Thursday, October 1, 2020

First, a modern comparison between Roman Emperor Tiberius Claudius and our current would-be leader and his opponent, which generated this attack upon me by scumlord or maybe it was also partially due to the orders or protectors in this teleportation intellectual property theft attack upon me by white fascist male with his sexually abusive "brown" Turkish media partner "Progressive" who are also attacking me along with T-rump. Promoted of course and unfortunately for anyone in America or the world wanting real change, not fake change. Next morning after the "landlord" terrorist attack, re-reading my "traumatized" enraged reaction written afterwards yesterday, and seeing many words omitted from the post yesterday to obscure meaning used as a discrediting tactic.

THIS IS VERY RELEVANT TO OUR MODERN SITUATION AND RELEVANT IN HISTORICAL CORRELATION. The seemingly corresponding traits of Caligula and Claudius are amazingly similar to the dueling Americans whose debate was of a more "civilized  tone. The covert torture system the incumbent and his Democrat successors have used against me for  their ugly purposes--I can only hope in a dim sort of nebulous waiting phase to see if the "new" leaders will emerge as anything finally outstanding against this ancient ROMAN example of fascist leadership disguised as "Republic" and now mob-controlled but fascist mind programmed by media mob rule thugs voting in every celebrity into office they possible can. 


The hackers also rewrite my sentences as I write them. I also notice that my brain operates, under this "remote" brain-altering tech influence, in a sort of partial coherent state in terms of writing using correct sentence structure, like my brain can't think in terms of grammatical cohesion. Parts of sentence structure are likewise being "blocked" or "deleted" from my brain. I don't know exactly whether the tech is AI programmed or whether an individual is "hacking" into my inaudible thought processes and inserting and deleting structure while I am constructing, within the silent thought-process before typing. I would suspect that this attack is nano-computer/brain interface-driven. I cannot begin to emphasize how disconcerting this all is, and how badly it affects ability to type or write, plus the keyboard endlessly blocked so typing is more like an impossible fight than some ability to manually get anything out. Because my every electronic system is hacked and blocked, if I were to try to use some "Cortana" verbal-based system, that too would be hacked with almost the same result of misspelled and wrongly written sentences. It takes me so long to type even a paragraph out (while I really type at more than 75 words per minute and think extremely quickly and well, which has been made impossible all these many years that utterly blank and hate-filled idiot mediocre crap actors are being paid to monitor and steal my ideas, and I suspect they are too stupid and blank to do even that but the "art" dealer apes who created this system to steal ideas and concepts are doing it for them. As their companion parallel universe partnership with politics and brainwashing:  and now while I watch the political debate tirades between the candidates, along with the Progressives who plaster my YouTube channel with their enticing captions (which do not reflect on the material that they hack and paste onto my YouTube page, even the captions are often lies but because this group knows so much about me, they know what will draw me in and click on their absolutely misleading content (demonstrating their advertising mentality as well). They are absolute minions of the ultra-fascist "Right" posing as "liberals" and "Progressives" and while they are not handed the keys to the inner multi-million dollar cornucopia for mediocrity that the other hatemongering bigot rapists in H-wood partake in, they are waiting in the wings and attacking me using the exact same protocols as their "Nazi" counterparts. They are paid and allowed to make YouTube videos but want their own tv shows, or have a tv show as an aftermath of the Clinton-Obama era facade of alternative talk show and interview and politico-humor presentations (i.e. Bill Blather, who also stole at least one idea from my Facebook posts and put the exact words I  wrote on a "joke" tirade against his (covert) employer, T-rump, when I wrote about the tower being a black penis symbol and made jokes about this and his daughter on my Facebook page, all were exactly copied by Bill blathering to the audience which "roared with laughter" but after stealing ideas from me,  he kept reading my desperate, begging for help posts and watching me fight for my life against rape and attempted murder and non-stop torture while he kept on laughing and stealing my ideas and going off being celebrated for his funny clips and lines and of course being continuously touted as "liberal". Now the fakes are "Progressive" and "liberal" has lost any meaning in this openly fascist era where the same old same old old old are still controlling the Democratic Party, same old rotten crooked liars who were in charge of foreign policy while I was being tortured are now still vying for control over the Democratic Party while "Sleepy Joe" is supposedly nearly toppling over in a sleepy drowsy state--as they exploit and perhaps they also have microchipped him, are drugging him, and using him as their front-puppet for the continuation of their nefarious hate organizations posing as "liberal" with "Progressives" waiting in the wings to become the next fasco-"liberal" pundits on the media circuit circus clown parade. Paid in millions and billions of dollars for doing so by these Parties. All tending towards absolute fascist Totalitarianism and all leaning year-after-year in that death and destruction of "Democracy" and "America" which many Americans fully endorse. Of course I refer to rotten, corrupt Clinton(s) both of them, and also to Obama and his wife, and then the "Republicans" who are their controllers and "friends" in H-wood and in Washington, D.C. I am only privy to the teleportation experience which is  a nebulous perspective into their inner circles. I cannot "see" while in this state (probably that has been induced by their technology so my vision is so blurred I cannot see the huge groups of the real "power" behind the pig apes attacking me, so I cannot identify who these individuals are, how many of them there are, what technology they are using while I am being "experimentally" raped, attacked and tortured. I only see the representatives that have become "household" celebrity and politico-celebrity icons (of a false reality tv show circuit). The politicians absolutely rely on media endorsement and celebrity participation in both advocating and for  opposing them; but ALL is controlled and carefully crafted to appear as a viable debate oppositional system that is a "healthy" form of "Democracy"--which now is clearly "mob rule" of the gun-toting criminals calling themselves "militia" who are ready and waiting to go out and shoot and kill and run protestors over with cars and also pose as "Anti-fa" so they can bring to fruition countermeasures of drastic militarized response which will become "the new normal" in the streets where the more highly-funded police state will continue to kill people, not just black any longer, in the streets.


I was going to write about this greasebag landlord situation yesterday: I was absolutely blasted with mind control tech while he was yelling, repeating the same stupid lies. I could not begin to say the defensive words or use any tactic to defend myself I thought of which were immediately blanked out. . For all these nearly three  years I have been forced to fight for my life here in this slum-lord made filthy condominium--where 90% of all the apartments are vacant, the entire hillside where this condo lies has four other huge, completely emptied-out buildings (the terrorist teams make sure to leave clothing hanging off racks on the patios as if people live there. Windows are broken and remain broken for the years I have lived here). Surrounded completely on all sides, top and bottom by creeple terrorists attacking me in every possible way, murdering me very slowly to appear as some "natural" disease-ridden situation with fungus and mold and toxins also put into my food (they open my refrigerator while I am sleeping and replace my food with tainted, spoiled and poisoned food). I have tried to not open my front door when he knocks and demands I open. He begins to break down the door and tells me that he will break the door down if I do open immediately. He threatens to call the police (for their lying accusations that I am creating mud and water to pour down on the clothing hanging to dry on the patio below mine. Every day I water the plants which hang off the railing of  the bottom of the balcony and the only dirt that appears is after I walk away and return and the pig apes from the room above use mechanical arms to dump mud and dirt, leaves and debris and clutter on my patio after I have just watered and cleaned it. Every morning there is new clutter and dirt on my patio which I have to clean. Yesterday I tried to write that I spend HOURS, literally almost all my very weak energy in fighting to not inhale fungus and mold because I must seal the one open door shut and lock it with two interior lock systems tied around the handles of the sliding door, plus balance something with a tiny bead on top just to ascertain whether the terrorists have broken into my room through that one, huge encroachment portal. But, that is just the background of this terrorist activity which this filthy creep has attacked me for years and threats of calling the police, eviction and etc while there is absolutely no problem in actuality and I have ZERO SUPPORT NO SUPPORT no defense. I have no LEGAL DEFENSE whatsoever. The terrorists have defunded ME and left me in a very fragile state economically and also legally here in Thailand. However, in America the situation is almost no better, when I deal with the endless circle of terrorist landlords who all operate within this terror "Illuminati" "Freemason" bigot Nazi fascist society that has taken over, literally, real estate, the ENTIRE MEDIA (including THE INTERNET entertainment and especially in POLITICAL CONTENT). As my blog, my posts and all I do are blocked from universal viewing--my blog has generated ZERO "donations" and no commentary and yet I am immediately teleported or tortured for writing anything negative about these scumbag leaders, politicians, and their rotten celebrity assinine entertrainers of programming and mind control mental filth and stupidity. 

---this is an editing insert. As I read my post from yesterday, I noticed that the hackers had deleted part of a sentence referring to a letter. The sentences had been rewritten and partially deleted by hacker terrorists. I had tried to write that the scumlord knocked on my door stating that he had a letter for me I have written to him through the Thai post, officially requesting that he send me a letter notifying me that he will come to my studio with some 24 hours advance. He came to my door while I was naked, with stuff in my hair about to take a shower at nighttime to attack me. As I wrote below, if I tell him to go away he begins to pound on the door and he tries to open the locks and if I don't let him in after that point he begins to kick the door down and then threatens me with eviction. Yelling of course the entire time. All of these behaviors have been previously trained into him, all is recorded and used as an entertainment spectacle by the filth creeps who are creating these slow murder situation and theft of my ideas and all the rest I have not stopped writing about for over 8 or 10 years on Facebook and now on this blocked and hacked blog so no one ever comments or responds to what I write but I am certainly attacked by the scum who are monitoring my every thought to try to force "silent" approval of them raping, stealing my ideas and then stealing all financial opportunity to defend myself in any way. Always, year after year sposored by Clinton and Trump and their allies, Europigape fascist Nazis and the rest of their international crowd funding partners. But,..going off into tangents once more. He appeared at the door with a letter filled with insults and hate and lies, which I did not read but they use my lawful request to send a letter of notice of landlord inspection or commentary by using this as a form of insult and attack. All of this was partially deleted yesterday. Today, under influence and probably the food I just imbibed was drugged so I am going off into tangents while writing this. All the tangents are then used by unscrupulous scumbags to use for their ranting video, tv show, and movie presentations while they continue to sneer at me in hate. All are completely programmed to "hate" me and with all the programming, they hold onto this concept of hate towards me, as if I really am one of their greatest enemies.

--------------- It has taken me over one hour to pound down every single letter on this keyboard. When I first got on this morning the keys were very easy to press. Now every single letter is a fight and exertion with all hand strength to get out.

While this landlord scumlord was attacking me, I began to feel that usual "floating" sensation of my brain being partially blocked by the tech--as I internally began to formulate words to defend myself, immediately the thoughts vanished and what came out were words that are not mine, but instead what came out were words of laughter, happy and silly and joking.  I made a joke and this nasty man attacking me laughed, but it was an ugly hissing hate-driven laugh. If my brain weren't blanked out by the tech, I would have told him to leave immediately after the 30 minutes of him yelling and berating my watering of plants equating to being a very "bad" person, very rude towards neighbors, making problems, (I should be writing these sentences in quotes as these are direct quotes). I stopped really listening, like some adolescent stuck in a very abusive domestic terrorist home, or what they artificially create is a domestic violence situation. I can't describe how eagerly the women and men who rent out these homes participate in creating this atmosphere and the black smiling looks (no offense using the term "black" but their pupils enlarge and their eyes turn "black" so please do not consider this a subconscious racist analogy meaning black is "bad" and "evil"). 

While in this drug-tech interface twisted state of laughing while the landlord is threatening me, yelling loudly so the pig ape Europigapes and their ilk (the "American" associates who revere these Europigapes and want to create the fascist, Nazi system where people "like me" can never disprove the LIE that bigot Nazi creeple are "superior"--but, fighting to get this out---typing and pounding down fighting to type and my brain is going off into various tangents---

In the past, as this pig ape creep scumlord lied  and kept yelling outside so the Europigapes could record this barrage of hate, yelling fascist Nazi oppression for  cameras, making videos of it to send to the rapist stupid pigs you reading this keep adulating and putting into power--who smirk and gloat because in my private blog that they are blocking, having their stupid white male and their adjoining filthy vile pig ape black minions steal, non-stop for over a decade now, non-stop theft of ideas I can barely pound out on blocked, hacked  keyboards, stolen and then repeated and hacked into my every media search or anything I do they insert their stolen concepts back prominently at me

yelling at me, under orders, this stinking and filthy scumlord terrorist organization "landlord" has, when I begin to tell him he is lying, he begins to pick up objects and throw them, breaking them, on the floor. He begins threatening me physically by moving closer to me glaring with violent threat as he is breaking objects in my home.

Right now, as I type, because I clicked on the underline function, after unclicking it I have had to click on it 8 times to get this function to be stopped. The hacking of course is making all attempts to get anything done impossible. Yesterday as I was downloading drivers, to try to self-correct this attack on the cooling system on my laptop, which began as response, I believe, to a post I wrote with videos on Facebook during the debacular debates (intentional misspelling of debacle, I like to create my own words sometimes in this very rare instance debacular is my own word). I am pasting the video here with the explanation I wrote on Facebook, which immediately afterwards (meaning not much later in the day) this attack on my laptop commenced. I also was writing about the next generation of fake "alternative" fascist "Progressives" who, unlike Bill Maher during the "cool and hip" Obama admin, is now like a mini-puppet "conservative"-groomed white male, with the same slicked-back hairstyle as the Trump boys and their ilk wear, appearing like an "alternative" to the fascist originators and center of his focus in these YouTube tirades against T-rump. He had stolen vocabulary that I had just written (and of course, claiming that some creep on a political YouTube channel who is blathery enough to vent and spout political commentary filled with insults and hate aimed at his much-sought after leadership role as the fake opposition, by participating in this crime against me, as "they" all have done all these years (the gamut of these celebrities and now politicians)--and writing this is supposed to make me sound "delusional". Included in the white pig male's attack upon me was the "Turkish" variety of "American" who, like the black "intellectual" Ivy-league trained talking puppet Progressive attacked me sexually when I was teleported to his delighted face huge glowing smiles as he was creepily disgusting in front of me--put afterwards and beforehand as well, as lead commentator in many televised discussions, "representing" the inarticulate black masses and the "Progressives" who are screaming for "change" and these creeple have been cherry-picked to lead the fake "revolution" which is DOOMED DOOMED TO FAIL and turn into another bloodbath fascist society with slavery, surveillance, and ..oh, that is the "society" as it exists but undocumented, only a few "whistleblowers" like Snowden who cozily reposed in RUSSIA (???: WTF?) to get protected by one of the worst surveillance and Totalitarian Oligarch societies on the planet as protection against the "Democracy" of the US? WTF, indeed.  Only a handful of white males are "allowed" to expose terror and surveillance operations, the rest, like me, are silenced by the Clinton terrorist apparatus and their successor Obama team and their collective predecessors who installed such a system in the first place, who hold grasping onto power from behind all the veils of silent structure to control and continue their nefarious plans of dismantling the "Democracy" that probably has never existed for non-white male operated peoples who are screaming for salvation and these whore fakes are on the media to assuage their fears and allay their activities into safe and humorous confined ineptitude helplessness.



I got really lost in tangents, confounded by the tech aimed into my brain as it always is while I write: this surge of attack by the scumlord came "because" I responded to the next white fascist "Progressive" attacking me, who is most anxious to get up in the fascist system ladder in the media circus. But probably it has more to do with Tyrannasaurus-rump whose debacular debate fiasco spectacular tirade prompted me to think of a very most excellent English production (made IN THE 70'S OR 80'S), very excellent series called:


The Julio-Claudian line of Emperors (aka caesars) and their soap opera drama succession of internal murders, intrigues reads much more thrillingly than our Americanized version. However, the comparison of the very deadly Caligula and his uncle Claudius, the Roman Senate's assassination and overtake intrigues, and if only there had been an H-wood scene back then, the movies made about the murders of Emperor family members by wives, mothers and their Pretorian Guards would have created movie plots for decades. Just like the Nazis now, the memory of fascist is alive and well and thriving due to the H-wood endless movie cycles about defeating Nazis, while Nazism grows every year like an exponential movement, like an inverse relationship that was completely programmed to create this very reverse psychology response from the public.


However, this English adaptation to the novel by the same name has enough intelligence and wisdom to not, in my opinion, covertly advocate for murderous fascist regimes in the Roman 1st Century style. 


This is what I posted on Facebook during the debates between the competing sides of the unified one-party system becoming a Totalitarian fascist surveillance genocidal hate state:

based on the I Claudius clip I will paste here along with my former commentary, which I believe has generated this new vicious attack by the scumlord, under orders of course, and told exactly what to say, probably while he was attacking me, while my brain was blanked and I could  not utter words, could not think, as I appeared happy, giddy, making jokes, not kicking him out asap, but talking, not able to formulate the interior actions necessary to not smile or laugh or keep discussing my private matters with him--ie. my laptop which is now scratched up the screen has huge scratch marks, he personally advises his team on destroying all of my property. It's all so disgusting and this, THIS is what these people both on the "left" and the "right" fully advocate, defend, think is wonderful, and of course one "society" is completely nullified of all real opposition, they plan, as they are doing now, to FULLY MONOPOLIZE all media content and not just censor. The opponents will be slowly killed in their own homes by landlords as this system, which remains a top-secret organized death squad created by the governments of the planet to protect the interests of their wealthy patrons, who used to be called Patricians in the old Roman dynasties. Of course, writing about things like Patricians and the old Roman Senate/versus Emperor stand-offs is going to be stolen, perhaps verbatim, and used by fascist neo-Nazi white males with their sexually abusive  (towards me in teleportation) "brown" and "black" minority minions established and even welcomed with large smiles by the ultra conservatives on Fox News, who are participating as the "representatives" in the media for these "melanonin" peoples:


This is what I wrote on FB

As for a "stuttering fool", I love this example of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who survived the assassination of his infamously corrupt orgy murdering relative CALIGULA.

Stuttering but when he ascended the throne, he carried the Republic to an excellent, sane working government and society. He redressed the political and socioeconomic wrongs that his playboy, verbally glib predecessors had created.

If a person "stutters" they are not incapable. History has proven this:

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...