The mail service I paid a much higher fee for than the average price for same services in the LA area went through the terror hacking network to literally hack false prices on other pages for similar services in the same area. The list of prices was higher or similar in price so I chose an address that sounded nice, not sure of where to go. My money had been sabotaged in a similar way through a network of lies and hacks so I was put into a quandary. I moved and got lied to once more, non-stop. They refuse to answer questions, refuse to give me any information told me that they would open and scan by phone and then later by email told me they cannot open any mail. They put a smiley face next to every lying email response for overcharging me for basic services.
I asked them if any mail had arrived since Dec. 1, they never replied. I had checked my payments last month late in the month all was well. Thusly the "action" took place since January 1 to the present---all the while I was being punched in the head and face upon teleportation to Steven Tyler, being viciously ferociously fascistically screamed at for about 16 hours per day by the associates of Ian McKellan (sp?) and oh, of course, the WiFi just went out. My every word is monitored my every thought is hacked they turn the WiFi off and as I fight to restore the power and Wifi they rewrite my post and delete without end, rewrite and delete grammer, etc.
I also after 15 years of non-stop torture of part of my uterus being severed out, my cat La Moux my only family stolen because I was screaming to stop being raped while they kept poisoning me with deadly posions making my body swell to huge deformity, like extremely obese in appearance but rubbery polymer type hardening goo that appears as tasteless or they inject it into flavored food but they put it in somehow-and injecting silicone under my skin to appear as cysts, cutting my cuticles off daily from incisions under my fingernails and cuticles--going on every day since 2013--my scalp so poisoned by fungus and mold poured on it daily while I was so drugge I could not udnersatnd much, sitting and laying in bed (dying) writing my posts trying to get my brain into a creative space and all those ideas have been used (not "all) but such a huge number) for this group raping beating poisoning and abusing me to death (all combined or separaetly the attacks each and of itself is a murder)
all have been used as "their" concepts for their Plan B production company sponsored by the Nazi Mafia 4th Reich, reformatted into Nazification instead of my reverse analysis, and then sponsored in multi-millions of dollars worth of production costs the very best that money can buy in acting coaching costumes set design lighting and all that the 4th Reich has murdered stolen and obfuscated for so many centuries poured into the mind programming for Nazification of the planet. Today is the manifestation of all that programming in it's onset towards what will inevitably be the final culmination, whatever form that takes (whether it is dismissed as a failed project or goes skyrocket into a cataclysmic orgy of whatever mayhem and turmoil it will bring a blood bath probably many are aspiring to unleash)
and on and on
animals I loved and took in after they stole my most cherished family my cat La Moux, they killed and maimed mutilated any animal I took care of fed and loved--beat some to death, left them with gouged eyes dead in front of my door or entire spines crushed barely alive as I struggled to get help I was assaulted by teams of brown and white in groups glaring with satisfaction and giggly if of the brown.
and so, after inflicting the Nazi-spewing German rapist beating abuser endless death threat "actor" upon me with the favorite of the 4th Reich interconnected to the English Crown and the American Nazi Party (very inseparable, as a matter of fact--and for centuries this has been a collusion of powers in the United States but now fully functioning as every benevolent savior of the planet through this Whorewood empire of lies and deception and installing fascist regimes throughout their endlessly enlarging empire, and the more they are paid in multimillions with Oscars and Golden Globes and every top award attention the more fixated they are on obtaining more and more--out of completely destroying my body my home and my life for their sucking dry my entire creativity my health my home my beauty any chance I ever fought for in my life stolen and I fight every day to stop this so I can live without torture inflicted upon me with my "permission" which is their goal--so many people of oppressed groups are obedient to being "slightly humiliated" for the sake of being welcomed into the throngs of the "entitled" and are themselves smug Nazi-manufactured icons, extremely bigoted and with the sense and air of elitist arrogant assumption to inflict racist violence while they, themselves claim to be victims of racism for the money to come pouring in for their "cause".
And so, they have forced a situation upon me where my life IS IN DANGER I AM IN DANGER OF LOSING MY LIFE IF THEY CUT MY MONEY OFF.
They stated that my address is no longer applicable and payments have been "suspended"
I checked and they never answered the question if any mail from social security had arrived after December 1 (the COLA adjustment letter). A health care agency in Nevada where Social Security also administers disability determinations also sent a USPS tracked parcel to the address where they would not open it to let me know what it was. I was in such pain and sickness and could not function I was being abused and drugged for over 16 hours during waking day during that time. I was shitting poison that has been accumulating in my body that this same group had put in my body over a decade ago and for decades before (30 years from Steven Tyler and STallone)
the government site I checked on Saturday, forgot that Monday was MLK day, and now I have to wait 9 more hours to see if my life is destroyed or not due to their really sinister attack on my finances.
Either way, THEY created this situation ether they alerted Social Security because they demand that I have a residence and in my state I use a service--to try to be a bit oblique about it all, I suppose that most people reading my post today have an understanding of my situation
but someone told them that my address was not real or actual. I asked this mail service if any mail had been returned or put in a wrong box, and if they signed the package with their business name (I told them that this had to appear as my own street address)
no response. I have to wait 9 more hours after another 3 days of the same hateful group viciously abusing me at every possible moment they could teleport me to hate and sleeping to being teleported to sick disgusting creeps and then waking freshly drugged while sleeping,my body mutilated huge red welts on my fingers under the nails from being sliced and cut--every day--my skin doused with horrible chemicals my home sliced up debris on the floor things scraped off everywhere every day they damage my property my body and they torture me for hours per day as I scream after 15 years of saying no leave me alone
and so they cut my money off.
they told my mail service to return mail, or they phoned or had a politician alert them that I am or not--I can't go into the rest they attacked me and only because I have had to fight for my life to survive while they kept and continued and they still continue to poison and drug me slowly to death.
I literally have had to do all this to not die from poisoning and abuse n AMerica, the fascist Nazi dictatorship was fully in action long ago but it was not made clear. I knew that Obama was NEVER going to be any real promise and he has attacked me recently and brought this vicious German rapist Nazi into abusing punching me in the face in front of them all threatening to beat me to death in front of glowing smiling shitalina and the rest smiling as he rapes and beats me using Nazi concentration camp references and taht I am a "slave" and I will go to Germany and be raped without end until they kill me.
Oprah the "benevolent" supporter of every "cause" is titillated as is Obama, for me becoming angry after 2 years of Oprah stealing the idea I had written about A Wrinkle In Time while embracing shitalins and pig ap epitt and that group and all the while with her shitty fake talk show comforting white women about being victims of sexual assault. Fully enthralled with it happening to me the callous entitlement is shocking. I called her a name that Malcolm X had used about Black people working for white supremacy and being amply paid well for it, but that set of terms has enlisted a cadre of blacks rushing to viciously assault me alongside her after she spent about 2 more years having my home and body poisoned (to death) and laughing, she was handed cheers in Hollywood, was handed invitation to run for President (vying against Trump, her lover and friend) and then for the 2nd term, Harris who she and MIchelle O brought to the mind control terror dome to ask me if I liked her and I was under hypnosis and asleep and drugged and I said in repeat hypnosis mode: I think she should be president" and she was chosen to be VP. The next time I saw Harris she was giggling about me being raped poisoned and mutilated with the laugher of the shitpigapealina pair of filth and their gang. The next time I saw Harris she was smiling with love into the face of the German ape filth pig who had by then beaten raped punched me repeatdly in the face and head, encouraged many other shit pig apes to punch me in the head and face (Steven Tyler--who has been latched on with his daughter to this contract since I met him, not by choice, in 1997 at the nightclub Bar None where I independently sold cigars on my own schedule so nothing is written about my presence there).
Beating me for fighting to get them off me. Then I posted "Burn Hollywood" and for the next week Chuck D has rushed to call me bitch and abuse and threaten me and claim that I am racist but not making that open statement; only that his group was losing their homes and thusly I must be racist to not "care" I have had to repeat for the past week of finally rushing screaming at him to shut up and go away after such atttacks I cannot ignore, and he rushes and hacks videos of LA fires and once I few them, he rushes to telport me and clal me bitch and etc
I have to scream that for the past how many years he and Ice Cube and SnoopDogg have all participated or watched me lose my home lose my hair (from poisoning) lose my cat lose my money lose my health lose my body but just severely damaged I spend all day fighting to heal every single day in utter sickness while they attack me no-n0st
I have to scream at him that he never gave a damn about that and only hacked his f-ing crap onto my channel so he, too, could join in and getj a promotion. Now he has his opportunity to viciously attack me and has not stopped. NOthing I ever say daunts them the prizes re endless.
So anyone or anyone else from the 15 years or all combined worked to have my social security cut, and the threat could include me being forced to make a phone interview or go into a local office. That means losing everything and could mean much worse for me. I am so ill I can barely move
my "screaming hysteria" about LA fires is only in relation to the wealthy celebrity homes burning, but this fuck CHuck D has absolutely no compassion because look at how Snoop Dogg and Oprah have been celebrated for viciously attacking me? It's his turn now to "fight" the Powerless (relatively speaking) and JOIN THE POWER(sucking parasite league Nazi white supremacy league of the planet, not just Los Angeles)
So I have to deal with a situation, unlike the filth and shit of whorewood, I never created only wrote in rage and years of mutilation poisoning torture rape which is never-ending with me fighting literally every day to not die go into toxic shock a nervous breakdown and my hair turnging grey as they cling to abusing me because they must do this in order to be put into this huge top slot which they otherwise could not accomplish, I suggest that if left to their own skill-sets without endless millions poured into uplifting them through artisans and millions and millions and instant promotions they would not be able to put Oscar-winning movies into that highest orbit.
they must cling on to forcing me to have a baby, as babies are thrust around me everywhere I go in synchronized assembly, coming out of elevators, in my condo lobby following me babies and this is what will ensure their empire which I never want to see I actually want to have actual highest art in the world not Nazi propagandized programming flicks and sleazy fake sexualized empowerment strutting stuff and Nazis disguised as former hippies and yippies and "liberals" and "feminists" ANY LONGER usurping the actual dialogue of a free society.
So again, this is a repeat of three other posts I have written for the past 3 days of daze: please do not let them destroy my life. I have begged to pry them off me for so long it is like the decades of their movies repeating the same themes of fake altruism combined with hints of white supremacy and observance to it in whatever skin color or shape or feminist attire they are handed by wardrobe departments.
Do not let them consolidate a fascist Nazi regime any longer in H-wood which has reverberated into Congress--or vice-versa I don't know the origin of this trend I suggest it was in Congress firstly and then transmuted into H-wood to further the mind programming for mind control.
I have only fought to stop this they were murdering me when I was "complying" and they killed my parents who complied unreservedly they poisoned and murdered many members of my family who did whatever they were asked by this filth organization Nazi Mafia which includes MANY MANY JEWS.
That was ranting above**I was put into a hyperbolic state by the technology which is always pummeling my brain whilst I fight hacking intervention. The WiFi was turned off, the keyboard is so stiff I must pound out each key with my entire hand and even that doesn't work to get words out. The computer froze so I had to turn it off and restart
upon getting away from this hell zone of brain-attacks and malware, I remembered that the "Big Kahona" arrived in this last month: Trump and his entourage I think it was his sons and daughter--it was a group of blondish people sitting in a group but far away so that my poor vision in teleportation could only make out Trump. He asked me, in deep sleep and "truth serum" mode if I was happy he had won. I screamed NO and wished he had been shot instead.
Then, this same month period
Snoop Dogg (invited to krap for T-rump today for the Inauguration festivities which probably half the country is mourning in distress, whereby the Biden Inauguration I had been skeptical of his reference in the video he had made of a sun rising over the Capital stating "It is a New Day" which I took to be the symbol of the Sun that --to make it short--the Nazis use in the version of the Swastika. It has proven to be relevant in that the Biden team has been indispensable to the furtherance of inclusion of brown and black into the Nazi fold under the jurisdiction of the "Liberal" side of "elite" wealth exclusivity (absolutely racist "as hell" in reality).
Snoop Dogg appeared alongside Denzel after I watched Gladiator and he came insulting abusing and I deleted Gladiator. I wrote about his years of inclusion in the background and at that point, I was not able to restrain my rage so I wrote about the director snott from England (he was so repulsive I only got through half of Napoleon before hours per day of abuse from him, yelling abuse nasty and it was disgusting---then urging Denzel to do the same as he had done--)
and with Denzel was Snoop Dogg. This is all, the entire list, is not even the list of all who have tortured me for the last month, but snoop I told that I am disabled, and that he is attacking a person who is sick and has been poisoned and tortured. I seriously think that he and Denzel were the ones who got this life-threatening attack on me because I had told them, in truth serum deep sleep teleportation hell torture with the stress of the endless abuse ongoing every single day in that state, upon waking and all day and then into the night, everywhere I go non-stop people are assaulting driving into me walking into me elbowing me flicking stains on my clothing ripping my purse or bags like pros and pickpockets--while my living space is being sprayed with muck and goo and debris and all things broken and things stolen as well
and I believe probably it was Denzel and SNoop who did this horrid thing to me out of Social Security, and today Snoop is performing for MAGA. Denzel feels vindicated as he did not win the golden Globes but expected to do so, and so did prostitutalina the pumped-up parasite who has fed off torturing me and poisoning and mutilating me with delight and feeding her frenzy of rabid vicious Nazi fascist feeding off other people and then stealing my ideas as if to pronounce herself as being not a sleazy skank and prostituted couch-casting Nazi and English Crown portal for all to enter now through her and s hit pig ape pitt with this contract, through them a convulsion of slime and scum have assembled to get their free deals.
So dirty foul Snoop Dogg and preaching Denzel probably were the ones who got this suspension of my disability money because they want me in the lowest of the minority categories raped beaten tortured impoverished no chance all discrimination conducted by THEM alongside most violent white supremacists.
for trying to get snoop hogg the dirty foul creep to have any compsasion I told him in that vulnerable truth serum teleoported sleep state that I am disabled. I am certain that prompted them to look for any way to have that money cutt of and they are now welcomed into MAGA officially for this violence against me.
I had searched for any compassion from him instead, because he played a crippled man in a wheelchair being abused by a white cop in LA. He asked me if I thought he had done a good job, I said yes. In return, according to this contract, he took my statement about being disabled (due to my spine being fractured while drugged and in deep sleep/teleported mode, which is when they the terrorists do things like rape and cut part of my uterus out slice my fingers and toes rape and put my spine and hips out of alignment. I am teleported to hate skits orchestrated by the Nazi Mafia black white and Jewish and all other race bigots of Whoreowod who use their aspiring "exttras" to inflict terror upon me, each and every single night and for over 15 years.
that i respond in rage they use also as an excuse to inflict more and more and more slow murder and violence. They are heaped with praise and awards and welcome afterward.
That no one could give a damn bespeaks of the utter destruction of the fabric of the United States and a sick death culture of greedy sleazy ignorant but educated (only in some) have arisen to grab rape kill slaughter destroy and assume every plantation Nazi cartel Mafia posture they possibly can in their expected endless wealth plantations with Black Nazis viciously assaulting Jews while the whites watch on from sidelines applauding them so they can have their own plantations. Only, however, for a tiny few as symbols of what you are "supposed" to do in order to not be turned into an enslaved victim. I would suggest that most of the people who attack me from minority groups are victims of mind control in whatever form it takes to render them "traumatized" enough to worship their abusers, they claim they are "fighting" against.
And so, that is the last month. today for me fighting viciously every day trying to ignore this group of shit filth to not get these reactions of attack threatening my life, but the DRUGGING CONTINUES I cannot handle it. Meanshile I am fighting and extremely ill EVERY SINGLE DAY paralyzed most of the day in sickness from detox to fight every day to not be vulnerable.
I have no way to earn any money they are blocking my internet so I am stuck with no resources except sub-poverty due to them poisoning and fracturing my spine so I am chronically disabled not just a few injuries. Despite all this, they attacked me fresh out of college and I had no health care. I now cannot apply for Social Security disability I am in a category of people who must report and etc. Only because while running TO WORK in San Francisco this group had me put into an accident, I was not seriously injured but while sleeping they made a metal rod come loose in my spine, which began to jut out of my skin after 2 more years of no health care and being told 'NOTHING" is wrong by all the free health care and hospitals I was barely able to go. My family 100% going with this to also profit off exploiting me (to death and they knew and still know everything about my situation but lie endlessly and claim I am just lazy there is nothing wrong with me, etc)
So I am stuck with being dependent because this group is blocking my internet I have tried to earn money online. They keep the WiFi on, the webpage I use to make money is "on" but when I check the URL it is turned "off" to the WWW and internet. They literally have blocked my every attempt any time I began to earn money they stole my money the put me in accidents they drugged me most of my life so severely I could not function normally whatsoever.
Now I face this today because Denzel had to join in with bigot Riddley Scott because they are up for Oscars, or one of them is by now perhaps. Snoop has to get MORE AND MORE AND MORE out of abusing me so he had to join in. Denzel had a huge smile while I was laughing about the Nazi stars and their shit mansions burning in Whorewood after years and decades of them having me beaten raped tortured poisoned my home destroyed put in jail beaten raped every day as they profited off it.
Which one or did they all try to destroy my life for fighting back and being glad that the fuckers who have profited and laughed at my rape and hacked and attacked and joined in, their houses were burning. For one or two days I felt like there was some kind of justice somewhere. They had to viciously fascistically try to crush any joy I could have from the endless decades of torture they have all participated in (it is more than 15 years from this same group going on. Shitalina looks like a bloated puffed-up parasite having bee comlimented by all the shit form Congress which pour into get their promotions or attack me and get more deals--and the German ape filth fuck has beaten tortured and abused me for watching a movie about a concentration camp he co-starred in with part of the Gotti Mafia and Tarantino--only because I watched this movie he rushed instantly to rape and hit me in front of the group shitalina the filthy ugly sicki parasite has blossomed from my ideas my energy and watching me beaten tortuerd as I tell that ugly sick piece of sick shit that she is a fuck ugly and sinister. She is puffed up by the German lavishing the energy he sucked through rape out of me, there is an energy transfer. And the endless glorification she never had prior to this contract, the years of my ideas which show her to be of some original mind-setj instead of me, so threatening they can't stand to see me intelligent creative and not willing to be abused and humiliated and loving this fuck pig pile of shit, as so many do they bow and scrape and attack the target--me so willingly lovingly looking for confirmation to the dirty foul group.
And so I could not after years of this going on, I finally just call them ugly and sleazy stupid sick fucks and the torture is endless. They do not deserve the position the money and I deserve to be paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in compensation and for intellectual property theft and left alone to live in peace.
In addition, every SINGLE DAY in the teleportation for at least 4 months (?) time has slowed down considerably, the German rapist life-threatening concentration camp referencing bigot hater gang rapist pimp wanna be Whorewood executive exploiter, so fully welcomed by UN Ambassador celebrities black and brown gyrating adherents of P-valley allure political posturing about themselves and "brown and black girls" power
loving him, loving what he is doing to me. JLo (this was LAST MONTH) dyed her hair even more blonde, her skin is now whiter even then Ben Afflecks (which is mostly why she was with him in the first place--having risen to white power 4th Reich status she no longer needs him, j ust as filthalina no longer needs shit pig ape pitt for her power cartel with her dirty nasty daddy and is now crushing him in financial ways, obviously recommended by her daddy and she is now with the German rapist who loves her and she needs him now to beat and rape and threaten my life so they all can obtain this empire by forcing me into being just destroyed for their feeding frenzy upon all that I have ever worked for stolen and destroyed by them, and by so many Americans in "normal" society so many health care providers that I was left dying and had to flee for my life and even then attacked so badly that I turned to someone of this group long ago and asked him for help, which began an endless assault by Americans all in the media and in politics--a realm I have never even ventured into in all my online pursuits--because I spent 6 years studying online for a graduate degree and had no time and never cared about any of it--which was wise but careless I was absolutely unprepared for the lies and the deception that they all pose. I am s till beguiled by fake posturing and I must realize that probably 100% of all the media puts out for the humanitarian angle is a pay-for-subscription to entitlement to human rights; otherwise I see the dying and homeless abound and increase in America and around the world. No one cares about human rights but they are extremely concerned about not remaining "in the closet" any longer; a huge priority for them all.