I have also probably (undoubtedly, as I know from examining my body upon waking) that I have been raped uncountable times in this studio, sponsored and paid for by the US Government, former and current world leaders, both "bipartisan" parties and held as an entertainment informative spectacle amongst the media "elite" and their aspiring pawn players, vying for monopolies just as the politicians have created in their realm, all controlled in vagaries by the same sponsors but put into various re-named opposing branches.
I just want to state that now the terrorists are spraying horrifically odious substances on my house rubber shoes and the stink never goes away. They also spray this stink onto the shoes, and my feet stink perpetually from this. I even soak the shoes in bleach and even overnight, they smell fine, then an hour later in some way the mechanical arms have broken through the multiple entry points that are coated with paper, plastered with tape, sealed with silicone, connected with hooks and rope, and still the mechanical arms get through all the cheap defenses I have spent money I must use for medicine, food and objects I need but must spend to fight to stop my toe from being severed completely off--it is dangling at an over 30-45-degree angle into the other toes (on my left foot) broken at night, with hardening substances smeared under toe nails for decades, and all my toes have previously been broken. They are all pointing in opposite direction and the toenails are completely distorted, curled and crooked. I try to clean them and the nails are hard as rock underneath the nail so I can't do anything. If, perchance, I manage to stop the mechanical arms for one or two days, as sometimes but rarely happens (and then once I leave this room, the terrorists break into my room while I am away, and break down all the cheap defenses using absolutely sophisticated surveillance and break-in government-sponsored terrorist equipment--probably all done under anti-Terrorism legislation and endorsed by the mafia/Nazi cartel of the Democrat Party--the Repuglicans are obviously fascist at this point there is no need to even mention that this has been one of their covert platforms of murder, assassination and sponsored terrorism against citizens they deem problematic for their mind control program and complicity.
Thus, this attack upon my body is now in the form of blood poisoning through the miniscule, less-than-one-millimeter in circumference mechanical arms pushing up through the folds of rubber matting I have to insert into cracks in the cubboard doors (one of which, under the sink, is literally impossible to block off from attack, as under the sink area the terrorists have made the wood stinking with mold and the wood is so soft and always wettened on the other side, there is a metal area beneath it and it is literally impossible for me to block this area off. The other sides of the panels in the interior of the sink, which always is broken with dripping fungus water poured into this sealed off area--have paper glued and pasted with packaging clear tape, silicone glued onto all the corners--all the panels of the room are pasted and covered and hooked and tied together to the tightness possible and yet the mechanical arms can get through my amateur attempts to defend my life against being RAPED night after night and dismembered. I also have written for years but the list of violence against me increases and accrues daily: they have severed completely off part of my fallopian tube, which came out one day years ago due to an ACTOR being instructed by the Italian mafia to sever off parts of my body. This man I believe (he's the owner of The Wall in Miami Beach, or one of them, who obtained this venue after a few years of raping and torturing me nearly to death with accidents non-stop and severing and breaking of bones and poisoning nearly to death--on and on, he's still being paid and promoted by Americans to do this to me, as they follow instruction and that is how my fallopian tube was cut out, because of this Europ-a actor but American who represents the blonde boy of the movies--but...digressing at this point. My toes is being cut off, my fingernails are being destroyed they are falling off and black and not growing any longer. My hair and scalp has been made disgusting non-stop but is now almost cut off in places, destroyed, damaged beyond repair. My skin has been smeared with horrific chemicals day and night for years. The list is too long to mention any longer, my entire body is covered with bloating chemicals hanging off like a pot of cellulite hanging off my nearly broken body from people entering my room and breaking vertebrae, my toes, putting my hips out of alignment and poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison so my body remains in a trap of chemicals which I am fighting non-stop day and night to get out--while they block all financial earnings forcing me to fight to survive on less than $700 a month. My legal situation is extremely precarious on all fronts as well which they use as leverage to threaten me, including murdering my cat which they stole in 2013. She is 23+ years old and I have only had her as any kind of support system for all those years, as all of humanity has left me to be a torture victim of The State and only due to racist reasons. I receive more injustice than torture victims, going on and on for decades by now. I am now editing but declining to rewrite the hacked portions above, I simply do not want to spend more time fighting to pound down while it's rewritten anyway after I publish. The terrorists have been cutting my lower jaw gum tissue for over one year on a nightly basis, plus they broke my teeth in that area after they forced an "accident" on me where I nearly was killed yet once again by a car hitting me directly (but from the side of the road, directly meaning a direct hit but from the side angle so I could not see them coming at me, during heavy traffic as I was surrounded on all sides by motorbikes swerving into me. Of course, they parted significantly enough for the portion of one minute to allow the terrorist car to hit me. My handlebars were swerved 180-degrees to the right as my brakes stopped operating. I hit my jaw on the cement while driving at over 40 miles/hour. My teeth were not loosened at that point, only two days later did they become loose due to these terrorist attacks while the terrorists break into my room. Since that time they have been cutting away at the gum tissue until there is NO gum tissue left, the roots are exposed, and my teeth are now loose when I eat. They continue to attack my gumline every day. If this is a "message" to stop writing about their crimes, they do not stop poisoning me with "truth serum" drugs and this technology, because they also are stealing ideas that I rant and rave out about political theory and other ideas that have been stolen in this manner at least since 2007. On and on, it never ends and they torture me to obtain a reaction and then after stealing the ideas I write they torture me for writing anything adverse about them. Now this is a mandatory nighttime activity of a long list of deformation attacks upon my body. They are severing my left large toe completely off. They had it broken a few years ago (more like 10 years ago) I cannot trust any single doctor I go to for any help, they would permanently damage this area and probably it already is permanent at this point. They are cutting into the toe webbing between the broken toe (the other toes are being broken and are also pointing in a broken array) but cutting the skin and tissue completely OFF between the toes so my toe is breaking off--blood is restricted and day after day this is making my toe literally break off, as they cut into the bone every single day. I am a torture victim I have committed no crime, these murderous attacks have gone on every single day and night for over 20 years but for at least a decade at a 24 hour non-stop pace by one actor and politician and landlord and team of "neighbors" after the next without a single pause. Nothing I do or not do will stop them or these attacks.
This is of course another appeal to the world reading this to stop this unbelievable heinous crime that no one will recognize or defend me against. EVERY CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE is being completely obliterated by president after president, setting a torture protocol precedent that the public at large is only too happy to respond and support. In old days it was called a lynching in modern terms the liars of the media call it "electronic harassment" and "gang stalking". It also has been called a witch hunt and the end result is the same: murder assassination by torture, rape and gruesome murder techniques. No one will acknowledge either me or this situation and this is the new form of lynch mob activity and witch rape, torture and murder. The people participating who are in the media are the loudest gyrating singing dancing pundits of obtaining huge Nazi-mafia sponsored promotions out of viciously attacking me for the benefit of the smirking Nazis out of Europ-aland and America and wherever else they come from--global at this point this group has literally encompassed the globe. I also have Chinese people attacking me, so this is nothing to do with either pro-or-anti Communism or any other political credo. As Communism and Socialism are not so very far apart, and Nazis are definitely in collaboration with Communists (here in Phuket) I can assure you that this system is a global Order.
So, I can't get a single person to defend or stop this against me. I still write, because I remain paralyzed and in great pain. The poisons are very badly interlocked at this near 10-year span of detoxification while still being poisoned daily--my spine is completely crooked from the hard-latched on glued on poisons, and the terrorists put my hips out of place every time they get in, in addition to a myriad of other deforming attacks plus rape plus psychological and sexual/emotional torture while they teleport me, plus all friendly lpeople and animals killed off or taken away or pushed away from me.
--I am now going to stop re-editing and adding the same things I have written, unanswered, for nearly 7 years to H-wood, which remains absolutely staunch in supporting these actors and their monopolies in conjunction with both sides of the one-sided political hegemony and monopoly.
I still fight, as just fighting this has been the hallmark of American culture, now relegated to people "like me" by the descendants of the white men who created this system of "equality" against the tyranny of the throne of the Europ-a kingdoms. Now fully embraced and the great desire to revert to a white male supremacy dynastic Imperial State, using "feminism" as a psychological tool by enacting the wives of racist bigot murdering racists who call themselves "feminist". The "feminist" nazis are absolutely thrilled about this system inflicted upon me, as are their helpers the blacks, latinos and jews and asians and everything else inbetween. Whenever there is a free gratuity or promotion, it makes no difference what gender or race a person involved in this crime belongs to. The truly unfortunate thing is that they are torturing me to obtain ideas to use for their fake pundits in order to re-establish a most oppressive tyrannical death regime in the United States, using these "alternative" and "righteous" anti-racist actors who are #Me Too! feminists too. Fighting by assisting Nazi mafia rapists who use outright Holocaust death rhetoric against me, etc etc the years of writing about this on Facebook and I repeat it endlessly. It's so sad not only from my torture perspective, but for society at large for the United States and for the planet. Not sad for the mafia Nazis but however, I have to make plain that their absolute disregard for reality, for nature, for life means that they are destroying in their endless need for greedy consumption the entire planet which is burning and drowning due to their rapacious rape culture of greed and oppressive demand for the right to exploit take and steal and rob every single thing on the planet, with the technology to perform this they can't understand limitations or self-restraint.
But the latest attack, which of course seems to fall only on deaf ears absolutely giddy with delight that this Nazi mafia cartel is supporting the interests of the worst bigot Nazis since the Nazis--which I know understand was fully funded and supported by these factions of the United States. The mutual support system continues to this very day, but disguised and veiled under various pretenses of solidarity against fascist overtake.
However, I need this attack to be stopped as it is more BLOOD POISONING and TOXIC MURDER ATTEMPT. I am not questioning the slightest that these substances are laboratory created and intended to be non-permeable and unwashable. Nothing gets this stink out, or if after hours of soaking, the smell remains but then resumes if it gets hot and odors expand and it's absolutely vile and disgusting. My body now stinks from this, and I just bought another pair of shoes--I can't find shoes that aren't rubber for household situations--I go outside, I am ALWAYS cleaning up stinking substances and my property is so rancid from these sprays I spend HOURS every day, almost every single day at LEAST ONE HOUR CLEANING THE STINKING SPRAYS ON MY BLANKETS, CLOTHING, BOOKS, FURNITURE, MY CLOSETS STINK HORRIFICALLY WHEN i OPEN THE DOORS i ONLY CLEAN UP THEIR STINK NON-STOP EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am paralyzed in partial by their drugging/poisoning and spending what tiny amount of energy I could be using for something else to clean and clean. I am still inundated with toxic substances despite now years of handwashing their stinking clothing every day there is more and more.
All of this fully endorsed by ALL people put into position at "top levels" of society, and supported by MILLIONS of civilians who all claim they want "freedom" but Freedom to rape, torture and murder it appears while they pose as religious pundits (Satanic or anti-Christain in some cases, but that is still a "religion" or pseudo-religious alliance if Satanic it's just the same coin as Christian sometimes they get confused or are rebelling)
I have also predicted that I will get defense against this but how long it will take--it appears that years and years may go by before this hate system is ever exposed much less stopped by "responsible" leadership.
If Barrett is put into the Supreme Court it will not only mean the destruction of health care in the US for (what did Harris say, millions of people left uninsured during a pandemic)? But this hate system which ultimately is a fascist, Nazi and mafia-driven conspiracy (not a theory, a conspiracy meaning a CRIME COMMITTED INTENTIONALLY BY A GROUP) TO destroy opposition to incompetent mediocrity that is allying with Europ-a fascist Nazi/mafia infiltrators. That is a conspiracy theory which I know to be true because I have been personally exposed to it for years while being teleported to "famous" "top" people in media and in politics, but however because I cannot provide evidence this just appears as a "drugged" up hysterical hate rant here for you to read and scoff at (maybe a few of you reading this understand how badly I am being affected by drugging and torture and hacking blocks and mind control aimed into my brain while all friendly support is absolutely taken away or vacant.
Maybe soon, if Harris is put into VP position, maybe there will be a positive change for people in my situation but until then, I urge people to not allow this group of Nazi fascists and their mafia murder organization to continue to inflict non-stop hate upon me or anyone else. I can state emphatically that the mafia is driving much and they are the backbone to the Nazis. This cartel has taken over far too much of America and for far too long. When these puppets refer to the Constitution and how they are following it and plan on only defining their decisions on that legal precedent, I already know that as much violation of the principles and laws will be bypassed for cronyism and a skewed bigoted undermining of law and any real principle of freedom and equality that could ever have been achieved they will undermine and death squads will roam without limit if this group continues to gain your silence or support. Most of you support this of course, you laugh at my posts and your obey and attack me most viciously and are so glad about this. I suggest that when you lose your mortgage, your cousin or friend dies from lack of health care, if your neighborhood becomes a flaming disaster, if your country goes into bankrupt state, if you are poisoned and drugged but don't know it---this could all happen because you are allowing hate groups which you belong to to flourish instead of following some constitutional guidelines. You want, as Barrett expressed, the quick and easy solution of relying on a court to back up your legislative wants. I'm sure as a slippery liar she will absolutely back up the most slippery and slick legislation to bypass any legislative debate whenever possible, for this agenda of mafia/Nazi takeover of the United States--which has already occurred they are just trying to close off the loopholes as quickly as possible to entrench more into the death genocide politico-media structure that already exists and has been in full operation for decades.
As for me, being a state-sponsored terror and torture rape and dismemberment and abuse target, I urge people to not allow more of these people to be promoted by attacking me. STOP THIS SITUATION AGAINST ME DO IT IMMEDIATELY.
Hackers rewrote some of my post above. They altered grammatical tense in the middle of sentences, and deleted parts of sentences. I always re-read my posts I wrote correctly whilst typing, but I re-read in the published mode (which you hackers are reading). The finished result of my writing, made dislocated in grammar and tense and meaning by hackers, I am not going to rewrite and spend more time fighting hackers. It is hard enough fighting to pound down on keys which don't print out letters much of the time, the space bar won't work or inserts spaces while I write words, etc etc etc non-stop. I know many of you truly enjoy watching this go on and on at me, for years and years I write and black nazis, jewish nazis, the obvious blonde nazis, the rest of the nazi and mafia teams are reading this LAUGHING thoroughly titillated that NO ONE helps me no one stops this only the US President, former President(s), Senators who claim they are "progressive", "progressive" media actors who make endless diatribes against the "conservatives" but are being paid BY THEM to present a false oppositional narrative. On and on they attack me to gain more promotions handed by the most fascist genocidal Americans who are lovingly friends with the most concealed of fascist Europ-a Nazis and mafia. I see this every day I have had to experience it every day. Every day I am ignored, silenced but attacked which means not ignored but my pleas for someone to intervene have been met with only silence. I try to obtain other targeted victim's contacts and all attempts are thwarted by this system which has also taken control over the internet, to such a full and alarming degree.
Thus I remain writing about this ad nauseum. Drugged up very badly, and now much rewritten to appear like ghetto slang untrained unlearned bad English--(written by some foreigner here in this building which is a collection of the minority brown-skinned minions doing filthy and disgusting acts towards me at behest of the white supremacists--being paid and supported by both the Demorepugnants and the Repugnacants of America. Which is represented by the false dialectic of H-wood and the mainstream population. As for the alternative subcultures, well, they appear to be as fallacious in this respect of state-sponsored terrorism and not speaking out against it in any form, or getting involved, or making it known, or helping the targets to obtain evidence.
I write and continue because the stress is simply too great. I remain paralyzed which means I cannot exercise to release stress. I remain alone and isolated which means I have nothing to assuage the stress of seeing my body completely scarred up, bloated so it's disgusting, fighting literally day after day to stop mechanical arms from destroying my body which is already very badly and permanently damaged. My life is spent doing this and fighting to not inhale stinking toxic sprays. Asking people for help for now years and I only have to dismally see how the "activist" H-wood celebrities are absolutely prostituted k-rap operators absolutely drooling over million dollar contracts and behaving like sick and disgusting torture chamber rapist genocidal haters. All of them use racist rhetoric aimed at me but endlessly scream about how they are fighting racism. I never ascribed myself as a victim of racism as they ALL do in their k-rap productions. It is amazingly sick and disgusting. Like the sprays they order on my clothing and body and inserted into my ears, my all all orifices of my body--raped and disfigured and still I can't wear my balding and damaged disgusting hair down--still asking people to stop torture and still waiting for years and years. Unable to go to any police, everyone I have ever known or been around has participated in one way or another, I have absolutely no one to turn to. I tried to get away from this pile of haters and tried to contact Prince in Minneapolis, and he was murdered two weeks later. I believe that this group, under the influence of this Miami Italian black-hearted sleazy bigoted creep who has been awarded venue after venue since obtaining this contract out on me in 2009 when I phoned him one single time asking for help--I believe he ordered the death of Prince, or this group did, only to obtain this contract out on me, to force an unwanted baby for some nefarious purpose when all I do is scream at each revolting rapist that they are disgusting and I tell them no for years. All fully funded and supported by The Clintons, by Trump, by the US Government, by mafia-dominated Pelosi--by the A-list celebs of H-wood. On and on, enforced by waves of "black and brown" ant-racist civilians who fully partake in these contracts and can be heard screaming against racism, just like the K-rap celebrities you all cheer on.
I remain literally fighting for my life once more asking this planet to stop this violence against me which has gone on unabated for years and years and years. Violating all law all human rights all crimes of torture have been inflicted upon me with full consent of the US leadership at all levels. I so hope there will be a change. If Barrett is endorsed this will be a huge step backward--a leap against humanity and the lynching bigots will have one more cemented hold upon the "right" to murder people they don't like without legal barrier or repercussion. I experience this right now every single day with YOUR CONSENT when you never do a single thing to stop this against me.