Friday, March 18, 2022

*This is NOT a Pro-Russian post, nor is it an anti-Ukrainian post. It is about Goose-stepping, wanna be accepted by the 4th Reich--Ukraine getting equipped by the 4th Reich is the reason why Russian forces have been stymied thus far from the previously "expected easy invasion" that people (news commentators and political analysts and comedians) claim Putin and his army had previously "expected". Part of the sell by the US media of the Ukraine entrance into the 4th Reich NATO alliance is The heroism hype regarding the *brash* Ukrainian civilian corps (and the Azov Neo-Nazi battalion that Americans seem to love and ignore their political leanings) and our beloved US media sensationalism regarding "Ukraine heroism". and the "fighting of brave normal civilians" to deter Russian invasion:

 (Defense Update Magazine) The Russian War in Ukraine --First Impressions


How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia

"The president’s Jewishness as Western media PR device".  

One of the most protracted lies that US media commentators and analysts are using regarding Zelensky is that the Russian claim that Neo-Nazis are marching under Zelinsky-approved flags cannot be true as Zelensky is a "Jew" and therefore cannot, absolutely impossible that Zelinsky could have any affiliation with Nazi groups or protocols or forces. However, the reality likewise that I know 100% to be a genuine fact is that Jews participate in Nazi protocols every single day. They do so with Nazis against me for their own promotions, they operate with Nazi groups, and they have adopted into Nazi protocols completely. I have seen this all my life and know it is a fact. The silencing of this very poignant fact is what keeps Nazism alive in large part and the disguise of the minorities who participate as their cover for "fighting against racism" is one of the biggest farces and lies on this planet regarding any real fight for Freedom of equality. It is the silent way that Nazism thrives and is indeed increasing on a global scale (one can so easily see this happening in the United States, despite all the plethora of H-wood movies with bombastic anti-Nazism and rhetoric and political speeches to the contrary, all denials and lies). AGAIN--to reiterate this for the 3rd time, hacking is very bad and my brain is under extreme attack--I can barely see straight any longer my vision is completely skewed, I can barely think clearly it's impossible to go on into detail about this unless I stop and get away from the influence of the attack--in front of the keyboard or just stopping the WiFi or whatever is being beamed into my skull/Brain. But the situation of Jews fully participating in Nazi protocols is something I have been burdened with all my life. Note how there are NO Jewish groups or individuals coming to my defense despite famous personalities out of H-wood who are famous for their anti-Nazi/anti-Holocaust movies, all their contacts and etc. I have tried with Jewish people and groups and have gotten only attacked by them in one form or another--again, all my life this has happened. I have first-hand experience with how Jews must conform into the demands, the cracks and crevices, of this disgusting Nazi-based protocol system that is the basis of the terrorist "gang stalking" and MK ULTRA contract out on me. The tenuous ties to the warfare consolidation of Nazi extremists into the Ukraine army and police is nothing short of the same system confronting me--which is to conform, obey, submit, incorporate, allow them into highest positions, ignore their hate speech and help and assist them into stealing all they can from me--that is the protocol--it is what Zelensky must conform to as well--with his blonde non-Jewish wife of course as his token "pass" into being acceptable into mainstream 4th Reich position of power and especially in the entertraiment (sic) field. There are very few differences between what the Ukrainians demand of conformity to Nazi authority, and also they want to be accepted into the EU (by way of NATO).; Their Nazi posturing is a sure way of advertising their willingness to be part of the "team" which the Western countries all but cloak in fake altruistic anti-Nazi posturing (oh how much they do in H-wood).

**Please note that while I write this hacker terrorists are disrupting the keyboard and functioning almost every word or other word--my brain is under the usual fog of brain-altering technology--as I wrote below my vision is now blurred, I feel dizzy, I can't think clearly and after I write sentences I re-read and see hackers have deleted and strung deleted parts of broken sentences together--they change sentence structure and meaning--I can't type without having to continuously fight to backspace and retype as the keyboard functions are being blocked--space bar won't work, keys I press do not operate and other letters appear instead-etc etc. I wrote of this under a kind of brain-alteration effect where I got into the more hyperbolic reaction on my part--again, my vision is now very blurry like I am "drunk" and my brain is under heavy assault by their brain=altering weapons-"they" meaning the US Government funded operatives who employ these US state-of-the-art ""mind control and torture technologies including the hacking revision of what I write for discrediting purposes.


What the news stories and analyses I have watched and listened to from mainstream news commentators, what the recurring themes-makers are not informing the public about and the REAL reason Russia is losing so many troops, and why Russia has resorted to attacking Ukrainians in more civilian areas, similar to guerilla warfare tactics.
Prior to the invasion, prepared and supported by NATO, there has been an Upgrade in Ukrainian electronic weaponry courtesy of NATO countries such as Germany and the US. A surprise to Russian troops, Ukraine is now equipped with higher-grade Anti-missile and anti-tank weaponry, drone technology and laser and other electronic warfare equipment that the Russians are unfamiliar with after the 2014 invasion, now a new game-changer. Ukraine has been trained and more heavily equipped with upgraded weaponry (but still far from being up to current state-of-the-art standards for US military) prior to the invasion by NATO partners (of the US and by the United States).
Due to the surprise element of the newly-acquired high-tech anti-tank and anti-missile technology and more enhanced electronic warfare capabilities, the article continues, to avert the unanticipated element of heightened warfare technology,. the Russian forces have resorted more to the shelling of civilian areas as a form of using the surprise element. Russia is going to relative extremes to counter the new Ukrainian defense weaponry and electronic equipment.
The article states that Ukraine has been prepped by NATO and the United States for a new invasion "for months".
" Since 2014 the Ukrainian army has been equipped with many locally produced weapons familiar to the Russians. But in recent months, Ukraine has obtained many western anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.....Among them the Javelin and NLAW ATGMs, German-Dutch Panzerfaust3, and AT-4, which have caused significant losses among the Russian armor; they also successfully deployed Stinger and Strela MANPADS missiles against Russian aviation assets, including fast jets such as the Su-27/30, MiG-29, and Su-25 and low flying helicopters, such as the Mi-8/17, 24/35, 28 and Kamov Ka-52.
On the other side, Russian land forces seem disorganized when not posing to their cameras, particularly in the dismounted deployment of mechanized infantry—the lack of organized, combined arms maneuver results in heavy losses in material and lives. In the first three weeks of combat, the loss rate of Russian forces has amounted to about 8-10 percent of their force and turn to use indirect firepower by artillery, rockets, cruise, and ballistic missiles. Even if these attacks are directed at Ukrainian forces, the dispersion of such firepower results in indiscriminate attacks on cities and villages."
However, the Defense Update article also states that the technology Ukraine has amassed from NATO is not up-to-date "state of the art" but is instead relics from 1990's military hardware and equipment. Yet updated somewhat in recent months, surprising the Russian military advance into Ukraine.


There's a lot of hacking and hacker deletions going on as I write--I notice that my sentences are being rewritten and become very jumbled due to hacker interference. However this post appears after I have corrected it for the third time--all due to hacker intrusion. Also my brain and thought processes are likewise under attack by their brain-altering tech (but I am still writing correctly and cohesively--just all re-arranged afterwards by their terrorism). It's very hard to write clearly the keyboard is very hacked and difficult to write on--I press one key and another letter appears, etc...


..but to continue on the story above. Defense Update also reports that both the Russian and Ukrainian equipment is outdated to the point that tanks are getting stuck in mud and breaking down. Ukraine had participated with NATO forces in training prior to the invasion and had not performed mandatory and routine maintenance of tank and arsenal after the military exercises.


Instead the news coverage I have heard, and those mostly white males who are the "liberal" commentators on YouTube and for their comedic political entertainment shows--their commentary about how staunch and brave the actor of Ukraine is only heightens the emotional appeal of footage of civilians (i.e. women and children) fighting so "bravely" for their country as the vanguard of the defense and the reason for the relative "success" of the resistance to the Russian invasion. Not really the actual reality of the facts---it's NATO giving weapons and all those millions of $$ that the US is also sending asap to Ukraine with weapons and support and logistics and more up-to-date equipment--you can be sure that what had been 1990's era weaponry is now going to be state-of the art. I am still upset that all that money is being sent to this war effort instead of going to people who are homeless in the United States, need health care, need housing instead of shipping money for oil interests and the war-machine effort to Ukraine. I also need money due to the TORTURE contract that the United States has forced upon me....the systematic torture and destruction of my body and my home and property and career and health and happiness that so many greedy and rapacious have "indulged" their greedy aspirations into due to this most heinous and cruel and violent contract that is by now endless ongoing torture. I heard a story about a Guantanamo prisoner who has been awaiting any kind of Habeus Corpus proceeding and has been in that torture camp for almost 10 years (or was that 20 years by now?) who was used as a human practice object for slamming targets into the ground--head into the ground--as part of training exercises held at Guantanamo for US troops being trained in anti-terrorist maneuvers. The man in question, out of the Middle East (Afghanistan I think he is from) now has brain damage and is still being held as a prisoner without charges and no trail--he has never been put before a judge or court or told what crimes he has committed.) All the years of torture (the soldiers spent 2 hours per day slamming his head into the ground for training exercises on a human experimental object). This is similar in scope to what has been done with me, except this is a torture, rape and theft of ideas "project" that ultra wealthy have "enjoyed" participating in with endless awards and promotions for them all. I remain nearly homeless and living under non-stop threat of all my money, sub-sub-poverty level, being taken away from me every single day if I write the wrong things that "offend" the criminal perpetrators--your beloved celebrities--your wonderful enhanced personalities who you all give carte blanche to commit every kind of crime without any transparency or media focus on how corrupt the celebrity culture really is and the promotions and the "dark money" behind their every movie and programming enterprise (aka "propaganda"). But no, I sit here watching as the United States if funding a partial Nazi operation in Ukraine (The Azov Battalion, for example) and I am stuck being totrure by Nazi celebrities who, like the media and news outlets proclaim the Ukrainians to be--just heroic fighting for justice, Freedom and Democracy--but the marching Nazis (which also comprise Russian society and I know this 100% because I've been attacked by lots of Russians here in Phuket) but....they're being funded with millions of dollars that people like I need--which I deserve which is what justice really should be--for Freedom and for Democracy. Ignored, silenced and under non-stop threat ot remain silent. Also tortured by subliminal tech after I write anything that is a threat to these expletives--including any idea that I write with clarity and briefly--as right now I can't even see straight because of this attack on my brain--my brain is under extreme attack while I am writing it's very hard to focus or think or see clearly--my vision begins to go while I write. But after I write any brief comment because the terrorist attackers also utilizing this brainwave tech make it literally impossible to focus, type and think and see--my vision is so blurry I am so dizzy after just 10 minutes or so of fighting to type and think. But I am a torture victim and I need money out of reparations for the crimes against humanity that the United States government has been instead showering upon already extremely wealthy--who then get a kick out of mutilating my body with chemicals, poisons and disfiguration (broken toes, insertions under cuticles, hair being chemically treated to fall out--balding spots on my head--etc--then told that not only am I "stupid" all the time after the celebrities steal my ideas, but then I am "ugly" and they are far more "beautiful" as they also destroy my health and physical appearance. Living in squalor and filth is part of the torture and slow murder through poisoning contract that the US is also funding and fully supporting. That Ukraine is being handed millions of dollars and then being advertised as a brave and heroic culture instead of what had been in the news back in 2014: a Neo-Nazi culture that is basically letting the Western countries know that they are following the Goosestep alliance and instead of covering their stance up with the posturing Freedom k-rap that the NATO countries incorporate so fully into the entertainment spectacle of movies and brainwashing media hype--they openly let countries like Germany, one of the lead countries of NATO and of the arming of this country--letting them know that they are unreserved in their NAZI incorporation into the culture. It is a kind of inculturation into Nazism that these former CCCP bloc countires feel obliged to have to perform and then incorporate into their cultural paradigm in order to be accepted as "players" in the 4th Reich.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

THE SIGN O'WAR! (The Birthday Issue #313)// Imagine if no one knew the date of their birth but only the date of their death? That would change the bs of astrology and sun sign cliches! Instead it would be, your death date makes you a Leo and you will burn in the fiery sun of an explosion because your sign is FIRE. Would it make the astrologically stupid cliched and stereotyped statements by obsessed people any less stupid if birth and death dates were reversed?

 "God Sent a Message to Every Person with the Date of Their Death and This is What People Did". Movie Recaps. March 10, 2022.

"The Brand New Testament Official Trailer". MovieClips Indi. November 9, 2016.


"12 Zodiac Signs at Reunion Dinner". Wah!Banana. February 11, 2018.


"The 4 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs. Are You One of Them?". Be The Light. August 14, 2020.

S***T! My sign didn't make the list. But I do find people of these signs to be most aggressively annoying and rude and crude, belligerent. The qualities of "power" that are ascribed to the human race by the corrupt who codify these qualifications and characteristics leave something to be desired...


"Melodysheep--Be Like Water My Friend! Bruce Lee Remix". December 12, 2012.

Yet however, Bruce Lee has advice to any fighters out there who want to learn how to beat fire-starters who obliterate, block-head obstructionists of wood, earthly destroyers and some watery equivalents: "BE LIKE WATER, MY FRIEND. IT IS THE STRONGEST OF ALL.". And my sign, "Pisces, my "Sun sign" also is complimented by Moon in Pisces, Mercury in Pisces, but my ascendant is in Sagittarius meaning fire, just enough, to get me going instead of languishing around in a pool of watery relaxation with no ambition. Not that I truly follow this, but I have done this on-line generated birth chart so I know just these few of the "houses"--I remember that my Venus is in Taurus, making me a "romantic" and thus I cannot abide by the pornographic haters who surround me trying to force sex slavery and unpaid sex prostitution abuse-discard object for hateful and loveless abusers and exploiters. (who are considered "the most powerful" by the odiously dumb who create the mystique of what is powerful and what is not in this world, which is driven-by media executives who need this paradigm to justify their rapacious greedy acquisition mentality).



..But instead of fluidity, harshly deemed the penultimate of power--- THE ALL-ENCOMPASSING PARAMOUNT SIGN O'THE TIMES IS : THE AGGRESSIVE (you get your own cheerleading squadron of minions if you pursue this Left-Hand path):

"Faith No More--Be Aggressive". Hello Motherfucker! July 20, 2014.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Fascism and "gentrification" of South Beach (=increase in violence, hostility and discrimination from terrorist Nazi/Mafia "gang stalking" mind control operations and upgrading of technocratic mind control systems, incorporating goons and Minority minions) . Gone, gone with the wind of "gentrification"--El Pirata Cigars on South Beach--get a cafecito--get cuban bread or a sandwich---get some excellent Macanudos and smoke them finely after your easily obtaining little Cuban meal.

 EL PIRATA CIGARS --formerly established in a 40-year tradition on South Beach at 326 Lincoln Road. Otherwise known as Zellick's Cigars, which then expanded to the shop next door to become (Zellick's) Presto Pizza. Zellick used to be a "friend" of mine (still a gang stalker, but probably as good as it gets when it comes to the base-level thugs of all socio-economic and cultural cliches who participate in this terrorist operation).

("Closed Permanently") PRESTO PIZZA --with highest quality ingredients and fresh-made pasta. Plus fun staff, hip hop and funk, heavy metal and alternative prog music played and food served by tattoed younger dudes with Zellick at the counter with his dyed green hair and an "E" for ENDO (his band) cut into the side of his green little hair---funky and fun. Now seriously expensive and gentrified by Europ-a's in yet another near identical style of pizza place that appears like all the "boutique" style of interior design. Tedious. The old flavor that CREATED Miami has being turned into a Europ-a-zone.



The one and only Zellick is on bass---

"ENDO--Simple Lies". Soffcore. July 6, 2006.

"ENDO--Malice". Dragutin Stevic. August 13, 2011. 


I ALSO know Gil, lead singer of ENDO. He's surely not innocent but a complex personality. The lyrics are as complex as his personality and worthy of esteem (ENDO was highly popular in Miami and elsewhere--I recall that when ENDO played along with Vanilla Ice years ago in Ft. Lauderdale --I was there--Vanilla Ice cancelled ENDO's performance just as the show was about to begin because MOST of the people in the venue were there to see ENDO and not Vanilla Ice. There was a walk-out and protest against Vanilla Ice by at least 2/3 of the audience--people who had paid for the show).

Gil-- Comes on with smooth quietness in his calm demeanor when you meet him. He is soft-spoken and almost quiet. When he sings (I mean explodes) you can hear his vocal range in the ENDO hardcore which is as loud and boisterous as anything I have ever heard, amplified or synthesized or not---. 

"ENDO--G.A.D." metal is my life. October 22, 2021.

I don't want to be me, I just want to be free! [2x]
Going down the ozone, lookin' for a new home
Tryin' to cope with the madness, future crisis,
Choked up, I can't breathe.
Loss of control, what the fuck's wrong with me?
Paranoia, the levels are dropping.
Something's dying within my coffin.
Slave to my own enemy, can't you see?
I don't want to be me, I just want to be free! [2x]
Eyes of unreality, notion of consciousness
Got to get grounded before they come for us.
Pose for another shot, my thoughts are broken.
Impending loss is what I'm holding on to
Got to make my way to the fire that burns my flame.
King to my own enemy, can't you see?
I don't want to be me, I just want to be free! [2x]
I just want to be free.
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Eli T. Parker / Gil Bitton / Joel Suarez / Zelick Ian Gimelstein
G.A.D. lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc


A relatively recent photo of Zelick nowadays--domesticated---married with two babies, his gentrified wife out of Alabama (Zelick's Nazi/Mafia assimilation enforced protocol as he is also a "gang stalker" terrorist but nothing like the levels of the fascists who have taken over his joint, operation and South Beach) and two dogs and an inflatable swimming pool in his back yard. Getting a bit chunky these days. 

--post script: I spelled Zelick incorrectly in the first paragraph(s) but now see it's just one L not two. Oh well.

Friday, March 11, 2022

The utter smiles of delight by the terrorist celebrities who pillage, steal, rape, torture and mutilate through their proxy networks of minions and goons/thugs and expletives. By their promotional agents, probably billionaires who control the awards and movie lead role choices (also leading to the "Dark Money" coffers controlling US politics and beyond into Europ-a-land politics)They are honored, awarded, pampered, their lagging careers go into high gear and for the duration of the YEARS, YEARS, YEARS of contributing in many large or minute ways of the torture, "mind control" which is just torture 2.0 technologically covertly disguised and protected. They insert photos of themselves freshly botoxed in the "winning" awards ceremonies on my front YouTube pages or search engines (I click on some celebrity fodder mags to see what the terrorists are up to, which I never did my ENTIRE LIFE until this group began assaulting me--never have I looked through most of these magazines except while being gang stalked in grocery lines, waiting excessive time in elongated and slowly crawling check-out lines --in the US it's probably the worst of all the countries I've been to--and picking up these cheesy celeb mags and rifling through the pages). That was the extent of my celebrity magazine perusal, all my life, literally. Now I look very often and every time I click on any page the celebrities terrorizing me have had their tech agents blast endless photos and stories almost exclusively of these very same people--in magazine after magazine online. All is hacked and a mind control attack, not the "real" magazine contents available online (except for the few times that the stories actually are relevant and accurately placed by the magazine).

 I have thus been subjected to the additional inserts of these rapist enabler, gloating, smug and laughing women who glare in hate as they try to break me in teleportation sessions. After 4-5-6-7-8 years of them participating and being promoted endlessly all these years, I have begun to try to attack them when they teleport me asking me what I think of them and their movie fodder--in succession this is the very same question posed to me in my sleeping/teleported/nascent waking state/freshly drugged and poisoned by mechanical arms inserting or putting skin patches (invisible--or quickly dissolving forms of skin patch drugging) on my body---after mutilations and damaging chemicals are also smeared on my skin--nightly--but then tortured with these same questions one after the next celebrity expletive--years and years and years of this very same procedure. All an organized protocol system of "behavior modification" in an attempt to torture me into saying that I "like" the K-rap they come out with. My perspective of them and their movies is also skewed greatly by their violence towards me, as I associate them with a lack of real talent and the movies always are formulaic with Nazi and racist and Mafia promotion and propagandized enhancement in each of these fake "counter" racist and sexist heroic rescue of the underdog movies. All so odiously fake and sinister, an entire industry dedicated to pulling the wool over people's perspective of how sinister this aspiring to top elite status of criminal entertainers really is at the core of their entire enterprise.


So after inserting their poison into my body and inserting metal objects under my cuticles, slicing into my body, making blemishes, eruptions of red pimples on my skin (literally in the same place every single night--for years) smearing permanent-staining chemicals on top of the red blemishes they inflict upon my skin--etc--damaging and raping and putting my hips and spine out of alignment if they can get physical access to my body in addition to inserting fungus in my hair and all orifices and food and sprayed on all clothing and furniture--etc etc etc etc. Every single night, for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS and IT IS STILL GOING ON AND ON AND ON. The women glare in absolute hate but when the assemble to support the women out of London and England who are destroying me and claiming they are superior, more beautiful while they steal ideas I write of--and they gloat with smug huge botox-laden smiles for their awards and plaster it after they have their men rape and beat and abuse me for them--the sinister sexist chauvinist abuser men who are profligate rakes, dedicated to pornographic pursuits for their leisure I assume---cheating, abusing, and ensuring that in this new "feminist" era the blonde and otherwise Nazi women they marry cannot suck out more of their money once the alimony and child support bills are due--in their excessive woman-hating they require women to abuse so this new structural form of misogynist violence against women is taking a globalization form: go to the poorer countries, exploit, rape and beat and murder women and the police in these "banana republics" will fully welcome in white male privileged investors and tourists without a hitch or glitch in their violence and absolute exploitation. In a very Buddhist country like Thailand the women are very humble and servicing and thus the violence is not as high or publicly made known except to inner circles where gossip about the violence is whispered and never publicized or made public in any single news source I have ever encountered in my 12 years of living here.

I am slated for this destitution status of impoverished exploitable sex slave--then discarded--status. The blonde Nazi women who see that I have been well-educated, my step-father a professor of literature, my father an attorney, my mother an attorney--cousins, family members coming from highest rankings. The push to lower the status of Jews in the same way that Jews were purged from all social and civil life in Nazified Europe has been calculably embedded into the American Nazi/Mafia "gang stalking" enterprise which so glibly hands these women in the celebrity terrorist circles all top awards and endless back-patting support (where the men in control used to pat these women on the bottom, but now due to feminism, and globalization, they rape women with the full consent and absolute enthralled JOY these Nazi women all are having a ball and a blast watching this transition and cheering it on the cheerleader squad of rapist enablers). 

Thusly I have been subjected to their "adding insult to injury" photos while they absolutely are hissing with violence and the men pose death threats at me after they rape and beat and abuse me while the women watch on. All hugging one another and crying for the awards ceremonies--all having been handed lead roles and top awards for the YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS of participating in this contract along with the endless daily attacks by the same people who then mete out the torture in a rotation list and cycle.


Thus they are so highly rewarded and praised and they are giggling and laughing and dancing in absolute schadenfreude to the bank and inserting their rotten and freshly plastic-injected faces onto my Facebook and YouTube channels on the top and front center when I open the pages to look at which debacle the United States Government is committing now to help impose an "elite" aristocracy with people groveling in despair, homelessness, poverty, sickness and the only way out is to serve the new Americanized version of Oligharchy, aristocracy and Nazism backed by vicious Mafia that the United States has become. The Europ-a's who are behind all of this at least as far as I have witnessed these actors (and never seeing the real power behind them who back them, instruct them on the endless recurring protocols so I see that these expletives have zero personality structures--except for one of them, really only one had a semblance of a unique and independent personality--but bending in obedience to his former and current Europ-a-land wives (out of Eastern but highly influenced by Europ-a-land fascist Mafia and Nazis) so I had to decline his offer to exploit and discard me so he and these women could all become entrenched into more power positions in order to destroy me more easily and people "like me" who have dwindled in the population so greatly that anyone with any dissent to this fascist global organization is either dead or too scared to speak up any longer--or really the truth is that they are brainwashed by this huge mind control operation which H-wood greatly adds to on a huge scale unimaginable.


So they are all laughing after I fought back, called them pieces of shit in my drugged up, mind controlled hyperbolic state--which they then use as justification for their men and their partners to inflict more violence upon me because I "said" this about them after years of torture, rape while they were handed every kind of enhancement and promotion and are now being handed awards and the promises of endless MORE years of endless promotions--they are also in a mind control training session to fully indoctrinate them into the promise of endless power and money and false "supremacy" which is the motto of this group: "fake it till you make it" so they never stop attacking me, and I'm sure they are continuously adding new recruits into this "project" and all dancing, laughing and giggling about it and taking all that millions of loot to the bank and having extremely highly-chartged sexual masturbatory sexual encounters because they feel so titillated by violence, to screw someone else over and be honored for it--probably one of their favorite activities in life and upon which the entire gamut of their careers and life is based upon--screwing other people over. You can bet they have their alcoholic parties gloating about how they screwed this and that person over and what they said--so this example of teleporting someone who can't even see clearly (this must be an effect that has been controlled by this group, I think it may be a deliberate blinders type of controlled vision access) so they come at me from behind while I am in this state, they come from oblique angles, they come at me while I am in deep sleep state--they insert subliminal hate phrases into me and then I repeat them automatically upon "waking" in this sitting or laying on the ground position while they hover over me standing in Nazi poses and abusing, insulting and threatening and hitting and/or raping me.

They then are handed more lead roles, and now they are in the next phase of violence where they all yell at me, threaten to kill me (this is the slow build-up from over 8 or 10 years of me being teleported to rape, torture, abuse and information/ideas extraction every single night for all these YEARS). This has been so fully embraced by political leadership and society at large which never steps in to assist any of the victims of gang stalking (unless perhaps they are white males or females mostly from Northern European descent--I have seen this, and probably those who are put on the internet are plants and agents and not real targets). 

Then huge gloating smiles after all the violence inserted onto my pages while I am trying to ascertain what is going on now and what catastrophes are being forced upon society, as this has a direct bearing on my life. Living halfway across the planet to get away from the vicissitudes of the hate crimes endlessly being inflicted upon me in Western countries, I am now being teleported to even worse violence while in this most vulnerable sleeping and sickness mode they have forced upon me using these government-sponsored and funded technologies, drugs and torture gangs of goons and minority minions.


I write this trying to edumacate people who may have read thus far in this blog post as to the evil and vile people and their actions who are being put into lead positions in the media and journalism and in politics in America. 

(I can't even begin to go into political criticism at this point as the politicians read my posts or are made aware in some Orwellian dystopian fashion and will have me more brutalized if I write a criticism of the politics that I find repugnant at this point and not concerning my personal situation but of the entire disaster facing my country.) With how these sinister groups operate, the end portrait I think they are aiming for is not for humble and poor people to rise up in some "revolution" but for a power consolidation of "elite" Nazi and Mafia once people do begin to revolt, they will be "weeded out" in Stalinist fashion, sent to gulags or killed or covertly assassinated in these gang stalking networks or just through plain old domestic disasters that are endlessly threatening the population. What arises in such cases is usually worse fanaticism of fascist orientation and not the reverse. The "top" levels have already been fully indoctrinated into this violent overtake of society and what we call Democracy. My situation appears to be one of the biggie mind control operations that H-wood has fully embraced and welcomes all those who are the most ugly, nasty and violent towards me. Making genocidal comments about the Holocaust in reference to me or threatening to kill me/have me killed by their terror agents in now one of the springboard promotional actions that the people endlessly for the nth year in a row or being handed lead roles endlessly year after year are all jumping to participate in. They have zero qualms and actually are thrilled by this performance of violence, they feed energetically off the violence of course as they are parasitic people who also have zero empathetic values so they then steal ideas off me as I rant about their injustices--which they turn into their crusades against injustice for all the fake and rotten movies and plots that keep coming out--mostly at this point heavily edited and CGI-enhanced to create bombastic effect because of the utter falseness of the posturing that the production and it's participants REALLY imbibe and project on a daily level.

False piety is nothing new in the course of human history but the tech is surely amplifying this to a great degree--including all the CGI graphic enhancement made in these movies with the fascist Nazi/Mafia put in lead roles. The tech can even effect tears out of eyes and I am certain these actors employ that at any "emotional" close-up if possible. Even your voice and vocal chords can be changed and altered so fake accents could be enhanced also using this technology.

No one really cares, they are addicted to these actors and movies, it so appears as no one really takes a good close-up view of how these movies are funded, produced and for what societal effect.


But these skank whore creepy Nazi with endless backing from Mafia terrorist scumbag crap actors are gloating in absolute enthrallment. Not only are they feeding off torture, rape and violence and inflicting damage to my body  (permanent damage) and then being paid, their dreams of endless lead roles fulfilled and awards to boot for bs posturing and not great acting--(in my opinion, outside of my bias towards them--as I had this same opinion of them years ago because now they are entrenched in the endless rotation of one of them after the next appearing in lead role in major studio movie after the next--all "winning" nominations to the top bs awards circuit which almost always has the exact same actors and movies winning in rigged top honors--an echo chamber of awarding scumbags with dumb movies and crappy acting--

Well, you people keep cheering them on and keeping me writing these posts asking for violence to be stopped and the movies keep comin out, the creeps keep laughing and gloating, dancing and hugging each other for International Women's day with their gangs of minorities surrounding them, as the real bigots here in Phuket also have circles of brown-skinned people performing great hate acts and violence towards me as they lounge around in the background smug and smiling just like the bigot expletives at the top positions which you all keep in power and never question authority at that level of mind control programming "entertainment". 

And honored for being humanitarians at that, they are. The culprits here in Phuket hold charity fund-raising (pilfering the proceeds) parties and events.


It doesn't change much when the venues are changed and the locations are changed and the type of entitlement leadership positions is changed it's the same system everywhere I have gone to. And if I move to yet another place which is decent and welcoming, a surge of haters move into the area, kick out the people who were once friendly to me, move absolutely violent and ugly people to surround me, then jack-up the prices so I can't afford to live in the once welcoming area any longer. The people who had been nice to me previously disappear permanently and forever from my life. Any search on the internet is met with no information. All searches are hacked and blocked from me. All friendly people or places are turned into hell zones of hate and attack by this organization.

The people creating this are laughing, dancing, partying, going on endless vacations where they are serviced by bowing minorities or other versions of slaves but paid a little bit, and offered a little more if they move in and help them to infiltrate the countries they are colonizing (The United States being one of the worst Nazified and Mafia colonized countries on the planet with the express and dedicated effort by those Americans who want to live a life of entitlement automatically conferred and assumed--aristocracy style with a devastated impoverished majority of a dearth of slaves to serve, service and help them to attack others--thus the popularity of the gang stalking system. America is now in this phase of imperialistic overtake on the domestic level, fully approved of by Congress, which also keeps handing out these awards and all that money to people fully participating in this contract of mind control and torture and attempted murder out on me (endless rape and disfigurement and impoverishment and destitution and threats without end). 

They --these terrorists but particularly out of Europigapeland--are laughing in the photos the hack into my system--so thrilled--winning top awards endlessly and shoving it in my face in these attempts to find relevant information about what is going on in the world. 

I had been so devoid of interest in celebrities and even in the corrupted American government operations and especially in the beginning phases of the Reagan Administration and then declining in interest fully up to the Bush Administration--leaving the US just before Obama was elected assuming he was going to continue the continuity of this decline of the country on some levels. The new health care system he offered is now being offset by this obvious destruction of the United States that Congress is allowing by not curbing the excessive hikes in rent prices and food prices for the sake of allowing people to actually not be homeless and thus ripe for the plucking of fascist Nazi operations intended to swoop up desperate people who need some kind of financial stability--they will work for free or almost nothing doing anything to have something rather than nothing. The wages for gang stalking I assume are going to be much lower. Soon, and eventually, there will be no wages for gang stalking activities the price will be only mere survival. Those who do not comply will become victims or killed off. My projection of the future if no one ever exposes the utter criminality of who and what is creating these conditions that are similar to the pre-Nazi era in Germany in the 30's and the Stalin years of the 20's and the Italian fascist years that spanned both those decades--and etc etc the trend was probably originated by a very small group of international men and their adjoining women in a joint agreement to adjust each national version of the same version of this type of domestic terrorism but done on an international scale--

movies are now fully indoctrinating people into the system albeit on a subconscious level and usually using reverse psychology.


But oh, I am writing to an audience of people who capitalize on this system so my attempts of trying to reach anyone to stop it appear to be almost futile but I continue to try anyway.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Assimilation can be the first step towards massacre. History has proven this in European slaughter of Jews from Spain up to Germany and now across the pond in America where the demand that people "like me" are forced into hate relationships, drugged and threatened if not agreeable to this assimilation which has accompanied a huge surge of anti-Semitism in America and pre-Holocaust programming and conditions and death marches by neo-Nazis and...the list goes on and on as the situation continues to escalate. A type of video about the Holocaust that the "liberal/humanitarian/feminist" fascist Nazi/Mafia representatives for media entertainment mind programming into fascist Nazi mentality and Mafia endorsement never hack into my YouTube channel. No, the always insert movie clips of model type, Northern European white males wearing Nazi uniforms and killing and/or fighting against Nazis but always it's the same type of square-jawed Nazi image doing outrageously heroic deeds. Always glamorized. Nazi content subliminal. Mafia content always glamorized and hailed as being "the Best Film" etc etc. This video below with a very telling lecture by Raul Hilberg is something they NEVER include on my video because they--these terrorist celebrities who keep winning top awards and putting out their melodramatic, cliche-driven scripted appearances and photo-op endorsements for the "underdog" just like the formulaic movie plots always the "underdog" whom they champion but they all yearn to be the over-Lord who hoards all wealth and property and identification, thusly dehumanizing, demeaning or destroying as many people as possible.

"Ethics After the Holocaust. 6 of 9." University of Oregon. March 14, 2008. 

The main points about how the incremental destruction of the Jews (aka the Shoah) in Europe began "first as assimilation". That is the point I was trying to make, about assimilation into non-Jew families and identity. I come from a family which has completely adhered to this system and I grew up around it and the mentality so when I write about it I also refer to the people around me who also conformed to this organization and it's demands for this pre-genocidal social engineering death and murder squadron operation + mind control programming.

The hateful expletives NEVER put such an in-depth and profound analysis of the holocaust but instead put in clip-after-clip of gratuitous violence, the sexualized content adjoining the model-type actors always in uniform and always tough and uncompromising even when they are supposed to be victims in the story.

Of course the reality is far less glamorous or heroic and the sell-out quality of how people have to navigate through the systematic hate program is taken for granted as just doing what one is told. How I wish I could find some psychoanalysis interpretations of how the real victims had to cope. In the clip, Hilberg delves a bit into Freudian theory about the base need for gratuitous violence (which these H-wood movies are abundant in splatter and sex-on-film for titillation production and I would add to improve a script that could be enhanced by real artistic rendering instead of going to that cheap and tawdry level of showing people having sex on film in a soft porn set-up 2nd rate plot deviation for sales purposes. Ya'know, so the audience doesn't have time to really think about how lacking the plot or acting or script is in such scenes, lacking grace, subtlety or panache).


But back to the endless theme of racism--I know certainly that gang stalking, microchipping and all the horrors of this awfully sick organization are not confined to just racist targeting--I know that many others who are not of a "minority" group are also being targeted. But the expletives keep shoving this concept of trying to put me into a very bad category and they all live by these categorical labels and of course it means that they are automatically relegated to supposedly being entitled to having the best and shoving anyone else down if possible so they can endlessly have more, and more, simply because of the assumed status that their ancestors (or those they served and serviced, and not so long ago in time and history at that) but without effort it is all supposed to be assumed.


So like the assumptions and cliches lacking any kind of real intellectual content, the clips these blank terrorist celebrities put on my channel on YouTube--the front page as I look for news every day--the clips are all about glamorization of racist violence, themes about Jews being killed, videos of emaciated and dying Jews and Nazis standing over them smiling--etc etc

nothing like the Hilberg lectures or analysis and nothing resembling a clear and intellectual insight into the structure, mentality, the methodology or organization and collusion that was the real bulwark of the real operations--the violence was conducted by a tiny percentage of the larger populations who were indispensable to the full-scale operation that such genocides actually entail.

This video lecture does detail the organization, the collusion of society and the types of lies, distortions that are still rampant in places like Los Angeles propagandized mind manipulation machinery, Inc.

Here is something they would not want to watch. They already know, they don't care. But it's something I have not seen and it at least reinforces all the years of my analysis--albeit very hysterical and drugged and under duress to the point of slow torture-to-death--which seems to be just like an entertainment for these expletives attacking me and the goons who sponsor and order and orchestrate these attacks.


The first wave of the genocide began with the highest levels of professionals and not the thugs in the streets, as the obstruction documentaries always portray. It was the lawyers, the attorneys and the highest administrators of justice and society which were the first wave of the genocide. This is in the lecture in the video. This is also based on research and books written with ample documentation and archival Soviet records revealed and other such real-life source documentation.

The second wave was the police and the third was the people of society. The lecture is much more artistically rendered than I can write at this point today of fighting to pound out my ideas and backspace almost continuously due to hacking obstruction. My brain always blanked out as well by brain-altering tech always aimed at me while I am writing.


In the United States propaganda machinery, the first wave appears not only to be the lawmakers and breakers of society, but the media representatives and H-wood is a huge player in disseminating fascism and pro-mafia always dressed up and running in repeat forever to the drooling masses of wanna be gangsters, cool and hunky dashing thieves, killers and leaders and macho men and Nazified supermodels, sexualized but "feminist" and "fighting" against misogynist rape culture but cheering it on nevertheless. All have squadrons of brown and black-skinned minions surrounding them for publicity photo-ops so they can appear "not racist" and "fighting" against racism! ("Don't worry, be happy"). They never watch clips by Raul Hilberg, they probably have never heard of him and who has really except those in small academic circles who study such topics instead of indulge in blood-splatter movies about hunky macho Nazi-looking men "fighting" for "freedom" and "equality" and sexualized blonde Nazified women as "resistance" fighters helping out the oppressed blonde Nazi-looking "Jewish" actors who really are bigot racist non-Jews who fight for white supremacy in real life. OH, they never watch videos like that above, and of course they are too busy watching the really violent movies which enthrall audiences who get a taste, vicariously, of what it's like to kill Jews or people they don't like--to dominate and terrorize--put into the context of the underdog of course "fighting" against such evil but the movies really glamorize the opposing "evil" forces. Call it a psychological subliminal trick of oppositional programming, if you will.

So they will never put such sensitive and compassionate and revealing videos such as this above--it's too much analysis to concentrate and focus upon, it behooves their Nazi philosophy in no way, does not glamorize the image of Nazism and Mafia so they have no concept of who this man is lecturing, the concepts which they totally ignore as they focus on the next square-chin plastic surgery modification and the newer contact blue lenses (the people who teleport me who wear such contact lenses with bright blue eyes are creepy as Hell in the altered perception of my vision, they appear something like Children of the Damned or something creepy with blaring creepy weird eyes--I can see it in a spectrum of light that normal vision won't allow.)

Oh yes, they don't watch these videos and certainly never hack this into my YouTube channel. I discovered this by chance and am so glad to get out of the mental rut of their hate tracks that they turn into glamorized movies (even if they appear gritty and dirty in the war scenes it's still make-up behind the fake grit or dirt and it's always glamorized).

Ukrainian Nazis and the history of genocide during WWII, cheered on NOW in the H-wood "liberal" fascist Nazi-Mafia awards circuit. Putin describes Ukraine as being under the grip of Neo-Nazis, which the American press descries as being anti-NATO and American propaganda on the part of Putin. I have for the first time heard a contrary opinion to the American thread (in all it's duplicitous seeming dichotomous stance), but I heard about Ukrainian guards who were the most violent towards Jews at Auschwitz during the genocidal Holocaust. The Swastikas and Nazi flags have been flying in Ukraine for decades and this is being ignored as a trick and lie by Putin. One commentator out of Europe disputes this. I can't find the clip from the very long Shoah movie series which details the utter brutality of especially the Ukrainians who murdered Jews while they were attempting to just get out of the trains at the foot of Auschwitz. People can say that this represents only a tiny faction within Ukraine--and that millions of Ukrainians died fighting the Nazis. Whichever is more poignant or real is a matter of perspective or identification but the fact remains that during the awards season, the actor/celebrities are wearing little Ukraine flag pendants and proclaiming that Ukraine is a poor tiny victimized country being exploited by the Big Bad Wolf next door. I am NOT supporting Putin or this aggression but my focus is more on the Nazi/Mafia Americans who are pushing the side of Ukraine and pitting this very old and scripted narrative in the media as the disenfranchised but heroic victim being pursued by evil incarnate--a typical H-wood cliche. The movies are rife and recurring an old and scratched up record playing the same dittie for decades for purposes of selling something or another. That H-wood supports fascist and openly Nazi-genocidal actors, celebrities and directors/producers and their fascist Europ-a promoters without a glitch shows me ----what a sad, mad, mad, mad, made world they have turned America into.

 This Scottish commentator, in the clip below, talks about America from a remote point of view. I am used to hearing Americans discuss the pros and cons of the invasion. I am really on neither side of the issue as I know certainly how Russians are when it comes to terrorist "gang stalking" activities in combination with Europ-a Nazi/Mafia terrorists (here in Phuket and in Miami Beach, and not to forget all the Americans who also jump right in with the international Nazi/Mafia cartel so NO ONE IS INNOCENT FROM ANY COUNTRY AND CERTAINLY NOT FROM SCOTTLAND!)

 I also know what Europ-a's hiss in hate about Russians who are attempting to forge new pockets of investment and consolidation of wealth and power in this new free-for-all investment zone of Phuket (not really free, but like a feeding frenzy I mean restricted only to Nazis and Mafia and Russians fit neatly into one or more of those two categories (more is just splinters of the odious criminal organizations)). 

"If WMD's have been found on the Ukraine border then the game is over for NATO." George Galloway. March 7, 2022.


(Movie clip from Shoah). "Historian Raul Hilberg: The Fascist Bureaucrats". Matthijs Coevert. April 4, 2014.

Should I elaborate more on this topic and struggle to backspace endlessly? Should I find the clips and photos of the celebrities ostensibly doing the "right" thing by supporting Ukraine wearing badges of identification on their lapels for the highly televised or commercialized awards ceremonies as they saunter up to the podium to make their speeches? If one of them wore the "wrong" politically-incorrect flag on their lapel (such as Russia) would they be not only ostracized but also then outcast from the H-wood table of plenty instead?


So much for conjecture.

I listen to the angry lecture this political commentator is making and I find that the information he is giving is completely different from what all the commentators are saying (a chorus repeating almost the same thing) on these channels and video. There are similarities but there is no consternation towards US policy in such grinding terms with such anger and chagrin (=hate for the US). 


The Scottish man also claims that the US really is what NATO is all about and that whatever happens is at the behest of American interests and that the other NATO countries (i.e. wonderful nice Italy--and I can only say "snarf" to that as I have only met Italians who are fascist and Nazi really my entire life, and that includes those who call themselves "Italian-Americans"---but like so many Europ-a's the collusion of their now joint venture in the EU makes them all "love" one another and strike out at anyone else--and at the US which they resent like a hissing snake because they feel only they are justifiably competent enough to lead the world and they really hate the United States for doing what the United States only absorbed from Europigape culture in the first place)--but the Scottish man continues that the wonderful little nice countries like formerly fascist Nazi Italy and the Netherlands are just satellites encircling the interests of the US (he calls them "the lipstick on the pig of American imperialism". I would call that a hate as Hell type of statement and metaphor).


I am now in the hate game, from years of torture and violence. You can read my hissing and hysterical hate rants, mostly from the result of having been endlessly drugged up and left to be tortured by the world---


But Ukrainians and the rest of these nationalities are really in bed with gang stalking terrorism so I consider them all to be Nazi Mafia. Not "all" but I am convinced that the covert campaign to slowly eliminate (=murder/assassinate) any dissenters has been an ongoing death squad situation probably long before Operation Paperclip was ever turned into a first class immigration scheme on the pact between Nazis and Americans back at the end of WWII.


Ukrainians--who elected a Jewish man who is married to an obviously blonde and not Jewish wife (as I wrote in a post a few days ago, this is almost obligatory for Jewish men to either have blonde or light-skinned and blonde-hair wives or just marrying into Nazi and Mafia haters in order to be able to achieve any position of status. If you think I am "crazy" then please read the book by Saul Bellow called, THE BELLAROSA CONNECTION. The video below is the one and only video I found on YouTube on this topic and analysis of the book. The reviewer does not get into the racist themes of Jewish men being somewhat obligated to incorporate and sacrifice their earnings, life and honor for the approval of the fascist and Nazi contingent that controls the United States through, in part, this covert most racist death and hate death squad operation run by higher levels of US society and trickling down to the lowest dregs of society (all doing the same things and none above or below in terms of behavioral characteristics). This guy in the video pulled other aspects of the novel that did not interest me because I was caught up in the facet of the psychological drama that the reviewer likewise could not identify with or wished not to focus on. There may be book reviews, I will have to check what was written about this book. I found it to be extremely disturbing at very deep psychological levels but people may not get the drift of the very deep layers of racism that Bellow artistically describes through his narrative and fictional storytelling which has many other layers intertwined.

"Senior Novel Presentation Truth and Emotional Memory in Bellow's 'The Bellarosa Connection'". John Paul Crisman. April 27, 2020.

The insanity and true, ground-zero level of stupidity of America which as usual is not being mentioned by the corporate media or anyone else that I know of. More of the greed and insanity contained within US policy-makers and their corporate fascist Nazi/Mafia exploiteers and profiteers off the wealth of the nation (to be sent overseas and tax avoidance schemes, eventually). FEMA has recently set-up an earthquake preparedness conference in the New Madrid Seismic Zone region of the Midwest. FRACKING in that region could trigger a cataclysmic earthquake or series of quakes in the Midwest. US is planning on increasing fracking due to the "war" and the new US hegemony in oil production as a result of import bans on Russian oil.

"New Madrid Fault May Unleash Catastrophic Midwest Earthquake, North Pole Rapidly Shifting". Skywatch Media News. March 10, 2022. 

The war in Ukraine/Russia could become a springboard for untold devastation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone of the United States Midwest region (Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, etc) if FRACKING is increased or continues.

AS the oil embargo against Russia is set to take effect and the US is yearning to achieve an oil dominance in the global market to replace Russian oil, there is a chance of these unrecognized disasters due to this active fault line in the Midwest due to the fracking procedures of pumping water into the shallow earth crust where the fault line can become unstable or shaken, thus leading to a kind of domino effect for a seismic eruption or earth quake in the 7.0+ range (according to this video). Or smaller earthquakes of lower seismic activity could also be a result.


(from article): "Organization holds earthquake drills for Midwest

New Madrid Fault Line has potential to kill over 80,000

Memphis, St. Louis, could be wiped from map

FEMA seems to ignore Fracking potential

Does FEMA readily understand Fracking risks which have prompted the “safety programs”

What in the heck is going on? Is our world turned upside down? Kind of, but not really. Folks in the central United States, otherwise known as the Mississippi Valley, are being encouraged to prepare for catastrophic earthquakes. And while the fear may seem unfounded, science is actually speaking to the contrary. A new program called “Shake It Out” is encouraging mass participation in earthquake preparedness events from Ohio all the way down through the southern state of Louisiana." 


"The New Madrid Fault Line Is The Most Dangerous in The United States" (meaning more dangerous than the San Andreas Fault line in California).




"Nikita Krushchev--The Victory of Communism is Inevitable, speech excerpts." MsBeccaSchaeffer. March 6, 2020.

"WE WILL BURY YOU"--Nikita Krushchev regarding the future of CCCP v. United States politik. ---The "unintended consequences of war"--Russia would not have to bomb the US, it would cause it's own tectonic plate implosion instead through fracking (perhaps) along all the Mississippi sands of the delta or in the rich lands of Missouri or Southern Illinois along the New Madrid Fault line causing a seismic explosion earthquake? I'm not a fracking expert on which regions are slated to be fracked or are already being fracked, but the news, the official news, is that fracking and oil drilling is going to increase substantially in many parts of the US; and I can't find information using my very brief search if these sensitive fault line areas will be fracked or drilled, I would not doubt that the US would just rush right in where cautious careful people dare to tread quickly--but...."We Will Bury You" as threatened by Krushchev seems to have been a prescient statement, indeed....except that the burying will be done internally and not by direct war or hostile conflict using traditional weapons and what Krushchev meant was that "from within" US internal forces (such as Socialist factions) will cause the downfall of the corrupted US Capitalist system, while Russia watches and waits. The US rushes to destroy itself once more in the quest for global domination and dominance. What can the people who want a sane society and policy do when so many who once would have stood up are now eliminated and gone, silent, or rendered politically in a tiny minority and in that sense, silenced? With gang stalking and this global dominance of mind control, those who do speak out and are fighting to stop this endless billion and trillion dollar industry may not find the risk of being eliminated worth fighting against oil--but then, if the tragedy does unfold and the fault line is stimulated and the tectonic plates do implode on some level and earthquakes of deadly magnitude are the result: IT seems that the "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World" was not just a silly comedy movie after all ("It's a Mad world after all" la la land--la de da). foresight, as greed prevails and lack of understanding of how nature operates seems to override any other principle for those who have been put into power. Krushchev spoke in ways that seem appropriate to the current situation, but I do find it hard to stomach his statements about the former Soviet Union and it's bloc partners were living in "freedom", as Krushchev states in this lecture. They are all pointing fingers in the other direction but both sides are correct about the other----ha ha la de da what a mad world it is. I was trying to edit this post and hackers are making this comment page section literally jump to other parts of the page while I am typing. It is impossible to reedit this once more and/or write further.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. "Every man out for himself scene". What's good is bad What's bad is good You decide which is which when you reach the top you find you are really on the bottom.---(paraphrase from a famous song and artist but won't mention his name since he's still alive and kickin' it with the teleportation crew and yearning for his own promotion out of this crime against me--but the words ar apt for him and for them all---

 "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)--Every Man Out for Himself Scene. (1/10) Movieclips". June 21, 2017.

Every man including women-men out for himself---(paraphrasing from this clip above)---sort of a good thing that the actors in this clip are not part of the teleportation crew because by simply posting this would "invite" one or all of them to jump on me in every way possible they could for a promotion. how movies have changed from reality to fantasy deceptions of superheroic rescue of concepts that the actors must shun in order to get their bun(s) close-ups for pectoral and genitalia-enhanced close-ups so they can sell "Democracy" but in reality they are fully activating fascism and a most violent technocratic dictatorship?! Have the actors and celebrities gone into an inverse relationship throughout the years as opposed to the actors, perhaps, in this clip above from the movie--as in, these actors who make this comedy about human greed and self-insterest, themselves would NEVER commit the types of crimes against me or anybody else that the "global hero rescuers are being paid in millions to depict for the entities of Dark Money influence on politics to engage in monopolistic Imperialistic infiltration by groups such as The Crown into American society and politics to control, divide and conquer and eliminate ("vernichtung") --but the older celebrities now deceased for the most part--would NEVER engage in such heinous and sickly activities such as teleportation and rape and racism because they were decent and honorable and ethical human beings concerned about the prospect of a fair and equitable, sane American society (leading the planet in concepts of "Democracy"?).


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

How my entire perspective of the Life of food has changed in the 12 years of living in Thailand and being around a low-fat diet culture; the celebrity "foodie cheats" from this article makes the "fun" food of The West and America resemble stagnated artificiality. Much of the "real" Thai food that you do not ever see in American Thai restaurants likewise I think I would not necessarily want to eat. I have the advantage of not resorting to going to Thai restaurants for fear of poisoning (which is very real) and thanks to the stalking group I have learned my own version of how to cook and mix a bit of Thai with the Western culinary upbringing and I found my comfortable niche for food. But I see how drastically not living in the fast food culture of America has changed me while the light and mostly very healthy food of Thailand has altered my view of traditional breakfast, for example and all the many "brown" foods you will see in the photos (everything has a crisped oil-fried brown coating--or brown and inorganic). Thai people, many do not eat eggs and brown fried food for breakfast--they eat spicy meat, noodles, greens, etc etc as if it were a lunch or dinner meal in America. I can't imagine going back to the old food culture of America and eating all that heavy greasy food ever again and liking it after all these years of being treated to vegetables that are fresh and wonderful and more healthy than what I got in stores in America--and sauces and spices that are extraordinary while in America people rely on little jars of curry powder or really extremely minimal spice and sauce selections (ketchup is probably still the one and only). There are entire aisles in supermarkets here in Thailand with just various types of sauces and spicy condiments on the shelves--on both sides of the shelves, extending for the entire aisle!

 Celebrity Foodies: See What the Stars Are Snacking on Today meals and snacks in the photos don't look inviting, appealing or tasty whatsoever. They look like dried props coated with dust (since we are dealing with actors and celebrities here). Give me those leafy greens you can get at the outdoor markets, cooked in fine oyster sauce, with chili paste or sauce---rice noodles and bits of spicy chicken or steak! I have to have a "special" diet due to my poisoning condition so I can't eat what I really want and have to stick to heavy breads and pasta very often (with spicy sauces that I keep experimenting with--don't forget the coconut milk (I use coconut powder, which is top quality here in Thailand and plentiful!!!)


As for all the cakes, as many of these photos above have huge bulks of cake with the usual coating of frosting sugar explosion--I too have changed my entire perspective on the dessert spectrum. No longer do I want heavy doughy cake with frosting on top. I created my very own cake recipe that is so healthy and so good with a very simple topping mixed with fruity jams---it's so extraordinary and unique and it's really my favorite cake recipe (of all I hve ever had). I cook it in such a way that it's not usual whatsoever and people would balk if they were in a restaurant and looked at it---it's very unusual but so healthy and powerful and delicious! The best I've ever had--my own recipe! And extremely healthy. Oddly, because I use brown sugar and organic brown whole wheat flour the dough is brown! (the frosting is white with pink fruit jam mixed in, very good delicious and not like a sugar rush portending diabetes like so manyof the Western cake toppings and frostings. And yes, I include Thai coconut powder which adds a very special touch but it's hardly noticeable in the flavor---improves it and I only use a little. The flour I get is organic and from England (expensive but worthwhile and hardier and healthier). So although I don't like the brown "cheatie" foods that the American foodscape dumps into your lower descending colon which hangs around probably in many an enlarged gut--my dessert is brown but will lift your health an spirits and not cause diabetes or health problems! But this recipe is the result of the gang stalking and of living in Thailand and being kind of "free" of the expectations of American and Western cooking altogether. Thai desserts are very natural with a lot of coconut and healthy ingredients. This has influenced my cooking so once again, I mix the two various types of cultures and get a mixture that is beyond my imaginations for my cooking--which really is not exceptional I never look at recipes or try very hard. I stick to very easy-to-make stuff but I take great pains to make it as well as I can. I do sometimes wish I could relax and trust in eating at restaurants because my cooking is original but I want other styles (or I should take great time and energy in buying a cookbook, something I have almost never done for decades--I never use cookbooks perhaps I should buy a Thai cookbook--but the demands for the ingredients are just painstaking and I like to go quickly and then feed this hunger from detox which makes me ravenous and exhausted so cooking in great detail is really out of the question for me. I can't wait for the time when I can stop eating my "special" diet and begin to make all those green leafy vegetable Thai and Eastern/Chinese etc dishes with all that care and all those special ingredients--maybe soon--

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).