Monday, January 13, 2025

I took photos on my phone camera which formerly was hacked to be too shaky to take any photos. I tried endlessly adjusting the settings but remote hackers turned the camera into jello-consistency. I am now able to take photos of the endless destruction to my home and property, which I have wanted to do for years. The camera barely took awful photos, but the laptop and camera are so hacked that the pairing of laptop and camera is impossible. The laptop is paired but the camera will not pair, even though the connection is visible on the laptop and states it is paired, it is blocked from being entered on the phone. The pairing process didn't work at all for the laptop until I turned the free VPN, already hacked, on and for one minute the laptop instantly connected the camera to the laptop but then dislocated it once I logged in the password for pairing. IF i turn the VPN off there is no ability to pair whatsoever the Bluetooth will n ot work. Another function i had used to bypass bluetooth has been blocked as well; I used to be able to upload files on the camera using a different memory system that is now blocked.//The hackers are taking over my laptop for my deliveries from Lazada. They are ordering their minions to not deliver when the status shows delivery for "today". They change the status and they are paying off the minions. I can't "complain" to any of the actual businesses or the company because the chat is also hacked and taken over by the terrorists in the rooms on all sides of me, rushing in under orders from the millionaires and billionaires paying them in exorbitant amounts plus free rent and promotions for destroying my home. I can't upload the filth and destruction the holes in the floor which look like a damaged building after a bombing--they have cut out parts of the PVC flooring the destroyed wooden floor beneath stained and musty (they inserted much under the floorboards t o make them soft enough to pry up as they are tearing out the flooring into a huge hole about 5 ftx5 ft. The photos showed my plants doused with chemicals with brown and dead swaths over the leaves, drooping and dead on parts of the leaves that are like spotted patterns, not like natural leaf decay or rot. The cabinets the refrigerator the floor have been slashed and stained there are disgusting brown stains on the white walls and yellow stains permanently sprayed on everything for years. Every day they destroy something else the entire room is stinking and tattered. I try to repair and clean with fractured vertebrae they forced upon me (this organization these celebrities have been pursuing me for over 30 years or some of them almost all of my life, half a century from the shitalina and her dirty Nazi daddy team).//My arms and skin is likewise mottled with scars from liver failure and poisoning torture abuse rending me into a state of rage an dhate so the chemicals of hate and stress are a daily factor in the destruction of my body as I scream in rage rushing to try to kill the German ape f ilth fuck with his new Nazi girlfriend partner Pamela anderson who is now taking the place of his former blond*ish Nazi skank Shitalina and pig pitt, inseparable scumbags the German is a leech I cant' pry off me. Anderson made her presence known to me in the form of the dirty creeps surrounding me who made continuous reference to expletives like Roger Waters endlessly for years and years over 40 years ago, up to now he is profiting off th is in multimillions and t he retention of his "fame" . Elton John has been in the background but has been in that mode since 1982. Pamela Anderson I was made aware of through terrorists in my vicinity back in 1997. The German I only watched a tv movie about concentration camp "pity" which has turned out to be a vicious Nazi inclusion of gratitude from the Democrats and fascists alike who worship the German Nazi model, which he is playing theatrically almost as they cheer it on. //My every technical gadget, even though I am using bitdefender (free anti-virus, almost like water through a sieve) and then a free VPN as the internet is turned off rendering the VPN useless. The WiFi signal is hacked so the connection is so slow that u sing the more visibly hacked WiFi without the VPN is less time-consuming even with them turning the WiFi off continuously (sometimes every minute).//The deliveries are constantly a form of terrorism. The stalkers in this building (*they are invited to attack me as if they are visiting or living there, but they are not they are strictly only here for the purpose of being paid to attack me. The white supremacists (the innocuous term really is fascist bigot Nazi genocidal expletives and their brown and black minority minions) order the minions to lie to me about deliveries so I am s tuck waiting until 9 pm, all day for a delivery which they are supposed to deliver during business hours but they lie about every single thing and now they will not pick up p hones when I call the chat claims they can do nothing to phone the couriers, which is a lie. They lie directly to me they are the white pig ape scum in this building or the brown slaves of the pig apes hacking and lying by this chat service. The connection between my phone and this laptop so I can try to produce evidence is impossible no matter what VPN or firewall or anti-virus I use. Paying for any service would entail t he exact same attack, probably rendered once the free trial was expired.

 The endlessly life-sucking love-sucking idea-sucking leeches sat as I listened to William Coopers lecture about the Hermetic system, which is a direct correlation to the award-winning Nazi movie Amelia Perez. The themes exactly relate verbatim to the themes used in that film, which I read after I had analyzed it was made by a French company. I had written that the film is a symbolic inclusion of Mexicans and "brown" people into the Nazi esoterica of Nazism philosophy--used initially to induce people into feeling self-glorified as superior in order to get members into the ever-increasing dumb ape pig coalition of greed grasping, once the inculcation of "divine superiority" is embedded by these philosophiles.

the dirty violent sleazy mediocre German ape filth rapist who all the blonde Nazi Americans are heralding as the black Nazis rush to get deals to live and work in Europigapeland as this filth German apparently has huge connections and he flaunts this constantly as the dirty apes of American political and entertainment "power" rally around this filth scum mediocrity who claims he is not stupid because he can play Bach on piano.

Every single concept that all the k-rappers surrounding this vile Nazi creep purport they are "fighting against" they are embracing in the private open secret of this teleportation hate contract .

Thusly, while Pamela Anderson is not as mired in the hormonal high of endless Academy Awards and rape as a Pavlovian type of conditioning into most violent murder and racism, as they are all being programmed through this system as well.

They all begin slowly but as they obtain more awards the hormonal high of torture rape and endless free profit for just being stupid and then stealing ideas from me as they sit listening to the lecture, the lectures by Cooper they had formerly castigated mocked called me stupid made fun of Cooper, but now that the lecture proves that he was absolutely not just correct but of a top intellect far superior than anything you will ever hear out of the Whorewood I have been exposed to--by far without even a remote percent of similarity.


the hackers just deleted about 6 paragraphs I fought to type out. First they turned the VPN off and then on. The icon is completely changed, yesterday it was a little square showing the VPN, today it is the same WiFi icon that always exists when I am not using a VPN> Thus they have turned the VPN into just a written item that has no connection to my system, or it is compromised. They just blocked the publishing of this post, my brain is under block I cant' "remember" what I just wrote my brain is blank. Half of this post is gone. 

I can only remember that I began to write about the German rape Nazi-referencing abuser that Pamela is gravitating to. Along with the many from Whorewood who rally around him, the men he has in this building, as I wrote which was just deleted while the system was almost entirely deleted. I was publishing the post much longer than this now, and the hackers made the publishing appear like the system was off, the page became transparent as a moving line showed that the post was in a half-state of being deleted or the signal was gone. Then I got a blue button saying t hat if I did anything the post would be lost. I had to turn the VPN off, go through a search engine that is "private" to get access to the half-deleted post**

The VPN is off, the signal appears just as it did while I was supposedly  connected that worked seminally yesterday. For the first 3  hours the Wifi appeared as a square showing the VPN, but now it is "connected" with the same old WiFi triple-arc symbol so it is not connected but even if I can see an IP address from another location, the hackers have fully compromised this system with just a tiny bit of effort from one of the global hackers (but they are living in this building for free plus dumping stinking filth into my home and would be raping and injecting poison semen and fungus into my vagina my hair and they are currently still making my hair fall out because I can't fully protect my head using just material to wrap around the mechanical arms are top professional

these men all have the bulky thug body builder physique. For the past 2 years it has been teams of Russians looking like ballet dancers, perfect slim shoulders and perfect posture-while they poured stinking filth and poison into my body to make me bloated and crooked--under Baryishniikov who has sat alongside every German raping and ahusing me torturing me for defending myself like a thug abuser Nazi. Nothing whatsoever to do with any "enti-Totalitarian" defector from Communist Russia as he has used as his claim to outrageous advertisement but really he advocates every terror tactic of racism and oppression focusing entirely on supporting Germans as his "bros" in the 4th Reich.

That is what they deleted. This year it's Germans and other white bigots with huge square body builder physiques which is what the German appears to be, which is very much the gym appearance of the "movie stars" whose bodies all look like they pump iron constantly and eat specific diets., they all appear the same. These men are very much a part of that Nazi "superman" type body builder plus hyper-violent sick and stupidity that this German imbibes, which is so popular amongst the Whorewood denizens because it has become the norm in that environment, with the influx of Nazis and theiir ilk into California for decades he is just like one of them, but with an extremely violent disposition which they all rally around because of his programming into Nazi murder KGB and Stasi Nazi tactics of violent oppression and brutality. 

I can't remember what else they deleted but this is a slight alteration.

I have spent 2 hours of fighting to upload 6 photos showing t he absolute destruction that appears in a bombing photo in rooms or ancient dwellings abandoned for decades--torn tattered broken stinking sprayed with yellow and brown stains on walls, cabinets floors ripped out the PVC covering over floorboards ripped out in 1/2 inch hole diameter 4 feet in a circle of mess and filth and they are spraying and dumping more debris and muck every single day.

I can't remember, and I used to have plans for this day before fighting for hours now to try to upload 6 photos, the system so instantly hacked that I got the devices to pair thrice and the camera showed no pairing. Every single thing is blocked by their technological tyranny

And yes, now this is what they deleted: the hacking potential that they have ushered Musk into power to exploit into the country and around the world can be referred to as a "technical prison fence" surrounding the planet. The AI hacking and the quantum computing capabilities he and they all have at their disposal has rendered any individual expression outside of their consent impossible. The methods of "control" I write of above can be used so stealthily that you will believe you have published or sent information out and it will never reach your destination. You will receive either an orchestrated response from an agent of terrorism working from within any government or private business or entity, who will lie or deceive or give mis-disinformation. If you are denied service they will divert your complaint to an agent who will lie and nothing will change. That is going on with me now with deliveries that are not delivered and I am told to wait for days for "delivery today" as they don't call, all complaints are met with lies and being told ridiculous lies and then "oops yes I was wrong" as they do nothing the situation remains.

The hacking of voting booths is thusly such an easy p**y for people like Musk and his terrorists of the 4th Reich to exploit with the fake opposition stating that hacking of voting booths is probably a ridiculous conspiracy theory and aren't we noble for not acting like "rabid conspiracy theorists" who claimed the last election was rigged.

The technology of quantum computing and AI has made hacking of all computers and systems with virtually NO EVIDENCE as I am struggling to relate now, with hacking blocking the typing continuously.

The VPN that is now fully compromised even if it connects to another IP address, made typing not this nearly impossible I am truly constantly pounding and backspacing to rewrite, but no evidence is available I am trying to relate that the system appears to be "normal" any check for malware is rendered effete the detection systems are hacked to show that all is working perfectly.

It is now 3 hours of fighting hacking and to provide evidence and to pound and type this out. I have to do so many other things.

The essence, right now the German expletive disgusting ugly sinister creep who has called me a slve beaten raped tortured me and had my home made uninhabitable

just now they highlighted the entire page in blue and deleted it, I retrieved it using a command

the German sleaze hater has made my home so broken down and has had his filthy minions pour such filth into it, he is so ugly and sick and violent and dirty in all respects\

because he takes hot showers every day and follows the German creed of keeping physically "clean" the filth he and his group have poured into my home just from his endless abuse and hate has made my home a stinking mess, as he is a stinking dirty parasite on me.

Pamala Anderson th e next sexualized blonde who is using the Nazi to promote her career, her goal of being filmed in Europe as symbol of her elite status is the aim.

Every dirty filthy tactic of blonde Nazification of Whorewood is the ultimate aim as well. Listening to my Cooper lectures on Hermetic philosophy, (this also was deleted by the whorewood minions the German and Russian meatball nazis in this building and by order of the pig apes trying to silence me, the German in particular as he and they all attack me every day to get ideas while destsroing my body and life every day I see my body completely covered with scars blemishes poison and I'm fighting to get anyone to stop this endless murder)

and thus, they all listened to the William Cooper lecture on the Hermetic philosophy, which (again this was deleted) the movie Emilia Perez was based on--this adrogyny philosophy that they I wrote maybe 2 weeks ago was used in Mexico because it turned that culture into the Nazi philosophy that the Germans first used prior to the massive embrace by Germans (and English and the rest of Europigapeland and AMERICA in particular) is the former esoteric occult philosophy of the Hermetic and the unification theories and the master race--all of this "elite" "spiritual" basis of indoctrination into Nazism and "elitism" that people used to turn from organized religion into a new religion of Nazi god-like posturing. The movie Emilia Perez is a conditioning into the induction into Nazism of yet more brown and black folks, like all the blacks and jews and latinos and asians who are eagerly jumping to assault me so the white nazi pig apes will tell them they are not targets of genocide any longer

and the movie is a programming into this philosophy using the most basic pseudo-religious context that turned people from worshipping the Christian or Judaic "God" to the Nazi philosophy, derived from these esoteric Hermetic and other occult sources (all derived from ancient religions such as coming out of Tibet)

But now the Germans I see are just violent and stupid, the bigots do not need to train or program them any longer into the Hermetic College or any of the former esoteric philosophies because they were initially used to transfer religious fervor into a frenzy of genocidal violence replacing a punitive "God" into the self-worship of mediocrities that they truly are. That is evident to me in the violence and the need to have Mafia (this German filth crap whore came rushing to abuse me from the Gottis who are partners with Harvey Keitel., who partnered with this foul creep in a movie and he brought the German to attack me as his Jewish Nazi gift to the Nazi Mafia thug group of the Gottis and DeNiro and Shitalina  pig pitt et al

I can't fight this any longer. Every single day I waste most of my life, literally, fighting to write to try to get anyone to stop this murder of me. Every day they hack and block and delete. Using the VPN has made this post almost get deleted so I can't use it, and must struggle to pound every key once more can't think clearly and I can't get my thoughts out.


30 minutes later, another endless amount of time fighting to pound letters out in a mash-up of my thoughts being scattered by technologies that are just being implemented so violent genocidal thugs can take over the planet

I tried to express concepts and my brain was befuddled with whatever mixed waves they are shattering my brainwaves with and thoughts and all the subliminal they are forcing into my brain

another item was stolen from my room, a tiny bit of plastic covering for my phone, it was lifted by a mechanical arm jutting into my room from the open space of the balcony sliding door--one of the doors has been broken it won't move I f can't close the doors. They provided no screen for the sliding door and I have been paying to buy materials to try to stop the mechanical arms from coming into my room from all the rooms on all sides, the patio is a huge open gap I cannot control. When I closed the sliding doors and locked them I was breathing in all night huge amounts of toxicity because they were poisoning me as I fought for my life to stop the break-ins, rape and destruction of everything. 

This group continues to torture me for ideas.

The William Cooper on Hermeticism was from a lecture that the German ape was screaming over, as they do this every day while I listen to William Cooper's Hour of the Time series, which focuses on patriotic issues such as the take-over of the U.S. Government and the world by Totalitarian Socialist operatives who are destroying the Constitution. That was back in the early 90's when he wrote his book Behold a Pale Horse and his radio series  became an underground sensation as well as his book.

The goon squad dumb a$$ celebrities have mocked this as well as the "patiorts' of Whorewood Congress. One of them said "yep" when Cooper was referring to gun control (guess which blonde "right wing" I am referring to a hint: long hair)

and,  then she continued to violate every and all laws and the  constitution when it came to attacking me. I am exempt from all that America means, according to this Europigpaeland-dominated crew who only aspire to become dictators of Europigape aristocratic elitism with peasantry servicing them with sacrificial devotion.

The programming is thusly that the movie Emilia Perez, as the dirty ugly violent creep was yelling violent murder threats at me, so any sharp object I hold he makes subliminal comments to stab me in various places to death, etc and he does this constantly to the loving embrace of shitalina and pig ape pitt and now pamela anderson, another person vying for an oscar and other wins. How "unfair" it is that only shitalina is allowed endless access and not her?!

So,  I yelled in the agonized state of mind control death threat stress and by now murderous hatred (but only in the moments of him sitting with his filthy ugly face and body assuming this posture that implies that he's totally relaxed because he has been SHOWERED with praise and promotion that he NEVER COULD EVER POSSIBLY HAVE ACHIEVED OTHERWISE, HIS ONLY ROLE IS VIOLENT NAZISM THAT IS ALL HE DOES and he plays Bach he claims that makes him a superior human being because of playing classical music. The elitism of the Europigapeland mentality prevails as if their music is the most superior of artistry. Americans cling to this, dirty ugly stupid shitalina ruined classical music for me and maria callas because every time I listen to opera doing searches on youtube she hacks herself or maria callas as a trigger for me to just click it all off to stop them from latching onto me if any accidental video of theirs plays on my autoplay while I am not directly in front of the laptop controlling all videos, thusly they rush to attack me because I heard or saw a video. One of the actors who is in line for an Oscar or nominated for a golden globe or something like that did exactly that; he hacked his filthy movie clip into a music video while I was cleaning I saw it, played it again because it was a fascinating concept mixing a movie with this song, and then he rushed to beat slap rape abuse insult and threaten me with his dirty English or Scottish wife with the usual pigshitalina pig pair watching on trying to force me into "accepting" being slapped abused penises stuck in me while I am asleep drugged barely awake dying from poisoning saying no but forced into some sexual passion from mind control technlogy so loveless scumbags can suck the life out of people and discard them with hate

the pig apes today who have praticipated in this, the German scum loveless ugly creep who "loves" shitalina because through that ugly skank this ugly pig ape skank has access to Whorewood

furthered by blonde Nazi pam anderson he is just sitting relaxed with endless praise from all the Whorewood "elite" plus Trump Obama Hillary Clinton Oprah and the rest of the endless gang of criminals

plus Kamala Harris and etc. His sexual violence t owards me turned on black Nazi women like Cardi B to no end, and she joined in violently threatening my life for writing about what a fake she and JLo really are

the remain being praised and promoted

and I remain fighting to rethink what they hacked out

I am just ranting at this point


I am spending my life cleaning up filth fighting to shit poison out and type and pound posts and blog posts about tihs crime as people continue to worship and praise all the criminals

the pig apes have sat  laughing for years, for decadees as I am oisoned mutilated tortured and raped while they ask me for ideas

the Hour of the Time lectures they routinely scream over and yell abuse and death threats and in sults at me constantly every day, and I listen every day to block their sheer ugliness stupidity and sickness out and to inject some actual concern about society and ethics. But the ideas are what this group of mediocrity stupidity sickness prostitituted-aspiring to be pimp whores are really after so I screamed that the Hermetic lecture is directly related to Emilia Perez

so today the apes sat listening but still the hate and ugliness was there. Because they have mocked me listening to Cooper's intensely intellectual and profound lectures they are now listening to try to get their own ideas. I can't spend yhears not watching any videos not reading any news clips not using my mind to explore ideas, which I have done all my life. I have been so poisoned fighting for my life for so many decadees I could never begin to have any career n anything and all the ideas I could never be healthy enough to begin to write they are sucking the life out of me to obtain

today was another day

I write again to let anyone who cares about society that you are continuing to allow filth shit to take control, that includes your dearly departed Obama who is a dead spirit of greed and lies, along with Michelle who truly is a malevolent lying sucking parasite upon America. Their inclusion in t his is profoundly vile as are all the minorities who rush to get approval from the Nazi bigot handing out prizes to the rotten little creeps who "represent" the victims of Nazis are some of the most enthusiastic in attacking me--those directly related to persecution from Nazis jeer in hate at me and lovingly stand next to the ugly Nazi German ape scumbag in solidarity. They must prove that they are not victims, only me for actually being strong enough to fight for justice and against Nazis, something they nor their parents ever did, which is how they became the symbols in America because of the false display of righteous victimization. 

and the movie Emilia Perez they listened to almost verbatim references that were stolen, like a formula, by the French Nazi fuck who made this movie in order to indoctrinate more brown-skinned minorities into embracing Nazi philosophy. It's beyond the male-female dialectic or homophobia it is about other concepts I don't want to elaborate on they are sucking ideas out of me and I am only cleaning up filth because I began to fight back against being poisoned and raped to death by the filth who are endlessly profiting off this, like Stallone who is making a movie about sex trrafficking because he has participated in this, read my posts and can "represent" the fake opposition as they are all doing. He is one of the most egregious sex trafficking scumbags in America, truly has put Trump into power has put Musk into power, his dirty lying movies about poor victims rusing up are all stolen he has stolen probably undoubtedly many concepts from my decades of writring as that filth scum has profited off torturing me for having written the ideas. This is the endless contract out on me. No one will stop it.

I write to warn you goddamn people reading this that you are next. In one form or another. Yo uwant stupidity you have gotten it as leadership but I am being tortured to death I have been exlpoited they have made millions off my ideas and have stoloen destroyed raped and beaten me for the ideas that put the worthless stupi apes into the oscars every year for over 15 years and still they won't leave me alone and pay me for all the damage they have done

the rotten government under Trump which began at least 2 months before the day of election, so they knew it was a rigged win beforehand. I wrote of the hacking capabilities maybe someone out there will actually care to begin to research this and stop having media lie about how nobel the Democrats are for not imitating the claim the election was "rigged" which it was, absolutely.

But they are still attacking me. This german is a foul and ugly scum filth piece of shit who is n ever gone, he is so embraced how truly stupid do Americans have to be to not understand what ugly sick shit he really is? They don't care, he is promising money for all the greedy dirty minions and the white supremacists alike.

I can't think I can't t ype I can't write the hacking and the diffusion of my brainwaves is constant

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Terrorist Report: High season has brought an influx of Nazis on their genocidal vacays, and (*I am now editing, because hackers are deleing parts of sentences already within the first sentence**)) because the terrorist Nazi white trash filth that ALLL of t he pig ape scum Americans in Whorewood worship like slaves, and they get their...***(not goin to edit any longer, the post is obviously mostly rewritten by terrorists. They are ugly white pig ape scum with hamburger meatball bodybuilder bodies, they reek of prostitution and slime entitlement and hate and genocide--their sleazy skanks are lasciviously dressed just the same filth as the white and black shit trash in Whorewood who worship the white slabs of meat they worship as white Europigapes because they have lost every single bit of intelligence and self-respect for American culture they only want to be "elite" Europigapes not understanding what a deception it all is--so I am stuck as the only one not imporessed by Nazi s hit I write out to nobody years of Obama coming to participate Trump laughing and smiling as Obama does as well, Bush is behind it but not an active participant but obviously has some stake in this on one level or another--the clintons are outright vicious perpetrators violently Nazi fascist---and I am stuck writing posts again every day. //I am not going to edit the restis just hacked and rewritten. I have tried to get the hackers off. I cannot spend money to get them off they hack into every single thing. // brown and other minority oreo factions to inflict their hate and terror upon me. Multiple services are being denied in outright discriminatory fashion. Deliveries I had relied on when the white pig apes were in t heir rotten countries are now rife with lying sneering agents who put "delivery today" and never arrive. They never answer phone calls. My internet is so badly hacked all VPN's I use for free, and it would happen with a paid service, are being hacked almost instantly. I can use a new (free) VPN for about 3 hours until the hacking commences. They block the signal for this WiFi system. I cannot afford to pay for an internet service per month only to have it hacked, which will happen. They block the VPN's so badly that I have to use the hacked WiFi to get any connection. They turn the signal off repeatedly while I am connected to the VPN so it won't work regardless of what I use. I can only use the hacked system and any VPN I use is hacked almost instantly (within one day now that they see I am tr ying every day to use a different free VPN there are only so many). White trash males in this building ripping the floor out of my apartment, hacking and rewriting my business emails what little I can do and when I am on the phone they use the technology interface to constrict my throat implant affecting my larynx so I can't speak and begin coughing and my throat is parched like it's closing into a tiny hole, which is exactly what is happening. The teleportation is endlessly the German rapist hateful Nazi expletive who is constantly violently physically assaulting me as I yell and scream to get off me finally and he is always there with more American wanna be Eurotrash aristocrat Nazis with endless promotions for free for just attacking me so Nazis from Europigapeland will tell them and assure them they will be fashionable Europigapeland aristocrats if t hey just prove that they will hate rob beat rape and torture me as proof of affiliation with genocidal Nazi policy. All the presidents are there to laugh and participate so all the apes of Whorewood are just thrilled t hey rush to join in, brining in every Europigapeland scumbag idiot savant posturing as elite sophisticated entitlement supremacy t he Americans rush to ask for forgiveness for being American can't they prove how Nazi Europigape aristocrat they are by abusing punching slapping insulting threateinng ordering hate torture and abuse upon me by their very willing Nazi continent of white trash Europigapes that Americans just worship because they truly are dumbed down as hell.

 They blocked the VPN I had been using with success so that it literally will no longer connect. This VPN is from the same service (vpnbook) but using a different routing method (not tunneling, or point-to-point) something like that, a different part of the computer using softward download info not part of the VPN internet connection)\it was compromised 3 hours after I began using it, waiting literally all day for deliveries that never arrived, for the 3rd day in a row of being lied too literally by agents who I have smiled at politely and it happened with another delivery from Big C where they did not deliver for 3 days as well, lying and smiling about it, giggling with one another pretending not to understand any English, etc. but I really needed that service so I went along, they didn't make me wait until 9 pm only to not deliver and one service phoned me merrily with sadistic delight in the voice of the creep, who tole me at 8:40 pm that he was delivering in 10 minutes. 15 minutes later I was followed by white shit apes coming out of the elevator as their brown slave dumped stinking food into the trash area outside of the elevators so the entire space stunk like rotten food freshly re-heated--they walked out of the elevator glared at me, backed-up which they do every time I click to get an elevator people walk into me and then back-up and they walk into me while I am getting out, often with violent body motions aiming to walk like football quarterbacks slamming into me, if possible. Always hateful Nazis with their brown slaves, just like in dirty nasty Whorewood.

Anyway, they have killed my cat La Moux she is dead by now. for 15 years I begged th em to please return my most beloved cat they have laughed made jokes raped beat got oscars for the ideas they stole from me they have had me gang raped beaten and t ortured mutilated poisoned into paralysis had me hit by cars my toe broken my teeth nearly knocked out most of my hair gone my skin doused with horrific chemicals my nails inserted with knives under the nails and cuticles every single night for over a decade--etc etc

and my cat, most beautiful most loving most glorious they stole and have killed her. they are demanding that their siick mediocrity be awarded by forcing a baby upon me by some dirty fuck. Right now this German ape fuck whore piece of shit is trying to force his filthy stupid ugly pig self on me because he is so stupid and mediocre and this is his and his friends's big chance to infiltrate America and buy out all the sleaze skank shit like Cardi B and Kamala Harris, brown slaves black ass-wipe slaves to white supremacy with Obama shuffling and dancing and making jokes alongside them all with Orpah selling her bombastic loud-mouthed trained bs and her cooking cleaning and "book" club for the general Nazi plantation as well, their hero and the blacks all surround her in Whorewood and in all the "activist" circles because she "represents" materialistic success which is the epitome of all they truly care about ***$$$

Tsk tsk---celebrities look UGLY from a few DAYS merely of losing their homes and make-up artists and sense of superiority due to an "act of God" as the technical definition of an unforeseen catastrophe is labeled for various legal entities (except fire insurance claims for those with flood and other disaster types but no exact "fire" insurance). They look distraught, some have their make-up on in interviews but they look like Tik Tok malpractice fakes trying to put on far too much.//Some of the same have watched me become H OMELESS but not just homeless but poisoned and tortured nearly to death as they flung their selves and their hate upon me, endlessly laughing as ugly plastic surgery skank parasite filthalina inflicted with ugly sick pig ape shit pitt endless 24 hour torture while laughing at my struggles as they continuously had dirty nasty minions destroy MY HOME STEAL MY MONEY POISON MY FOOD every SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS TO MURDER ME WHILE BEING PUT INTO OSCARS FOR IDEAS THEY STOSLE OUT OF MY DRUGGED RANTING WRITINGS TRYING TO be in my creative mode rather than hysterical. Now I can only rant because all years of writing to divert my mind into themes related to this terror you ALL have watched and supported them inflict in and out of los angeles they stole---and the creeps who support and still support this foul team are ugly without their make-up artists and stylists. Their pock-marked drooping with depression faces for having undergone for ONE SINGLE WEEK what their wonderful partners have forced me into for over THREE DECADES AS THEY JUMPED TO JOIN IN.//How ugly dirty ugly sick s hitalina and pig ape pitt the filth pair would look if for just one week they inflicted one day of abuse that the pour on every single day without their props, their mommys and daddys also joining in telling little stupid whore shitalina and pig ape dirty dumb pitt that they are good little children (mommys and daddys profit off the crimes) and so, they are told they are "good" endlessly by big brother as well who is just another big daddy rape culture dirty old man structure, ugly without the props of scriptwriters and make-up stunts and plastic surgeries without end and gangs of idiot scumbags propping up their rancid poop personalities and ugly selves, always adorned with artifice. Withoout such, they are putrid-looking and foul to behold and I see it nowl. They laugh as I am being raped beaten by this filth trash dirty German ape who is STILL du ring this crisis abusing and threatening my life while yet another crew of Nazi blonde Oscar aspirants have taken the place of apparently busy shitalina pigape pitt maybe their rotten undeserved houses mansions and properties are burning right now. How ugly they truly are you can see in these more candid camera interviews, their sagging depressed faces their overly-layered make-up resemblances of what make-up artists do the women who do this truly appear like distorted clowns. But they can't stop even while Whorewood is burning, they just gathered around other scumbag whores to inflict the rapist German who is a loser mediocrity they all adore because there are no boundaries to the criminality of his dirty Nazi posturing and all boundaries taken off to becoming absolutely violent vile and repugnant is all they are about. As Trump takes power, and this German ape filth scum whore was invited by dirty Obama to help his wife family and his dirty self alongside Trump, giggling as they all are, to get more tv interviews more grasping of more elections and the endless donations which they all suck out for their next spate of mansions and investments, stealing raping robbing and all the presidents sitting for the Carter funeral are all fellow criminals rubbing elbows as one dirty nasty crime unit. The celebrities look like people who have been crying, as I have looked from over FIFTEEN YEARS of daily torture extending from deep sleep to hours of waking to m y body being mutilated my food poisoned my cat stolen my home made deadly toxic stinking and poisoned. Hundreds of filthy white trash pig apes and their nasty Obama-replications, and Oprah replications and Farrakhan self-righteous bigot hypocrites attacking me and Jewish Nazis rushing to prove their affiliation. They laugh and scream in unison that ugly whore prostitutalina is "more beautiful" after her 15th monthly plastic surgery treatment or beauty treatment per month while I struggle to heal every day as they torture me into depression rage and old age, every single day. They forced this German ape fuck whore piece of sick ugly dirty SHIT upon me and I reacted out of years of torture, while I was shitting many chunks of layers of poison out I was extremely ill so they inflicted violent Nazi rapist upon me as they all laughed and watched while this ugly filth whore ape punched my face slapped my face called me bitch and I was poisoned drugged and my brain and nervous system under the most strong mind control effect of sexual desire while I was saying NO NO NO as he kept slapping hitting punching while he looked at ugly shitalina for approval as they all gathered around him. That was after 15 years of torture being stuck in rooms shitting poison out sick and abused without end by non-stop dirty trash pig men who raped beat slapped and abused me and all gather like rotten parasites. Now they appear like ugly dirty losers ugly and sick without the prop of feeding off someone to abuse the props of the empire of hate handing them millions to project fake "strength and superiority" when the "chips are down" they are a bunch of pathetic weak clowns.

The real LA term would be: when the chips are down

These whiny-ass bitches are a bunch of clowns

how weak and pathetic they truly are, how emboldened the sleazy rape ape scum are with technology where a person is the equivalent of bound in a translucent near-blind state as they rush to punch and slap from side angles or rape and force their filthy penises in my mouth slapping my face and calling me bitch, on my knees as the same ugly sinister apes have their hair blown back their make-up on their sense of entitlement handed to them by Trump, Obama, Biden and the rest of the rotten rat administration swamps that just are a carry-over of the last swamp-ridden rat crew which preceded them all. 

How ineffectual they are in a crisis. How they love to dump hate and misery onto others. How they call the homeless that they exploit to have their imbalance of wealth as a pivot that the government creates a wealth gap, which these rat whore pig apes equate with some kind of superiority due to being able to pretend they are bold, charismatic and strong when in effect they feed off the misery of others and the dirty pairs of creeps, the Depps the pitt shit group are all weak sleazy dirty and the preidents are just disgusting and weak if they are put into a crisis they must rely entirely on the strength of their underlings to prop them up, constantly.

When I had to deal with Oprah for the years that she tortured me, preceding her first presidential run, and then her MOST STUJPID AND IMMATURE CLOWN ACT for the Harris campaign, which turned off a LOT of black people who felt insulted and probably cost much of the Dem vote as the stupid circus that Obama fully ordained, as he is now a vile "entertainer" celebrity bereft of any single vestige of compassion and decency, in collaboration with the hate death mentality of the Whorewood Murder, Inc group., which put Trump into power because it is controlled by Nazi internationale--mostly foreign and all must comply with what the Europigape shit instruct them to do. Without their pretense that they are fashionistas with haute Parisian style, they are just ugly. weak and hopelessly helpless

Oprah., just like the really blank and hateful Liv Tyler along with her violent daddy who put little nepobaby into mainstream movie blockbuster attention but ever since., she has not been in such a high-ranking visibility

and I asked her, because I have been a teacher and I grew up around a professor if she ever has read any books on feminism because Harlots was about women's rights not merely around prostitution but in all respect, she played a higher-ranking wealthy aristocrat.

Nothing, blank and a stare of "I don't have to" 

and Oprah, I asked her if she had ever done a "risk assessment" and she had not, of course. Her response was that her "staff would do it for me" 

and that is how they all operate as "symbols" put to highest responsibility but because they truly are not working to educate themselves and only appear to facilitate a fantasy that they want to  be identified with, not daring to extend their minds beyond mediocrity which is what Whorewood demands--no one really thinking no one really strong no one actually embracing the concepts they are selling (out) because the 4th Reich wants to quash all real sentiment and put empty meaninglessness in it's place, thus killing off the concepts completely (now "woke" is a joke, as the Nazis intended to put people not knowing what they were doing as representatives of these "woke" ideologies).

Once the facade is torn down even for a weak they are weak and stupid and ugly./

how they laugh and shout that ugly shitalina the rapist whore is more "beautiful" as they continue to degrade my life with torture from the German ape sick ugly filth crap they all worship because of the money he and his Nazi group are handing out so this mediocrity ugly sick fuck creep can use shitalina and pig ape pitt, who are mediocrities by themselves only visually symbolizing the need for white trash of America to pose as being elite Europigapeland aristocrats.

The Europigapeland aristocrats are all from Socialized countries where Nazi Socialism ironed them all out into conformist mediocrity and laxity in in-depth analysis--those in the Whorewood domain I have been subjected to. This is to say that the myth of Europigapeland superiority is truly a myth. I grew up reading literature out of England that generation was killed off during, preceding but especially AFTER world war II when England truly hosted a Nazi revision in their country--calling it various other names but Nazism has risen there just as in Germany and France. The sleazy fuck who has directed THREE SKANKS (one out of Israel but is probably a U.S. citizen now or dual citizenship) and the two other American-born have ALL viciously assaulted me laughing giggling and being put into a Spanish post-franco fascist Nazi directors trilogy about women I WROTE OF, all fo them Diana and Jackie and Maria

all have assaulted me, their goal and their win was through a fascist Europigapeland spaniard\

the current line-up of wanna be endlessly "winning" rigged awards for torture and rape antisemitism blonde Nazism in partnersihp with the German dumb fuck ape have assembled now that the fires have ripped dirty ugly shitpigape alina finally off me, only to be replaced but the desperate for fame mediocrity |German boring sleazy creep-and these scum dirty apes of whorewood do not understand what a creep he really is, they only see "wealthy" German man offering every promise of money to everyone out of his Nazi Swiss bank account reserves from the Nazis, and all the black pussy-gyrating scumbags rush to assault me., that includes Oprah who was just doing that last week.

But their stupidity and weakness is showing by the one single week of what they inflicted on me every day is now visible in their depressed unkempt faces.

Some of them. Some of LA remains. The German ape scum remains endlessly because he is a talentless scumbag shit whore from Europigapeland, the perfect company for ever-increasingly mediocre and sleazy sick Obama and Trump who has been glorified for all the Nazism that the Whorewood establishment has used THROUGH HIM. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025


"Remembering Genesis P-orridge: A Beacon of Artistic and Occult Wisdom". MagickMe. January 22, 2024.

This ties-in with the recent environmental catastrophe: the "depopulaton agenda" due to lack of resources after the ravage of nature post climate destruction. The devouring locust "elite" population must continue to devour all they can to excess and thusly the elimination of "worthless feeders" through so many facets of extermination is the plan---
(cutting off Social Security, making masses of people homeless and providing no resources truly to help them get out of the rut, etc etc diseases viruses and economic collapse as well which will be consolidation of power--which is what just happened with Covid).
The interview, as the man giving the interview with P-Orridge said, was "prescient" but truly it's just clear rational analysis and study into patterns and modes of power consolidation, tactics used for many moons.
Just by the way, I wrote the above while listening to the interview. After I posted this, I was listening while doing other things and heard that Genesis had equated the hate mentality that I just explained after being abused by Snoop Dogg, with the never-ending German Nazi terrorist sitting smug with his new career stepping punching bag rape toy --me--using me as his Nazi symbol to inject Nazism into America with full applause--and also was Denzel. I said essentially this same sentiment, analysis of the devouring conquering worm paradigm of the "elites' which Whorewood conveys through it's false distortions of compassion and fights against injustice and equality (or where they are most comfy, the movies about psychopaths sleazy skanks and evil which they also play so well it is tantalizing as they also play compassionate heroes in other movies, their endless repetition of mainstream appearances have led the gamut of false pretentiousness to being "good" while they play "evil" so authentically)
but Genesis equated "them" to being LOCUSTS which I just wrote above, and said and wrote earlier.
I felt a sort of connection to Genesis while he was performing and he actually moved from his front "stage" performance to getting closer and closer to me, literally giving eye-contact and moving towards me while singing. I felt a very VERY POWERFUL presence from him, but I kept my distance. I feel, listening to him, that he is a kind of "Kindred" spirit in some way (not in all ways but there is a connection)
People like him are rare, or I am having a very hard time connecting with anyone I feel any connection to in this "tethered" constraint mind control torture situation.
But I explained a similar sentiment to Snoop Dogg with Denzel listening in, the German listening to see undoubtedly what he could steal in his "passive kindly compassionate" display for the public while he plays a very convincing Nazi and Stasi agent in his most famous roles.
Expect Snoop to come out shortly with statements such as, "we have to learn to not consume so much..." or, "the need to have too much is creating climate change global warming dire emergency etc".
I told H-wood through these people that they are programming the masses to purchase as much unnecessary image-related products as possible and have a lifestyle that is generating so much catastrophic waste into the environment. I could not say it anywhere as clearly as I am fighting to pound every key out with now, I was hitting him screaming and enraged knowing they were abusing me to produce a reaction with my ideas which they are endlessly stealing. They abuse me to obtain the ideas, they don't ask me they first torture me so I am in a state of rage after 15 years of this every day I am ready to really kill them and I try every day.
They go on and on every day, every night, the entire non-stop grabbing exploiting abusers--which Genesis refers to in this lecture along with the "locust" analogy, is just so apt they truly are programmed to emulate the Feudal "Dark Ages" of "landed aristocracy exploiting the peasants" and literally this is a correct correlation.
They have to abuse me in order to obtain ideas they could just simply ask me for in pleasant situations but by now I absolutely do not want to help any more of these leeches abuse me knowing I am being murdered and they pay nothing they assist in the destruction of my body and life happily smiling and laughing and then being praised for it later on.
This morning, freshly drugged while sleeping, it was the shitpigalinapit pitt pair who are so revolting but they never go away. Their endless rigged awards spree and non-stop violence towards me with so many death threats so many murder attempts so much destruction of my life and body and home and my cat and everything possibly they could destroy without murdering me outright through the covert death squad teams they have done--to a smaller degree or larger.
Today my plants dying on the patio, for writing in reaction to non-stop torture and they torture me if I don't write as well. They get more praise and money and promotions for abusing me into writing.
So here it is for today.
Amazing that someone out of England I find fascinating, only as long as it's dead and not an opportunist--probably because he was not he is currently deceased (murdered covertly_ as opposed to the teams of those his own age rushing for years to attack me extremely viciously, violently death threats abounding violence hate and torture. They all assume the "landed aristocracy' pomp mentality that Genesis refers to in this lecture. He/She (I forgot that Genesis was a she in this interview) should know, she and he both were in revolt against this system. They were kicked out when the alternative lifestyle was no longer tolerated as the country swung into Tory and conservative mode, particularly under Thatcher-Reagan (conjoined at the hip kicking out the hipsters).
Over 15 years of this same group of filth parasitic scum raping beating torturing me on a daily basis--in one rotation of abuse after the next, after one highest-ranking politician after the next rushes to join in so "slavery" through teleportation and death squad formational murder and oppression is secure private safe from all exposure all media and all comply with this. Victims who go along are themselves targeted eventually, which none suspect or they apparently don't care because this group has been allowed to feed off everything on the planet and has taken it over. They are so constantly abusing and consuming everything they can steal out of me and suck out and drain. I tell them every single day that I will kill them if possible that I wish them death--I used to be an extremely happy and positive person. They go on laughing they are glowing for their interviews for the movies they stole the ideas out of from me for over 15 years of daily torture. The presidents the senators the "Democracy" representatives are all violently abusing hitting threatening my life for defending myself for over 15 years, every day under life-threatening attack.
The locust-pig-apes are now looking for sentences and themes to torture out of me so they can represent concern about climate change as they have no concern about anything but their endless sucking draining lifestyles. As with the media and political speakers who shout out that "we need to fight for Democracy" what they mean is YOU FIGHT for them while they remain safe participating in the crimes and overtake and destruction of the country which they have invested in and are full members of (providing fake opposition)
and that goes as well with the Whorewood scum who are torturing me now to obtain original ideas from compassionate people so they can be portrayed as mavericks concerned about human life and the environment and how YOU can stop wasting stop purchasing so much except for their movies, and their paraphernalia they are selling (perfumes, cars, posters, luxury restaurants, their investments and their promotional merch with their names advertising the products).
And so, another day of me screaming and hitting the ape locust pig scum screaming that I CAN'T STAND YOU over and over for years and years day after dayj
they obtained more ideas
I remain seeing more plants killed on my patio because I am not providing my entire life for them to suck out without a happy subservient agreement screaming and fighting and trying to kill them in teleportation if only I could
I wonder at all if there are ANY PEOPLE on the planet any longer who are not fascist Nazi supporters or participating in this violence as I have not found anyone and those who make the claim that they are against a tyrannical system do not intend the fight to be for me, only for them and their group.
The people like Genesis who may have just been another abuser if he were still alive, I cannot find where I am. And all avoid me they don't want stress and I have been so blacklisted that the automatic assumption to abuse and hate me remains with the scumbags who are so hateful that I really have upped my self esteem in comparison to them.
They are trying to force me into accepting abuse without resistance as they mutilate and abuse and mock how I look after their endless violence using these technologies and non-stop daily violence and abuse. They are feeding off torture like rabid locusts feeding off life force. They now have ideas about climate change to promote themselves as being intelligent and compassionate, once more. I am still being hacked so I can't type on this or any computer system without literally pounding and struggling every word with extreme hand pounding down, they want me silenced only trash white pig apes are supposed to "represent" any concern about anything any superior concern any intellectual superiority only the stupid whore apes who really are disgusting locusts are only "allowed" to steal ideas and present them as their own.
The people are so programmed by this deception I myself have undergone so much torture because I try to not fall into automatic assumption about "all" members of a group being a callous worthless sleazy sick low-level parasitic filth abomination but I have to make this assumption after years of watching these fake shitty movies and tv shows (and news anchors and programs) and then being assaulted literally to death but barely surviving every day is a murder attempt through non-stop hate form the sleazy hateful bunch always increasing their numbers who rush to be promoted and asking me through torture for more ideas about why they are so ugly and sinister and what they are doing why it is "wrong". The ideas are always then transferred to the culprits offering the antidote, which I also am tortured into revealing. They torture me every minute possible at all the most vulnerable moments while I am sick from the poisoning and drugging they keep pumping into my body.
No one ever gets this German lout locust pig ape off me, it's now half a year of me screaming NO to this ugly creep as he's always there. He has been completely welcomed by all the politicians participating in this. He is absolutely an infiltrator an Imperialist and a Nazi-mentality colonialist with his nasty group of friends and his extremely wealthy group backing him none of the grasping greedy sleazy stupid f'ers of Whorewood can resist the endless money being poured out for their every despicable act.
Their vile locust mentality is also destroying the United States--just in case no one can ever f-ing figure this out but none of you apparently cares or can connect these dirty dots.
After years and years and years and years and years of writing every single single single day and night about rape torture and murder poisoning abuse that this group of sick filth has endlessly dumped their old age their misery and sucked my ideas out--the mafia the nazis the Gottis the Deniros the shitalina pig pitt and their endless Europigapeland associates urging these filthy stupid ape whores to be more violent become more like Nazis more like concentration camp killers more like fascist abuser rapists with entitlement to do whatever they want. All politicians rush to join in as they all yearn for mansions in Europigapeland they are handed everything for allowing all the Europigapeland fascists into America as many as possible if the sleazy scum politicians can get a free deal out of just agreeing with this scheme. Of course, their dirty children are promised empires as well, as they are much more violent and abusive than the dirty filth parents until it is literally violent stupid people of younger ages with dumb and mostly silent ignorant dirty Americans who were trained to actually be citizens following law for the shitty sexualized Nazi and Mafia programming that is endlessly injected into the sphere of mind programming through the media. Politicians are literally on subordinate levels in this arena the sleazy meaningless actors have more sway in power terms than the politicians, literally.
Whilst I am fighting to pound letters out, my brain is likewise inundated with attacks on my nervous system. I am dizzy, feel nauseated after the effect devours my body--a feeling of dizziness fuzzy vision sick when I stand up after pounding and pounding on the keyboard so my fingertips are numb and my biceps hurt.
Can't elaborate without cursing most of the time as the internet is turned-off constantly as well as what I write is half-deleted and rewritten or words revise to discredit me.
15 years of detailing this and still it is ongoing. Still the creeps are awarded for ideas they steal from me, gloating like criminal psychopaths about me screaming in rage because they torture me to obtain the ideas, they torture me to get funding, they torture me to help them include more ideas into the original concept they tortured out of me, they torture me to get into festivals they torture me to get more funding then they torture me murderously at the awards season after the violence of politicians during their campaigns, smiling lovingly at the German dirty filth fuck who is a foreigner with aspirations to program America into following in the 3rd Reich's plans to incorporate America into the 3rd Reich--now the 4th Reich.
I am now very dizzy it requires 100x more slowed down effort to pound any of this out without resorting to non-stop cursing because my brain is under so much attack as well as my nervous system. I actually can really write at a very high intellectual and artistic level but this has made it impossible. That no one ever intervenes really is a direct corollary to the death ravaging Los Angeles right now. Connect the dirty dots, connect the life fuck mentality I have been describing the absolute sick collusion of rotten politicians who are trained in legal manipulation of law and lawyers are trained in how to lie and deceive and configure oppositional points of view to concepts they know to be false.
I can't pound out any longer. 15 years and this is still ongoing without anyone stepping in to stop the endless locust overtake of the country and the planet. Everyone has been programmed into the locust pig ape mentality of consuming devouring raping discarding killing and abusing. Sneering in hate at the homeless through a system these ape whore pigs have developed so they have endless luxury entitlement while laughing at the deaths in the streets below those rotten Hills. The death now they have sold through the blank ugliness and sick grasping greed that they ALL envelope in their every waking and sleeping moment and then passing it down to the trickle-down economy of the vicious minions below who also want both to survive the massive extermination-in-process and also to be part of the luxury wealth divide at the devouring locust level instead of the devoured level of lesser and lesser capability for survival. If anyone doubts this is a growing trend I suggest that even the "fake news" media are covering this increasingly the trends for destabilization of the economy the end of social security the growing homeless population with NO REMEDY offered by the corrupt and rotten government.
Can't fight the dizziness and the endless pounding and hacking. The hackers will be rewriting this, I can't fight it any longer for the moment. So much time wasted in fighting to pound this out to the blank abusers reading this for laughs and giggles and to steal ideas and to see how they can jump at any opportunity if I post a video of a song the singer rushes to attack me. If I post anything about black culture or a black artist the blacks rush to abuse and yell and threaten my life for their endless promotion(s) Etc etc etc

So to continue the endless repetition of the torture upon me, which far exceeds any of the tortures of any illegally detained prisoner on Guantanamo, who are denied Habeus Corpus, are tortured beaten probably sexually assaulted attacked by dogs water torture deprived of human contact. One recently released has spent 20 years in that prison with zero charges ever indicted against him.

I am in a torture situation of unbelievable injustice. Laughed about by all the advocates of Democracy and Justice in America who have any presence in media or culture or government. Laughed at, punched in the face threatened with mutilation after they are mutilating me. Raped repeatedly at least 30 times per year or many more by rotten ugly scumbag white trash filth that the pigpitalina pair bring into the torture situation. My property destroyed frayed stinking broken stolen without end I live in squalor and the filth is sprayed into my home literally multiple times per day, every day and night.
My body is packed with poisons that are so hard I can pound my fist against the hard ledges that jut out of my back literally embedded from my hips--into the hips not around but completely encased in hard poison--upwards in a huge shape like a triangle that extends 2 feet in diameter across my spine--up into my shoulders and into my neck and then up into my skull--extending into my fingers and toes along my crooked legs from hard poison and my crooked spine
and they torture me as I am trying to exercise with methods I had to develop myself after being raped, abused and threatened with murder by all the physical athletic stars who jumped to attack me because I was watching martial arts videos

one of the most abusive is starring in at least 2 movies now within the usual window of some next abuser rushing to attack me, only because I was trying to study martial arts techniques in strength and exercise--I have tried to study Tai Chi, every class a hate and abuse experience leading to ugliness and the classes became packed with attackers so as to just make all learning impossible
but beyond all that digression as I am under this attack as I always am when fighting, literally fighting to pound every word out and to think clearly--always "forgetting" main points and digressing due to this attack on my brain and cognition from their remote systems and the system of implants in my brain and all along my spine, where these poisons have hardened to retain them in my body along with mind control drugs which are rendered every day to get every day some abuser some promotion and to increase this contract so by now everyone wants Elon Musk to create a world of masters and microchipped slaves, most of whom will have no cognizance their entire lives that they are being manufactured as some kind of farm animal to be put into various states so they can be forced to "Make love" to some rotten porno creep and lovingly obey abusers and exploiters. Or they can easily be killed if they don't comply or the person wants to just have more fun after the date rape drugging microchip experience and rape and murder someone using covert methods.

These vile creeps have not stopped poisoning and raping and torturing me for information every single day and night for over 15 years. Today Snoop Dogg, who has done this before many times, must have things repeated at least 7 times in a row. Some of them get the concepts after a few times of me screaming and trying to not repeat or help this group to steal more ideas. I respond instantly without any forethought my brain is so inundated with drugs and poisons my nervous system has no protective barrier. They go viciously to murdering me daily with abuse and then information extraction. EVerything from what herbs I use for healing so they can profit off that, as they all do steal all ideas for any venture possible, not just YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS OF ANNUAL ideas stolen for their movie concepts, usually verbatim stolen from me but usually taken from scriptwriters and authors who steal the kernel and then inject the 4th Reich death and white supremacy agenda.
I have been writing this for years and years and thus far the American culture has only laughs and back pats for the vicious violent haters who you all worship and rush to join in the profit enterprise
so I will continue to say that this mentality that you have all imbibed regardless of your superficial personal political and paradigm fronts, all revel around money acquisition and the need for display of monetary power and influence.
The technology has enabled the most voracious of psychopath liars and abusers to wrest control over all institutions until there are no more protections against their graft and exploitation schemes. That so many people are left out literally to die in the streets is completely negated in all mainstream except for a very small number of interviews with some Christian advocate who probably is a grift agent as well, in my not paranoid state I realize that very little is authentic which reaches multiple media exposure representation status.

Thusly, you are all so accustomed to seeing people literally dying in the streets from this system where the abusers get more and more and the "losers" get death in the streets, now made illegal by the 4th Reich court system (Supreme, the biggest example)
so my deterioration is nothing to any of you. The point made by many of the gang stalking website people is that the mind control is used mostly upon women, and the vicious murderous aptitude to destroy and kill off older women is why no one "cares" as older women are supposed to be non-sexual and serving only to please their little spawn and the spawn of their spawn. The movies now are about the murderous bigot white supremacists who fear losing their sexual grip on the population in league with the aging baby boomers who all want to suck the life out of the planet in order to retain their post-wwIi wealth displays--they are so programmed by the Nazi theft of untold billions of dollars (back in the 30's) from genocide they are some of the most ferocious in terms of putting me down so they can feed off destroying other women, but the rape men are putting them as the advocates of feminism as they torture and rape me to steal ideas

years and years of rape and poisoning I am aging and dying every day as I scream in rage for the next day to get the fuck off me to pigs whores and apes who are so ugly and disgusting as they keep latching onto this contract coming back, Snoop Dogg extremely abusive violent using his "street thug" murder persona to threaten my life and abuse me with such hate the black Nazis are extremely violent---that includes Candice Owens and the Obamas, including Michelle, are probably the most violent and outrageously corrupt of the black Nazis ever put into power, and they were put into power exactly for this reason in order to further the aims of total white supremacy overtake. The multimillions of dollars and mansions they have accrued yearly and now more from having broadly smiled at the German rape hate thing I can never pry off me despite every day from day #1 screaming NO get off me as he beat punched raped and my entire living space has been literally turned into a complete destruction zone after his endless hate and violence upon me for months and months now. He is ensconced like a permanent disease upon this contract with dirty ugly people under his instruction punching my head and face--like StevenTyler--only for calling his daughter a slime after 30 THIRTY YEARS of him profiting off having me beaten raped poisoned mutilated my 6 years of grad school turned into 15 years of shitting poison out barely managing to survive and all health care denied me by all professionals.
All financial earning blocked.
And still not a single person can ever stop the German. YOu all want Germans to invade America why don't you pay them for it instead of allowing them to punch rape gang rape and torture me with the ugly pair of Nazis you all worship as celebrity peddlers of influence with all foreign fascist entities like the English Crown and the Nazi empire with endless bottomless money to pay off all the money-grabbing exploiter haters of H-wood
and thusly
the fires of Los Angeles. Now people are stopping to question how and what to say about it. They got snoop dogg to abuse and threaten me with hate and violence. This is after years and years of daily abuse going on for 16 hours per day. Every night every day hours an dhours as I fight to shit poison out while they are poisoning drugging and torturing me constantly all day every day all night. Maybe I get 4 hours of no abuse that I can hear or see through the thin veil of this teleportation and voice-to-skull but they are still hissing"bitch stupid die ugly kill yourself" literally in loops the rest of the time.

And for what crime has this been done? Because unlike my family which offered their children and themselves to be abused and used by these creeps, I refuse I saw my family get slaughtered and poisoned to death after total compliance. I saw people far inferior to my parents force themselves on my parents who were instructed to split up, abuse their own children and maybe they would be allowed to excel in an area where they actually were far superior to the Nazi haters who have been handed all control by a rotten government that has sold America out for decades.
and thusly, this hate group of grasping sleazy greedy rapist less-than intellectual blankness of hate and selfishness are influencing the planet in how to grab rape and kill for their luxury and "beauty" as the women feed off having other women raped for their sense of "superiority" they revel in watching me be deformed they instruct as much deformation of my body as they can--the amount of destruction to my body is ongoing and I cannot stop the endless cuts into my skin I can't block my entire body out of the reach of their mechanical arms and I can't block the mechanical arms. Any metallic screen I might have over a doorway they will inevitably cut open any hole they can drill that I plug up they rip out once I leave the room.
I spend mu life cleaning up stinking filth they are spreaying non-stop on clothing furniture the floor the walls
I am spending my life fighting to use the internet to express this outrage that you all watch patting the haters on the back for performing for your mutual benefit because you want a master-slave society using these technologies. You all want your freedom of course but me having a chance to be beautiful successful independent and compete is far too outrageous for people like Lindsey Graham, John Kennedy (of course the senator yelling with hate at most of the minorities who are trying to gain entrance into the Federal judicial system in the nomination processes you can watch on Forbes online)
and etc the list of grizzled old white men in the Senate, who partner with white "liberal" "feminists" like Klobuchar who is a vicious and violent murderously smug murdering bigot out of Minnesota, the place that Derrick Chauvin had been allowed to torture people in the streets if they were black and to kill in public just because the entire system allows them to get away with it. I learned that this is also allowed to a great extent by Walz when he and Harris waltzed into the situation of torture and rape. I had to scream at Harris to tell her that her platform revolves around women not being raped and abused, but according to Cardi B that only means black girls like her and Jewish females killed if the Nazi wants to get off on it.

And thusly, I write to the f-ing void of America for yet another day that the filth apes are gratified they will get more promotions snoop dogg will be hugged by more blonde women he will be invited to hand out awards for the golden globes as he was after he threatened to kill me, he was then invited within one week to hand out prizes at the Nazi Golden Globes and that decision was made after he viciously yelled and threatened gangland style to have me brutally killed, just as Cardi B had done literally looking into the violent rapist German's face for approval just as Harris had done, just as Obama had done.

They are influencing the nation and the world to appear with mansions cars jets lavish costumes their every movie and song is about gratuitous sex lavish lifestyles wealthy or fighting to get more or the really hypocritical "fight against injustice" that is the lynchpin of their endless facade of being respectable people.
One of the most disgusting of sexual perverted abusers who did not rape me but for about 6 months every time I took a shower disgusting comments were made about how I was washing my body, etc by Robert DiNero, who has been handed a much younger woman and his life has changed entirely after dumping his viciously sleazy ugly old man hateful self on me, as so many of the Nazi women have dumped their old age fears by pouring hate upon me and having me beaten and raped by men they have lavished with praise and promotions afterwards.
they are urging society to become like them, and they are also encouraging in their every public profile their mansions their yachts their private jets their millions and millions of dollars.
their fake and mostly stupid movies about how "great" they are are so sexually laden and women aspire to be "feminists" with cleavage and sexual "freedom" rather than actually caring about not having murderously violent rape culture so they can feel "empowered" after they sold out as prostituted symbols to the men who are the haters they claim they are fighting against, as long as the hate is diverted to me they are overjoyed
and besides influencing culture consciously but mostly subconsciously in all these respects
the grabbing and hateful greed that they truly are is transmitted through these fake hypocritical roles
the environment is like "a pussy waiting to be fucked" as the Scarface character said in Scarface, the actor a non-stop decades of abuse and torture and rape against me, the director also participating in this
the mentality that anything that is seemingly vulnerable is just ripe to be raped and exploited, this is the schemata that is displayed in all the mafia movies all the stupid con man movies all the murder movies
and the environment, nature, is something that is to be fucked it's a pussy waiting to be plucked it's something that is soft and penetrable it can be exploited too. Bury it in cement kill the trees and build for the lavish entertainment of the plantation wanna be owners and their slaves will clean and build the plantations for the rape men and their nasty women who want rape victims and cleaning slaves out of the disenfranchised--they want a world divided by black and white mostly skin color and the genocide is ongoing to a startling degree

but nature is dying their grasping sickness whether as in Germany they "care" about preserving nature, nevertheless when the rape abuser Nazis rush to take over every other country on the planet, as they have done and are currently engrossed in this project of beating raping and torturing me so shitalina and pig pitt, who have no concepts or ideas they are blank and meaningless hateful rapist abusers who expect everything to be handed to them. Lacking any understanding or concern about the concepts they are torturing out of me, they use it as a prop to sell themselves into more political positions at defunct places like the UN.
and the planet is dying. Los Angeles has had so little respect for human life that they planted trees only in the wealthy hills areas which are now burning. The less affluent have cement and endless buildings upon buildings and a cement unnatural environment where they are dehumanized in places where Snoop Dogg claims his "domain" which is unhuman cruelty hate and vicious violent dehumanization in racist terms that he has fully absorbed from his lineage and it is clear he was handed this by his environment, which is devoid of nature and trees and respect for life. That was a deliberate plan of dehumanization by the construction of Los Angeles, I believe as the money has flowed only to the top, and everyone yearns to be in those burning hills they revolve around emulating the "master abuser"

and the movies project this as well.Thusly I remain begging for my life online to stop the endless torture. As I yell in rage and near agony from 15 years of people who never read have never studied, and if they have such as Klobuchar or Harris, they studied how to manipulate and lie with their law degrees. They answered by rote questions for mandatory literature classes if they took them, but probably they cheated and got the Cliffnotes.

and I am stuck writing this every day. It is murder through stress and abuse, plus detoxification of poison that I shit out and then I am drugged regardless so toxic buildup plus hate being threatened with murder every day by rape culture men who I never got around just watched movies or tried to understand if, or where, any sort of support system might come from but there is absolutely nothing in H-wood, not a single group or person not any of them could give a damn about the repercussions of this technology the effect upon society they are locusts grasping for more and more and more devouring their ugliness and insect feeding frenzy is a true parallel to the fires due to the global warming due to the lack of connection to love, life or respect for humanity. The grasping pornographic sleazy sexual "allure" that these hateful parasites emit is just part of a truly evil deception.

I have to see them as they are and not the plastic surgery that is a plastic fruit display that you all see.That is why I say that they are not beautiful they are sleazy and hideous and disgusting and foul.

The death of the environment is the death that they are selling. It is the same death that the United States government is also selling and forcing upon the rest of the world. Behind every politician in that not-"August" body of corpus rot is a sleazy lying degenerate only working for approval of Europigapeland billionaires to fund their next luxury jet ski tour in the South of France and to have sex slaves in these locations on their holidays away from America.
when the south of france gets inundated with flooding they will just revert to the Swiss Alps and continue their foray into the lying deception selling death and murder en masse. they are so blank and unaccountable for the ramifications of the hate and sickness and death that they imbibe and they all congratulate one another like lynch mob abusers--like the recent gang murder in NY State upon the handcuffed black prisoner--they smile watching the lynching of me commence. They rush to threaten my life constantly sexual abuse rape and death threats from all the top politicians endlessly being pushed in the media, at highest levels now in government.

Not a single one gives a goddamn about the environment or life, they are smug about the millions of dollars they accrue from their dark schemes they are making millions and millions of dollars and all exemptions from legal repercussion from their crimes by having pushed this agenda

they are the impetus behind all the screaming winds and floods and fires they are the hate which is projecting this death upon the world. They clutch grab rape and believe that the planet is their personal rape "pussy" to fuck and exploit.

Drilling in the room next to mine---or outside in the hallway--for the 6th year in a row, non-stop drilling pounding hammering buzz saws drilling into steel and concrete the hallway in rooms on all sides, rotating from room to room--the empty hallways of this building vacated for this annual month-by-month attack---the sound is a combination of a dying helicopter and police siren more like an ambulance sound but in sound frequencies of something rotating.//

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fascist violence (being punched in the face by German thug boyfriend of dirty shitalina) post Golden Showers award. The fascist response and violence post my post regarding the FIFTEEN YEARS of this foul dirty leech skank scum feeding energetically off rape and torture of me for all the 15 years she could get any and all white trash Europigapes into the skit scenario of raping and beating slapping poisoning and having my home made stinking if I tried to get them off--in drugged (dying) sleep and barely cognizant mode from endless druggingi poisoning. I wrote two days ago that this filth should not be awarded. I returned from a long day of shopping and being assaulted by non-stop blonde white Nazi apes on their "holidays" being serviced like plantation masters by a brown wave of subservient programmed loving bots; nothing not an iota any different from the billionaire/millionaire black and brown and "minority" programmed hateful agents of American politics and media puppetry.//The knee-jerk fascist response was a gloating smug violent fascist display to prove (for more awards) that any written response to years and years of 24 hour torture, every award these dirty foul leech whores have obtained in the last 15 years or longer have been stolen from my writings which I could not even retain---all written on Facebook in the endless struggle to get even a paragraph out within a 15 minute fight to get the keyboard to work, backspacing as everything is blocked. So drugged (dying) I could not function could not concentrate. All my possessions, every single thing broken stolen and all electrical gear frayed all writing stolen. I could not figure out how to stop the invasions into my living space while in a comatose teleported state I only could resort to writing my idea on Facebook. They "programmed" me to write my ideas as well. I was so drugged my body was a square shape of hard poisons with layers of cellulite and poison raised into just disgusting protruding masses of poisoned mutilation. //I could not use a Flash drive to save ideas I could not write more than 4 paragraphs and this is still true now. The effort to pound and write while my brain is also fraught with electronic blocks to cognitive processes left me with almost nothing but a few sentences.//The ugly sick sleaze skank with a group of the Europigape trash sitting in rows and the controlled American whores who also have attacked, viciously and otherwise, coming to watch the German once more punch me in the face as they are all telling me, that means politicians who have been retained in the last rigged election and those promoted into higher ranking or the Senate--al backing this German Nazi-spewing filth rape violent abuser (Obama being the most openly supportive of antisemitic violence against me; although I have nothing to do with Jews or that community and that black Nazi uncle tom had Jews in his administration you can believe they are as stupid in terms of obeying white supremacy as he is). Stupid in terms of just blanking out consciousness and following the dangling promises of more multi-million $ mansions more tv interviews more book tours more promotions more invites to the Met Gala to wear a stupid dress "Tax the rich" etc.

 The ugly trashy creep skank whore said complacently that "I won" but that ugly sick stupid whore never "won" any single thing. The months of having this German trash filth creep who they all love and gather around to vent his sickness his violence and woman-hating racism out on me as they laugh party they all go off supporting him they love him, all the gyrating skank shit from the last circus Harris campaign have been elevated--Jlo looks ever-more white and glowing with happiness after threatening my life and abusing me with the German ape slime standing smiling. She has been attacking me out of the Miami region since at least 2006, if not much longer (I was invited by email to a "party" which had a list of guests and her filthy name was on the list)

I am digressing now, but the endless foray of celebrities and politicians viciously assaulting and abusing me with this German sick fuck standing smiling and smug as hell--coming to control America

and that is exactly why ugly sick stupid shitalina "won" because for over 15 years she got the "Jew" out of Whorewood, got more "Jews" from Whorewood to gather around and get Oscar invites--such as Spielberg with his blonde Nazi skank wife--attacking me, after I posted on Facebook about West Side Story he came out with his "award" movie which is really boring and although technically well-done

but for years he was handed Oscars or nominations while his presence in this murder situation I have been living in was just a stepping stone for him. All the crap actors (male & female) who obtained international recognition for the movies that Spielberg cranked out are now openly viciously antisemitic and racist--the black creeps (Oprah just rushed to violently attack me last week--the years of her being literally championed in Whorewood after her vicious assaults upon me for years was met with all top prizes--being told she could yap her "strong black woman" bs--but just another sniveling dirty minority minion if you take out the years of her being coached in how to yell out "bold statements" about how "strong" she is. I just had to get attacked because I fell into the same trap of wanting to believe that there is something honorable and decent in dirty cesspool whorewood when Denzel Washington hacked his similar  yapping "I'm so strong and righteous" absolute bullshit from his videos on "motivation" which I had never searched for, never wanted to actually have anything to do with him because he came to the teleportation one single time I said with anger "not another one" he made a sad face and then I never saw him again until just three or two days ago because I began to watch Gladiator--knowing that I should not, that the director is a lying fascist bigot shit creep and that all his movies are projections of some grandiose facet of the Nazi fascist 4th Reich display of power and overtake of society. The theme is very long, the attacks on my brain and keyboard are too strenuous for me to type and get any of this out. I am now ranting as usual the rage is a sickness that is surging out due to the stress of fighting to type the frustration that I am always curtailed while sick stupid meaningless filthy shit have stolen my ideas, the rest of America participated in me being raped poisoned and left with NO HEALTH CARE to survive--so they are trying to kill me now using stress and violence non-stop and poisoning and drugging plus now they havea someone urging all the rest of the shit to just punch me in the face, as he keeps doing as I fight back this filthy creep is being handed every single thing possible to train more of the shit from Whorewood into the most violent fascist Nazi behavior as possible. Full cheers from the old white trash men from Congress and the black dirty filth who are part of their false "diversity" appearance.

Oprah has a void now in the endless promotions that she achieved from about 2 years of violence poisoning and torture of me as a plethora of black scum shit rushed to join in because I called her an Aunt Jemima. 

Because Harris did not win, that ugly sick bloated creep prostituted meaningless crap has to attack me once more to continue the endless "strong black woman who made it but grew up poor black like in The Color Purple bs that Spielberg along with violently disgusting Whoopie goldberg who began hitting me as I fought back.

I am now rambling and ranting, typing is now almost impossible the blocks to all keys and fighting with all my hand to get anything out


pounding as the keys won't operate, so stiff I must literally exercise my hand strength pounding pounding down my biceps are working hard to pound my arm and hand down


And the stupid shit who have drugged poisoned and s tolen my ideas are awarded by the 4th Reich for bringing a non-stop plethora of white Europigapeland trash and meaningless mediocre shit into America to train more Americans to punch rape torture kill steal and become fascist "aristocrats" afterwards.

Thusly, my writing in rage that this filth creep, who said she "won" but I never checked, I only wrote the post to try to get anyone who may care about America and about the country to stop this endless snowball effect of greasy greedy sleazy stupidity only following orders from a trash heap they and you all worship called Euro-land

a most foul fascist dictatorial group with genocidal aims and aspirations to devour America, destroying it using their filthy stupid puppets of Whorewood, who put Trump into power and now everyone is not shy about saying that America is trending fascist.


And that is all I can get. My ability to actually type and write is always blocked. The white trash bigotry which comprises most of you reading this, or the black jewish latino asian or whatever components without which this genocidal regime could not encompass the earth, are all smug as these "awards" are handed to smug stupid whore apes who, in this situation forced upon me, have done actually nothing but feed off the hormones of non-stop daily and nightly torture upon me, as they are energized into feeling not only supremely privileged but that they can never be stopped, that the endless progression of power through criminality is so empowering and they are addicted to the endless free theft and violence they can't even stop if they ever had any pangs of conscience. Thusly they keep rushing back taking turns abusing raping punching beating and they now have a most stupid foul German filth scumbag who is their thug beating punching raping and making a huge display of it in front of the smiling brood of scum.

They have all been handed every free red carpet all money for their productions paid in multi-millions. They are ASSURED at the very least highest nominations for all awards categories and festivals. They are assured that top production teams which they could never access are at their disposal. The Black ops funding (drug smuggling human trafficking which all these filth scumbag whores are completely familiar with, most of the shit attacking me are current or former cocaine addicts alcoholics sex addicts workaholics pedophile incest victims or promoters--)

all completely a pack of vicious hyena-like smirking laughing vicious sniveling weak parasites that I must confront in this technology tyranny that is so embraced  by the current president, who just seamless continued the same violent from Trump, who was intended to "win" this time around and the pig apes let me know that they knew at least one month ago before the election who was going to win. Unfortunately the technological aspects that Elon Musk has at his grasp, which Trump ensured he would have back in 2016 when Musk and Amber Heard and shitalina and pig shit filth stupid ape pitt handed Trump has now ensured that hacking into elections is private and silenced, just like this teleportation tyranny is silenced, fully approved of and everyone knows but the news sources state that teleportation is being experimented upon little bytes of computer bits in emails and perhaps teleportation of bytes of info can one day be achieved.


Of course, I wrote beforehand that dirty ugly shitalina would probably "win" the Europigapeland Golden Shower (p$$ on America award for every traitorous anti-American American who helps put in more fascism through the mind programming of these insidious sleazy sick "movies", more Nazi programming more "Illuminati" programming more symbolic representation (ancient symbols often) used by "secret societies" which I have been studying for years I recognize the intent and purpose but most people have no inkling)

All "awarded" by the "Foreign Press" for bringing in as much foreign control into the U.S. as possible. The endless teams of Europigape shit who operate behind "my wine plantation in France" dirty ignoramus shit pig ape pitt, the "I'm part German part English" skank Nazi-spawn dirty ugly sick shitalina

I am hacked, blocked can't function they are handed MILLIONS to promote my ideas, but to suffuse them with Nazi and secret society symbols (all handed to them by their teams, they have no idea about anything whatsoever related to art, symbols or any single thing--because they are not intellectuals they are not compassionate they are not artists they are performative models who have been handed every plastic surgery to enhance a Nazi-esque appearance along with every dog and whistle Pavlovian dangling carrot to project this mentality onto the void of the blankness of the increasingly less intellectual and discerning public through these vile movies.


The movie that this filthy dirty skank has been awarded for, as she said she |"won" but she won nothing, it was rigged it was pre-determined and it was months of being raped and beaten with her bringing in a filthy stupid vile creep from Germany making "I will kill you in a concentration camp" style endless spewing of hate after violently raping and beating me in front of the teams of sleaze filth and shit whom I have been fighting off for years. 

That is why this ugly dirty stupid shit whore was "awarded" whether the "prize" went to that filthy whore or not. Another dirty whore also was vying for the top position. The theme of elderly Nazi women trying to relive their "power" is a common theme. This is yet another "victim" ploy about Nazi women not being as sexual and alluring as previously and the injustice of the "youth culture' as these vultures use every pity tactic to make their filthy movies. Jane Fonda also is a huge component of this theme, and it was nuanced as well in one of the movies that hit it big--

with actors part of the attack situation who know knew and although they have not shown up in front of my face, their videos and photos have appeared regularly (except for one I am thinking of, but she is very close to pig ape pitt).

And so my non-intellectual ranting post has come out. The German ape filth parasite keeps coming punching into my face from a side angle as I sit here fighting to clean the filth and pick out the dead leaves of a very beautiful plant that they are poisoning every day, as they have not stopped killing all my beautiful plants on my patio for the past 2 years--the landlord took away all my beautiful vines 4 years ago, I had no plants as he threatened to evict me if a drop of water appeared on the patio below--and that was a fabricated lie in the first place--just another attack upon all that I have and do that is beautiful and could make me have something other than destroyed shabby stinking dirty filth--my body covered completely with scars from nightly assaults as ugly shitalina has been handed top awards along withg dirty stupid smug shit pig ape pitt

and they are surrounded by Europigapeland filth dirty creeps who, if I display any intelligence they instantly rush to beat and yell as fascists for hours. Any display of equal or superior intellect or training is met with a hail of violence. 

As they keep on attacking me for every THOUGHT I am thinking to stifle all that is superior and great about me, which they keep asking me for ideas so their mediocrity can be bolstered by original ideas as I never believed in their mainstream k-rap rap I never liked any of them

one of them I "liked" but hated for over a decade until I was paralyzed (this was back in America, but this team has been torturing me through Stallone and his vile Italian team, and French and etc and then Tyler who was more in the background with his English teams--)

and i can't struggle to fight to pound this out any longer\I can't even think or write my really great ideas and I did undergo 6 years of grad school and I did get good grades but some professors even discriminated against me and gave me D's when all other profs gave me non-stop A's. I was being killed my last semester and was so ill I could not finish my papers I had to go to this place where I am now and have not been able to do more than fight to get this poison out of my body for the past 15 years as shitalina now has a U.S. Govenment-sanctioned rapist German Nazi-spewing ugly sick filth thug creep to punch abuse rape and threaten to kill me in front of them all--smiled at by Obama, embraced by all of these shit whores who keep using my ideas to get their shows into highest orbit

Pig ape pitt's dirty production team with his nasty violently racist wife, ugly anniston, not sure which one of them uses the pretense that they "care" about black victims of racism but it is a theme they have used for years- pig pitt probably is a closet homosexual with preferences towards brown and black uncle tom types who grovel with love at Nazi "tops" (he's probably a bottom a lot in the closet).

And, the stress upon my body and the stress of poisoning and the stress of always being alone the stress of never being able to have even one single cat for any companionship the stress of fighting for my life constantly the stress of fighting to "not react" as the hate sentences are being pummeled into my brain on a non-stop basis (all kinds of hate words are issued in a streaming non-stop hissing hate attack into my brain through the cochlear technology forcing the hate directly into my brain, all day, hissing hate words and then this German thug they have put into this attack constantly coming at me suddenly from a side angle to punch my face--I fight back, the pig got his reaction, the pig ape whores got their reaction. Me writing 2 days ago to not let this filthy dirty whore shitalina "win" another rigged contest for an idea she stole from  me, as every year she comes out with my ideas, or her friends do, as they are awarded for it. This is not to say that they didn't embellish the bs wrapped around my original concept with all the money that production and costumes can buy

but, for writing about this the team of fascist imperialist English, I believe that is the crowd of shit that was in the rows of chairs watching as t heir good Nazi buddy punched me in the face as ugly gloating smirking filthalina told me that she had "won".

This is not my response to the "win" as I wrote months ago that the Golden Shower awards (p##ing on America awards pi@@ing on concepts of actual "freedom" cloaking all fascist ideology into the semblance of egalitarianism)

but that probably she would win in that domain of bringing in as many fascist Nazis into power cartel reach connecting Whorewood with Congress as possible. The members of Congress I have seen all are firmly into "I'm part German and English" welcoming red carpet committees to bring in as many Europigapes into America as possible. They want fascist totalitarian methods of how to quash to quell to imprison and to rape women they don't like to put the most foul lying skanks into  "feminist" position whose goal is to become as wealthy "aristocracy" as possible, which means their ugly dirty men must have victims to feed off, as the women feed off watching other women get trashed in their stead--racism is the conduit through which the endless line-up of victims is handed to the bigot men

In places like thailand, this combination is met with investment opportunities so the hate and genocidal facet of the actual mentality is diverted into the brown women and men attacking me for approval, as it is in America to the same exact proportion as any "Developing country" Banana republic 3rd World plantation system.


The fascist tyranny of dirty ugly shitalina, whose every movie about women's power, based on ideas she tortured had ugly shit white trash men rape and beat out of me, is met by more violence so that the next goal of Oscar win (but I predict she will not "win" in that race) and than an entire EMPIRE based on me, this prototype microchip implanted endless target of hate, racism, sexism and bigotry will be "controlled" by some dirty foul bigot white trash ape or it could be from any race or skin color, but just for s**ts and giggles, make it a German Nazi sleazy fuck crap parasite thug, they all laugh and agree upon this irony of the representation of all that they publicly are endlessly awarded for portraying.

By the way, if ever any of them project "emotions" for these roles which are hailed as "great" acting, you had also not doubt that the brain-attacking tech and other technologies (I have heard that microwave technology is used to force tears out of eyes, or the arsenals that these filth creeps have at their disposal, with Elon Musk's satellite capability that can indeed beam into human bodies through walls)

but the fake emotions that they portray can appear as "real" due to nervous system attacks so they can be artificially-rendered as sobbing, crying, terrified, elated, etc

these emotions are also artificially induced into my body as well

yesterday I had a horrible attack on my nervous system deflating my energy into a "depression" brainwave zone. It was a remote attack, I never feel this way it was absolutely an anomaly.

This was ordered by the German filth scum, as well as teams of blonde white trash crap following me around in stores, blocking my path. .They got another little dirty German-looking boy, around age 11, to stop in front of me as I was pushing my cart in a very busy section of a grocery store--he began flailing his arms in circles his hands in fists as if he was beating someone. They are instructed, these walking goon attackers to sway until they are walking directly in front of me, I believe the "voice to skull" technology is being employed as most of them are not holding any devices--but thanks to Elon Musk and his satellites and his 15 years of involvement in this horrible technological crime wave that he helped to accentuate with Trump putting him into power--but not just Trump, oh no. The list of wealthy magnate type personalities extends to some of the most notable Wall Street types--my brain is blocked and the name of a most famous American investor is blocked but the funding for this operation is well into the wealthiest in the world arena of funding. The performative people like Musk and Trump are just the show-spokespersons for the entire take-over drama skit unfolding as the news anchors refuse to even begin to report on the actual reality. 

An endless barrage of blathering lying protects them all.

The technology is being dispersed to them all. New ideas they can steal endlessly from the creative type people, like me, who want nothing to do with any people of this group, as none of them I ever liked except one under extreme duress and isolation and he portrayed, falsely, the "alternative" movement but he's a fascist empty meaningless boring yuppy money-grasping fake--but with acting skills, no doubt about that. Probably he's one of the top or best of them all. A total destroyed brainwashed programmed bigot in private.

And that is all for today. I tried to remain silent but they are attacking me  non-stop with hate and drugging all day until I write. They then get more promotions to me responding with unendurable stress. No friends no love not a pet nothing but vicious murdering people surrounding me at all times in every place, everywhere.

Yesterday while I was paying in an area where there is supposed to be a division line of the waiting line and the payment area, while my back was turned from the payment zoned-off area and the cash register, as I paid after putting the items back into my cart, someone literally ran and took out the huge 4-box pack of tissues from my cart. It was obviously a huge item. The woman at the  cash register later followed me as I was beginning to pack all my items into my bags, with the greasy hormone rush ooze on her face that is so characteristic of shitalina the grease stain who every day of torturing me she gets a boost of hormones much more powerful than all her plastic surgery renovations

and thusly, I also could not "remember" that I had bought this item. I am so blanked out in public that I "forget" items, forget to pick things up

but this payment area is a tiny little space at the back of the store. The huge item of 4 boxes of tissue paper is nothing anyone could "forget" to pick up as there is about a 3-foot area to put items down., the cashier then places them to one side, one foot to the left, so there is no way that I "forgot" to pick this item up.

and the endless attacks on my brain, which is ongoing right now so I am cursing rather than writing clearly with any kind of sophisticated analysis--it's just fighting endlessly to pound words out with my entire hand pumping on the keys to pound as hard as I possibly can

pounding on the keys only means that 80% of the letters appear. I hae to then rewrite backspacing, which is more endless pounding down

my shoulder, my biceps and arms are now sore from this

meanwhile, the sleazy stupid ignorance of shitalina and this dirty mediocre German scum filth ape are being hailed, not for their originality or creativity, but for their absolute conformity to the authority of this group of sinister mind screw operators and wealthy genocidal--probably mostly out of England from The Crown, Ltd conglomerate controlling as much as they can in America through these conformist, absolutely empty meaningless scum creesp who have relied on either attacking me to obtain non-stop top quality production teams, costumes and every thing from advertising to promotion to being ensured year after year for 15 years that the glossy most top production of all will be sent directly to every festival all media will be instructed because they are all aligned into this system to hail the "acting" of the shit whores who have no depth no soul no creativity just sleazy empty and blank bigots and sexist rapist scum.

and they got me to react, which means they will get another day of awards. I tried to be "stoic" but the endless stress on my nervous system, with being physically assaulted repeatedly told they would kill me making murder statements for every sharp object I use to cut paper with every moment anything and everything I do they either ask questions about, to see if they can steal any concept or healing idea as they have done constantly for over 15 years.

As with every other day, I write, more filth shit and scum from Congress, Whorewood, MSNBC or any other goddamn crap media company (mostly aligned with "The Left")

rush to join in. They mock, abuse yell fascistically at me hold guns at me threaten my life as I fight back, they get promotions they are invited t o dirty Biden's white house so stained with greasy incompetence and collusion with fascist Nazism by now that it's impossible to pretend it doesn't exist with the dirty outgoing Biden admin. Unfortunately his partners are still in the Senate and in the House, Many of those elected in the rigged elections under the Trump admin, all working assiduously to ensure the continuation of fascist Nazism. 

I remain writing to a void of incompetence but skilled at lying blathering bullshit operators who hail and award the filth I am writing about, every day to them only being awarded more for me writing not less.

They don't stop endless death threats being hit tortured drugged and abused every day for non-stop hours, every moment they are hissing hate words punching into my face abusing me and making death threast. I am non-stop cleaning up stinking filth that they order their filthy creeps to spray on everything. I am assaulted non-=stop everywhere I go at almost every single moment. I am fighting every day to get hard poison they are still making jokes about how deformed my body as as the main focus of all their attacks, as if not having a perfectly plastic surgery-created body is a crime. It's the only thing they can use against me as any attack. Meanwhile, dirty ugly shitalina had her German whore pig boyfriend punch me in the face for writing in rage, that was drug-induced, from over 7 days of being stuck in a torture chamber room, shitting poison out she and they all ordered put in my body to paralyze me, as they attack me without end day and night without end now endlessly being punched in the face raped without end death threats are constant. 

And they are never NOT awarded for the ideas that they stole from my writings, changed them into the ideas from some movie called Blonde it was supposedly based on a book. All of the ideas that they are now or in recent years have been awarded for I wrote on Facebook as the only means of getting anything down that was not going to be destroyed or stolen by the endless teams of shit rushing into my room to rape steal and destroy and break my computers my body and my life.

That was over a decade ago. The books that were consigned to rewrite my ideas, I suspect, were written in the last few years and then turned into these movies--they can then claim that the ideas were adapted from books, but I suggest the books were written as a template based on my ideas that they all stole from as early as 2013--

but I stopped writing my creative ideas, as few as I could manage to get ou t. I wanted to equate this experience with violence against women. The dirty rape filth cheerleader whore pimp prostitute team has been going on a holiday of stealing these ideas which they could never formulate, having their Nazi teams assign the writings of books and scrips based on the idea(s) they stole from me in relation to the endless rape torture and murder and hate attacks from them (all, a non-stop rotation of shit whores coming back after the endless awards and deals have run out they all return to get more).

I can't pound down any longer. To get and alleviate this deadly stress, as they have stopped the nervous system attacks which literally are being electronically conveyed along my spine, creating a sense of rage and hate--as yesterday they forced a severe sense of depression which I never have--they can artificially induce various reactions of extreme sexual passion for scumbag ugly pigs--and this German scumbag ugly stupid sick pig and his ilk have these technologies at their disposal. The looks of delight from the groups of shit,. filth and crap I fought and fought to get off me as they abused insulted and went off being invited to lecture at the United Nations for every humanitarian concept (but ultimately that agency is probably funding every genocide on the planet).

I took photos on my phone camera which formerly was hacked to be too shaky to take any photos. I tried endlessly adjusting the settings but remote hackers turned the camera into jello-consistency. I am now able to take photos of the endless destruction to my home and property, which I have wanted to do for years. The camera barely took awful photos, but the laptop and camera are so hacked that the pairing of laptop and camera is impossible. The laptop is paired but the camera will not pair, even though the connection is visible on the laptop and states it is paired, it is blocked from being entered on the phone. The pairing process didn't work at all for the laptop until I turned the free VPN, already hacked, on and for one minute the laptop instantly connected the camera to the laptop but then dislocated it once I logged in the password for pairing. IF i turn the VPN off there is no ability to pair whatsoever the Bluetooth will n ot work. Another function i had used to bypass bluetooth has been blocked as well; I used to be able to upload files on the camera using a different memory system that is now blocked.//The hackers are taking over my laptop for my deliveries from Lazada. They are ordering their minions to not deliver when the status shows delivery for "today". They change the status and they are paying off the minions. I can't "complain" to any of the actual businesses or the company because the chat is also hacked and taken over by the terrorists in the rooms on all sides of me, rushing in under orders from the millionaires and billionaires paying them in exorbitant amounts plus free rent and promotions for destroying my home. I can't upload the filth and destruction the holes in the floor which look like a damaged building after a bombing--they have cut out parts of the PVC flooring the destroyed wooden floor beneath stained and musty (they inserted much under the floorboards t o make them soft enough to pry up as they are tearing out the flooring into a huge hole about 5 ftx5 ft. The photos showed my plants doused with chemicals with brown and dead swaths over the leaves, drooping and dead on parts of the leaves that are like spotted patterns, not like natural leaf decay or rot. The cabinets the refrigerator the floor have been slashed and stained there are disgusting brown stains on the white walls and yellow stains permanently sprayed on everything for years. Every day they destroy something else the entire room is stinking and tattered. I try to repair and clean with fractured vertebrae they forced upon me (this organization these celebrities have been pursuing me for over 30 years or some of them almost all of my life, half a century from the shitalina and her dirty Nazi daddy team).//My arms and skin is likewise mottled with scars from liver failure and poisoning torture abuse rending me into a state of rage an dhate so the chemicals of hate and stress are a daily factor in the destruction of my body as I scream in rage rushing to try to kill the German ape f ilth fuck with his new Nazi girlfriend partner Pamela anderson who is now taking the place of his former blond*ish Nazi skank Shitalina and pig pitt, inseparable scumbags the German is a leech I cant' pry off me. Anderson made her presence known to me in the form of the dirty creeps surrounding me who made continuous reference to expletives like Roger Waters endlessly for years and years over 40 years ago, up to now he is profiting off th is in multimillions and t he retention of his "fame" . Elton John has been in the background but has been in that mode since 1982. Pamela Anderson I was made aware of through terrorists in my vicinity back in 1997. The German I only watched a tv movie about concentration camp "pity" which has turned out to be a vicious Nazi inclusion of gratitude from the Democrats and fascists alike who worship the German Nazi model, which he is playing theatrically almost as they cheer it on. //My every technical gadget, even though I am using bitdefender (free anti-virus, almost like water through a sieve) and then a free VPN as the internet is turned off rendering the VPN useless. The WiFi signal is hacked so the connection is so slow that u sing the more visibly hacked WiFi without the VPN is less time-consuming even with them turning the WiFi off continuously (sometimes every minute).//The deliveries are constantly a form of terrorism. The stalkers in this building (*they are invited to attack me as if they are visiting or living there, but they are not they are strictly only here for the purpose of being paid to attack me. The white supremacists (the innocuous term really is fascist bigot Nazi genocidal expletives and their brown and black minority minions) order the minions to lie to me about deliveries so I am s tuck waiting until 9 pm, all day for a delivery which they are supposed to deliver during business hours but they lie about every single thing and now they will not pick up p hones when I call the chat claims they can do nothing to phone the couriers, which is a lie. They lie directly to me they are the white pig ape scum in this building or the brown slaves of the pig apes hacking and lying by this chat service. The connection between my phone and this laptop so I can try to produce evidence is impossible no matter what VPN or firewall or anti-virus I use. Paying for any service would entail t he exact same attack, probably rendered once the free trial was expired.

  The endlessly life-sucking love-sucking idea-sucking leeches sat as I listened to William Coopers lecture about the Hermetic system, which...