Wednesday, March 9, 2022

How my entire perspective of the Life of food has changed in the 12 years of living in Thailand and being around a low-fat diet culture; the celebrity "foodie cheats" from this article makes the "fun" food of The West and America resemble stagnated artificiality. Much of the "real" Thai food that you do not ever see in American Thai restaurants likewise I think I would not necessarily want to eat. I have the advantage of not resorting to going to Thai restaurants for fear of poisoning (which is very real) and thanks to the stalking group I have learned my own version of how to cook and mix a bit of Thai with the Western culinary upbringing and I found my comfortable niche for food. But I see how drastically not living in the fast food culture of America has changed me while the light and mostly very healthy food of Thailand has altered my view of traditional breakfast, for example and all the many "brown" foods you will see in the photos (everything has a crisped oil-fried brown coating--or brown and inorganic). Thai people, many do not eat eggs and brown fried food for breakfast--they eat spicy meat, noodles, greens, etc etc as if it were a lunch or dinner meal in America. I can't imagine going back to the old food culture of America and eating all that heavy greasy food ever again and liking it after all these years of being treated to vegetables that are fresh and wonderful and more healthy than what I got in stores in America--and sauces and spices that are extraordinary while in America people rely on little jars of curry powder or really extremely minimal spice and sauce selections (ketchup is probably still the one and only). There are entire aisles in supermarkets here in Thailand with just various types of sauces and spicy condiments on the shelves--on both sides of the shelves, extending for the entire aisle!

 Celebrity Foodies: See What the Stars Are Snacking on Today meals and snacks in the photos don't look inviting, appealing or tasty whatsoever. They look like dried props coated with dust (since we are dealing with actors and celebrities here). Give me those leafy greens you can get at the outdoor markets, cooked in fine oyster sauce, with chili paste or sauce---rice noodles and bits of spicy chicken or steak! I have to have a "special" diet due to my poisoning condition so I can't eat what I really want and have to stick to heavy breads and pasta very often (with spicy sauces that I keep experimenting with--don't forget the coconut milk (I use coconut powder, which is top quality here in Thailand and plentiful!!!)


As for all the cakes, as many of these photos above have huge bulks of cake with the usual coating of frosting sugar explosion--I too have changed my entire perspective on the dessert spectrum. No longer do I want heavy doughy cake with frosting on top. I created my very own cake recipe that is so healthy and so good with a very simple topping mixed with fruity jams---it's so extraordinary and unique and it's really my favorite cake recipe (of all I hve ever had). I cook it in such a way that it's not usual whatsoever and people would balk if they were in a restaurant and looked at it---it's very unusual but so healthy and powerful and delicious! The best I've ever had--my own recipe! And extremely healthy. Oddly, because I use brown sugar and organic brown whole wheat flour the dough is brown! (the frosting is white with pink fruit jam mixed in, very good delicious and not like a sugar rush portending diabetes like so manyof the Western cake toppings and frostings. And yes, I include Thai coconut powder which adds a very special touch but it's hardly noticeable in the flavor---improves it and I only use a little. The flour I get is organic and from England (expensive but worthwhile and hardier and healthier). So although I don't like the brown "cheatie" foods that the American foodscape dumps into your lower descending colon which hangs around probably in many an enlarged gut--my dessert is brown but will lift your health an spirits and not cause diabetes or health problems! But this recipe is the result of the gang stalking and of living in Thailand and being kind of "free" of the expectations of American and Western cooking altogether. Thai desserts are very natural with a lot of coconut and healthy ingredients. This has influenced my cooking so once again, I mix the two various types of cultures and get a mixture that is beyond my imaginations for my cooking--which really is not exceptional I never look at recipes or try very hard. I stick to very easy-to-make stuff but I take great pains to make it as well as I can. I do sometimes wish I could relax and trust in eating at restaurants because my cooking is original but I want other styles (or I should take great time and energy in buying a cookbook, something I have almost never done for decades--I never use cookbooks perhaps I should buy a Thai cookbook--but the demands for the ingredients are just painstaking and I like to go quickly and then feed this hunger from detox which makes me ravenous and exhausted so cooking in great detail is really out of the question for me. I can't wait for the time when I can stop eating my "special" diet and begin to make all those green leafy vegetable Thai and Eastern/Chinese etc dishes with all that care and all those special ingredients--maybe soon--

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