Saturday, October 24, 2020

Another example of the wealthy teleporting H-wood celebrities and their stupid, disgusting hacking, intrusion, threats, destruction of my property, my body mutilated every single day--of course all is done by their proxy terrorist "stalking" operatives/minions here with all their mobile phones and surveillance watching and directing it (along with a host of nasty crap people here in this building and in this area conduction these terrorist operations). Attacked for my THOUGHTS, which is something the black people have been using against me more than the whites. These are people endlessly claiming they are fighting racism and once more, they operate with openly racist bigots (but they themselves partner with them when it comes to using "Anti-Semitic" slurs against "me", which again exhibits their utter stupidity as I do not associate with that group or religion, but since they can only associate themselves as victims and conform to the cliches and stereotypes that they are endlessly fixated upon in their media presentations, they are keen on forcing these boxes and stereotypes on me.

 *Nota Bene: I just attempted to read this post, the hackers literally rewrote the post has been altered immeasurably. Words that had some kind of literacy were changed to basic and unrelated simple terms that were repeated. Like 3rd grade bad grammar,  is what they turned my more elaborate writing into. I spent so much time pounding down on the keys to get anything out, as the keyboard is made so stiff I must literally pound my fingers and hand down to the point that my bicepts need great exertion to get anything out. I also am under extreme "hate and rage" technological alteration. I also want to add right now that the increase in white Europ-a attack where I live is now at a high level as the border are open to tourism. I walk around corners out of the elevator, usually dragging a huge bag of food because I can't get out of this room due to their poisoning, and I must stay and heal for at least 4 days after going out and buying food or going anywhere. As I turn the corner people violently approach me with arms swinging and walking directly into me from around every corner. They orchestrate people walking directly into me from all angles (coming out of the stairwell while someone almost runs out of a room from the other side to attack me instantaneously from both sides of me as I walk. They also make sure that the microchip implant embedded in my ribcage emits a shock to my nervous system while they accomplish their surveillance task. The white Europi-apes are extremely violent and nasty in behavior, at all times, in all places. They are training Thais to become violent, sleazy and hateful manipulators. The blacks are already trained and programmed to do this upon each other, and upon other "minorities' and this variation of victim-turning-victimizer is not lost on the black celebrities viciously attacking me. However, in this building the attacks are increasing to the disugsing point, which is the hallmark of these nasty Europigpe terrorists whose relatives conducted concentration camp mass murder (participated or gleaned the Socialist and Communist benefits, the money from genocide fueling the systems for which they are now attacking me. Endless paid vacations, endless benefits of every kind. In Germany you can spend 6 weeks going to the spa for a "healing" "cure" paid fully by your firm or company where you are employed, subsidized by their facist, Nazi governments. Their behavior is sick, stupid, disgusting and dirty--just as they forced upon their victims and in banking austerity fiascos and bankrupt nations like Thailand and SE Asia where slavery is even being acknowledged by the protestors in the streets (of Bangkok, here in Phuket the stalking is at the increasing high peak it has been for years against me with Thais very eagerly participating in the most stupid and sick, disgusting, foul and sleazy hate and slow murder operations--acting for the actors.

Now, the rest of this post is a hacked mess--the above was written or pounded down at a 90% correct rate--I was fighting to type it out, didn't correct all that the hackers changed on the keys. I write this after YEARS MORE THAN TEN YEARS OF DAILY AND NIGHTLYH TORTURE AND MRUDER ATTMEPTS. I express a bit of rage that is very hard to control expedially when I remain with no support system. Again, as I urged at the end of this diatribe, do not allow this death system to continue in the United States any longer. Not only is it a huge disgrace to America and it's legacy of being a country representing freedom (turned into a fascist Nazi state and I swear the Europigapes and their Communist/Russian/Chinese and their colonies and affiliates are controlling these Americans who are being trained and promoted into this death squad hate system. One of the greatest incentives for them to bite on and get baited and hooked into this system is "fashion" but that means money.

 It is again a situation of me clicking on an MSNBC news archived video on YouTube, where in the middle of a supposedly "news" commentary, the anchor recited a few verses from one of these black rapper K-rap celebrities who has openly hissed anti-Semitic hate at me while a German who has physically assaulted, raped and threatened my life after I just tried to get him off me--alongside him, is this very famous black K-rapper with his wife, alongside him, stupid and dumb, sleazy and nasty and ignorant as Hell. The verse was inserted into a comment about the election and Race issues. A comment about how blacks had been counted as 3/5 of a man had been taken by this rapper into one of his songs, and then placed into this commentary for some idiotic reason on nightly news, NBC. How stupid do these shows have to get at the top levels of professionalism for me to finally get away from inserts by politicians and political anchors who will not prove daily that the media and the political base are inextricably intertwined in both promotion for the candidates and for the media entertainers, who are whorish abusive and violent money-grubbing scammers who have no political purpose except to be handed more lead roles, studios, money and power and they themselves are increasingly running for president and offices even on the local level it is a tragic situation with dire consequences and this mixture of politics and entertainers MUST BE STOPPED. 

In disgust I clicked off this news program and I decided I am unable to find a single news commentary where the hate K-rap actors and politicians do not include some aspect of a movie or a celebrity into their promotional political platform and I can almost get zero information on any media video or celluloid source without it being corrupted by images and information about how celebrities are involved in the political process. 

I thought to myself, after this dumbed down rapper, who is so famous for a few gang banger lines put to heavy bass pumped up jams, with lines about being a victim of racism so perpetual that it's an endless display from him and that is all he identifies himself as, except when he's around his wealthy Europi-a friends and bigot Nazi white partners in this attack  upon me, and then he's the most openly anti-Semitic idiotic blathering creep of them. I thought to myself that he's a male as he has the genetic code obviously but I JUST THOUGHT TO MYSELF THAT HE HAS 3/5 A MIND, and I laughed sort of slightly to myself. He is now threatening me for what I have THOUGHT TO MYSELF. i AM NOW THINKING AS HE TELEPORTS ME, SO I CAN'T SPEAK OPENLY I HAVE TO COMMUNICATE with this most stupid, unwanted personality whose music, videos, personality or his gyrating dumbed down wife (even if she performed with Prince in his most media sell-out performances) I never watched their videos I never liked them, I never wanted any contact I was never impressed. Once they began to attack me I see only stupid whores and idiots performing hate acts against me and being extolled by the media as representatives endlessly fighting with singing and dancing against racism. 

The terrorists where I live just sprayed brown substances on my own, light blue jacket which I really love. I had just cleaned it, and now it is soaking in bleach. The stains they sprayed from the mechanical arms that were inserted either from the rooms above/below or through the upper panels of the patio from above, inserted through their floor/my ceiling. I could detail how many layers I have put on the ceiling and on the front of the patio but all has already been cut through to expose huge holes. The stains are permanent, ugly brown and black stains flicked on the jacket even under the arm pits to look like I emit huge brown substances from my arm pits. 

But there is always more. The severing of my tissue between my toes and cutting into the bone between the broken toe, which is now making the other toes crooked and broken as well. (as I am now typing, hackers are inserting letters into my words while I type, which means that after I post this words will be deleted, or added, grammar will be as usual deleted to create strung-together huge paragraphs with meaning completely deleted and words atdded and rewritten etc etc etc)

But this is disgusting that I am under assault by greedy, rapacious K-rappers who are attacking me because of the endless promotions the Europigape Nazi fascist bigots are handing to these dirty and foul parasites to obtain more European and world tours, more headlining rap concerts promoting anti-racism (the lie that they represent as the counter-offensive to real action that others who are genuine, like me, are being blocked from exhibiting because these fake sleaze 3/5 of mind goons are being handed perpetual monopolies in their fields, and then promoted into political position as well. All absolutely 100% controlled idiots told what to say and think by their Europigape handlers who are fascist racist genocidal Nazis. My years of being teleported to them and their associates has shown me this day after day, year after year, celebrity after celebrity, politician after politician. The Europigapes want me physiclaly and psychologiccally damaged to the pont of insanity, and then tortured so much I write favorable comments about them finally after tghreat of homelessness, death, torture, being raped and drugged and poisoned day after day and violated, torturedk living around violent people attacking me on all sides.

Now the Europigapes are returning to PHuket as the borders open. The attacks from sick and nasty white pig apes became as has been the usual for all these years of me living here in Phuket--they follow me around, sticking their dirty and nasty behinds almost in front of me as they bend ostensibly to look for items on shelves, but stuck out in a very nasty an ddisgusting way. This is supposed to imply some insult at me, and never absolute proof of how disgusting, stupid, sleazy and what dirty and foul incompetent whores they all are. The K-rappers are emulating these and are becoming more and more violent, as I write about all of these pig apes, the whites and the blacks, but the blacks are now increasing their attacks as the positions to be put into media spotlight to host shows, panels and media crap about how they are fighting the racism due to the movements that sprang out of Minneapolis last May due to Floyd, the same energy which I exhibited and still do for years against their fake intrustion into my mind, body and energy so they can steal ideas while destroying me for having any oppositional thoughts or in writing anything contradicting how sick, stupid and rotten they are. They are not 3/5 of human when it comes to voting or being human beings, but they do have 3/5 of mind, as they are almost half controlled in every aspect by the racist thugs who they adore who use them as their media whores to do their fake opposition bidding. 

Assaulted again for just thinking this thought, threatened. attacked and my property damaged and I have no other jacket. I have almost nothing all I have done is replace items that are destroyed and every day this group damages and breaks something else or rips and makes shabby and ugly at least two items every day. Most of all that I have is ripped, stained and torn and often before I have worn or used it. 

I could not get through my thoughts above as the hackers are really blocking the keyboard. I write and keys are juxtaposed and letters mixed, added or deleted as I write. My thoughts stray and I am going into the lower depths of insulting instead of writing with any kind of calm intellectual style. I also cannot think clearly and I write in hate and anger. 

I am still waiting for the election to see if anything is ever going to stop this herd of animals from ever attacking me--meaning the whites and the blacks not just the blacks. But the blacks are more oppressive towards me than the whites, as being oppressed is a fixation that they remain glued to in their inner subconscious which expresses itself as a reverse violence whenever they can inflict this affliction of racist oppression upon someone else. How sick and psychopathic they are.  Again, people like Malcom X, or Shirley Chisolm, these are people whose lectures and ideas I can only learn from and gravitate towards as I cherish their opinions, their wisdom and their struggle, which is not unique only to blacks or anyone else. These media parasites I have never, not once, ever been able to listen to their K-rap for more than a few minutes and quickly dismissing it as fake K-rap even if I could not openly acknowldege this to myself I just changed the channel, so to speak, extremely fast as they are repulsive to me and now much more so, to the point of such violence they support used against me that their every fake utterance forced in videos I search for political content make me disgusted at these major news sources. I was searching for something outside of the "alternative" news sources, where so many have also attacked me. Alas the entire system is basically the same run by various agencies covering all bases and there is almost no variation in propaganda style and collaboration with celebrity culture in order to endorse political farces that are positioned as SERIOUS cultural political platforms.


But to be attacked for thinking about someone who has assaulted me and being further attacked by this rotten creep with his nasty wife because I am thinking that they are crap but not openly writing about them or it. I still am not naming them by name, but it's disgusting and the other black personality who I wrote of a few days ago has also attacked me for my thoughts which their technology has been hacking for years so they can also obtain other ideas from hacking into my unspoken thoughts (cochlear hacking of unarticulated vocal chord movements which their sensitive and sophisticated technology picks up and translates or directly conveys to their greedy usurpation posts of surveillance and hacking and terrorist operations.

This is what you people reading this can expect to perhaps happen to you too, or is already happening. Besides being able to insert subliminal content and coerce you into behavior modification so you are duped, they are stoked and steal and rob all they can from you and then perhaps will eliminate you afterwards (meaning kill you). They can also torture you for your thoughts. /These idiots are being programmed into maiming, raping and murdering people who THINK PRIVATELY TO THEMSELVES ANY ADVERSE THOUGHT ABOUT THE INCOMPETENCE AND UGLINESS OF THESE PERSONALITIES.

I keep urging you do-nothing people to actually start THINKING WITH 5/5 OF YOUR MIND about these creeple and their misuse of technology and the political powers that are propelling this worthless group into mainsteam major top executive and technocratic positions of power.


Yesterday, as I was shopping, a white male out of Europigapeland followed me around the store, he was wearing the same color shirt that I was wearing. He stuck his dirty foul porno sleaze rapist behind at me as I passed him, as Thai people around me began doing the same thing. I was listening to music and unconcerned but I had to get around them as they blocked the aisles so I had to notice somewhat as I passed these filthy creeps. He followed me everywhere, blocking my path with his cart and making obscene gestures. I went to one of the very secluded check-out lanes. He followed me there. As I was putting the paid-for groceries into my cart, he began gesticulating over my food nearly sweeping his arm into my face. It was very nasty and violent energy and that is the standard energy and behavior of these masses (millions) of the Europigapes who Americans are welcoming into their  homes and following on social media in these Nazi militia and subculture groups (now not subculture as they are openly Nazi, and you can thank all these Whorewood H-wood whores for this happening as they helped to bring this very situation into power and they continue to help provide tne fake opposition which is still Nazi propaganda used to coerce people into following white culture but at a more subliminal psycholotical reaction.

I have been living around this fake opposition most of my life so I do know that it is not a singular event or even limited in any respect to these creeps who are attacking me in tandem with their Europigape friends and partners who pay them to lead the alternative farce of mind programming into Nazi culture. America has now embraced this culture. I am unable to find a single human being on the planet who will not participate in this Nazi and viciously racist attack upon me. I had assumed, however, that some of these media agents would at least seminally not participate but they are fully "gung ho" about attacking me even moreso then the whites, more exaggerated in their hate and open racism and more threatening and with more violent gestures at me.


Disgusting. The Europigapes are now swarming into Phuket and the hate, aggression and their ugliness and stupidity is now an overwhelming force aimed at me, and even more at this condo where the attacks are increasing so that my clothing is being damaged after I clean it. Of course, I did not write anything yesterday so they had to threaten me with violence after forcing their images or personalities at me when I am attempting to get real news from seemingly credible news sources like MSNBC and that has proven yet another mind operation that these broadcast operations coordinate with the H-wood celebrity terrorist genocidal Nazi/fascist/Communist squad (meaning the Totalitarian genocidal brand of "Communism" that was stolen from the "real" Communists who wanted equality and the workers and the poorer to have a say. These are absolutely autocratic despotic fascists especially the blacks who come from lower class status now paid in billions to crank out ths K-rap about how they are endlessly representing the racist cause. Now they are representing the energy that came out of Minneapolis, the protets movement, as I wrote above but it bears repeating, that I have stuck to this concept that you don't sell out that you are legitimate in your fight against oppression. I have screamed, fought, been tortured endlessly while telpeorted and from the terrorist organizations for fighting against their racism and hate (all of them, of all races and colors) but...I remain with them torturing me now for me to write more so they can steal more ideas, while they threaten me for myh thoughts. Another Punk rotten parasite also had my toe re-broken after he teleported me, asking for health tips as I have had to fight to heal my body without any medical treatment, all denied all doctors injecting me with more hardening chemicals. All the years of me fighting alone to heal from poisoning thar probably no one ever in history has ever survived except for me alone--considering the decades I was poisoned, I mean surviving the decades of hardening poisoning. After this white male Rotten "punker" who endlessly spats out his pro-"the people" stance and is "fighting" against the "rich" and defending the "poor" obtained my ideas under duress, hypnosis, and drugging/poisoning while I was sleeping, under hypnosis, etc etc because I thought, I ONLY THOUGHT TO MYSELF of a short story I wanted to write about how he compares to the Neo-Nazi who was simultaneously attacking me in some way--(the attacks are so concentric that it's very hard ot disentanble them all). Essentilaly I connected this "left" punk fake to the "Right" real Nazi and I was threatened for just THINKING about this connection. My toe was broken, and since then they are cutting into the bone and cutting the toe slowly off. I put tape around my feet but the mechanical arms are getting through every single defense I put up.

I also thus, remain drugged up so theyh can extract a reaction, then further attack me for reacting in any negative sense from rape, torture, disfigurement, dismemberment, theft of my ideas which I am blocked--by them--from writing or  earning any money or having a career form as they profit and steal as much as possible, in a long 10 years of a never-ending succession of these "famous" meaningless celebrities who can't think beyond their cliches and stereotypes. 

The more they are openly "fighting" racism the more they yearn to pour some form or variant of racism upon someone else who is not conforming to the roles that the bigots demand of them to play.

Of course, this very concept is going to be stolen by one of these perverted creeps and then they will further destory my property, with now a growing army of extremely violent and disgusting Nazi Europigapes coming to plague thailand with their porn, sleazy exploitation of the Thais and the endless waves of all of them combined in attacking me. The Europigapes directing the minorities to perform violent and sleazy and disgusting acts upon me, as the "brown" people perform these roles according to the levels that they themselves feel oppressed by subliminate it into attacking me.

I can't retype any longer. For some words I have to backspace and deleted and retype four times just to successfully type one single word out that isn't reworded by hackers.

I hope if Biden wins that something will finally stop this repulsive group. I keep being surrounded by babies as this is the next step of their exploitation of me. By now I wish them death and find each and every one of them an incompetent piece of crap and shit and hope they are destroyed and stopped permanently from being media representatives and from every attacking me again. I so hope tha America will be at the frontline of stopping this Nazi death squad system which orginated, according to sources, from the USSR's KGB and is now fully integrated into American society.

Once again, I have to include how badly hackers have rewritten, deleted and altered this post. The White Europigapes are pouring in so English-speaking thugs are rewriting my post to absolutely discredit my writing. The keyboard is impossible to type on without having to backspace and rewrite for almost every word. This post was almost completely altered by hackers. This is all I can do is attempt to explain this. They rewrite after I publish the post. If I try to correct they just do the same hacker inserts after I publish an edited post. I can spend hours trying to correct one page of writing that hackers are altering and I can't do that, I have spent at least 80 times longer fighting to pound out th eletters and backspacing than it would have taken if this keyboard was not blocked. The rewriting is excessive in this post. There is a new hacker involved as lately the tourists are coming in  waves to get free rent at this empty torture camp condominium. They get free rent for their vacations and now there are a group of them that were not here last week. The hacking is commensurate with the English-speaking contingent. The words and post above were so badly skewed it's very discrediting and I can't do more. The terrorists teleporting me, after threatening me, after also having my teeth on my lower jaw slowly cut out, as biting is now dangerous. They have severed out most of the gum tissue, the gums have been cut to the roots and every night they break in and cut into this area; it's been going on like this for over 1 1/2 years every single night. I am now sleeping with packaging tape over my mouth. The terrorists use the microchip inserts to force a nasal/mouth saliva increase, so they can lift up the tape and insert the mechanical metal arms into my lower jaw and continue cutting tissue away. They also use subliminal messages and hypnosis to get me to remove the tape while I am in a nascent very drugged nearly comatose sleeping state. I have tried to program myself to not take this tape off until I physically get up and am fully awake. They are first causing so much saliva to pour out of my mouth (I slept with no excess of watery saliva for the first four days of using this protection for my jaw, and my teeth began to firm up and the gums began to heal). This group uses endless brain-storming activities to create a network of every conceivable type of attack, using this technology. They create this mess underneath the tape now of saliva, then I rip it off trying to tell myself not to fall asleep. They use the microchip to force unconsciousness on me and then cut away at the gums once again. I am now fighting this attack on a very subliminal level and I am losing this battle as I am losing my teeth. All of this is because I am fighting for human rights, to not be a "slave" tortured and used, abused, and discarded by rotten creeps and their wives and female partners who are absolutely THRILLED i can't overemphasize how happy the women are that their men are doing this to me and how puffed up they become from it. But, I am fighting this now and I can't fight with so much drugging and sickness from detox and recurrent poisoning. I so ask this readership to please at least get me into a place where I can not be ripped apart every night by mechanical arms. They attack me for fighting for human rights (I got into a very long digression because of this attack on my brain--I am meandering can't focus, I am dizzy feel nauseous, the brain attack is very severe right now, my vision is blurry, it's like I'm in a fog--the brain attack is that bad. I can't write, and they hack and destroy what I am barely able to pound out on this dysfunctional keyboard they are hacking.

I am being dismembered for asking for Justice, that they be stopped, for defending myself. the reason I have been first attacked was because I won in competitions and didn't play the role of submissive rape victim who said it was all okay as they stole, raped, and then cut parts of my body, broke bones or said NO to being sexually abused and used as they treated me with contempt and then demanded sexual gratification. That is how disgusting they are, theAmericans and the Europigapes are much more violent about this situation. As they are welcomed with red carpet treatment into America for bringing that system into the country, for training the now open Nazis of America in death squad activities. 

I wonder what it will take for anyone to ever stop defending and promoting these parasites and ever protecting me against this. Politicians, actors, police, law enforcement agencies, people of every walk without exception, all are participating in this attack upon me. I hear in these news clips the seeming astonishment of the news anchors in the open Nazi racism which they are openly calling fascism in the current polemic but it really isn't a polemic at all.  That they are feigning surprise at this is also almost comical as I know that most of them would or have participated in these types of fascist stalking/terrorist activities or belong to groups which endorse or sponsor or perform such activities. As the thread of connection is universal between these groups and all businesses and properties and all are involved.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...