1:. My front door, under the "new" set of terrorists who are being handed free rent to inflict their psychopathy and hate upon me, which is like Christmas all year round for the haters just to inflict violence and be paid in ways they never would have been otherwise--
my front door is locked, indeed, every time I go out. I return and the front door is unlocked. This has been happening for the past month. Because I leave my tiny torture chamber "room" about twice per month due to fractured vertebrae, poisoning detox sickness and the absolute life-sucking drain on my energy from the non-stop violence hate and abuse from the celebrities smiling laughing and glowing with hormones endlessly featured in top roles after they abuse and inflict murder upon me (literally--albeit a low, torturous non-stop torture-to-death situation so I look worn out, and as all targets look like they are declining before the end result, it is the inevitable at this point).
2. While driving cars and trucks made sure to partner with motorbikes and other smaller vehicles to slow down while a huge SUV or large car swerved into the lane and blocked my path just as I was driving into a narrow section that had been artificially-created by the car maneuvers of slowing down, blocking the road on all sides while I am force into a "bottleneck" situation and a huge truck/SUV vehicle begins to back up into me and if accelerating, could kill me. The threat is real.
As well as driving out of the shopping mall parking lot huge cars speed into me from a side angle as I am pulling out of the sloping drive-thorough way out of the lower deck of the parking garage so I have no time to adjust and they literally speed to almost hit me coming from a side angle out of "nowhere". This goes on at certain junctions, always in a crossroad or the artificial narrowing created by people who have plotted this type of attack out obviously before hand. The TECHNOLOGY is aiding in the precision so that even the slowing down while I am literally forced into a "trap" sort of placement between cars and motorbikes which slow down and stop in the road and are pulling backward (illegally of course, always I am doing the exact precise legal thing they are breaking the law--no cops around anywhere every time).
AT a store, I wanted to buy something that was frozen and ALWAYS at these stores I shop at, the reduced price places where a lot of the terrorists also go (in particular the minions)--at a ratio of over 10-to-1 in the race spectrum, and me surrounded by the 30-to-3 ratio after they create a "skit" which also involves TECHNOLOGICAL AI and other quantum types of speed calculating precise almost instant attack scenarios.
At all these cheap stores, the prices are mixed up or taken off the shelves so I have no idea who much anything costs. Often for items I really want, the prices are literally taken off the shelf (before I arrive, undoubtedly) and the names on the labels are tiny weeny almost impossible to read if you need glasses (the torture to my eyes forcing tears out of my eyes daily for about 10 years wtihout end every day has forced poor eye sight now).
I asked a person who appeared to work for the store how much a frozen item cost, as the price was nowhere to be seen and although I could make out the teeny weeny price labels nothing in the range of the item was showing for that particular item. I was shown a tiny price tag on the OTHER frozen section to the right of the item in another entire section of the container. Placed in front of other items. They re-arrange the prices also so it's either not anywhere or placed in another section nearby.
I was shown a price of about $11 for a pack of (cheap) steaks. Because I am so constantly ripping tissue out of my body in this non-stop detox (because your wonderful celebrities and politicians kept having their minions poisoning me to death while I fought to save my life as they laughed and laughed about it and continued and mocked how I looked while they were murdering me and profiting and stealing my ideas and bein awarded for it all! You all love them so much. I remain this hated cliche by now, as it doesn't matter what I say or do by now the prizes associated with attacking me create any and all ratrionale based on lies or even any deviation from having no mind or opinion if I utter anything it will be twisted into some "offense" justifying slow murder, according to the wonderful people you all love and adore.
the tech enables instant coordination and so I assume it might be AI or quantum computing at this point. I went to pay for my items but the frozen steaks, at this good price (like $11 for 6 small, almost tiny pieces but my body needs red meat to heal) and---I was told there was no bar code (although there had been a price and I checked the name on the tag on the OTHER frozen food section container to the right of the actual bin where the steaks were, asking for help, but because I vocalized and asked, once I got to the check-out I was told that I had to have the packaged weighed.
Every time I have ever purchased food at a store and decided to rush back to have something weighed and then return to pay for the last item, showing my receipt to the same check-out person, there has never been a single problem. But I have never done it at this particular huge discount warehouse. I was told upon having the item weighed, it now costing $3 more than the price tag (but I just really need red meat for my healing of my muscle tissue always being slightly ripped apart by hard poisons I literally have to break off my spine and off my muscles and bone and ligaments, an interior fight for my life).
She told me I had to pay at the service counter. It sounded odd, but I did it anyway. Once there a woman highly glowing with the usual hormones of sadistic delight at participating in the hate skits, such a usual hormone greasy glow of delight from most people who join in they are all glowing afterwards from the "high" of bein paid to torture and having affinity with the "apex predator" class thereby.
a sort of frazzled poorish looking older woman came to take my money to the cash register and returned short $3. She handed me the money, I took it and then had to check the receipt and look at the money and I said almost within 1 minute that she was short $3. She ignored me, the other women ignored me, I repeated it and repeated it. They finally, after 10 minutes of me saying she gave me the wrong change---a huge number of people came, one laughing and giggling and all telling me to "wait one minute" as they told me they had to "check" and after another 10 minutes of telling me to please wait and sit down, which I did not do---they told me they had to check the cctv cameras to see what had happened. 15 minutes later I began to fret telling them to do something they kept repeating "one minute ma-am" and finally I walked into the huge corridors of the warehouse into the end of the store and walked into the managers office to really tell them that I had been waiting 40 minutes and was told to "wait one minute" while they were doing nothing.
The woman who gave me the wrong change began yelling at me glaring with hate accusing me of lying and that I had stolen the $3. Because I could not just return the frozen steaks and demand my money back, and I was not going to pay the $3 extra already they had charged me $2 more than the actual price but I was hungry, tired and my body ached--I have to hold my fractured body up to go shopping on the 2x per month trips because I have no help and this is the best I can do, but at the end of the day of my body having to carry everything that i need to protect so I am just inundated with heavy items I carry around with me constantly--and where there are elevators the people coming out of the elevators press the buttons just as they are getting out so the doors begin to close once I rush to get in--literally I have to almost sprint to not have door slam on me w hile I am walking into an elevator due to the technology being used in every way possible to assault me by people, of course, manipulating the technology.
The coordination of an almost seamless attack of about 15 people surrounding me while I waited for 40 minutes for my $3 change, being told to wait with glowing hormone sadistic smiles on the faces while they were just lying. But the seamlessness of the operation was such that without forethought I decided I wanted to have the steaks weighed because no matter the few extra dollars, I truly need the protein the red meat and it will help in healing (if I am strong enough to cook, most of the time I am not due to having to clean--my body can't take it).
They had it so perfectly timed within almost a 10 minute frame---I believe that AI and a template of attack scenarios had been staged using computer software, and the attacks while driving are being utilized to perfection by vector analysis software and a variety of other technologies such as GPS tracking of my every movement (I have been told that I have an RFID) chip--or is that what it's called? like an animal I am chipped my every thought, eye motion, what I see what I think and everywhere I go that can be quantized will be recognized in coordinate plotting technologies.
I was told about 15 times during the 50 minutes of being told "one minute we check the CCTV" while they were just literally lying making me wait while they were never going to do anything, as the woman who handed me the wrong change accused me of stealing the money and lying, yelling in hate at me and cursing at me while they all watched on smiling never demanding high quality service.
The instant plotting of attack is so deadly but of course, everyone reading my posts is part of the death squad system all enthralled with it perfectly comfortable with people like me being tortured raped beaten and poisoned and attacked just for buying something extra because they lied about the price they lied about everything in a perfectly orchestrated system of attack that was timed perfectly upon a random action on my part, so they had no time to plot or scheme they had an instant capability to enact this scenario which has echoed some other similar situations in other large (cheap) stores like Walmart (or is Walmart considered "cheap" in more than a few ways, as in price?)
That was a black woman employee who insulted me openly and loudly while two blonde white large women were blocking my path. I was trying to buy soft material for my cat's carry bag, because she had been stolen and all my possessions had been stolen by the same Miami celebrity and mafia expletives who are currently still having me followed around with the nightclubs advertised on taxis and cars, which they obtained AFTER poisoning and torturing me nearly to death years ago and after realizing that they were trying to murder me via raping poison into my body as pounding as possible, I called them "pigs" so they fractured my cat's body, stole her, stole all my items, had me thrown in jail under a pretext with full cooperation of the cops and the government. I had to get another cat carry bag and was buying soft fabric and while waiting in the very empty fabric section at this huge Walmart in Orlando, with a pet store in the adjacent area of the mall area, so I could purchase both, take a bus back and try to get my most precious cat back (stolen again, that was back in 2013 and I have been begging for her return ever since, she is probably dead by now, the expletives who took her have obtained global fame awards for having tortured me, they refuse to return her dead or alive or anything else they have stolen from me, especially ideas which I have receieved only more poisoning rape abuse and torture because they have to exploit all they possibly can out of me to death as long as possible no mater how many millions huge clubs businesses awards oscars they have to continue and never stop as they bring in more and more of their friends and family to get their own endless awards).
The speed of what appears to be an almost impossibly spontaneous scheme to assault someone with full cooperation happened in Orlando as well, but this was at a much slower pace than what happened today. In Orlando, the black woman finally showed up, or she was not an employee but an agent dressed as an employee (that happens regularly). Two obese white blonde women were blocking the entire area of the tiny fabric section with their bulging torsos--and the black woman was also obese. I could not get around these these huge bulging bodies and I didn't feel like pushing past them, so for about 1 minute I just waited for a chance to slip around them when they finally got out of a blockade formation so there was no room for anything but themselves standing in the center and staring without moving. Again, like with driving, they form a type of block and a bottleneck formation so the "target" is forced to move into a precise "trap" area for the attack to occur. As I waited the black woman began sneering with hate that I was keeping her waiting and that she had so many other more important things to do other than wait for me to reach the front area to hand her my bit of material for measurement and pricing. I can't recall exactly what she said, but it was so rude that I was aghast I had never experienced anything like that ever in any store. I went to the back customer service area and asked to speak to a manager, and 3 people came out staring like zombies with enlarged pupils glowing with zombie sort of blank sarcasm at me--surrounding me, etc asking me what happened. They then told me that she was considered a wonderful employee and that I must have done something or etc. It was eerie and staged. I gave up. At the real check-out, an elder white woman (southern, obviously) said very warmly at me with concern and genuine warmth that she was very glad that I was at their store. I had done nothing unusual I was just paying for the item, but the employees knew that this was going on. I also experienced other similar experiences in Orlando where elderly white women were extremely kindly and almost apologetic, glaring with strength at the stalkers who were hostile and trying to push into me, going slowly and warmly welcoming me and kindly offering the best service they could. I fear that such of that generation are all gone now, and what is left is pure hate and murderous death.
-The technology is now so advanced that almost instant attacks are certain and more lethal then ever before.
But you all love this system and welcome it in. You all get promotions awards for furthering it. Aren't you all glowing with satisfaction that you are safe and secure and your monopoly will remain enshrined into the halls of fame for your hate and murder actions?
Oh, my internet was turned off again.
They have poured more deadly hair-falling out chemicals onto my scalp and I am balding again--my hair fell out in clumps and it's because they turn my internet off so often that I sit in pain from ripping poison out of my spine and internal organs and can't read or do anything but sit and try to distract my consciousness from the sublimiknal hate and the teleportation murder squads you all are and worship endlessly.
Every awards season for almost every top prize there are at a minimum 4-5 famous people who have viciously assaulted me "winning" some top award. The Grammys are just another example of this same never-ending trend.
I must make a decision whether to shut off all the news and media or not. Any time I even read about a new politician or watch the news the people being featured literally sprint to join into assault and hate and violence.
By the way, the situation today was all minorities with a small handful of white males giving them knowing looks, smiles and glaring with hate at me viciously with murderous intent. One of them, very white blondish/greying hair and bright blue eyes glared with violence after I took to the extreme to get "help" by not waiting any longer, and I tried to not be angry even though I did begin to yell at the people lying to me, knowing that this was ridiculous. I had already spent over $2 more for an item. I must explain that living on sub-sub-poverty means that every single dollar must be spent extremely carefully and going over a few for an item (but I really NEED red meat and I was exhausted and I paid but they were trying to steal over $6 from me for this item which should have cost around $11-12 but they were trying to charge me around $18 by lying and then not giving correct change, telling me they were going to "check" the CCTV (right directly behind ;me where I had been standing" and then they never did any thing but smile as the white men gave them very warm looks of approval as they sauntered past--
the hateful glaring white male who had been one of the few staring from the sidelines watching as their minions giggly and yelling in hate at me that I was stealing from them, as it became 6 "managers" surrounding me they took photos of me as I smiled into the camera and got my money back begrudgingly after 50 minutes of being told to sit down and wait while my hot food was cooling and the frozen meat was thawing out.\
It was the same protocol as in Orlando where the minority behaved like the outright bigot racist while the whites stand back smirking and smiling warmly at their good racist supplicants.
Listening to the conversations now about DEI and the end of such hiring standards at places like Walmart. I thought of that black women openly hostile, openly discriminating against me (as happens almost 100% of the time in the W-wood and Congressional and "activist" conflagration of assault, the same ratio the same absolutely open racist hate heaped upon me by blacks, jews, latinos, et al while the whites sit back smiling or glaring with deadly violence when I try to defend myself and do so).
Will the end of DEI bring standards in places like Walmart impact more in terms of more racism, after all, I wonder?