Saturday, October 10, 2020

The rest of the posts from yesterday (I just had to rewrite the last two words, as hackers deleted them and caused the entire structure to be incoherent--thus this post is going to be hacked and rewritten but I can't continue to endlessly backspace and rewrite as I have been doing for a few hours now just to get a few paragraphs out to people who are blocking my earning capability from what I write and then stealing the ideas as their own to profit off)--but to continue: ranting posts straying and meandering and contorted mind control twisted thwarted--


The tiny, Medieval church across the street from this middle town square area (above) has a relief over the front door of the church with the zodiac circle. Ancient symbols not entirely derived from "Christianity". I did a quick search for the Church, and I believe this is the one I refer to. The front door is not photographed but this must be the one. It has been many years (decades) since I was last in Dagersheim and I only saw the Church from a Street view perspective. As there are few churches and older ones like this pictured, it must be the one. I wanted to get a photo of the zodiac inscribed above the Church door (thus along with the Serpent Symbol, depicts a more "Satanic" overtone to the religion (Evangelical) than the overt ubiquitous Christian symbols used elsewhere on other Churches, also in Stuttgart none of this is visible. SO MUCH can be revealed in tiny towns where mainstream view is not so evident. So much of the true intention of the population is concealed by small-town silent complacent ordnung in Germany. Please note how the Germans ascribed the 3rd Reich to occult practice and ancient orders of societies such as those which honored the Serpent. Of course this view of the ancient church and it's symbolic reference to astrological and secret society "occult" origin would not be so prominently placed on a main search engine for the world to see.

*post script* that which I include now about the church and these symbols has been written today, and not yesterday. I am under extreme mind control attack, so the people who are literally ripping my body slowly apart, putting scores of scars on my body, making my body huge with stinking, disgusting bloating poisons which harden into my spine, are stealing my ideas--over 10 years of this going on and on endlessly as the world literally watches and will not help me or stop this. 

The goddamn church of Dagersheim, for you Goddamned readers to continue to mull over, ascertain what ideas of mine to steal and borrow from, how to attack me for having written all of this, claiming the ideas as your own, and to scoff in hate in photos and hack them into my computer searches (endlessly, for years) and then have my body raped, disfigured, maimed, broken and destroyed as I continue to write waiting for any society any humanity any resemblance of human rights any politician to stop this or defend me any person to protect me (for decades by now searching the world over and I remain like this in solitary sickness confined into paralysis and endlessly fighting to stop mechanical arms which can get through spaces of less than one millimeter to stop slicing and cutting off parts of my body and damaging my skin and hair and poisoning me with bloating hardening poison as my food is drugged so I continue to write endless posts that go on and on with ideas that I can't get out, am blocked from earning any money for, as pigs and whores steal all they can and then they are trying to force a BABY out of me so they can continue to exploit me for huge profit and promotions while murdering me. As you all continue to elect them and put them into lead roles as symbols of charitable humanity underdogs fighting corruption and defending minorities and raped and deflowered women:

Here's the symbol of the Satanic church of Germany you all bow down to and are slaves to but paid in millions for replicating this pseudo-religious Satanic organization in your crappy movies and tv shows and news exposes.

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