Monday, March 7, 2022

The Lost Middle East Loses & Butt (& Company)..."THE LOST DAUGHTER wins BEST FEATURE at the 2022 Spirit Awards".// I didn't want to write this before the awards season was over---due to a non-stop rush of mostly geriatric-aged Londoner/English hate celebrities gnawing at me like a pack of zombies during the 6-months prior to the final finish of these awards for movies and stuff---The final finish is this month or maybe there's still the French awards for Cannes--which could mean more abuse and hate coming at me non-stop from teleportatoin from more candidates for their bs movie K-rap shit. Hope they never are put in movie starring roles ever again (those who have terrorized, tortured, raped, abused and ransacked my life and property and body not just for the past 6 months of hell they forced upon me, but for their partners and family members who also expect to attain immediate nepotistic promotions as collateral terrorists. I really hope they are utterly and completely destroyed on all levels, just as they have been doing to me.

 "THE LOST DAUGHTER wins BEST FEATURE at the 2022 Spirit Awards". Film Independent. March 7, 2022.

Luckily, unbelievably, for the FIRST TIME I can remember, a top winning film which I sought to stifle all my approval for just to not draw the attention of more potential terrorist scumbags WON TOP AWARD AT THE SPIRIT AWARDS!!! It is amazing, I truly honor this system which appears to not be in bed with rapist filth and bs operators out of Whorewood, GmbH, Ltd. Good for you, great for you Miss Maggie G and Olivia Coleman and the rest of their crew, NOT A SINGLE ONE TELEPORTED OR ATTACKED ME IN ANY WAY WHILE THEIR FILM WAS IN THE AWARDS NOMINATION CIRCUIT. And truly, it is a film that deserves it's standing and the outstanding level of maturity in the film translates to the quality of goodness and talent that this cast and director and production crew (and producers and etc--so I hope) exemplify and this SHOULD BE THE STANDARD UPON WHICH H-WOOD AND THE FILM INDUSTRY SETS IT'S QUALIFICATIONS FOR TOP LEVELS and not for abusers, rapists and mind fuck operators using this Government-funded arsenal of asinine hate technologies and death squad operatives. The immaturity and stupidity of the people attacking me has been tantamount as their main characteristic despite having "won" top awards and lead roles for far too long (maybe now a decade of this going on and on and on and on...).
But The Lost Daughter was my favorite of all the films I was able to purchase for FREE STREAMING online and it had subtlety and many themes that I found admirable on so many levels. I was grossed out by the sex scene, as I 99.9% of the time am in these movies, this film no exception.
I'm shocked that one movie I liked and thought was the best of all that I could view for free was awarded for The Spirit Awards. I am shocked, simply shocked that this has happened because usually it's a dismal droopy "not again" syndrome for whom and what "wins" in these top awards rigged events.
This film touches upon aspects of gang stalking but supposedly that is not what the film is about. Certain behaviors are very much a component of the overall terrorist agenda put into this film. Supporting actors deserve more credit than I think they got in the awards categories.
Good deal for a change.


I could write more about what I liked about the film but hacking and brain-manipulation is high and I'm tired of fighting this. Waiting for the day when my government will stop this terrorism and stop allowing this to be continuously forced upon me and any other target who unjustly is being destroyed by their pernicious system.


But I really loved some of the filming shots--perhaps that means editing department but as I am not a film student I don't exactly know how much of the great shots are due to editing and the camera person or director...? Loved Olivia Coleman and the adaptation of this book which I have not read. The mother-daughter theme, and the guilt complex for not being a "good mommy" but also wanting a career are reminiscent of "The Women's Room". I found Coleman weeping and expressing "guilt" for not being a stay-at-home good girl mommy for the rest of her life a bit annoying since it was melodramatic and deterred from the rest of her performance--and the plot and my engrossment into the film--it was shattered for a few minutes watching Coleman sobbing and I could only think it was not-great "acting" and also a bit over-the-top for the content one is supposed to empathize with for her crying bout--of women wanting a career. Abandoning children is supposed to be almost a draconian punishment edict for women in that context, but to succumb to this kind of sobbing made me a bit queasy for a while. Otherwise it was a slow but deep pace of impact on emotional and visual levels and I truly admired it. So glad a worthy film has won and it is a work of art in the celluloid department and deserves this top prize.


Now for a potentially politically-egregiously incorrect statement on my part (but probably many people reading my posts deflect my opinions as being apolitically correct).

However, another shocking news microbit was put on a fame rag mag about one of the most vicious attackers upon me, a complete intellectual property theft criminal rapist enabler who has obtained "feminist" status from ideas it stole from my ranting about her participation in the crime against me and her friends who have just obtained unjustified lead roles and awards ever since (but they were nevertheless famous beforehand). I wrote of the racial discrepancy between whom has been allowed to enter into Poland as refugees and the comparison which I was also sort of copying from an intellectual powerhouse lecturer on YouTube, about one of the Middle East countries that faces absolute genocidal starvation and destitution from years of bombing and drought and starvation and breakage of their infrastructure--with US-backed bombings from an extremely wealthy country. 

I wrote this just a few days ago, and voila! The celebrity who non-stop takes my writings and turns them into her crusade posturing (for political viability and more celebrity "saint" status) out of adapting my position as her "charitable" concern for humanity. While still having me mutilated so she can claim that she is "more beautiful" and in having me abused by her English friends who are just a small coterie of the huge group of vicious starving geriatric zombies gnashing at me and lashing out with hate and all kinds of real violence inflicted upon my body--

and like them all of that group, anti-Semitism is a key and dominant feature of their "justification" at any level for all the hate crimes they are committing against me. But likewise, it's not out of mere pseudo-religious hate cliches but also because there are "blondes" of this "race" that they force into my face with their boxed-in cliches intended to paralyze and make diminished the target into a tiny little cramped and crushed personality--squat and broken psychologically and emotionally--one of the main psychological aims of these racist attackers a crippling psychologically and emotionally and of course financially but not necessarily--only as long as they submit and defer to them--the racists. Then they are satisfied and don't go full length to destroy their target and even "allow" them to obtain any level of iconic "success" but only with their rancorous approval and only if they are self-demeaning as proxy for the embedded racism that these haters employ with full violent genocidal efforts but now it's just very covertly being done!
Smiling for the camera now in another quest
and the people it is going across the planet to save? Probably those who are likewise very adaptable to Nazi genocidal minority minion performance--as I know very full well from just having access to other cultures from the region in my travels around the world. Thus, I find it "good" in a sense as superficially it appears as a kind of "heroic" crusade objective--but like all the crusades in the Middle East before them, it was to indoctrinate and crush and absorb the region as a dominating English Lord and Master operation--as The English have done for Centuries and this is no exception.
I hope I cannot ever say the same about Olivia Coleman and her personal objectives for her career--coming out of England (in regard to me and the inherent racism of this contract out upon me, which so many English are more than willing to contribute to with the utmost Naziesque hate and hissing gnawing geriatric clawing for flesh and fame and life-force to suck out--just rotten).
That same quality also comes from younger persons such as the "hero rescuer" who has become this figure out of concepts I,....ME...which I have written of regarding this hateful bigot's behavior alongside her husband and group of Europ-a fascist Nazi and Mafia genocidal killing-machine mind-f**K operators.
so what seems "good" may not be after all. 

I am at least glad a movie that is somewhat decent has won for ONE of the film awards in this dreadful season of the Bitch that seems to never end (that film awards season).g

A few minutes later: I always become hyperbolic and ranting and cursing by the end of these posts about the terrorists due to the mind control tech affecting my "thalamus" or that area of the brain connected to emotional excess--I am really under a "memory depletion mode" also and I know the name, the hypothalamus or which area is that called--my brain goes into a memory blank zone while I am under this brain-altering tech spot in front of this laptop--which also always affects me in public places while I am under various types of attack.
But the point is that this celebrity terrorist, rapist enabler, full  supporter of anti-Semitic genocidal rhetoric and rape and torture, laughing about it while teleporting me but frowning in public disdain for it's "saint" label for the brand of bs it is selling (skank snake oil charitable humanitarian perhaps)? other words, this country it is now making headlines for going to in order to promote this idea that I wrote of just two or three days ago (quite an opportunity for her to latch onto) where she is going to this country which I think probably has been trained (by the Colonialist powers that really order the devastation as the Middle East has been slated to become the next New World Order resort Nazi and fascist sex tourist destinations after places like Thailand have become polluted and over-populated and too expensive---after the genocides of the indigenous populations of the Middle East country are over and the Lebensraum operation has been completed)
but they are fully, I have no doubt, immersed in the philosophy of "bomb Israel to the ground" and "Kill all Jews". 

This really is what I was getting at. In this respect the fake benefactor and it's publicity stunt victims in that impoverished and "war-torn" country which is literally in a humanitarian crisis mode all have this one sentiment in common.

So is it a good thing I wrote this about the people of that country in comparison to how white war refugees in Poland are being taken in while the Africans are not, and then I mentioned in the same sentence this other country where refugees are given very little global attention and so now this is the result--is it a good thing as far as I am concerned? They are all waiting for the final solution to the Israel problem and all want to see Jews and Israel turned into a New World Israel without Jews and a Nazi version of religious fantasy Disneyworld with all the Jews dead and gone if possible. That is a version of what they are aspiring to in this contract out on me, but the ones who can remain living are dyed blonde or inter-married with Nazis or non-Jews or have light appearances and absolutely defer to the Nazis and Mafia in every way like slaves but allowed to function as if they are "free". The invisible constraints and the dictates of complicity to the demands are deadly and the punishment is very often death but using this covert version of mind control/poisoning/suiciding/fake accidental death assassination and genocidal technology and death squad operations.


--30 minutes later: after having turned off the computer and walked away--the ideas sprang back that were stifled due to the brain-altering/memory deteriorating tech effect that always is in full effect whenever I attempt to write about these crimes and criminals attacking me (perpetually--and how sick is that, and why doesn't anyone else think so?_). But, I wrote the post on Facebook and my blog just a few days ago regarding this discrepancy betwixt the darker-skinned refugees in Poland exiting Ukraine and the other "war-torn" areas of the world where brown-skinned and Black desperate and dying masses of people are fleeing for their lives--ignored in large part by the media (except for Democracy Now!, which I watch almost every day it airs so I know these topics are covered reguarly--but never or rarely in other major news mainstream or even independent sources that proliferate my YouTube hacked experience of attempting to gather information--all is skewed of course and much is blocked/censored by the terrorist stalking organization and mind screw operators. But MY POINT was the the refugees who receive maybe a few minutes of air perhaps once in a very long while but their situation is always ongoing and genocidal--my situation of attempting to garner help for hate crimes in this covert mind control torture gang stalking operation are met with silence and silencing by all authority figures and all subordinates of them. Literally throughout the planet I can find Zero PEOPLE willing to support me in a visibly demonstrative way and support and protect me. not a single human being on the planet will do this. But my writing, as I wrote, about feminist issues that the expletives can steal and use as a platform to sell the skank snake oil I referred to above, their hype about how they are "feminists" fighting to really--their real goal is to eliminate Jewish rapists like Weinstein but allow their blonde racist menfolk who promote them to inflict their rape and de-feminization efforts at me and not at them---this they fully support like drunken whores howling at the moon while the men they marry or support rape, beat and rob me and then they steal the concepts I write about domestic violence, rape and discrimination but turn it all around as "their" cause and I am then further silenced by the world as they not only profit off my writings--sometimes verbatim they steal the words and concepts--but they gain notoriety from it I get "punishment" for defying their automatically-assumed "entitlement" to do whatever the fuck they want to me (using the mentality they express, the f-word that is their real mentality I am only slightly paraphrasing--but that is their real output they can do whatever the FUCK they want in raping and exploiting me and stealing and beating urinating upon and punching and raping and beating and etc--years and years and years of this going on from this same skank who is now taking this concept as her heroic mission--but I wrote it maybe just three days ago because SHE is one of the most racist and vile perpetrators or hate crimes I have ever met, but there are so many she is just one--but the longevity of her attacks and determination to get this contract, to break my spirit, to mutilate me endlessly and claim I am ugly she is beautiful--etc etc, I am stupid she is smart, my pleas for help are met with silencing her promotion of my concepts about her and their injustice are met with applause, global attention to the issue with her appearing as the "saint" while I am tortured by the fanbase who put snake oil skanks like this on the fake pedastles and then keep them there for decades--and that was the entire context upon which I wrote the initial sentiment that refugees "of color" are granted almost zero representation but white refugees from a pseudo -Europ-a country are treated like desperate heroes for having undergone such tumultuous times and fled and were accepted without having to risk leaky water-logged boats traveling across dangerous waterways--as many of the darker-skinned refugees have had to undergo and they are met with ignoring their cries to lifeguard boats when their little rafts are capsizing and they begin to drown and then do drown. There are instances that Democracy Now! has covered but you don't really hear about this often in US mainstream media (maybe from the BBC you will, though--). So, I had to include the ultimate irony of the situation because it was blocked from me. The very hard attempts I am making at just typing has turned this into a finger strength exercise as the keys must be literally pounded as hard as I possibly can because otherwise the hacker malware distorts all keys I press. My brain is hindered as usual--and calling this expletive a "skank" is the least offensive term I can think of after EIGHT YEARS of this bs going on and on and on and on and on and on. But that was the context--I am relegated to writing about this with undo attacks on my brain and keyboard (and the internet connection is bogged down by malware as well so it's worse than extremely SLOW to get anything done. My keyboard won't do more than one single download or function at a time--if I have two tabs open I can't try to access a URL which spins and spins for over 1 minute at least, but trying to go to another tab will only be blocked so I must wait--I can't do more than one single thing on this one-year old Windows 10 Dell computer at a time, the hackers have made sure I am stuck fighting to pound words out and fighting to get more than one single thing done at a time just to navigate the web. The expletive celebrity I mentioned has been handed millions---MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to be promoted as this "liberal" charitarian (aspirations for political office and leadership in media) role for these attacks and thefts of my ideas. As I wrote earlier, the people she is ostensibly "saving" in some sense, or bringing the refugee status to, are probably extremely anti-American and anti-Semitic and want to see both blasted in nuclear holocausts and immediately--as Saudi Arabia is responsible for the genocide but America has provided the bombs and the "Anti-terrorist" efforts of mass genocidal proportion. Both this bigot racist half-English expeletive and her brown-skinned and black partners in this crime are extremely racist against Jews and you can take that to the bank as they always do--rewarded so much with millions of dollars in contracts. Controlled by English out of London--the Imperialists who probably have funded all sides of all the conflicts in the MIddle East just as is never reported or nor investigated the illicit funding of the real divide and conquer strategies in that region and especially concerning Jews. The Germans and many Americans love to state wrongly that the Israeli Jews behave like Nazis, but in reality it's the Dark Money of the English and the Germans and other extremely racist anti-Semitic wealthy national "leaderz" through "dark money" operations who create this fascist genocidal state but then blame it on Jews who are only following orders--as Jews must "obey" this structure--Israel is by now means being controlled exclusively by Jews or Americans but by rabid racists from Germany and England--for example with at least a century or more of stake in that region (especially England in their Balfour Declaration but mostly in their Royal Claims to beind descendants to the House of David and thus rightful heirs to the Temple at Jerusalem and of Israel itself--otherwise know as British Israelism or Christian Identity).


Much hacking, deletions and rewrites in the last paragraph and much in the other above paragraphs and statements. I did not go into the edit phase because I have already done that and just the act of typing is extremely difficult and painful physically due to pounding down with all my finger and hand and sometimes arm strength--they rewrote words, deleted parts of sentences and glued them into other sentences--it happened frequently so all mistakes are due to hackers not to my inability to write. I also want to add that my body has been mutilated once more in very ugly and visible ways once more and the scars are now permanently etched into my skin by chemicals that the terrorists smear on my body while I am sleeping with their mechanical arms breaking into my room through the outdoor patio and the panels on all sides and floors of this torture/surveillance/penetration studio. Not only is more than 1/5 of my hair destroyed--hair follicles are permanently destroyed and damaged--I must wear a plastic type of tarp over my head because no matter where I sit in this room, behind my head is some opening where mechanical arms enter through very disguised portals and my hair is sprayed very lightly from behind while I am watching or sewing or doing anything. I can't spend any time sitting down without having to cover my hair in plastic completely to the nape of my neck. I used a type of shiny bit of double-folded material to do this and for a few days my hair stopped falling out, but then they ripped little holes in the fabric and the chemicals are being sprayed very unnoticed while I am watching or listening--and I am just always stuck sitting in one literal position all day from the endless pain of detoxing hard chemcials which rip out muscle and flesh tissue as I fight for the 11th year in a row to detox--my body remains huge, bloated and a huge pot of poison remains hanging off my abdomonen despite yeas of fighting to get this out while these same plastic-surgery celebrities make sure I can't have a day of peace, tranquility or happiness without some cut, slice or endless abuse to mar my body and destroy my health so my body can never be in a healing state and then they poison me more and mutilate without end. I brushed against a metal hook a few days ago and it was a small scratch, which burst with infection two days later and now is a brown stain on ny leg because it was saturated with brown permanently staining chemicals. My chest has been sliced and infected while I slept--I went to bed, it was fine, I woke up with huge welts which are scars now--my entire body is covered like this--my head is barely covered with a thin layer of hair and I have to cross it over like a balding dude--all done by the celebrity who orders this who is stealing my ideas--and has done it once more to put herself into some light of being a decent human being. Her theme concerning me has been for years, after daily rape, abuse while I am unconscious but able to see the abusers in a tunnel vision, night after night a hell of abuse and rape and insults and violence from her and all of them--her theme has been that she is more beautiful, all the celebrities and politicians surround me and chant this with hate aimed at me--they continue to deform my body and block financial access to health care (or just to try to repair all the years of damage they have done to my body and life and home and property). So if and when there is every any REAL humanitarian who is reading this out there--I ask you to force this rotten bunch of bs to pay me in huge amounts for the damages they have inflicted, the ideas they have stolen verbatim (which is a very long list) and the block to my access to publish (this and all my blog posts are blocked by now--all attempts to gain any audience outside of this torture organization have been completely blocked, all attempts to earn money online are blocked--all my fighting to get my Masters Degree have been met with poisoning with intention to murder me--I sit here in bloated poisoned paralysis as they torture me day and night and it's been non-stop literally since 2013 from just THEM and their Euorpigape fascist Nazi/mafia pieces of shit who were violently torturing and poisoning and raping me with them watching and being trained from the sidelines--now they operate the technology as their train their little rugrat piece of shit children and the rotten geriatric pig apes have trained them all (references are above about the London crew of geriatric zombies--clawing at me to intern their dying and lost careers that were at a height 50 fucking years ago and they are reviving their corpse careers by viciously attacking me--as are the middle aged expletives also out of London all vying for top awards this year--and on and on, the trickle down effect. They should be made to pay me in much, much money and then this shit should really be stopped because the unbelievable census of people who blatantly follow this system, the celebrities and politicians--is so enormous and the millions and millions of people at lower levels who also comply with full viciousness towards me (meaning deadly). That I should not have to undergo this. My fight with them all mostly is that they have no RIGHT to do this to me, and they are torturing me not just for a few years but for DECADES without end that they can do whatever the FUCK they want and it's all supported financially and fully by every government on the planet and all of society. The waves of immigrants and this situation are in a kind of orchestrated global plot situation of who gets exterminated with no rights and who gets endless undo attention for feigning that they "care" as they also then rake in millions of dollars in charity funding (even if it's just interest on the money they deposit and rake that in--or however they bilk the funding but they also get these "laudable" but laughable bits of status for their pretense at playing the opposite role for which they really are engaged to and intertwined in: genocidal fascist Mafia/Nazi death squad systems of operation. So...back to The Lost Daughter---well, it's a movie about people being oppressed on various levels. It's all kind of mixed up, these victimization movies and the charity celebrity hoaxes and the silencing of the real victims and the castigation of those who try to uphold their self-determination in the face of all of the oppression that is not sanctified by Nazis-backed-by-Mafia bigots who endorse the victim plight as their personal crusades for celebrity photo-op status.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...