Friday, March 11, 2022

The utter smiles of delight by the terrorist celebrities who pillage, steal, rape, torture and mutilate through their proxy networks of minions and goons/thugs and expletives. By their promotional agents, probably billionaires who control the awards and movie lead role choices (also leading to the "Dark Money" coffers controlling US politics and beyond into Europ-a-land politics)They are honored, awarded, pampered, their lagging careers go into high gear and for the duration of the YEARS, YEARS, YEARS of contributing in many large or minute ways of the torture, "mind control" which is just torture 2.0 technologically covertly disguised and protected. They insert photos of themselves freshly botoxed in the "winning" awards ceremonies on my front YouTube pages or search engines (I click on some celebrity fodder mags to see what the terrorists are up to, which I never did my ENTIRE LIFE until this group began assaulting me--never have I looked through most of these magazines except while being gang stalked in grocery lines, waiting excessive time in elongated and slowly crawling check-out lines --in the US it's probably the worst of all the countries I've been to--and picking up these cheesy celeb mags and rifling through the pages). That was the extent of my celebrity magazine perusal, all my life, literally. Now I look very often and every time I click on any page the celebrities terrorizing me have had their tech agents blast endless photos and stories almost exclusively of these very same people--in magazine after magazine online. All is hacked and a mind control attack, not the "real" magazine contents available online (except for the few times that the stories actually are relevant and accurately placed by the magazine).

 I have thus been subjected to the additional inserts of these rapist enabler, gloating, smug and laughing women who glare in hate as they try to break me in teleportation sessions. After 4-5-6-7-8 years of them participating and being promoted endlessly all these years, I have begun to try to attack them when they teleport me asking me what I think of them and their movie fodder--in succession this is the very same question posed to me in my sleeping/teleported/nascent waking state/freshly drugged and poisoned by mechanical arms inserting or putting skin patches (invisible--or quickly dissolving forms of skin patch drugging) on my body---after mutilations and damaging chemicals are also smeared on my skin--nightly--but then tortured with these same questions one after the next celebrity expletive--years and years and years of this very same procedure. All an organized protocol system of "behavior modification" in an attempt to torture me into saying that I "like" the K-rap they come out with. My perspective of them and their movies is also skewed greatly by their violence towards me, as I associate them with a lack of real talent and the movies always are formulaic with Nazi and racist and Mafia promotion and propagandized enhancement in each of these fake "counter" racist and sexist heroic rescue of the underdog movies. All so odiously fake and sinister, an entire industry dedicated to pulling the wool over people's perspective of how sinister this aspiring to top elite status of criminal entertainers really is at the core of their entire enterprise.


So after inserting their poison into my body and inserting metal objects under my cuticles, slicing into my body, making blemishes, eruptions of red pimples on my skin (literally in the same place every single night--for years) smearing permanent-staining chemicals on top of the red blemishes they inflict upon my skin--etc--damaging and raping and putting my hips and spine out of alignment if they can get physical access to my body in addition to inserting fungus in my hair and all orifices and food and sprayed on all clothing and furniture--etc etc etc etc. Every single night, for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS and IT IS STILL GOING ON AND ON AND ON. The women glare in absolute hate but when the assemble to support the women out of London and England who are destroying me and claiming they are superior, more beautiful while they steal ideas I write of--and they gloat with smug huge botox-laden smiles for their awards and plaster it after they have their men rape and beat and abuse me for them--the sinister sexist chauvinist abuser men who are profligate rakes, dedicated to pornographic pursuits for their leisure I assume---cheating, abusing, and ensuring that in this new "feminist" era the blonde and otherwise Nazi women they marry cannot suck out more of their money once the alimony and child support bills are due--in their excessive woman-hating they require women to abuse so this new structural form of misogynist violence against women is taking a globalization form: go to the poorer countries, exploit, rape and beat and murder women and the police in these "banana republics" will fully welcome in white male privileged investors and tourists without a hitch or glitch in their violence and absolute exploitation. In a very Buddhist country like Thailand the women are very humble and servicing and thus the violence is not as high or publicly made known except to inner circles where gossip about the violence is whispered and never publicized or made public in any single news source I have ever encountered in my 12 years of living here.

I am slated for this destitution status of impoverished exploitable sex slave--then discarded--status. The blonde Nazi women who see that I have been well-educated, my step-father a professor of literature, my father an attorney, my mother an attorney--cousins, family members coming from highest rankings. The push to lower the status of Jews in the same way that Jews were purged from all social and civil life in Nazified Europe has been calculably embedded into the American Nazi/Mafia "gang stalking" enterprise which so glibly hands these women in the celebrity terrorist circles all top awards and endless back-patting support (where the men in control used to pat these women on the bottom, but now due to feminism, and globalization, they rape women with the full consent and absolute enthralled JOY these Nazi women all are having a ball and a blast watching this transition and cheering it on the cheerleader squad of rapist enablers). 

Thusly I have been subjected to their "adding insult to injury" photos while they absolutely are hissing with violence and the men pose death threats at me after they rape and beat and abuse me while the women watch on. All hugging one another and crying for the awards ceremonies--all having been handed lead roles and top awards for the YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS of participating in this contract along with the endless daily attacks by the same people who then mete out the torture in a rotation list and cycle.


Thus they are so highly rewarded and praised and they are giggling and laughing and dancing in absolute schadenfreude to the bank and inserting their rotten and freshly plastic-injected faces onto my Facebook and YouTube channels on the top and front center when I open the pages to look at which debacle the United States Government is committing now to help impose an "elite" aristocracy with people groveling in despair, homelessness, poverty, sickness and the only way out is to serve the new Americanized version of Oligharchy, aristocracy and Nazism backed by vicious Mafia that the United States has become. The Europ-a's who are behind all of this at least as far as I have witnessed these actors (and never seeing the real power behind them who back them, instruct them on the endless recurring protocols so I see that these expletives have zero personality structures--except for one of them, really only one had a semblance of a unique and independent personality--but bending in obedience to his former and current Europ-a-land wives (out of Eastern but highly influenced by Europ-a-land fascist Mafia and Nazis) so I had to decline his offer to exploit and discard me so he and these women could all become entrenched into more power positions in order to destroy me more easily and people "like me" who have dwindled in the population so greatly that anyone with any dissent to this fascist global organization is either dead or too scared to speak up any longer--or really the truth is that they are brainwashed by this huge mind control operation which H-wood greatly adds to on a huge scale unimaginable.


So they are all laughing after I fought back, called them pieces of shit in my drugged up, mind controlled hyperbolic state--which they then use as justification for their men and their partners to inflict more violence upon me because I "said" this about them after years of torture, rape while they were handed every kind of enhancement and promotion and are now being handed awards and the promises of endless MORE years of endless promotions--they are also in a mind control training session to fully indoctrinate them into the promise of endless power and money and false "supremacy" which is the motto of this group: "fake it till you make it" so they never stop attacking me, and I'm sure they are continuously adding new recruits into this "project" and all dancing, laughing and giggling about it and taking all that millions of loot to the bank and having extremely highly-chartged sexual masturbatory sexual encounters because they feel so titillated by violence, to screw someone else over and be honored for it--probably one of their favorite activities in life and upon which the entire gamut of their careers and life is based upon--screwing other people over. You can bet they have their alcoholic parties gloating about how they screwed this and that person over and what they said--so this example of teleporting someone who can't even see clearly (this must be an effect that has been controlled by this group, I think it may be a deliberate blinders type of controlled vision access) so they come at me from behind while I am in this state, they come from oblique angles, they come at me while I am in deep sleep state--they insert subliminal hate phrases into me and then I repeat them automatically upon "waking" in this sitting or laying on the ground position while they hover over me standing in Nazi poses and abusing, insulting and threatening and hitting and/or raping me.

They then are handed more lead roles, and now they are in the next phase of violence where they all yell at me, threaten to kill me (this is the slow build-up from over 8 or 10 years of me being teleported to rape, torture, abuse and information/ideas extraction every single night for all these YEARS). This has been so fully embraced by political leadership and society at large which never steps in to assist any of the victims of gang stalking (unless perhaps they are white males or females mostly from Northern European descent--I have seen this, and probably those who are put on the internet are plants and agents and not real targets). 

Then huge gloating smiles after all the violence inserted onto my pages while I am trying to ascertain what is going on now and what catastrophes are being forced upon society, as this has a direct bearing on my life. Living halfway across the planet to get away from the vicissitudes of the hate crimes endlessly being inflicted upon me in Western countries, I am now being teleported to even worse violence while in this most vulnerable sleeping and sickness mode they have forced upon me using these government-sponsored and funded technologies, drugs and torture gangs of goons and minority minions.


I write this trying to edumacate people who may have read thus far in this blog post as to the evil and vile people and their actions who are being put into lead positions in the media and journalism and in politics in America. 

(I can't even begin to go into political criticism at this point as the politicians read my posts or are made aware in some Orwellian dystopian fashion and will have me more brutalized if I write a criticism of the politics that I find repugnant at this point and not concerning my personal situation but of the entire disaster facing my country.) With how these sinister groups operate, the end portrait I think they are aiming for is not for humble and poor people to rise up in some "revolution" but for a power consolidation of "elite" Nazi and Mafia once people do begin to revolt, they will be "weeded out" in Stalinist fashion, sent to gulags or killed or covertly assassinated in these gang stalking networks or just through plain old domestic disasters that are endlessly threatening the population. What arises in such cases is usually worse fanaticism of fascist orientation and not the reverse. The "top" levels have already been fully indoctrinated into this violent overtake of society and what we call Democracy. My situation appears to be one of the biggie mind control operations that H-wood has fully embraced and welcomes all those who are the most ugly, nasty and violent towards me. Making genocidal comments about the Holocaust in reference to me or threatening to kill me/have me killed by their terror agents in now one of the springboard promotional actions that the people endlessly for the nth year in a row or being handed lead roles endlessly year after year are all jumping to participate in. They have zero qualms and actually are thrilled by this performance of violence, they feed energetically off the violence of course as they are parasitic people who also have zero empathetic values so they then steal ideas off me as I rant about their injustices--which they turn into their crusades against injustice for all the fake and rotten movies and plots that keep coming out--mostly at this point heavily edited and CGI-enhanced to create bombastic effect because of the utter falseness of the posturing that the production and it's participants REALLY imbibe and project on a daily level.

False piety is nothing new in the course of human history but the tech is surely amplifying this to a great degree--including all the CGI graphic enhancement made in these movies with the fascist Nazi/Mafia put in lead roles. The tech can even effect tears out of eyes and I am certain these actors employ that at any "emotional" close-up if possible. Even your voice and vocal chords can be changed and altered so fake accents could be enhanced also using this technology.

No one really cares, they are addicted to these actors and movies, it so appears as no one really takes a good close-up view of how these movies are funded, produced and for what societal effect.


But these skank whore creepy Nazi with endless backing from Mafia terrorist scumbag crap actors are gloating in absolute enthrallment. Not only are they feeding off torture, rape and violence and inflicting damage to my body  (permanent damage) and then being paid, their dreams of endless lead roles fulfilled and awards to boot for bs posturing and not great acting--(in my opinion, outside of my bias towards them--as I had this same opinion of them years ago because now they are entrenched in the endless rotation of one of them after the next appearing in lead role in major studio movie after the next--all "winning" nominations to the top bs awards circuit which almost always has the exact same actors and movies winning in rigged top honors--an echo chamber of awarding scumbags with dumb movies and crappy acting--

Well, you people keep cheering them on and keeping me writing these posts asking for violence to be stopped and the movies keep comin out, the creeps keep laughing and gloating, dancing and hugging each other for International Women's day with their gangs of minorities surrounding them, as the real bigots here in Phuket also have circles of brown-skinned people performing great hate acts and violence towards me as they lounge around in the background smug and smiling just like the bigot expletives at the top positions which you all keep in power and never question authority at that level of mind control programming "entertainment". 

And honored for being humanitarians at that, they are. The culprits here in Phuket hold charity fund-raising (pilfering the proceeds) parties and events.


It doesn't change much when the venues are changed and the locations are changed and the type of entitlement leadership positions is changed it's the same system everywhere I have gone to. And if I move to yet another place which is decent and welcoming, a surge of haters move into the area, kick out the people who were once friendly to me, move absolutely violent and ugly people to surround me, then jack-up the prices so I can't afford to live in the once welcoming area any longer. The people who had been nice to me previously disappear permanently and forever from my life. Any search on the internet is met with no information. All searches are hacked and blocked from me. All friendly people or places are turned into hell zones of hate and attack by this organization.

The people creating this are laughing, dancing, partying, going on endless vacations where they are serviced by bowing minorities or other versions of slaves but paid a little bit, and offered a little more if they move in and help them to infiltrate the countries they are colonizing (The United States being one of the worst Nazified and Mafia colonized countries on the planet with the express and dedicated effort by those Americans who want to live a life of entitlement automatically conferred and assumed--aristocracy style with a devastated impoverished majority of a dearth of slaves to serve, service and help them to attack others--thus the popularity of the gang stalking system. America is now in this phase of imperialistic overtake on the domestic level, fully approved of by Congress, which also keeps handing out these awards and all that money to people fully participating in this contract of mind control and torture and attempted murder out on me (endless rape and disfigurement and impoverishment and destitution and threats without end). 

They --these terrorists but particularly out of Europigapeland--are laughing in the photos the hack into my system--so thrilled--winning top awards endlessly and shoving it in my face in these attempts to find relevant information about what is going on in the world. 

I had been so devoid of interest in celebrities and even in the corrupted American government operations and especially in the beginning phases of the Reagan Administration and then declining in interest fully up to the Bush Administration--leaving the US just before Obama was elected assuming he was going to continue the continuity of this decline of the country on some levels. The new health care system he offered is now being offset by this obvious destruction of the United States that Congress is allowing by not curbing the excessive hikes in rent prices and food prices for the sake of allowing people to actually not be homeless and thus ripe for the plucking of fascist Nazi operations intended to swoop up desperate people who need some kind of financial stability--they will work for free or almost nothing doing anything to have something rather than nothing. The wages for gang stalking I assume are going to be much lower. Soon, and eventually, there will be no wages for gang stalking activities the price will be only mere survival. Those who do not comply will become victims or killed off. My projection of the future if no one ever exposes the utter criminality of who and what is creating these conditions that are similar to the pre-Nazi era in Germany in the 30's and the Stalin years of the 20's and the Italian fascist years that spanned both those decades--and etc etc the trend was probably originated by a very small group of international men and their adjoining women in a joint agreement to adjust each national version of the same version of this type of domestic terrorism but done on an international scale--

movies are now fully indoctrinating people into the system albeit on a subconscious level and usually using reverse psychology.


But oh, I am writing to an audience of people who capitalize on this system so my attempts of trying to reach anyone to stop it appear to be almost futile but I continue to try anyway.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...