Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Weary of morally wanton "whymen" rape enablers killing abortion rights for victims of rape and abuse and domesticated violence and oppression of women by male entitlement. Welcome to the good old days of 2020..

The tyrannicalsaurus-rump... "Administration signed an anti-abortion declaration with 32 member states in the United Nations on Thursday, many of which are authoritarian regimes or seen as flawed democracies..."

(..."Democracies" used in this context is a nice substitute for genocidal regimes controlled as post-colonized tyrant puppet states, controlled ultimately by fascist Nazi banking and mafia cartel conglomerates. Corporate women in lead roles and all that...).

U.S. Signs Anti-Abortion Declaration With 32 Countries


Sitting here waiting and waiting for the pages to stop freezing as hacking is at another spike like the virus spread today and lately with the increase in the bigot, racist Nazis out of Europi-ap-land entering into Thailand on their genocide-funded and IMF banking policy-funded month-long or 6-week long paid vacations derived from murder and death and oppression so women in developing countries can't get ahead unless they are enslaved to these rapist colonizers. Add the USA to that list. My oppression in this group, as the experimental MK ULTRA rape victim teleporting torture, assault target for "reprogramming" to destroy my independence, my happy personality, my body and life endlessly smeared with all kinds of filth and ugliness--and then oppressed by all legal authorities and denied all human rights by law. To me, the passage of anti-abortion rights is another step to enforcing more systematic racism for "Underprivileged" women throughout the "developing" world. This list of rape male-dominated countries mostly with dictatorships disguised as "democracies" only further supports this premise that the oppression of non-Nazi blonde women or people the bigots want to see endlessly mired in filth, poverty and with clusters of children they can't afford to feed living in corrugated shacks or living on the streets makes the bigot women so happy. Barrett is one of these, I believe with all her adopted children her cognitive dissonance must be great.

Here is what she and these Nazi bigot and their minority minion enablers are re-enforcing in this contract out on me and the technologies and mass attack system they rely upon (aka "gang stalking" death squad goon terrorists and that is the polite term I can think of at this moment. The men who rape and are demanding a baby after torturing me are supporting this anti-abortion stance. Many people in the Midwest and worldwide absolutely are thrilled that this situation has been forced upon me, and I believe and "know" instinctively, in my highly biased opinion about Barrett that she is absolutely a misogynist controlled puppet, a kind of sexualized submissive determination to rule with stern harshness disguised as righteous---

what they are all supporting, the backlash against feminism except for the nazi bigot women who conform to this system (I guess I don't make it into that list of protected from murder and raped women slotted to be burdened with unwanted children and never having a chance to have a career, my own business, profit off my work which has been endlessly stolen and I am so drugged I can't begin to write, create or get any product out that could earn me anything-so drugged to the point of death for so many decades there is no excuse I am making for what these people have done to me to block my attempts to be an "independent woman".

the hate the hate they endlessly direct at me for not wanting to conform to their system of bigotry, hate and misogyny misplaced by the assumption that because the thing who has been granted "authority" does not have male genitals...absurd to associate the lack of male genitalia with someone who is a strong woman fighting for other women's rights in the entirety of the spectrum of women.


Abortions and the controlling guy, with his enabler female partner. The female who appears so pious, religious, or "spiritual" or "feminist" and always self-describing herself as being nice can be as oppressive as the abusive, violent, rapist murdering destroying controlling partner, her male woman-hating husband/father/lover/son/neighbor, friend, etc..

Abortion rights according to the US T-rump Barney Rubble corporation will become something like the haves and the have-nots. Those who have not the funds to pay to fly overseas or go elsewhere will be impoverished further, and those who have, as in the "old days" can go on a private vacation in some European country to obtain an abortion. That is what "they" did in my mother's time, as she described this to me with the wealthier set. My grandmother marched for abortion rights having seen women get destroyed during the Depression when they were unable to obtain abortions.

Strange that these controlling abuser rapist bigot men attacking me are trying to actually FORCE A BABY OUT OF ME, WHILE SUPPORTING ABORTION RIGHTS so more women who are physically unable, don't want it are too poor or don't want an abuser as a partner must be forced to be burdened with a baby (sometimes this can lead to deadly consequences for the woman or the baby). Nothing to fear from the genocidal hate-mongering bigots supporting the anti-abortion cause, righteously quoting the Bible but committing great crimes, supporting homelessness, death, poverty, lack of health care leading to death, and mass murder in invasions of foreign countries and killing innocent civilians.

AT the domestic level, I face these "Alpha" males teleporting me who are partnering with this global hate racist organization because they want people "like me" to be slaves and not have any human rights whatsoever. Additionally, they can't stand to see me have any chance for a career, my own home, my own private thoughts, in addition to going to the toilet in privacy without nasty abusive comments made through the voice-to-skull technology. All of these men have blonde bigot wives or family members who sit alongside them laughing as the men punch, slap, rape and assault me on a non-stop daily basis for years on end. Sometimes the men also abuse the women, and the women turn their attentions to attacking me as the surrogate for the domestic violence they are trying to avert using this tech of teleportatoin and gang stalking terrorism as a relay for their own oppression. The system is so ensconsed into the public paradigm of domestic violence and violence against women that the behavior of the dominated but domineering women who assist has become almost a norm from my perspective of having seen them. That is all I deem Barrett to have been trained by extremely abusive and murderous, racist rapist white men who have handed her this position to defend their "rights" to abuse impoverished and minority women in the privacy of their debauchery weekend or secret retreats while the womenfolk they are married to look the other way, very glad that the rage is being transferred onto someone else.

The entire current zeitgeist of these acts, inaugerations, protests, nominations--all is just an elaborate facade covering up the hate for which these newly passed back-sliding bits of anti-abortion bills in tyrannical countries, banana republics and colonized by Nazi countries--by men not only teleporting me but the whoraeds of white people on vacation in Thailand, the men and the women who come from these Nazi countries, absolutely fighting to install this systematic racist policy upon every one possible they deem should not have a chance to have an equal chance, but instead must be confined to a sort of variety of slavery but now under various different names and disguises. The men attacking me and now trying to demand a baby otu of me, the entire list of them who all follow the exact orders of attack without deviation against me, almost to the minutest detail who all encompass these exact qualities, using the technology and the terrorist groups (many of whom are "feminists" or "righteous" minorities fighting against their white supremacist support system defining their entire lives and thoughts and controlling all their actions in real time not in fantasy wishful thinking).

Every single point in this 10-point list, which this entire global group is reinforcing and enabling to a mass degree of millions of people enforcing these abusive relationships upon me:

(blocking abortion is not far behind in the oppression of woman. It is not quoted in this list, but in 19th Century literature, making a woman pregnant was often cited as a destruction of a woman's hopes for her life and happiness, forcing her into a kind of lifelong slavery with men who have been allowed to beat, rape and murder women in a domestic sphere--all the celebrities you love, especially the nazi blonde woman absolutely are thrilled that their abusive males are attacking me instead of them.

Again, hacking and "mind control' have made this post extremely impossible nearly to write or think to get out. It's really so hard to think at this point I am dizzy struggling to pound this out, like my head is floating and I am nauseous and almost fainting after a while due to this tech affecting my brain.
This video gives a dire warning, but not seriously enough. Just as the gang stalking websites call these murderous activities various nearly harmless terms such as "gang stalking" instead of mass murdering death squads, or "electronic harassment" instead of torture and murder. A "controlling guy" with more legal rights ascribed to impregnating a woman against her will is akin to a murdering rapist who has always been able to get away with domestic violence and rape and then blaming the woman afterwards for being an easy rider who deserved it.


Here's another wonderful whyman rape, disenfranchisement racist oppression of other women and murder enabler of the utter destitution of women stuck in prostitution and poverty endemic oppression and male domination leading to murder openly---in these developing countries controlled by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND who is lending gold carrots which are really gold-plated pieces of disguised sh it so that when austerity measures are forced upon the bankrupt countries--they are forced to pay double the interest rate plus compounded interest on the interest for these damaged "3rd world" countries struggle to remain afloat on the banana boat-- thus enabling the fascist Nazis out of Europi-apeland to enjoy being paid to go to the vacations to places like Thailand to enjoy extremely poor women offering their bodies for almost free for an entire night. Welcoming in the Land of Smiles and sultry wiles offerings nearly for free for the masses of French and Europi-aland racist Nazis on their endless IMF-enabled vacations-- is made even more sweet by the lines of impoverished Thai women vying for slots as prostituted enablers who have absolutely no protection against abusive men except for their mafia networks, which are all male-dominated obseqious bowers to the Nazis who pay them to use their women. 

Thanks to the fastidious support of "women" by feminists who "care" about poor "black and brown" women, in the guise of protector, like Christine Lagarde--I wonder if she often has Marine La Pen over for dinner to discuss private details of their mass control machinations, enabling men to prostitute, rape, abuse and pimp out these women from the controlled colonies they hand "loans" to. 

All these women gladly getting nearly free cleaning maids and their men going off using these women and abusing them sometimes with no repercussions-- on their endless paid IMF enabled vacations derived from genocidal policies which have enabled these Europa's to have these vacations for decades since the Holocaust or thereabouts (after the carnage and mass murder and theft was accomplished, the interest accrued on the gold dumped into Swiss bank accounts was put into the general EU fund for these endless vacation and entitlement policies of fascist Nazi benefits system.)

Oh, what to say about these "feminists" that make the headlines as being charity-funding gloriously decorated saviors while "they" are ever covertly fighting to increase the oppression of women with more global infiltration and genocidal governmental support systems aimed at keeping women without abortion services, forcing poverty and disenfranchisement--thus requiring loans resulting in austerity measures leading to hyperinflation leading to death for these genocidal "developing" country strategies. Oh a long, mind controlled hacked sentence. My brain is reeling from the electronic "mind control" attack by now and hacking is very bad..My brain went off on a fuzzy, dizzy tangent with pseudo-hysterical conspiracy theory rants that actually are very real and true. Living in Thailand for over 10 years has shown me that these ranting posts are just the reality but I can't write them well or with the aplomb of a socially-adept person. Too angry, too drugged up, tortured and disfigured and physically tortured every single day with drugs that render these reactions. Forgive my drug-induced torture created rants here. But it's all so true I just can't write like a political expert I am too upset and under too much stress and too much drugging and too much cutting into my body (every single day, as I watch my body break from being cut into and fungus poured into the cuts and etc).

Absolute misogyny, another racist "feminist" but advertised by another other definition if only revealed in the stark truth instead of glorious lies. The IMF under Christine Lagarde, the "feminist" rape and poverty enabler. Maybe you can add Angela and Hillary to the blonde Nazi rapist enabler misogynist lists touted as "feminists" and one-hit wonder representations of "women's rights" selling out those who they want to see burdened, oppressed, raped, tortured, disfigured, put into absolute poverty and prostituted out to their abusive and violent men who are then gentle and kindly towards these Nazi wives who are so thrilled by the entire complexity of the convoluted circuitry of feminist rape culture put into high authoritarian legal position to jocky the rape jocks and protect their interests especially when they profit off it.

Christine Lagarde's Advice To Women: Grit Your Teeth & Smile | Forbes


ONE REASON, THE MAIN REASON i am so vehement about this situation of the possible end of abortion is that one of the ways this terrorist group has tried to covertly murder me is through having me raped using this drug/mind control interface where I was offered one alcoholic "drink" at a social event, and ended up being "date-raped" but not understanding what was happening--drugged to the point that my entire body was a bloated balloon stuffed internally with hardening chemicals trapping the mind control drugs continuously into my nervous system and blood stream. Thus, by impregnating me, a baby could have literally ripped my body apart internally due to the interlaced hard chemicals that this terrorist group forced upon me by drugging my food through neighbors, family, friends, "lovers" and the like and bulk of parasites who have always surrounded me my entire life--those from this huge terrorist organization. That means from kindergarten up to this very moment, endlessly surrounded by terrorists who are trained to attack from near infancy up into senior citizen retirement (crusty and nasty and rancid completely through-and-through, yuck!).

I was nearly killed because I was forced into pregnancy. I only survived that because I WAS ABLE TO GET AN ABORTION TO SAVE MY LIFE FROM A PHYSICAL DEATH THREAT THAT THIS TERROR GROUP FORCED UPON ME DUE TO THE LIFELONG DRUGGING WITH HARDENING POISONS. Because my situation is not readily diagnosed with normal xray, and I have not tried an MRR or CAT Scan, which may be able to identify the multi-layered complexities of these permeable tubes but which are too elastic to be captured on conventional xray. My situation would be disguised and I would have no legal right to get an abortion due to the constrictions imposed on women under any anti-abortion legislation. Because I am deemed "disabled" perhaps that would have helped me should I be raped and impregnated again, but this terrorist group has SEVERED PART OF MY FALLOPEAN TUBES WHICH CAUSED my menstruation to stop, that was maybe 5 years ago. I don't know what these "jokers" are thinking or assuming in trying to force a baby out of me under these physical debilitating conditions that their own group has imposed upon me all done while I was sleeping or unaware of being poisoned and drugged--every day of my life essentially and never once warned by a single person to boot. Thus, people having the RIGHT to an abortion in this age of terrorist "gang stalking" poisoning where people are being bloated, poisoned and disfigured could mean undiagnosed DEATH AND MURDER by this group. The terrorist group really tried to prevent me from obtaining an abortion, and I had man Nazi women giving me moral injunctions to not kill that precious baby, which they would have thrown into some mass poverty slow death lifestyle if they could have. All the religious Nazi bigots telling me that I was going to kill an innocent baby that I was something akin to a slut that I was evil and they were "good", while trying to murder me and knowing exactly what they were doing.

So reminiscent of this Barrett confirmation and the men behind this woman who is so controlled by rapist enabler men (and their church-going wives).


I do hope that the hackers have not made the post above too impossible to understand. I did a few post-publishing rewrites but the errors made the post in parts completely jumbled and unreadable. 

Pelosi On Confirmation Of Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Very Sad Day For Our Country’ | All In | MSNBC

I am adding this Pelosi commentary not to add to the list of rape enabler culprits but as a comment on this situation. I do hope she is at least 80 percent legitimate in her avowed concern.  I have my qualms about Pelosi but at this moment, listening to her speak I feel that she is a positive and good fighter in this just cause. My wavering doubts about her for the moment are dispelled as I listen to her discuss the future options to balance this most unjust perpetrated imbalance in the Supreme Court and the absolute blow to women's bodies, their rights, and the probability of many murders committed against WOMEN (the babies, the fetuses, is this murder? This is a very questionable point but, the woman are already born, they might be killed by having a baby, the baby might be killed by the parents the situation might be deadly the balances are weighted down to one side and the life of the woman burdened with carrying an unwanted baby could have dire consequences for both infant, child and mother (and father).

Glorious to those who at first do not want the baby and then upon having it, love it and cherish it. Delighted I am that these situations do occur. However, for those who are forced to create generational poverty and pubescent pregnancies and the like are at very great peril at this time of remaining victims of "systematic racism" which prohibitions on abortion will further. As this group has artificially tried to create a system of enforced victimization upon me, when there should be access to me for opportunities, I know that This situation is also a very racist issue and I have not heard that tack from any of the pundits on the tube I watch to obtain news.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...