So now it's three hours later and I cannot get the page to function whatsoever. Typing is the usual blocks to keyboard function as my brain is rendered in a state of rage, instant exponential rage after the next abuser bigot claiming it is a good wonderful zealot performer of all the God-given lawless laws of hegemony--
Meanwhile, the apes who are ordering this, silently sitting "multi-tasking" while silently observing the destruction to my peace and my ability to render a single thing in modern society--as the apes of Whorewood are all observing in the background. This next abuser is playing "good cop" to the psychopathic shit and scum, telling me that cursing is a "sin" but meanwhile supporting rapists because he and they are all racists is "GOOD" and that they have "Gawd on their side" because they are White supremacists including all the non-stop rotation of black "activists" and Latino and black and Jewish "feminists" all cheering this on as they are heralded in endless appearances after bashing me psychologically, as viciously as possible with murderous threats and hate while smiling into the faces of the white rape entourage handing them all the awards they have constantly been handed for the decades of participating in this attack upon me from the more sidelines--as the front-row participants except for a few "token" extremely famous blacks are relegated to back-row participation. Not that they care about having to sit "at the back of the bus" of the racist lynch mob techno-terror simulation they all are glorified in being included in the ever-enlarging "exclusivity" of 4th Reich Nazi hate crimes.
I begin screaming because I have taken Kratom, a drug, the leaves of which relax the body muscles and help me to detox as this group of hyenas produce so much muscular and energetic stress that is deadly I need a muscle relaxant. I distrust chemical drugs (pharmaceuticals) so greatly knowing that there is evidence-based research on some of the famous drugs, finally resulting in harm to liver and kidneys (if research is ever done, I have heard this endlessly from acupuncturists and all other herbal medicine practitioners). With the literal lifetime of endless poisons injected into my food and body, I am fighting to not have liver cirrhosis or extreme kidney failure because the amount of greed of the pig ape scum and shit endlessly attacking me is co-equal to the amount of poisons on all deadly levels that they order and infuse my very existence with. The toxicity and stupidity of the hate bigots in and of itself is toxic enough to kill anything that is sentient or even artificial (the bad energy would create a negative ionosphere, I suggest) .
After another 6 hours, after having slept for over 15 hours yesterday due to the toxicity of the detox which has lasted, from the day of exercise in a way that appears slow and weird from an observational perspective, but internally is monumental in it's internal force and the "plugs" which are never-ending within the huge hard-as-stone structure embedded into my spine, extending literally from the crown of my skull down my spine into my toes--arms, fingers, etc
and breaking off a tiny chunk has required over 4 days or longer of being inert, in a perpetual sick daze, unable to function except to fight to clean the endless destruction to my home that the mechanical arms render on a nightly basis--tearing spraying stinking filth, fungus and muck everywhere.
And I'm trying to order this case of Red Bull because there is something in that concoction that enables me to be able to move, and often it aids in detox. The sugar and I think there is some vitamin B essence but it is an energy boost that nothing else can compare to. I have stopped drinking coffee and tea years ago. I rely on Red Bull but to have to carry huge cartons of it is extremely painful and hard on my fractured body.
Repeating years of blocks to my internet but the attacks in places like stores is like the "old days" of which I began to search endlessly for some sanity in the planet for any assistance. After more than 15 years I am back to the origin of the sick attacks that this new "American" and his cronies (German Nazi and French and English) are instructing him on). Oddly, asking him how this is making America great obviously the point is to render people like me so powerless that even trying to get a single thing done without making me enraged and to suppress the rage and then to claim that cursing makes me very bad, indeed., Calm like any abuser, he sits doing his multi-tasking because this contract, to which he sprinted on the day after his ascension to this powerful position, means his endless family and group will be included in Whorewood and media and the empire has embraced him. I am besotten with Europigape shit and filth who are vicious violently dirty and nasty once more, as happened when the Italian and English filth ape pigs were raping poison into my body and ordering non-stop murderous attacks upon me (not just poisoning but the stress accumulation).
In trying to order the Red Bull and a few other items, this man is sitting doing his actual real work for which he was given despite some objections by a lot of people. Oddly he is more 'benevolent" than Obama, Raskin, Pelosi and AOC, Kinzinger, Schiff combined. That is not saying much at all, but in this endless murder situation it is significant.
However, he must get his free deal and so he is animated in his stoic presentation of doing probably 3 things at once while ordering me to be attacked so I can't order this product to arrive by tomorrow--the deadline is long gone. I began at 10 a.m., it is now 2:20 and the blocks to ordering after doing a reset function (clearing out the old windows, reinstalling a new Windows) supposedly, but all has been so corrupted that nothing short of a complete overhaul of the system going into Bios will only achieve about a 10-minute window of the possiblity of bypassing this endless block to me ordering what I really need.
And that goes for all else that I need to do. There is endless hacking of more bullshit practitioners into my YouTube channel. The opportunist YouTube bullshit cadres of lying scum are never-ending and I can't find any single other alternative as literally all my information is being controlled and monitored so I can't get information outside of their system. That goes even moreso for any AI use I make where the results of sabotage to information-gathering are instantly recognizable.
The whore apes of shit and filth the pig ape cartel of celebrity fucking crap are watching this man play "good cop" while reducing some of the former endless abuse but of course including his own brand. The result after taking kratom leaves is me losing my control because Kratom is a drug, similar to Marijuana I have forgotten exactly what type of "class" the leaves are, but they are affecting mood and control. It is intended to relax me, but in this instant of over SIX HOURS today of this rotten fucker asking me questions and sucking ideas out of me so the pig ape shit can continue to suck as much out of my mind as possible because they are pure hate and stupidity blank emptiness and bullshit crap following orders and posturing in Nazi poses with endless plastic surgery imitation of Nazi features made in replica by an array of plastic surgeons, the "best" handed to this worthless overpaid bunch of shit and their family members after they all gleefully abuse me slowly to death, every day.
So I can't order anything now unless I clear out the entire system, which could take another 4 hours if it works even. The price for the items I tried to order also has come out completely wrong, almost doubled. Every other site possible works except for this one particular site, in which it is so slow and then wrong information and blocks render a spinning nothing as I try to order the products I need for healing, which are too heavy for me to lift. The keyboard right now and my brain are also under attack so I am cursing, unable to function.
the sinister ugliness and sickness is ever-present every day from this group of sick fucking shit and the bad energy is like a death pall hovering over the stench of their filthy greed and life-fuck energy that they feed off every day they go on and on. Parasites glorified. The end of the country has been in effect for many decades already, but now it's ugly sinister head is just barely beginning to show through the cracks of a false calm of a sea-bed of glaciers just waiting to tear through the tin can of the facade of a sane society--the Titanic which is never supposed to have fallen this quickly is now sinking but they are all assured that what few lifeboats remain they will gobble up as they party over the rest drowning.
Update: after having released the stress by writing, in hopes that this situation would be somehow addressed in some positive way--I got my "reward" for writing in rage and hysterical cursing--which was their "plan" all along. They render so much abuse and it is, in it's cumulative effect, so deadly on my nervous system--my body, my face indeed shows the signs of extreme stress and depression. My cheeks have been under non-stop attack by tears forced out of my eyes due to the microchip implant in my throat which can force everything from non-stop tears to swell out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks (they used to force this while I was in heavy traffic, which obviously is a murder attempt) but the skin on my cheeks is so damaged from over 15 years of this ongoing. Every single day there is at least on attack on my eyes and tear ducts so tears are ongoing and ever-destructive to my skin and eyes. My cheeks have sunken in, my nose looks pronounced now I look like Kafka-esque oppressed "Jew" that you see in the endless horrid photos of Jews who, before the Holocaust, had endured repression abuse and the features are now ingrained into my face, whereas they were not at all before the onslaught of in particular the American filth from Whorewood with their endless Europigapeland cohorts (controllers, actually they are controlled to a huge degree but the awards they claim they are entitled to, they are just Pavlovian bigots awarded for allowing every entrance into America every piece of dirty nasty elevated k-rap out of Europigapeland, the most notable Nazi countries which all have emergent Nazi leadership in control at this point (and of course, Poland Belarus and all those other countries on the border of Nazi-land and Russia, trying their best to display every Nazi fascist leadership government in order to "belong" to the wealth club of NATO.
They stopped the block of the purchase of the few items I need for healing and for my life, which otherwise are too heavy for me to lug around and drive around. I slept over 15 hours from yesterday afternoon until this morning due to the over-stress on my body from breaking an internal hard "PLUG" of poison out, which ever-so-slowly enlarged and then came out, bringing 30 years' worth of trapped mind control drugs and hardening poisons and toxins that have been buried inside my internal system(s) probably too many to list as I am not so well-informed of biology and all the internal systems--endocrine lymphatic--all the cancerous regions have poison infecting my entire body from the years of the whorewood group pouring this poison in through all their nazi teams and minions wanna be Nazi white supremacists joining the " club".
I have now ordered the goods. I ordered some food it could be poisoned. I have to take this chance.
I still await the dread interview at the very end of this month with an agency that is in the public eye and media for cutting out people who rely on that funding for their lives. I have done nothing but fight to get health care which I could not obtain in the place I was, and now I could be made homeless. That was the deep sleep "skit" I was forced into last night in the midst of detox deep sleep, theta, with me being homeless and begging to not be forced into homelessness. The white ape grey-haired man who was sitting as the supposed "landlord" ignored me telling him that I was about to become homeless unless he stopped the action. I was made homeless anyway. That was the more " benign" of the deep sleep attacks, as this person I am only vaguely referring to as Mr. Hegemony is ordering this upon me, for his and his teams' promotion in collusion with the Whorewood murder and endless psychopathic violence group.
I am "thankful" but with the Kratom and detox and the need for some kind of stability and the looming threat and the stress from over 15 years of non-stop fighting for my life and all could be taken from me for fighting back, and of laughing about how the celebrities who have been part and parcel of endless murder heaped upon me lost their nasty dirty homes while they have made my home stinking unlivable toxic death traps with rape and non-stop mutilation of my body--every day for over 15 years
as I was thrilled that at least one of them lost their f-ing mansion they never deserved in the first place (another nepo-extraction trickle-down f-over meaningless bigot, portraying itself as a charitable concerned adolt in some push for publicity and "helping" children of sex trafficking or was it abuse? Knowing damn well (using the term deliberately DAMN) that I have been my entire life attacked--but so glad about it they all are. so determined that I NEVER ever ever ever get out of being abused and tortured exploited and destroyed until my very last day on terra firma if they could they would)
so I laughed and they have put me into a situation of facing losing the tiny bit of financial security I FOUGHT FOR in the first place, while they poisoned me so I could not function could not enjoy the Graduate Degree I fought to earn for over 6 years while they were poisoning me to death but extracting ideas out of me, including the 6 years of studying criminal justice and responding to the criminality that is rampant amongst all from bottom-to-top of this structure.
And so, I reacted in desperation. I wrote in rage, I cursed I insulted them, the kind of hate and rage that feeds this machine and displays my uncoiling and unraveling into slow mental illness death and whatever else they want to force upon me
Otherwise, if I had not written about the block to ordering what I need and cannot physically handle carrying to my home from the store, because I slept in deep healing sickness from having gone shopping for a few hours, which this group turned into a stress hell so my energy was once more put into a rage hate which I tried to negate but could not. They attack my nervous system while they are blocking basic functions that almost everyone else on the planet has no problem with except for the targets like myself.
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