Thursday, October 15, 2020

Finding solace in the gentle fantasy of living within nature's laws. No concern for Nature's deadly jaws in this dream of real human bonding to nature. Mother nature is being raped and murdered by It's offspring, mainly the male-driven dominated unnatural bastards, who are relying on mind control technology and other technology to reestablish their hateful unnatural bastard control over the planet and it's resources. Rapists forcing domestic violence situations upon me because they can't get away with it in public against their nasty wives any longer, especially if they are "famous": sick and unnatural twisted porn life-f*cks of the planet. All funded by other violent rapist abuser men (of all races and creeds including the female enablers who partner with them) in order to form a more perfect union of unnatural conquest of the planet and it's prize using unnatural life-f*ck means. Unconcerned if their modus means to cheat life of it's bounty and mother nature replacing it with penis-driven male patriarchy (not to use feminist slogans but....). When #Me Too! Nazi feminists can finally actually not support rape culture when it comes to non-Nazi women, then they will also care about nature and Love. When men can do this, the world will rejuvenate and replace this hate and death penis-driven culture dominated by technology. Beware these males driving endless "Progress" who are murdering life and the soul of Nature and the Planet (which they may blow up with their penis-weapons).

 Wilderness survival appears to be so much gentler than the modern dystopian global meltdown of technocratic tyranny. 

Copied and pasted from my Facebook page, which I write on when I begin to assume I am only going to write posts that are entertaining but not specifically related to "mind control", programming or technology. However, it seems that all roads lead to this tyranny and thus, I am copying and pasting from Facebook once more.

What does the human condition mean when the technocratic safety net is not holding up a fraying net underneath the crumbling but slime-coated support base?

Interpersonal relationships when tested in the dearth vapors of a much heartier struggle for survival. Such a fantasy landscape of "real" relationships and lifestyle. However, when reading The Bible in the Old Testament, it appears that Sodom and Gomorrah perhaps had civilized technology perhaps it was a bubble in a time frame created by a superior technological alien race that wanted to experiment on the bipeds? Perhaps technology has always driven the fatalistic human race? Nature has been left as something to resort to when the fraying bonds of unnatural life become too much for so many lost souls searching for peace and rejuvenation.


*From my posts today:

"How to make a fire by rubbing sticks"--real man demonstrates basic ancient technique and gives advice on how to identify a real man...(him, of course he proposes)

All those cold-hearted technocratic and technology-based men with their porn movies and magazines and photo shoots and posturing "hot" sphincter muscle objects of perpetual fantasy and hate-driven violence bubbling under the cold surface.

Real man instruction on Not just how to build a fire, but extra-added advice on how to find a real hot, spicy male provider...

Tips for tricks on how to recognize the scent of flaming hot sticks


"How to husk a coconut using your teeth" --real natural man demonstrates real technique that the unreal men have also stolen from me (as they are destroying my teeth in addition to other necessary parts of my body using these mechanical arms, and their creep organization, every day with this unreal subhuman technology for weak, unnatural bastards so they can abuse women because they are weak and not real men connected to any nature whatsoever):

 I might require the protective services of this super scented real man male because the boys have cut part of my gums out through their creep organization---(Real men don't have to order things like this to prove they are "strong" men). This Samoan male also has a healthy sense of humor and in addition to being a strong specimen of malehood, is not a cheap hood using violence against women to prove he is a "strong" man. Disassociated from nature that our current "civilized" malnourished males are...

 ...with their unreal feminist womenfolk laughing when their husbands and fathers rape and torture and disfigure and dismember; in fact they order some of the more nasty disfigurations and are so excited about it. Everything is done for them, hope they get burned because they don't know how to build a fire and can't sustain a lasting flame unless they pour gasoline on a raging fire which burns all around it to a burn funeral pyre.

What a real woman wants, in touch with NATURE: "I fall in love before I fall into bed". Hey, do you hear that, do you get it jerk-off porno scum scrubs---?

Unnatural bastards. Sleazy subhumans using technology to de-evolve even lower to new low standards of humanity.


Real man making real cowboy coffee with his real wife who he claims is his real love constant companion making the video.

Real man and woman together in peace, harmony living in real nature and happy about it. Not all are thrilled with having to live it rough in nature. When given the choice between that and fighting it out in a concrete jungle, they find bliss in having to go outdoor to P***.

Part of this post was inspired by waking up from sickness due to detox, a nap most of the afternoon from near paralysis from ancient poisons eeeking out into my bloodstream every day. Although I have spent YEARS fighting to stop mechanical arms from breaking into my microstudio, today once more, no evidence of break-in except for STINKING FOUL SUBSTANCES sprayed into my glasses case, with the little cloth so rancid it made glasses stink. The other pair of reading glasses I just opened that were "new", two days ago, are already blurred due to substances sprayed on the cheap plastic glasses. I never needed reading glasses in the first place but when the technology was increased into my brain--i.e. false tinnitus, endless buzzing that accompanies "mind control" technology (websites confirm this)--within one month in 2011 the endless hissing in my inner ear began and my vision became so blurry I could not read any longer without the use of glasses. Never necessary the month before the increase in "mind control" attacks began, when I was in grad school just one month prior to this newer attack, I was reading every day for hours without need of glasses.

But to continue, waking up to my skin having been marred, the insertions under fingernails continuing my fingers are continuously bloodied and swollen and the fingernails are black with the nails not growing any longer--and my toenails have all been curled due to poisoning and breaking the toes and etc

my hands are gnarly from chemicals smeared on my skin and perpetual cleaning with all rubber gloves pierced so water and chemicals are always on my skin, as all I do most of the day is fight to either heal from poisoning or I clean non-stop all that the terrorist creeps spray into this room, via the mechanical arms, but a huge amount sprayed into literally every single thing every time I leave this room to buy food. I must seal off all fresh air at night to alleviate breathing in toxic chemicals because I have to hermetically seal the room and close the patio door because of mechanical arms coming from the outside--which reach in if I leave the patio door open during the day to spray rotten stinking fluids on clothing I have just washed, ripping threads, etc

Writing in exasperation because I must use technology to try to reach unreal people reading this, who steal my ideas obtained from REAL thought processes and REAL study and work and effort on my part. The hackers, as I see from re-reading this, have begun deleting and rewriting but I will not correct what has been made (in this case) slightly badly written. The hacking has prevented me from highlighting, I find myself clicking on one space with the cursor repeatedly as the function is blocked. Often like this until it turns my more placid thought-processes into a more enraged state, because this is then a "back door" portal into inserting the mind control de-evolution of my thoughts, emotions and all spiraling into a negative state, whereby the subliminal insertions of hate and nasty verbal outpouring are "forced" through the technological onslaught into my brain. This is how the brain is hijacked and how "mind control" operates. Thus I am continuously besieged by enraging situations plus my brain is under attack so it's really impossible to remain calm, as these attacks are usually in the form of near-death experiences while driving or finding poisons and stinking food poisoned or my home poisoned or my body mutilated--EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL and then I write and my ideas are then stolen by inhuman perverts who are famous for s**t.

the men and their "feminist" #me too! women using this technology to torture, maim and instruct their creep crews appear to have zero humanity and subhuman connection to the natural world and to other human beings. The rest is pretense and posturing on their part if out in public and not baring their rotten grimacing menacing malevolence cold-packed into their technologically-driven avenues for "success" while the planet they are "controlling" is dying from global warming. Even when they "protest" this they still represent and support the consumer society which is fully dependent on artificiality and lies and death culture to continue feeding the greed of these goons who rely on technology even when they are "protesting" in front of technolical tools like cameras their stance on protecting the "environment".

Unnatural bastards equals Motherless infantile life-f*cks usurping control over Nature and thus destroying life, love and the planet.


Let at least nature be restored and let people have natural human interactions. Let there be real competition instead of this contrived "winner and loser" dichotomy which is technologically-driven in our "age of Democracy" where there is supposed to be equality and the struggle for freedom. Let this technology be exposed, let there be a restoration of nature and the ability for people of superior quality to actually be able to compete without their brain's being melded into a stagnant drugged up technocratical tyrannical incompetency driving the death of the planet through their "winner" performances for technological brainwashing of the sheeple.


I am extremely under the influence of a most discombobulating mind control smothering of my brain. Ranting and going on a hate emotional level. Like being spun around while floating with no bottom on a turbulent crest of a filthy wave going nowhere and into no one's real cranium because it's just like another byte of information to feed off for unnatural people enjoying watching this unfold but never stopping this tirade against life that this technology and these creeple are bringing about onto the dying and being destroyed planet.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...