Wednesday, March 23, 2022

This rotten global hate/Nazi/fascist/Imperialist organization keeps torturing me and never stops, with the intention of keeping me on a treadmill of writing these posts. Then they torture me for having written the posts. Then they steal the concepts. Then they call me stupid and bitch. Then they make money off my concepts. Then they block my financial capabilities and call me "loser". Then they get promotions by my shit government branch of mind control propaganda. The torture is so deadly--So I write, only to try to get anyone to stop them (which never happens) so they can steal more ideas and concepts. Thus, after years of torture, I begin again fighting this war which people think is just my problem and not yours too. Observations on my last post, the result of brain-altering tech affecting my verbal and emotional, and other nasty points of focus or speculation.

 My computer system is very badly hacked and I had to undergo another 2 1/2 hour "update" from the mere Windows 10 update system this morning. After the update finally was downloaded, the computer had to restart and then it went through yet another update which lasted 15 minutes, and then after that...the system froze with every click. 

The hacker terrorists have manipulated my computer system so that if something is downloading I essentially cannot use any other function of the computer. It freezes and stops working--I literally can't get on the internet because when I do so without waiting for the complete download and install process, the computer stops functioning and appears to be rife with malware. I thus am forced to wait for the hours that these weekly updates are put on my system, and I think this is a hacker terrorist action because for years this never happened until only recently--as in during this high season in Phuket where the Europigapes converge for their endless free weeks of paid vacation and their "master-slave" servicing relaxation for hate organization gang stalking exploits--yes, it's that complicated so I wrote their endeavors in that style of confusing but inter-extrapolated convoluted convulsions of hate combined with sexualized hate and filth attacks--as they are vile and filthy at the base and care of their personalities. I surmise, as this is part of the"speculation" that I wrote of above, they are "demonically possessed" and the rotten filth that I am endlessly encumbered with on my body, my food my home, the air I am forced to breathe if I want to try to protect my body and possessions (i.e. they use large mechanical arms to break into my home through my now-opened patio doorway because I can't breathe in the stagnant fungus-laden air that I have had to ingest on a nightly basis for over 7 years, plus the fungus in my food, hair, on my clothing and etc that I also have to deal with if I wear clothing or go to sleep and need something to sleep in and on--all is doused with stinking foul substances all the time. The teleportation skits prove to me that these creeple are surely "demonically possessed" and like a group of foul demons, they also spew foul and filthy psychological and emotional filth upon me which is essentially WHAT THEY ARE AT THE BASE OF THEIR PERMUTATED AND CONVOLUTED, TWISTED AND FOUL SOLD-OUT WHORISH MUTATED LIFELESS "SOULS" WHICH ARE cold and barren wastelands of corrupt sleaze and filth and ultimate negativity. They are paid in millions from the demonic entity that ensures that the planet is dominated by filth and hate, but those who are the most vile and murderous make sure that their minions clean up their filth so they appear pristine in all things. The vile filthy women of this blonde Nazi group of celebrity whore pieces of shit make sure to show me h ow much wealth they have and their possessions while laughing about how paltry and destroyed I look and my home and surroundings have been made--under their order. They all have a bevy of white supremacist womanizing whore-mongering bigot Nazi white males attacking me when I fight them--one of them i nparticular is a most vile and disgusting example of this, and since this foul whore from London began her assault on me (and was awarded a "lifetime achievement award" highly publicized for one of these top Nazi awards displays in the media just the same week she and her group of ugly rotten and disgusting older men who fully endorse this type of Imperialistic destruction of women "like me" with the centuries of the history of England raping, pillaging, creating death systems of despair and rot and ruin in "colonized" countries and indeed on entire continents--all fully in line with turning America into a Nazi-based colony--and their black American cousin married into the royals is just one cheap and tawdry excuse for their continued impregnating of America into Imperialist and fascist Mentality. Add the filth and hate of the A-list celebrities with their Europigape worship mentality because those are the pigs who put these whore apes into their monopolized positions of endless and recurring lead role hegemony. So boring, by the way.


So I am ranting. This morning after trying to organize things so I can go out in two days and be subjected to the pre-orchestrated hate skits that the ladyboy Thai skank who is endlessly told what to say and do by a group of fascist Europigape Nazis in the part of Phuket where I used to live, which was nominally friendly and then all the friendly and interesting people who spoke fluent English were gone--(meaning the Thais_) and replaced by heavily made-up and skanky Thais who "no speak English" and are like rotten prostitute ally thin ravenously corrupt for the whore money that they obtain by bowing in absolute obsequiousness to the pig ape Nazis who control them like absolute puppets on strings. But I must undergo seeing a Golden Retriever dog being slapped and hit by this ladyboy--the dog begging me with her eyes to help her, another smaller dog yapping furiously endlessly without stopping for a second for the 1 hour duration I am in the shop because I believe it is begging me to do more to help both of them live without being confined by ropes and tied up in one spot inside this ladyboy whore's motorbike shop--where obviously there are men coming to screw this guy at night and the dogs are beaten and abused and thus--I take the dog on walks and it pees and craps at least 6 times within a 15 minute space of time--because it is not taken out, left to rot with urine and feces plugging up inside it's body hours and hours upon hours every day. Not being played with, just sitting there rotting because the female whores who got this dog left it to be slowly killed by this most cruel ladyboy who really is a very nasty personality but very well-poised in the arts of sexual happy ending massages--that is what I have to deal with when I rent my motorbikes--the Nazi pig ape organization here in Phuket makes sure I am stuck in a labyrinth of denials and blocks so all I get are people like this for every single rental or payment option I have--and thus have to deal with hateful and skanky ugly rotten foul and evil people at every turn. 

But I sit here in this room and see that because I leave the patio doors open at night now, not killing myself any longer but my health has greatly deteriorated from having breathed in this fungus filth every night for over 7 years, plus all my clothing saturated with it, my bedsheets and pillows and etc--every day for years. That is the stinking and foul ugliness of these "demonic" celebrities and the politicians who fully sanction and support them. I have since ascertained that these famous celebrities have NEVER created the personas nor the concepts for which they are famous for representing. All the creative and talented people who were sensitive enough and artistic enough to have made a dent in the fabric of mediocrity in my sinking society are now dead or gone--replaced by Mafia and Nazi directors and sell-outs who completely bow down to this system. Some are more talented than others--

But they are possessed I feel sure of that by what Medieval writers described as stinking and foul demons. I am slathered with their filth at every turn of every moment of every day. I see the two clothing racks I have in this room because every cabinet where I keep clothing (or used to) is so stinking that the clothing is foul and putrid and stinking to a level that from one foot away the stink is unbearable--I can't even wash the stink out of the clothing completely no matter what I use--all embedded with laboratory chemicals to keep the stink into the fabric. One of the larger racks was immediately being scraped of all the paint on the metal tubing so I covered that with colored tape to create a design. That has since been scraped, scratched, partially cut off. The other small rack just to the right of this stinking, scratched up, the metal of the legs of this table all peeled of the coating so the metallic stink is constant and I can't touch any metal object in this room without decaying metal rubbing on my hands--the rack which I have used with tubular plastic hangers, just gently sliding the few items of clothing I have gently to the side--is now patched with the metal coating chemically removed so it resembles something that is worn from water and weather--like it's been outside. It is shabby and ugly in this condition. Every single thing I have has been sprayed with something stinking, has a thread loose, is scratched or tainted, broken down and shabby-=-even new things, if I wear them, become destroyed after one use.


So last night, the filthy and stinking demonic pig ape whores from Whorewood, with their collections of filthy demonic whores operating for them here in this condo, and the rest of Europigapeland and America the fascist Nazi continent, with the rest of the planet following these protocols--the teleportation skit was of me being inside a house, being told that I was only temporarily going to stay there, and then being guided by instruction to a bathroom. Outside of the bathroom was the front door of this house (i.e. the guest bathroom situated just in front of the front door of this rather cheap but in appearance a modestly expensive type of PVC-covered house in a white neighborhood). But still, not something I would want to live in if I had a choice, even temporarily. I heard the ugly sound of Thai women almost yelling outside the door just to let me know that there was a Thai influence--(because inside the bathroom was a Thai jet spray next to the toilet, which is a Thai version of a Bidet). But outside of the bathroom these Thai women were shouting just so I could hear them through the door. Because I have lived in Thailand for over 12 years I understand the tone of voice and the associated socioeconomic level and personality type just by how the vocals are used--(do not speak Thai whatsoever except a few basic words, almost nothing). I could hear immediately that these were ugly and harsh people--the type of voices I immediately understand are part of the terrorist system and fully integrated with the foul and ugly underlying theme--the demonic possession if you will. These are the types of people I must deal with, and I know the difference between the more good-hearted and the really ugly and foul types (it's harder, ironically, for me in my own language and with Americans or English-speaking but you can bet that from decades or centuries of culling the population of those who are anti-Nazi and fascist that mostly what is left in the Western hemisphere are fully integrated proponents of this hate-based filth and debasement system-.

The toilet in this bathroom that I was directed to had this little jet spray next to the toilet. But on the toilet was something similar to what you get in an gynecologists office: a set of planks on the toilet seat separating the legs like in a pelvic exam--thus you have to spray the jet spray into this device while you are sitting on the toilet seat. It is a pornographic display to be sure and foul and disgusting--of course put on some hidden camera in this rotten bathroom.


That is their foul and disgusting mentality that I am forced to contend with every time I sleep and have to pay for anything, talk to any landlord and in every case with all the Europigape whores and Americans who are part of their system (INCLUDING BLACKS, JEWS, ETC) who perform these filth skits upon me as if it is ME who is filthy and disgusting and underserving of respect instead of THEY who are filthy and nasty and dirty and disgusting and stupid and undeserving of their endlessly free handouts of millions of dollars for the mediocrity and stupidity and sickness that they really are--and underneath the basic stupidity despite having highest educational levels in some rare cases, is the underlying ineptness of a propensity of destruction and usurpation--which means an endless devouring conquering worm that they are as a totality--devouring the planet, it's resources and the endless display of their gratuitous wealth as the symbol of their supposed superior status while of course the filth and ugliness they force upon me is supposed to then imply how I am "nothing" while they are everything. If left without all this poison and filth poured into my home and body and without all the ugliness these vile, stupid and ugly whores pigs and apes pour out upon me every moment of every day, I would be extremely beautiful and if left with some kind of "equal opportunity" I would have risen up in American society by now into at the very least something of a sustainable secure lifestyle instead of being threatened by these pig whores of being made homeless because every single thing has been blocked to and from me. Including just my cat and any animal I take it--they have sucked and drained all out of me. I have to pull out more grey hairs this morning because of the endless filth and hate toxicity they pour upon my sleep and waking state and home every single day and night in every conceivable waking and sleeping state as well. I try to ignore them so the ramp up the violence until I react in rage. Things like poisoning my water and making my body deformed and destroying my property I have spent years fighting to be able to afford because I have spent most of my money for over 3 years fighting to stop the break-ins to my home and buying materials to fight to block the entrance--just locking my door is like putting a welcome mat to rapists on my door--it does nothing. THere are so many panels and cracks and tiles that are broken into in this room--and so, I have closed the windows for over 7 years and have been slowly murdered because of breathing in the fungus and mold that these apes perpetually have sprayed into my room.


What I had not written yesterday but thought of much later after turning off the laptop and disconnecting the WiFi (unplugging all the electrics if possible). But first---I also realize how badly my brain, as I have written countless times in the past--how I can't "remember" basic words or vocabulary while I am under this pernicious influence of their brain-altering technology. I could not remember the term "gynecologist" and I am stuck with parts of my brain being blocked or hindered while I write. I am put into a ranting hyperbolic state always while I attempt to garner any kind of sympathetic reaction to this hate crime endlessly foisted upon me (almost to no avail, for years it's like nothing from the planet in general).

I want to state that my reaction to Judge Jackson who I listened to briefly was met in my memory of her predecessor--whose name I could not "remember" until I got off the laptop, and the name came back immediately without trying to access it, like it had been bottled up and was waiting to come out but I was in such a flustered state while writing, the hyperbolic reaction was the most prominent feature my brain was operating under while writing about the endless foul and stinking crap that I am forced to endure from this group of sleaze and filth and shit and crap that you all adulate as celebrities and politicians and your neighbors the good old network you all obey--but---Amy Coney Barrett--if I spelled this correctly--I can't t think clearly at all right now but the system is so hacked, the keyboard is so inoperable I must constantly rewrite words because the keyboard is juxtaposing all the letters I type or inserting spaces while I am writing one word--etc etc---but Barrett--I had forgotten to write because I got lost in tangents as I have done in this post endlessly-the effect has not diminished of the brain-altering tech endlessly being blasted into my brain while I write--Barrett, like Jackson yesterday, swore that she would only conform to the boundaries of what the Constitution demanded and her interpretation would be confined to a basic guideline, backed by prerequisite former rulings, and would not deviate from a strictly unbiased interpretation. Barrett in her nomination hearings could give absolutely no temperature gauge on how she would vote. This year, Barrett along with 6 other High Court judges completely bypassed the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of abortion to make Texas as a state where abortion rights were made illegal according to State law, versus Federal and Constitutional law. This ruling again was upheld by the Supreme Court with Barrett doing exactly what she had been nominated by Trump and his fascist organization (including the black and white oh-so-Nazi-based women, the blondes who look like they were put in the same beauty parlors as the celebrities so much they all want to look like h-wood whore movie stars) but....all completely cheer this on because it will put impoverished women into positions of slavery--which of course is what these whore apes all want--and what the pogrom forced onto me is all about. Their pig ape scumbag sleazy filthy and vile shit men rape and abuse me, the pig whore women laugh and applaud and tell their dearly beloved how wonderful they are, the Nazi pig ape shit network continues to destruction of human rights but only for people "like me" but the ideas and concepts that people like me have lived on and read of, which these stupid shit whore female rapist enablers never have, are then usurped by them as "their" concepts and Their fights (i.e. filthy pigapewhorealina the pit who has done this for over 8 years, with her English shit backing and the full applause and love of her rapist abuser American hubby--and friends and cohorts and peers out of Whorewood who keep putting these vile demonically possessed pieces of shit into endless lead positions and cheering them on, and welcoming in the fascist Nazi pig apes into their enclaves and love them as they all appear as good friends (what do the Europigapes really say about them behind their backs and about how Stupid Americans are when they are with their own kind back in Nazi Europigapeland?).


So Jackson, yesterday in her nomination hearing, was asked by a crusty, rusty ole white male (Durbin) about her predisposition to how Barrett had answered about her stance towards opinions and rulings on the High Court. Well, Jackson said outright that she fully repeats all that Barrett had claimed. As I just wrote above, it proves obvious how Barrett immediately in her tenure (as in, one year later or maybe 2 years later) has bypassed a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT afforded to women and has not, in fact, adhered to the US CONSTITUATION whatsoever in that respect. I don't know about her other rulings except for having shot down Trump's attempt to reach the Supreme Court for his claims of Election Fraud (which no court has ever proven--but facts and the law mean fucking nothing to this group of demonic whores).


Ms. Jackson, the "first black female" nominee (whoopie cushion! like a gold berg) even has "ethnic" black hair which resembles the style that Barrett has on her head---I thought of this sort of "black female with ethnic hair but almost looking like straight white hair of Barrett" and the Oreo cookie analogy and I just can't think of Jackson as anything that would be some kind of CHANGE ultimately in the already corrupted system that has enabled PRESIDENTS to teleport, rape and torture me with the full applause of Whorewood and of CONTRESS, jointly and then subsequently the next shitty president and his crew which were always there backing T-rump--the rotten young and old--really age means nothing I wrote yesterday that Ossoff appears young, but youth really has nothing to do with corruption of the mind, heart and soul. And neither does skin color, political or ethnic identification or level of education or level of wealth.


I have, in the past, only in desperation  yearned for someone who is not a corrupt foul and pestilent piece of shit being put into power who might very quickly stop this torture contract out upon me. I hope that Ossoff may represent such a person. I am absolutely, on after-thought, unsure of my former conviction which was borne out of desperation for some kind of decency in the United States leadership on all levels of society, and from those who take orders from them, and the US appears to take orders from fascist Nazi Europpigape land so----

like so many before me in this same situation, the temptation to "accept" this shit is unacceptable to me. Too many people have die fighting for a free society and in other countries for the same aspiration. I deserve better than this shit forced upon me continuously and the people who fought and died to make America a country of freedom deserve much better than this rotten, demonic and foul, stinking shit that has been endlessly put into power.

But the rotten and foul teleportation skits have increased since this rotten and foul most stupid and dirty group of English actors has converged upon attacking me after I called their most cherished blonde Nazi bigot skank whore who is blank and rotten but they love her for it--the white supremacist Nazi males and women in England rely on shit like this rotten skank to perpetuate their Imperialism because she's been so highly touted as "defending" little brown-skinned men in these movies and she's such a smiling and gratuitous fake for all the "humanitarian" causes while being an absolute vicious and nasty filthy and dirty foul rapist enabling bigot Nazi fascist Imperialist in reality. This is what all these pig ape pieces of demonic shit I have had to deal with are all like--on the most plebean levels of socio-econimic status this is never-changing and the same as well. I have seen this all my life, this ongoing bullshit deception of Americanism and equality and freedom by those whose real aims are to get as many free deals and promotions as possible; these always, always override any other concern and that is how they are all sell-out and sold out whores whose spirits are contaminated filthy and vile and disgusting and that has literally polluted the entire planet in greed and usurpation until NATURE itself is recoiling in death from the excesses of their sleaze and greed and innate stupidity in terms of what life and respect for life really is about.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...