Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump has made history and deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. With all the ire directed at Trump, in this situation what has happened is amazing and almost unbelievable that peace has been created through making a great deal art. The artful dodger strikes a home run in the Middle East. *The next day, upon re-reading this title: I was under hypnosis and essentially threat of death when writing on this blog and in this room. I remain sitting her day after day in semi-paralysis in extreme pain, extremely drugged. I can't write any political commentary unless it is an absolute lie about these people, and that is anathema to me. I was at first impressed but because for all these years I can only write critical comments about these people, I wrote this perhaps with the subconscious need to have the near-death torture that has not stopped for YEARS IN SOME way to be abated. Of course it hasn't been since I wrote that complimentary piece. I still cannot write what I really think of this peace process. I do know that after getting off the computer I "remembered" the term "Brokered peace deal" but that term was blocked completely from my consciousness while I was writing. The suppression of my real thoughts is both under threat of torture and murder, and writing also is under a blanket of technological suppression and oppression. What seems like a milestone may be just another let's make a deal which will lend power to the most corrupt factions in that region. Peace coming from a Mafia Nazi cartel control over the region, just like has already happened in the US but unbeknownst or acknowledged as such by media and the "masses". My next post goes into more detail about the current terrorist action involving the media and these Nazi/mafia programmed and propelled media personalities attacking me. All extremely corrupt, all incompetent for the levels they have been put artificially into without real competition and an absolute monopoly to these avenues of power. I can imagine what corrupt people have been put in charge of this peace process. I wrote this now, because the attacks never cease upon me and only continue even when I write the brainwashed dumbed down response congratulating these terrorist "top leaders" and performers which gets me nothing but more terrorist actions by them. They are only promoted for attacking me and using any justification and usually and always THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION they create antagonistic situations to the point that they are literally murdering me to obtain a reaction out of me. So I didn't write my real feelings or thoughts on this peace brokered deal, and I can't because they are mutilating my body every day. The next post which I will begin to write now, will explain more of this egregious injustice endlessly aimed at me by people I want absolutely nothing to do with, but they force themselves upon me daily.


He has done what no one has done in my lifetime. I don't know the details but it appears to be a highly significant landmark in history. The question Trump made in his style, "Would Sleepy Joe have been able to make such a deal?". Or anyone else from the list of leaders for all these years of multi-party involvement in creating this endless warring situation.

For all the complaints made about Trump, this is something people should be celebrating (many people, as mentioned in the video, "Not Hamas, Not Hezbollah" but many other people are relieved and exuberant. 

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