Thursday, March 24, 2022

(this post has been very badly hacked, I had to struggle to get words out due to malware blockage of the keyboard--terrorists rewrote parts of my sentences and as I try to gauge how much damage they have done, the terrorists are making the page skip to other parts as I scroll down so I can't even see what is going on with this post--it is filled with cursing I am at this ranting stage right now after more than HALF A YEAR OF ENDLESS ABUSE NIGHT AFTER NIGHT DURING THIS HIGH SEASON OF AWARDS TO THE PIECES OF SHIT OUT OF WHOREWOOD, AND MOSTLY NOW OUT OF ENGLAND, THUSLY: Teleportation terror: Rotation of celebrity parasitic shit, back to those who had raped, beaten stolen robbed and abused and tried to have me killed--years ago, now back again after years of their friends doing the same--the rotation continues on and on this shit is never stopped my government is absolutely a failure for human rights and Democracy (with full 100% financial and approval of Congressional pig ape scumbags mostly of the Democratic Party now under Biden--but only T-rump for years prior to the Dem take-over--there is not much difference only that after Obama a surge of black entertainers conjoined like the oreo cookie bs sandwich that they all are--both sides of the oreo cookie) and so...thusly, after ranting for days about absolute hateful psychological, physical and emotional torture in teleportation--VOILA! tHE Shit US government has just shifted the line-up of terrorists who endlessly gain deal after deal and promotion after promotion by teleporting and forcing mind control, rape and every kind of humiliation abuse torture and violence upon me; to be raped and tortured once again but by the same terrorist rapist brutality celebrities who began this celebrity contract over SEVEN YEARS AGO--now coming back, after their English and Europigape fascist instructors have done their endless violence upon me for months and months "because " I called one of them a piece of shit--after SEVEN YEARS of that rotten piece of shit having her boyfriend rape and abuse me, participating in the endless rape and torture of me using these technologies, that rotten ugly old bag then got endless plastic surgery and botox, prior to her inclusion was not in lead roles and was just a minor character in the line-up of the usual suspects for these roles--upon her inclusion in this hate crime, which this filthy and parasitic wretch loves like they all love doing this shit to people--it then began years of obtaining higher roles and lead roles and now has been awarded for the bullshit that she pumps out to the public which laps it up like the dumb animals that these people who play the localized versions that the higher pig apes instruct them into--the "people" in other words--they love these shit actors and are so dumbed down they can't differentiate any longer between what is great and what is absolute corrupted mediocrity packaged like the commercialized crap that "the people" also buy and eat--packaged shit absolutely unhealthy and bad for the environment. --a plethora of pigs and whores from whorewood and especially the most famous of the blathering mediocrities from England came to attack me to support that piece of revolting and rotting shit from London. Now the Americans who are fully entrenched in the Europigape albeit "American" facet of this mulitnational operation/organization are coming BACK to inflict more mind control rape and abuse and rape after my last few days of nearly begging this do-nothing shit readership to do something--so they just shifted the torture to the rotten parasites who have obtained endless years of promotions for the children they pumped out who are as blank, greedy and rotten as the stupid and dumb wealthy who put them into power--but they are conniving, lying and get plastic surgery are praised without end, they push people like me down and feed on the energy of torture and violence as they ensure I am blocked from all opportunities as they then say they are superior and then it never ends--one fucking pig whore after the next, day after day, night after night, year after year, without end. --apparently my last few ranting posts about being told I was going to be murdered, then the next night of teleportation being raped, then the next night being made homeless, then etc etc night after night--with YEARS of me trying to KILL these pigs when they teleport me, if I am not stuck in one position as I normally am (not able to move, like my body is frozen) but when I get any chance I try to smash my elbow into their ugly filthy pig whore faces or kick them in the face--endlessly screaming FOR YEARS that I wish them death, they are ugly and disgusting and not "beautiful" as they keep using violence to try to make me repeat while they continue the disfiguration protocols upon my body and life and home and peace and health--while Congressional scumbags and Hillary Clinton the rapist enabling fascist bigot scumbag and the ultimate scumbag Trump and they all converge upon me--the "liberal" activists in Congress coming to denounce Trump but fully doing exactly all that he was part of--(ahem, Clinton worked WITH Trump to attack me and the violence against my body increased after her nasty and ugly and stupid entrance into this ugly racist contract--as she is absolutely a pawn of the English Imperialist empire and so is her late husband ---(educated on a grant at Oxford and programmed by The English pig apes to become a plant in American politics--all their corruptions and thefts and scams included to destroy the fabric of American society).

 *NB: hacking and brain-altering "mind control" is as rampant in the writing of this post as it always has been. I re-read the first paragraph below and saw inserted repeats of words which I deleted. I have struggled to type this post with hacking blocking keyboard functioning so I can't spend more hours fighting to endlessly correct and delete and re-write--so I corrected only the first paragraph and have not read the rest, which undoubtedly will have many idiosyncratic errors and grammatical obstructions---so tired of no one ever doing anything about this situation and never stopping this herd of animalistic shithead holes.

This post today is rife with cursing as well. The pig apes want me enraged and cursing all the time. I'm going to let it all hang out today in it's emotional excess and ranting rage--the mind control tech is always blasting into my brain and reducing cognitive functioning and when I get angry the effect is much worse--due to their tech somehow getting through cognitive clarity and enhancing emotional excess and cursing--they are also inputting subliniminal cursing into my brain--no excuse. But this post is really full of ranting curses. This is after a decade of trying to write somewhat clearly to people who never stop this situation, a government that fully funds and supports this with Congressional members and presidents, all spouting the lies about their attempts to save America for Democracy--all eagerly participating in this oppression and hate crime against me using this tech--ostensibly to use it upon others who are incognizant and don't care and can't imagine it could ever happen to them. I believe the programming has been operating upon these very same actors and politicians for years and/or decades by now. But now they are all being trained to inflict their need to dominate and control upon others, while it has already been fully imprinted upon them. They all play victims of oppression in these public roles. They are pathetic but dangerously sick and have been handed these technologies and higher positions of power. When will you stupid people out there ever take what I am writing about seriously and instead of doing nothing to protect me stop them and stop this sick tyranny they are putting into high gear momentum into society as a form of social engineering?


So I was RAPED once again last night in teleportation. It was a kind of "soft" rape in that I was not "penetrated" but was grabbed from behind *they always come from behind* or when I am put into a position of immobile inertia and they are hovering over me--it's all done in a kind of "edit" process of making me unconscious while in the sleeping/teleported state, then I "wake up" in this other dimension to being attacked, and when I try to defend myself they blank me out again, and then they attack me and when I try to defend myself they blank out my consciousness again--I am put once again into a body position of non-defense as they attack me, and it goes on night after night. The effect it has had upon me has not been to subjugate me but rather to make me want to destroy them--these pig apes and their ilk coming after me. There is nothing cool or wonderful or beautiful about any of them.

 I was grabbed from behind by a naked blonde Nazi scumbag who participated in this hate contract. It was done in a filthy and run-down shack of a place---I tried to get away and he followed me, I blanked out (was blanked out by these shitholes) and then I was laying on the ground in a dirty and swampy area as this blonde creep lay on top of me but just held me as I could not move.


Then, I was suddenly dressed and in an urban area. There were Oriental lamp shades hung from a balcony of a building, it was the only thing I could see at that level. The rat daughter of the pig scumbag actor who beat, raped and tortured me with this piece of rotten crap daughter and his girlfriend-turned-wife who then USED MY IDEAS ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE to legally go after this greasy scumbag rapist creep actor *very famous for all his chagrined characters at the evils of the world, all his characters portray a kind of incensed victim of institutionalized injustice--which he fully participates in personally at  every chance along with his half-French piece of rotten shit daughter--as I wrote yesterday, age has no bearing on conduct or level of integrity. However, rotten and ugly old people are more revolting when they exhibit these characteristics openly because of the years of accumulated rot that is apparent on their putrid ugly bodies and faces. Otherwise, the behavior is rank and foul no matter what age. Thus this 20-something rat creep, who stole ideas from me to make TWO MOVIES which began her career ascent-is now digging once more into obtaining more contracts out of attacking me. Her entire career has begun from this contract out on me, with the full backing of Europigape culture which has tried to murder me endlessly and has fully welcomed every fascist and sick and rotten rapist whore from Whorewood like HEROES into their throes of orgiastic power-cartel Imperialism and fascist Nazism (with Mafia right behind them doing much of the violent operational organization---the "darker" 'italians" who nearly bow in reverence to the Blonde ideology like slaves that they are--and stupid as well in so many ways but organized and deadly to be sure).


Unlike the Jews--and yes, there were some seemingly "Jewish" people involved in this shit skit last night (it was this morning, I had forgotten to tie the strings around the metal hooks of my bathroom door, where mechanical arms come through into this living space to spray stinking filth unless I leave the door closed during the times I am awake, and I must tie it shut firmly while sleeping. But I had waken up early this morning, untied the door--then went back into my bed thinking I was awake and I was--but they literally made me pass out--they can make me faint using this technology and they have done it numerous times when they want to force me into unconsciousness to rape and disfigure or dismember me--

so it happened that their technology was placed on me this morning early--I was sent to some Jewish people, again in their 20's like the age of this piece of ratish shit who hasn't stopped getting pumped up by Whorewood for her participation in this contract out on me (with their Europigape controllers who really do control these dumb and rotten celebrities--and all  of them have zero originality and thus have had this contract out on me of TORTURING ME to obtain original ideas, stealing the ideas, blocking my progress for any career, telling me that I must provide a baby for one of these u gly and rotten pig whore men so their shit children and wives can then obtain huge contracts out of doing this to me, and then it would follow I get murdered either slowly or quickly--as the contract out on me has ALWAYS been for these Nazi pig whores and their minority shithead followers to use, abuse, rape, exploit and then discard me with contempt, usually insulting me after the sexual exploitation where I was always drugged and put into a "love" mode where I believed in a drugged up stupor that I was "in love". 


So the Jews behaved of course upon cue: they were self-defeating, self-demoralizing, acted like dumb clowns, played the roles demanded of "Jews" to be self-denigrating and self-insulting instead of the pig whore pieces of shit who are openly and endlessly insulting me. Please note how Jerry Lewis played this role and how the French fuck shits loved that self-loathing personality who finally, in the end, denounced his Nazi-based bigot family in Whorewood--probably learning so late in life that these pieces of filthy shit are not worth the energy of caring and that playing this role is a self-destruction not worth living for.


That was what the bigot clown's shit filth whore daughter inflicted upon me first as the first stage of their intended crushing defeat of all my self-preservation--then the rape scene --then this piece of shit appeared to grab something I had in my hand saying "I want!" as I handed it over to her, in a gesture of friendliness which is inherent to my personality as I am a loving and giving person--to people who are decent and not pieces of rotten shit stealing everything from me possible. Oh yes, rotten Depp this fucking rotten greasebag made sure that my "daughter" my cat La Moux was stolen from me 2 weeks after this pig scum began his endless YEARS of raping me---the rotten Thai people in the resort I was staying at told me that my cat had drown in the swimming pool. They had used technology to force her to heave for breathe for two days prior to try to make her too weak to struggle. The piece of stupid and rotten shit Depp with his stupid and disgusting ugly pig daughter then put photos of my cat drowning on my Facebook page, her face grotesque in pain in the middle of the swimming pool (it was a close-up of her fighting for air) with a little caption underneath it of my cat trying to look like an alligator because her jaw was extended and her lower teeth were jutting out gasping for air--that is what this filthy piece of pig shit did--and for years all I did was beg these pigs to return my cat--my daughter--to me--while this filthy pig with this rotten whore daughter were welcomed for this Nazi behavior into their modeling and movie top clique circles and this piece of rotten shit has been there ever since--but her contracts for movie roles have thinned out since shit Trump left office so the bitch whore is going at me again--so she had me sitting in a slumped position while she told me "I want" to the pair of fashionable sunglasses I had in my hand. I was then told (it was a "thought" coming through my mind) that I had "6 pairs of the same type of glasses already at home" so I told this rotten whore skank that she could have it, handing the really cool glasses to her with friendliness that this skank does not deserve (instead I would shove that crap into her to try to kill her, really). This pig then didn't say "thank you" but then I began telling her to go to an opthamologist to have the glasses repaired (suddenly the lenses were broken) and as I woke up, realizing that I should have said Optometrist, because they had me saying the wrong thing, as they put my body in this slunched down body position like I was barely able to sit up straight with any pride---handing something I wanted over to this rotten parasite who has been endlessly handed millions of dollars to be a real parasite as this is only a paraisitic contract for empty and meaningless shit people to obtain ideas, suck out love by drugging someone into believing they are "in love" as these loveless whores then suck all energy, life force and then destroy and all is out of racism. Jews participate in this, as do blacks and Latinos and now a slew of Democrats (to me it's a lot, there are hundreds of Dems in Congress but if people at this level are participating in this contract, then how many of the Congressional people are aware of what is going on and say and do nothing so they are complacent and comply just to keep their status as being part of this corrupt but operating system? And of course they are corrupt as well.


And so I have poured this out again today--the "programming" these apes wanted to instill into me was that I "give" gladly to pig whores who are using and abusing and MURDERING/DESTROYING ME. That I am friendly while they grab, take and demean and insult, rape, humiliate, steal and rob and I am "supposed" to say nothing about it. Thus the Jewish self-denigrating creeple who were the first to begin the segment on my "humiliation" journey into giving and loving rapist pig whores and being stolen from and handing all over to wortheless shit who have stolen and raped and robbed from me for years and years, leaving me in such dire poverty I can't afford to pay for food--forcing me into physical deformity and endlessly threatening me to repeat that these whore pieces of shit are "more beautiful" with the male congress fuckers coming to enforce that system and telling this to me as well. I tell them to go fuck off--I have no respect for these Senators and Representatives and of course that is due to their treatment of me, and their inclusion into this hate technology and protocol that they use to enhance their rotten and dirty career ascents into more power. 


I woke up from this thinking with hate and rage that I wish this little piece of rotten shit death along with the mother out of France and the pig father who disgusts me. The shit they forced upon me is nothing I would do upon waking, let me tell you rotten dirty foul rat whore from the Depp filth bucket that spawned you.

As for filthy pigapewhorealina the pit piece of shit--after I wrote about her yesterday she teleported me while I had a shower cap on my head and was almost naked with my endless attempt to heal my body from the YEARS of t hat rotten stupid whore ordering my body to be broken down with poisoning and outright incisions into my body-also part of my uterus was severed out and came out as well as cuts, deformations--and my toe broken and jutting to one side--the organization has forced chemicals on my skin that have ruined it on all parts of my legs and arms--etc etc

but wearing a very expensive fashion gown and standing in the vaginal sucking posture that this parasite sucking ennui endlessly has been so adored for by fellacio-obsessed males and women who want to look like a fellatio blow-up doll with no ideas or opinions--blank and stupid with sucking lips which suck and suck endlessly everything out of me possible while men dream that this is instant blow-job--that is how I view this putrid ugly whore, but they keep using violence as this rotten piece of shit keeps threatening me to repeat that she is more beautiful than me--and she does this and the pig men do this while they are raping me and abusing me in front of her--and behind her are the English fuckers and Nazi Imperialists who have put that rotten and ugly skank into that position to infiltrate and help to bring them into positions of power into H-wood, which is exactly what these stupid and dumb Americans in that deluge of refuse in H-wood have allowed them to do, openly and willingly. 

The debacle of the black American actress who married into the Royals is only a component of this infiltration process--just one of the mind control programming "tricks' used to make people believe that they are "victims" like the roles that these terrorist scumbag actors really are, but play into infinity in their roles as "victims" of racism and sexism and tyranny---

but, that happened yesterday as well. For the EIGHT YEAR IN  A ROW I told her, yelling by now, rushing to punch her with my elbow into her ugly cock-sucking-appearance face--that she is ugly I wish her death go fuck off and die. The "feminist" advocate who only began her blathering bullshit mind fuck trip into portraying her charity public self as being an advocate for "women" and for her aspiring political career and for influence and for the bullshit money that is endlessly doled out to this rotten and worthless rapist enabling fascist piece of garbage whore---with all her coterie of minority minions and psychological slaves pumping up this image--but stealing ideas from me FOR YEARS to portray this image. this rotten whore then looked giddy and glad as I rushed to try to smash her in the face, making  a posturing pouting sexualized look for the pig whores who were all behind this shitty and sick teleportation skit while just at the moment I was going to make contact with my elbow they blanked me out and stopped the teleportation. She is absolutely always laughing or extremely glad that I am being raped, beaten, broken down and like them all is on this huge power trip of subjugation and oppression.

It keeps being supported by Congress.

Oh, I was also teleported by Noam Chomsky yesterday but at a much earlier time in the day--they can do this while I am awake but always in a very relaxed state--so of course I was in my bathroom in the darkness relaxing and there is this technology on the other side of the wall the shit Thai creeple use (on all sides by all the apartments on all sides of me all the time day and night they are operating this equipment so no matter where I am in this tiny studio they are attacking me on any or all sides of the walls and floors). They always attack me with teleportation while I am in the shower relaxing, always. Always while I am sleeping in a healing and deep sleep. 


When will you fuckers reading this ever do any goddamn fucking thing to stop this group of shit? Ever? Where is my fucking country when will these whores and pigs ever be stopped? When will I just be compensated for these crimes and left alone to live m life in peace goddamn you fuckers reading this and laughing and thinking it's great. How many more fucking days, months and years must I fight for my life like this endlessly on and on waiting for my government to not be run by shit fucking lying fascist Nazis and mafia fuckheads?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...