on and letting them go on and on creating this fasco-genocidal system technocratic despotism. I remain writing about their crimes as I have been doing for years and years to the silence of the complicit. I know most of you want a system like this to overtake any kind of America that is supposed to represent equality and all the stuff that Americans endlessly preach about, especially these scumbags in Whorewood who are bringing every fascist Nazi into America to help them have an absolute monopoly over their shoddy media cartel industry.


Because no one will expose the extent of how these technologies are being used to attack people like me, I can only attempt to describe these sensations and the blocks to my cognitive processes and how this is being used as a form of attack by this terrorist operation. 

What I described earlier a few days ago while calling my bank has gone along the exact same protocols of blocking online access to information, phoning a transferred-to-terrorist-operative agent who disrupts the phone call and puts me on hold, is impatient when I try to float through the brain-altering technology's grip on my mental acuity and then after all I do, after hanging up I am able to access the information I was trying to use for the "business" phone call immediately while it is always blocked while I need it most when trying to get anything done.

I was also first directed to another agent who kept interrupting me as I was talking as if he was speaking while I was just beginning to speak. As soon as I would begin to speak he would speak and then stop and then tell me to go on, and then I would begin to speak and he would begin to speak at the same time--this is always another attack which happens very often. 


I want to add that when the first stimulus check came out last May, 2020, I had obtained misleading information on a YouTube tv news clip about who is eligible. Being so far away and with no contact with any Americans except for terrorists who only steal ideas and give no help or ideas or information whatsoever--I saw on this tv news show regarding the stimulus--from what a government official stated, working people making such a capped amount were the only people eligible. I assumed, since the authoritarian personality had only said that people making and earning such an amount would get this check. I had checked my government account and not seen any notification for any check or any stimulus payment. I looked at information on the appropriate sites and got nothing in terms of me being eligible, and no notification whatsoever. No information on the news and I had made an immediately assumption based on this scant news that I was ineligible. Since I am paid far sub-standard below poverty income, I do KNOW 1000000 PERCENT that I NEVER GOT THIS PAYMENT never, it has shown up only after I asked about whether I had gotten it--just today. All this time later the money has shown up, the IRS claims that the money was deposited, but last May I never got $1200, because during that time I was trying to save $20 per month and I watched as a trickle became a slightly larger trickle of savings. I know a million percent that NOTHING was deposited into my bank account and that money was just inserted as a ledger payment only today. I can't backtrack on the money and the money is clearly shown as having been direct deposited but I never got it--as I have stated 4 times now already in this post. I can't express how much I need this money. 

For every single thing to have been stolen from me that I  have worked for and even for government assistance under a billionaire president who has tortured me to obtain more funding for his lascivious lifestyle and gratuitous everything.

And now I feel sick from this attack on my brain. I am basically sitting here with nothing after people have blocked health care after poisoning me, stolen my concepts I studied to use for my career and not to help people I never appreciated in their roles and movies (most of them, nearly 95% of those attacking me). They remain getting more mansions out of this attack upon me. 

Now one of them is facing Impeachment tomorrow. Half of the Repuglican Senate members have endorsed assassination, in effect and mob rule and fascist Nazi white supremacists--as a result of these covert terrorists in the media who all play the "liberal" roles for the cameras and for their charitable political entries into politics and leadership position. 

Thus, even the United States is now in a kind of paralysis. Their funding is blocked just as mine has been. Their health care has proven inadequate and many people who need help are being turned away--just as has happened to me and still happens every day. 

I have warned the greedy who are attacking me that what they are doing to me will happen to them and many others. So far they are just "enjoying" being put into heroic rescuer position and they are all living in mansions and really don't give a damn about the sufferings that they helped to engender. Those who pretend that they care and even pray to Jesus when they are in public, are those who actively helped to bring their good friend into political top position and this is the result. The micro situation of the terrorist tactics and blocks that they are inflicting upon me has now been inflicted upon millions of people just in the US. 

There really needs to be justice and this organization and this system must be stopped now. If anything for the survival of the United States and in terms of global warming, for the survival of the planet.



I now am dizzy, unable to focus and it feels like my head is woozy. The attacks on my brain are severe but it feels like a gradual effect so it's very hard to pinpoint when it is beginning and/or while it is happening. 


I literally have been poisoned into near paralysis by this terror group. 

My finances are completely blocked by this terrorist operation.

I can't get a legitimate rental or place to live which isn't directed to a terrorist landlord or agency. 

I can't get a single agency in the world to stop this crime against me.


I know my last statement is like a laurel wreath for most of the people reading this--or all of the people reading this. 


May what you sponsor against my success in life be turned against you, all of you participating in this crime against me and anyone else who is innocent and just trying to live a decent life. May your criminal organization be routed out immediately and gone forever.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Techo-induced heart compressions and nervous system overload but at more minimal levels so it's not outright killing me. Earlier the terrorist actor I have been vehemently writing about ordered deadly heart compressions and nervous system hyper-rage mode using this horrid technology/technologies plus implants and drug interface. The attacks continue. It is still murder on an "ambient" level and it's still deadly.

 As noted earlier, I was attacked by people breaking into my home while I was simultaneously being teleported to scenes of dead people and subject on death and misery that this disgusting group inflicts. Their inner landscape of genocide and hate and death forced upon me in the sleeping state while terrorist minority minions break into my home and inflict all kinds of damage to my skin, hair and body and my food is continuously drugged. If they don't outright drug my food when breaking in, if they must resort to using mechanical arms (which they use to close the door and insert all the things I plug into the enlarged (constructed) gaps in the doorway on all sides, plus all the objects I have propped against the door (such as a small clothing rack because I have no room and the clothing closets are perpetually sprayed with such stinking substances that I need to air them and still I must clean them with bleach and cleaning fluid sprayed on them prior to trying to get out of this place to go out shopping--which takes a few hours to accomplish undoing and opening and unpacking all the things I need which I stow away to try to stop all the destruction from the terrorists and mechanical arms. Plus, I have put hooks into the corners and mid-sections of all the interiors and on the exteriors too of the cabinets. Like the front door, the cabinets have huge gaps which should close solidly against the cabinet door frame, but there's enough room for mechanical arms to slide through these 1/4 inch gaps on all sides of these door (with a few exceptions). 

I can't even begin to open my closet without having to get a ladder to open the hooks tied with strings at the top of the cabinets which are next to the ceiling. My body is too injured for all this exertion 90% of the time, so I have this clothing rack placed against the door and objects inserted into the cracks of the frame of the doorway, but if the objects can easily be removed and put back in place, it is done and I am attacked and then all is put exactly back in place after the rapists and poisoning terrorists leave the room. The precision of these attacks is supposed to 1) make me appear "delusional" if I report any kind of crime, which police eagerly label and attack and threaten with if I try to get any kind of legal help. 2) make it impossible to gauge that an attack has even taken place so the victim remains in a nice complacent state of attack, disfigurement, dismemberment, artificially-induced diseases and being raped and items destroyed and stolen while in a comatose state. That is if the target has been microchipped and can be induced into this non-responsive state while terrorists break in and perform every kind of sabotage, including murder.

Well, I have tried. I must stop writing as it's just another sick personality who I am absolutely 100% against who is trying to force a disgusting agenda on me, which I see now is only just a technological form of sex trafficking and  human slavery just put into microchipped and stalking protocol systems. 

How popular this system already is with the wealthy and the every lower level in society should be alarming but as I wrote, people expect that they will never be harmed, that they are warm and cozy within the folds of this huge genocidal organization.

I must stop because they torture me if I write, but they torture me without end to induce me to write. 

When will anyone ever decide that they are a threat to humanity to the planet, their goal is to turn America into a lost diseased country that never conforms to non-Totalitarian systems--a colonized sub-colony of Europigapeland--another Nazi colony like Thailand, with Europigapes using murder as a form to quell any opposition. Murder to extort the property and goods of the people who helped to bring them in and usurp power. 

That is what I am dealing with right now with this celebrity that you have all adored because he plays a robot and killer but is repentant in the end. The formula thickens like the bs never thins out and is endlessly pumped into the collective consciousness and welcomed and believed in. Their lies and your possible death or destruction. So much has already been destroyed in America in terms of freedom and Democracy (or a republic ) but whichever way you want to look at it, you are watching it unfold as the fascists laugh about how "stupid" their dumb puppet American subjects are, soon to be slaves of their 4th Roman Empire Reich with two classes or maybe a few but a ruling class and no freedom, death to anyone who imposes upon the seeming entitlement of the incompetent and greedy, nasty mediocrity that has usurped power. No chance for advancement.

The minority minions in America who serve this system are vying for a power caucus and cartel in order to not become completely disenfranchised by what they have already accepted as an inevitable system that they don't want to get stuck in any longer. That means that only a few of these "disenfranchised" persons of theses groups can attain success and truly they don't care. They are lying as well adn part of the same system. That they attack me with impunity and are promoted and then those who are put in media positions all support those who parrot absolutely vile racist comments are all operating to have their power cartel in the folds of this huge fascist racist organization.

I am writing to an empty void of people who are working like frenetic rabid animals to achieve the total world takeover of this system. 

At least get them off me enough so I don't have the compelling necessity to write to stop heart palpitations and attacks and death scenes in these teleportation skits. I can assure you that the death scenes that this Europigape actor inflicts upon me is his fantasy for the larger American population. Including, just like Hitler with his former fellow partner Ernst Rome, had Rome killed when he wanted to take full control over the party that they both worked to build.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...