Tuesday, March 1, 2022

....Meanwhile at the NOT-OK corral: the round-up of my body and soul continues with the dark shadows of the Dog God yelling and insulting me--the celebrities I have been writing of for 10 years, but now it's singularly focused with English actors---insults and tit-for-tap immature bouts of verbal sparring.

 They come at me with holocaust and anti-Semitic slurs, I come at them with insults based on who they are and how they act. They return it with more violence and it's always supervised and financed by Americans and their fascist foreign entities, operating in a collaborative fraternal entity (including the women who rise from the "sex objectification" status, now "me 2" and vying for top level positions as executives and many of them have accomplished this in the years of participating in this hate contract out on me. They come to me glaring in hate, having people hit, rape and abuse me (for them) and they go off laughing with multi-million dollar shows, appearances and deals. It is without fail so they are now accumulating and the English faction is now attacking me like a drone unit programmed with automated anti-Semitic comments and weapons that are military-grade but sophisticated technological torture so it's "touchless" and they are held unaccountable. The hate grows. My body is now so broken down from over a decade of abuse, torture, being literally physically raped while unconscious as the terrorists, upon instruction from the Whorewood crowd, rape my body, put my hips and spine out of alignment, insert fungus into almost all orifices and into my food and on clothing and all furniture and drapery and etc--thus I imbibe poison and toxins on a daily and non-stop basis--including emotional and psychological as well as spiritual.

All these years of appealing to anyone to stop this has been met by only a few days in the last decade of a few nights of it pausing temporarily for one night and then resuming for months until maybe one night for a respite, and then it begins for months and then I beg and write in hate. I then are confronted in my drugged and partially paralyzed state with my exact words and phrases stolen by various people on the YouTube universe and by politicians and by pop singers and these celebrities who, as part of the contractual deal to absolutely negate me in every way, plaster this stolen intellectual property I think, write or conceive of as their own (to really make the insult to injury more complete and that no one ever stops them or assists me even if they see and know that my ideas were in fact stolen because so many people are reading my posts but doing NOTHING to stop it --or that is how it seems from this never being stopped).

so they are going at it again. They did it this morning thus turning a pleasant waking experience into a hate tournament ---and I am not able to disengage it is being confronted while AWAKE but not being able to not respond. It is beyond comprehension but I suspect it's due to the drug/tech interface and how helplessly the brain reacts when there is NO ONE supporting me or no distractions because they ensure I remain partially paralyzed, lacking health care as they block financial solvency at all levels and all opportunities are blocked from me so I literally have "no life" beyond being abused continuously and fighting to get ANYONE to stop this--now it's near a decade of this going on with no one ever coming to protect me in a tangible way.


So they go on and on. I don't want to engage with any of them. Once again I appeal for the 10th year in a row (beginning with personal emails to the Italian mafia thug located in Miami who was murdering me and has been awarded by the Nazi corporate network in South Florida with huge multi-million dollar businesses where he was a part-manager of small venues before he began this endless terror onslaught of me. A total fascist out of Italy of the worst type but unable to get into the fascist Italian mode completely openly--fully embraced by the 'italian-American" actors who always play violent mafia Brooklyn roles--you know the ones! So endlessly portrayed decade after decade--old men by now. Still there putting in their mafia movies about murder and mayhem. They fully support this, and the threats of murder and destruction and abuse and violence from them is incalculable by now to me. They are still there--but now it's the English turn to insult and deride and it's one of their fortes. I get a panorama of cultural hate tactics by white supremacists and Nazi/mafia bigots year-after-year now---that of course includes the "minority minions" as I call them who eagerly participate with stinking filth attacks and some of the males of these "minority" groups are the most vociferous and vocal about the hate and spitting and attacking me with this "dumb girl" type of mind control manipulation (like not answering questions I ask as they pose as store employees--while they make sure the item I want that is on sale is not on the shelves--so I ask them if they have more in the back and they begin to mimic and imitate me, repeating sentences about how much the item costs and they are not in stock when I ask any other question as they follow me to the customer service desk to get anyone who can answer a simple question. They then instruct the counter people to not answer questions (in Thai) and etc---this is all part of the white supremacy--and the minorities are very keen to be welcomed into the power cartels so it's a universal operation no matter how many "immigrants" a country allows through it's borders, I find that usually that means more cheap and easily manipulated personnel to attack me in more filthy and nasty ways publicly. Usually they claim they "no understan" English (especially in outsourced phone calls to banks and etc).

But now just rambling into diversions on the topic but it's still relevant. -

Can anyone get this group off me ever? Their endless digging into my spirit and soul and having my body filled with poison, toxins, and scars are now covering my entire body (as I wrote last week, I had a small scratch on my thigh from getting cut by the metal hooks I use to keep the cubboards under the sink from being opened by mechanical arms from the inside--a definite problem that is not a delusional rant on my part) but the hook cut into my skin. The terrorists then used the mechanical arms to smear brown fungus-laden stuff onto my leg and they do this every night. I now have a brownish scar embedded into my skin in that area it won't go away;. That is the newest addition to other serious scars that were similarly put into my body after having been hit by cars, thrown to the ground and then upon waking the injuries which were not there when I went to bed were serious disabling problems (I mean significantly worse than after having gone to bed). any cut, bruise or injury is then attacked while I am sleeping and then recurrently so every night to create endless scars literally covering every part of my body by now.

I am thus sitting here partially paralyzed, being abused with hate, slurs, insults and for years being raped while teleported and while sleeping simultaneously--that is how vile and evil and sick this group and organization is and I am INNOCENT I have NEVER HARMED THESE terrorists--not a single one. They just want me broken, ugly, crooked, bloated, "fat" (artificially), ugly, not able to think or function as they suck out my life force and steal ideas because I am now paralyzed and trying to function in a way that relies upon writing or using computer and they steal all they can from that and then block all my other opportunities.

More than a decade of this going on from one group of these same celebrities and then politicians with celebrities after years of the wealthy Europeans I asked one single time for help from--after they had chased me when I was near them, but avoided them due to the insults and sexual postures of entitlement with legs spread that they used towards me--like vile and disgusting sleazy insults towards my sexuality when it is they who are cheap and foul whores--but, because they are white Europigape males they are always handed red carpet treatment and their filth and sleazy fascist Nazi sexuality is met with applause and promotions because abusing someone through the portal of energy-sucking out of rape and sexual abuse is one of the great mind-f ways of destroying another human being. They love to get people while they are young, of course to destroy them and paralyze them on all levels for the rest of their lives.


Of course what I write is just being dismissed as the ranting of a drugged up rape and torture victim who is then dismissed as being delusional about mind control and teleportation. The expletive celebrities rely upon me having been made paralyzed by hardening poisons and the fracturing of my vertebrae and then more poisoning and drugging rendering me completely sick and unable to function as the main part of my "loser" personality that is inherent--as they continue to torture me in order to obtain original ideas to obtain these contracts of promotion and endorsement for their formulaic hate disguised as love fabrications for "entertainment" (mind control).


So can anyone ever take this seriously because although many of you love the concept of destroying people like me, or me, you may not realize that your own children may be at stake even if you are "white" and believe you are too entitled for that to happen. If that does happen, it probably will be with your full consent so you can feed off your children as well for opportunistic purposes. That is also how this organization operates and the type of mentality I have had to face all my life and seeing it in others. There is no low level that is the stopping point for this group.

Is anyone concerned or does anyone care to bother to care? It's just happening to me so it's not your problem--I know most of you think that.


But can anyone get this group of English and American and Mafia out of Brooklyn and Italy and Germany and wherever else they all come from (Austria, some of the really nasty Nazi type actors also are from--Vienna--where my geneology also partially hails from--not much has survived of that perhaps nothing has survived--I have never heard of any survivors but who knows? My family seems to have never investigated this or they keep it silent because they too are part of the Nazi/Mafia organization and thus live comfortably in the suburbs of America. They obey and insult and attack me as well-so I am used to this organization and it's tactics. 


Can I ever get a respite from them, ever? Can't anyone ever stop them or this contract out on me and WHY NOT? Why is it a decade of writing these posts and I am still being attacked by the SAME PEOPLE who have obtained millions of dollars in awards and deals out of this contract and yet they never stop grabbing at trying to break me completely in every way possible. Raping beating poisoning drugging mutilating my body endlessly for years insults every single day and night subliminally and otherwise (I can "hear" very nasty insults in my "inner ear")

WTF that this is never stopped by America the "land of Democracy and freedom"? What about anti-fa what about anything what about anyone what is going on that this system has been so welcomed and embraced every single place on the planet and almost by everyone (with any dissenters remaining in fear, silent and complicit but "caring" just enough to venture a little bit of support and then receding into the background and then disappearing completely).


Goddamn they are disgusting. all I do is tell them this and for years by now they are a repulsive group of parasitic scumbags who I consider to be foul---they are not near the worst of the people involved in this organization but with this technology they can spew the most vitriolic hate at me--usually relying upon Nazi-themed anti-semitism in a way I have not a single time in my life experienced to this hate degree to my face until this group from foul rotten Whorewood got a hold of this contract--but the English are the worst of the racist spitting hissing bigots spewing the most nasty nazi genocidal rhetoric constantly at me.


Just...again. I am not a part of the Jewish diaspora and have never been involved except as a spectator in any Jewish ceremony or organization (exploring religions is what I have done all my life--attending Catholic Mass and Protestant and Buddhist --but not Muslim I'm not into that kind of bowing as my back is so injured and etc). I have been approached by "Jews" who are actually part of the disapora and attend Synagogue but are integral parts of the Nazi/Mafia organization and do their best to play the subservient roles that are demanded (by pain of death, really, the Left-Hand version of murder that I have tried to briefly discuss lately--involving poisoning, drugging, accidents, etc). 

Motivated out of fear, but latching onto the paradigm very eagerly nevertheless.


so I really detest their presence and the years of their ugliness and rancor stupidity and vile ugliness. They are nothing akin to glamorous or intelligent at least as far as they behave towards me. I tell them I can't stand them literally every single day. They go on, they keep being handed top awards laughing to the bank and dancing around with their husbands and wives and children in delight at their endless awards. I keep praying for them to die immediately every single night and then have to undergo their stupidity, hate and violence which they force upon me, I cannot stop talking to them although I try to remain silent--that is the effect of the mind control it literally breaks down defensive barriers and enhances negative emotional states so I am endlessly yelling--every day is a hell zone of hate and negativity forced upon me. They also love to attack me while I am relaxing in the shower to ensure I get no real sleep, peace or relaxation--not for  a day. It never ends and goes on day and night, day after day--a decade by now. 



2-3 hours after having published the last post approx.

I washed the pile of stinking clothing (brand new items) that have been sprayed with this hardening fish substance that is like a rotten fish cage that has hardened but when wet, like thick goo. An artificial concoction which has some kind of poly-type of plastic chemical inserted that adheres to fabric. The beautiful new large pieces of fabric (designed, one peach with beautiful mosaic designs which I use as a kind of wrap-around--and the other a very beautiful lace fuchsia wrap-around. Both hanging out to dry after I had to mostly hand wash a huge pillow and all it's casing that have also been sprayed with STINKING substances. The white pillow was stained underneath the fabric pillow case with brown liquid stains that had dried and hardened into the fabric. The peach-colored wrap-around had been ripped in the area that the hardened piece of stinking filth had also been sprayed--while hanging outside to dry after having to bend over into the broken washing machine to try to wash these large items because terrorists have broken the spin cycle and this is almost the equivalent of having to wash in a large basin and then drag heavy clothing out with my back--impossible for me to do most of the time as hard poisons this group put in my body continue to slowly--like worse than cemented molasses--rip at the cellular level out of my body almost every single day as I sit in only position on a chair unable to think, read, move or get anything done. So to have to wash this and lift it all out was a very extraordinary task that I ordinarily am physically unable to accomplish. Once drying the mechanical arms that extend onto my patio from where ever sprayed this stinking filth once more onto the freshly cleaned fabric and then ripped the brand new items. All I have that I buy new the terrorists IMMEDIATELY upon the first chance put a scratch, dent, rip, tear and stains dripping off it with permanent staining chemicals so nothing gets the stains off, ever.

And the rotten skank whores ordered this, the English stinking filth which has been viciously attacking me with genocidal references and the most absolute hate possible for people to do without resorting to blows--but they resort to these disgusting attacks and destroy my property. They then make sure to remind me that only THEY have real money and I am a "loser" as they always imply because they have made damn sure I get no money and they are entitled to stealing original ideas I have also paid to obtain (in grad school and from my life experiences and also from the suffering that people like them have dumped on me--and from that "suffering" they then get these fantastic ideas which they capitalize on like parasites feeding off me in every way.)

so they are retaliating for me calling them whores, skanks and pieces of shit after years of these ugly pieces of boring and nasty shit being handed plastic surgery in order to enhance their red carpet arrivals because like all of the people attacking me, the fear of becoming irrelevant is probably driving these mostly post-middle aged expletive parasite pieces of shit. 

That is this group now viciously attacking me after more than SEVEN YEARS of me trying to ignore their inclusion in this crime, but they keep teleporting me around the time of being handed new promotions for their hate attacks aimed at me. And this has been an ongoing English contract because the ugly and boring scumbag piece of male shit out of London, the "aristocrat" associated with English Monarchy as his father was one of the "Royal" portrait artists associated with the Royal Family. An encircling yapping and hissing spewing racist ranting hate with absolute negativity, as this culture has relied upon racist cliches for centuries in order to exert an immediate association of "them" as being automatically superior as a race to all others--the equivalent is the KKK White Anglo Saxon thuggery out of places like Louisiana, and oh how so many of the American Neo-nazis welcome in these English and other Nazi Europ-a's with open everything and taking instructions on how to be more openly racist and discriminatory--as if Americans really need instruction for bigotry or racism. But I have personally witnessed Americans with English sitting behind them as the English urge them to openly with hate discriminate against me. I have seen this time and tim again and it's always the same thing. The "trickle down" economics of this are then transmitted from the neophyte learners from America who are white then doing the same kind of posturing relaxed but enthralled observation as the black and brown-skinned neophytes are then trained into how to discriminate and laugh about it afterwards or while they are doing it (the minorities are absolutely thrilled to be discriminating against anyone else and then to be welcomed into white privilege by having done so).


so I am now seeing my beautiful brand new fabrics ripped, stained and stinking and they keep on attacking these items. I have to throw away clothing at least 4 times a month--meaning I have to repurchase the same type of large pieces of wrap-around clothing at least twice a month due to the continuous spraying of the items that I think are so beautiful which are then sprayed until stinking brown fluids run off the fabric when I just soak them in the sink for a few minutes--ripped and stinking and threads hanging off which are also ripped off. I then have to spend MORE MONEY to buy more. And more money t o buy fans, the 2nd in the last half year (the fans are very sturdy that I buy, made out of metal, and should last and operate on a daily basis for at least 2 years but I have to replace them twice a year due to strings and tar grease being inserted into the axils of the fan blades and etc---brown permanent substances are sprayed onto the blades so the fans always look like they have been in a mechanics grease pan after just a few weeks after  having bought the next new fan. These are expensive for someone living far beneath the poverty level and even in Thailand I can barely make it on the money I am forced to live off without any access to earning anything else.


Or getting health care, or buying things I really want or actually need for other things. I am continuously having to replace items I use on a daily basis and can't get past this level of absolute bare sustenance due to the endless attacks on my property that also accompany DAILY injuries, cuts, bruises and permanent scars that are inflicted upon my body--hair mostly gone by now, my skin covered with blemishes that were injected under my skin and then stained with permanently scarring chemicals--etc etc

please get these pieces of shit from whorewood off me--please goddamnp please why must I endlessly try to obtain any kind of compassion or anything from my society or any society? I have done these rotten pig whore pieces of shit no harm--they just are being told by absolutely disgusting fascist white supremacist Europigape men that I fought being murdered by them and called them "pigs" after they poisoned and teleported and raped me and made sure I lived in hate and squallor as everyone just participated under order and they just reveled at having the opportunity at being able to abuse and rape and torture someone and get away with it.


But still for no one to just stop these pigs after years of them going on and on and on and on and on day after day like this and me writing and writing and writing about it to almost no effect--so it seems. they keep "winning" rigged awards in categories where really talented I think are being excluded. I find them unartistic and also I have the belief that my country deserves better quality than this pile of pieces of ignoramus and rotten whore shit to be put in charge and win awards like this because they are participating in mind control technological terror for an empire of sleazy violent fascist murdering bigots (this is what they really are and will transform into if the legal restraints are removed--and they ALL want this to happen and all want Trump and the fascist contingent of murdering bigots who shout they want to hit and kill and shoot protestors and then are called Patriots afterwards.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...