Thursday, October 22, 2020

Terrorist Report: discovering a hidden panel, hiding behind a fake nearly chipping off plastered area where mechanical arms have entered into this room to poison, drug and deform my body (scars, blemishes, my hair damaged and cut into a triangular shape, balding) drugging with mind control drugs and ranting on Facebook. Seeing what I had written stolen, commenting upon it and then threatened by a mafia personality out of Brooklyn who has been attacking me for at least 2 years (openly). Disgusting remarks and hate attacks and my body being mutilated nightly by terrorists paid to do this by the Americans ordering these attacks (behind them are fascist Nazis out of Europ-a land). Nikita Khrushchev is laughing from the depths of the dead at the buried Americans. Goldwater was not as crazy as supposed back in 1964.

 This panel is hidden behind the curtain area. The terrorists created a makeshift space that appears to be a tiny, partition where the curtains can slide into the walls. There is a tiny area that has been lifted up to insert these mechanical arms. Or so I think, as almost every other space in this studio has been pasted over with materials and bolted down, literally every single inch and cranny of this room is covered with some decorative pasted item made to appear like a decoration or ornamentation. Most of the subpoverty income I am forced into has been spent on this life-saving project for over 2 years. 

I wrote these posts, one of which was a commentary on what I now know to have been completely, verbatim stolen from me. If you read my Facebook post about the confirmation hearings from a few days ago, you will see that almost all I wrote has been literally verbatim stolen. This has been going on for over 10 years, first by the Europi-ape out of England, the Italian mafia who is a most psychopathic sick deviant personality--and now this torture equipment and the ordering of disfiguration, torture and theft of any idea these parasites want to steal has been "enforced" with violence by this mafia Brooklyn group of actors, who call themselves "Italian-American". They should be, at best, arrested for these crimes and all the other crimes they have committed, instead of endlessly allowed by the government to run tyrannical operations to torture and steal whatever they want from defenseless people who are not welcomed into this Nazi/mafia cartel. Wholly condoned by the government from the former Secretary of State to the current leader who obtained his post due to illegal and nefarious support groups like this Nazi Mafia group which has been attacking me long before he obtained his position. From the last administration and of course prior to that always allowed by the top leaders to wreak their lies and disinformation into the media, with endless mafia movies and iconic thug action movies creating an entire myth about their benign properties.

Now the endless comments while I am in the bathroom, in the shower after having written this post today because I was absolutely so drugged up by their endless drugging in order to obtain these ideas in the first place. 

When will this torture, rape and violent contract out on me ever be stopped by RESPONSIBLE leaders in American politics? Apparently the stupidity and greed of these Actors involved in both stealing ideas after drugging and torturing me, extracting ideas and using subliminal thought-reading technology, handed to them by their H-wood associate put into power by the tv/movie obsessed public--(in this video, if you watch the entire thing, which is informative for me because this represents the right wing violent "extremist" branch of the Neo-Nazi group calling themselves "Progressives"--fascist, Nazi and mafia operated organizations pitted as being anti-Conservative, anti-Trump--but absolute buddies and friends with them and promoting their agenda through the fake alternative media output as in this below--) and you can see one who is very responsible for this inclusive attack upon me in the video, a "celebrity" is mentioned and honored (as almost all the videos I watch on YouTube have these political commentators putting inserts of the celebrities who are participating in attacking me as backdrops to their commentary--as if sponsored by them. Extremists--so-called, explaining how to train with automatic assault rifles with photos of celebrities who are attacking me, comically inserted in their lectures with dumb bloops and blip noises and these photos of the actors in combat uniform as if augmenting the theme and subject of death squad training; this actor sponsored this video, and he has been putting his videos on my YouTube channel like the rest (yes, I am supposed to sound "delusional" while writing about this, I realize, but this is their triggering mechanism to obtain a reaction, for which they then get a promotion for provoking me in some negative way. They then torture me for responding, while they then get huge promotions for having stolen ideas, attacked me for responding, and for utilizing this technology, handed out by the highest office in the US, to extract ideas by blank hateful people who smile for cameras and are bringing absolute death and hate into the United States. All of them are controlled by extremely vehement anti-American former Axis Power states, who swore they would destroy America "from within" (or with their Russian ally, in the 60's under Khrushchev).

 I have not mentioned this odious (to me) actor because he remains lurking behind the teleportation skits, but obviously has been a continuous component and planner of the scheming and profiteering (He won an Academy Award a few years ago, then was succeeded in year after year of his "friends' in the A-list H-wood mafia/Nazi terrorist gang, but of course controlled and advised and brainwashed by Europ-a associate Nazi Mafia infiltrators of the US (who attacked me and stole idea after idea from me year after year and have won award after award, business after business in the US, handed to them by the more established Nazi/Mafia cartel operations of Americans within the US who are now trying to destroy the country altogether and bring a fascist Nazi colonization of America by Europ-a Nazis and fascist mafia--operating alongside the rapists and abusers who have also participated in this crime against me, endlessly handed top awards for their production companies and mediocre crappy movies which get top billing by "critics" who are just mafia adjuncts paid and told what to write and say that lauds this K-rap crap media fodder machinery, year after year. The artistic and meaningful content of movies seems to exponentially decrease. I write under drugging and torture and they obtain ideas that have powerful emotions behind what I write, which they then steal as their concept. Of course, all has psychologically-driven fascist and Nazi ideological components embedded into their theft of my concepts. Thus, America is embroiled now in a fight against fascist control and this is openly acknowledge by the ousted former leaders who supported (and many still do) this technology. Many of them are "campaigning" against Trump as I write this, as if they are some kind of heroic rescue of the calm days. They created this deadly undercurrent and are still embroiled in funding and supporting it. One of the deadly undertows is this technology being used upon me, the mind control, subliminal coercion, the "gang stalking" terrorist teams, the theft of ideas by mediocrity who posture as if they are elite by sticking their noses up in photos that are created to imagine them as posturing nobility (fascist Nazi postures).


Here's what I wrote earlier today. Attacked while bathing by the nasty Brooklyn man calling himself Italian because he hates America and wants to only be considered as a European. The Americans have allowed the country to degenerate to the point that the architecture, the fashion is so ugly and the Europigape fascists who Americans allowed to infilrate and control so many aspects of construction, fashion and media have created this ugly and uncreative cultural explosion of cheap and almost embarrassing fashion and architecture. Americans can thus only look to the stolen concepts that the fascists have obtained by their murdered victims and thus, considering "THEM" to be their guides and leaders in these areas, are thus in yet another way programmed and brainwashed into following the political takeover of America by fascist Nazi Europigape infiltrators posing as "friends"; all with huge, warm smiles and winning guiles which Americans confuse as happy have a nice day smiles of genuine warmth and concern for them. Nothing could be further from the truth as these predatory usurpers are exploiting this "Naivetee" for all they can to install their puppet regime, colonization and deterioration of American "Democracy" with Americans turning to them for their friendly invitations to support them in coming over and dominating the best areas and politics and media and etc.


Thus, attacked for commenting on how dumb yet another thief of my ideas is, to which this mafia "Italian" who is loathsome to me after maybe 2 years of him and his icky vicky team out of Brooklyn endlessly attacking me, with the black anti-racist actors I mentioned yesterday (hacked writing, as is happening today) but their ugly and sinister bad energy, their violence towards me on all levels prompts these reactions out of me. Of course I remain writing to a blank page, to empty blank space and no response occurs. I hope that by writing about their attacks eventually there will be a turning point and a counter reaction to their cartels, their behavior which is abominable, and to the endless promotion of their cartel in mafia movie after movie after death and hate movie they endlessly propel to instill violence, hate and destruction into the inner psyches of the American People--who devour this Krap like it's cocaine. Can't get enough of hate and murder and death mafia hate movies.


Here's a woman making dumb faces about violence (which means she really supports it, is mocking compassion) when the interviewee, out of Cali, is describing a black male being beaten nearly to death with metal pipes at the Charlottesville murders/demonstrations a few years ago. Otherwise, much of her commentary is a complete imitation and theft of what I wrote on Facebook a few days prior to this video appearing on the top of my Youtube channel. As I am interested in what is happening in the US elections, and I have only YouTube in which to see actual news and get information that is visual--as reading is never the same as seeing the people and faces and atmosphere involved in these debacle news stories of the deterioration of the US political system now unfolding.

I can't open a single clip, even in some mainstream news sources, without one of these celebrities leaving a print of it's paw into the thread of the content. It is almost impossible for me to click on any independent news or commentary source and not be assaulted (my brain under extreme attack whilst viewing to engender a reaction, I can't describe how powerful and awful the drug/tech interface is to obtain a reaction).

I reacted, have been ever since assaulted by this odious nasty Brooklyn mafioso actor and it's so repugnant, the entire thing. I sit here wondering when America or anyone is ever going to stop this and realize how much DAMAGE to the country this contract out on ME, specifically, has been to the political structure of America. The only benefit is that those who had approved of this death and "experimental" contract out on me are now themselves victims of the ramifications of their sloth in terms of moral peril that they ignored.


I do not endorse this blathering idiotic "Italian-American" fascist-Nazi "Progressive" (as I truly believe these are the obverse psy-operatives who are actually promoting fascism and Nazi groups in the US and elsewhere. I do not mean those who are determined and authentic, but these media representatives and their ilk. Some of these alternative and anti-racist blacks and other famous media entertainers are just as disgusting in violent and assault and negative content as the bigots they claim they are countering. I highly suggest they are one and the same organization but creating a false dichotomy.

I also informed this dumb black woman I mentioned yesterday about the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC which is the most significant OPERATIVE mind control function all of them employ in these movies and their media representations, including the awful blathering YouTube political "Progressive" commentaries (by some, just the ones attacking me, which I can identify because they later attack me after I realize they have stolen concepts from me. Again, please note that their methodology is designed to create the illusion that I am "delusional" when I write of their systematic torture protocols aimed at stealing my ideas, forcing reactions through drugging which I cannot stop because they have expert technicians breaking into my home while restricting me to a far substandard subpoverty level of existence and cannot begin to defend myself, especially ALONE WITH NO SUPPORT SYSTEM.)


I DO NOT ENDORSE THIS BLATHERING "Italian-American" idiot who stole my concepts and created this video stealing verbatim words I had used and concepts: I am writing this although I know that the thugs doing this surveillance will only attack me further. I only hope for justice and that they are not endorsed any further and that this attack upon me, which is also an attack upon the country as I am trying to express (which I hinted at above, because writing about these people directly is even more threatening).  They are an extremely SINISTER force dominating the US media and creating these death squad endorsements. Behind them are foreign interventionists. The former Chiefs of Staff and military advisers, a former CIA top official and etc are now bemoaning the current political climate and making public statements of endorsement against this system, which they themselves either looked the other way and did nothing to stop, assuming their positions of power were solidified, or they have openly supported this systematic torture architecture which has turned a solid foundation into a crumbling edifice of corruption, mental and creative defecation onto the US society.


*as a forward, I was extremely drugged while writing the post below on Facebook. Facebook has been a portal of my creative ideas because so many of my writing implements and laptops have been broken by this torture and death squad terrorist organization that I wanted to put my writing and ideas on something that is akin to cloud computing. Facebook has only been an non-copyright theft operation of these heinous media white male-operated Nazi groups stealing idea after idea and torturing me afterwards and blocking each and every attempt I have made to have my own career. I remain absolutely sick from detox from decades of deadly poisoning, plus all electronic equipment is blocked and hacked and all attempts to create ideas are returned via published and highly paid media content that I later discover. This video was put on the top of my YouTube channel. I was surfing endlessly for information about this insane election and endless concotcted videos such as this appeared. I also  have to note that in the course of this video this woman recommends a "take action" website. I did a quick search and got to the site, which had ZERO information on it until you wrote you name in a form, and then had a huge segment dedicated to obtaining funds for their operation. Such mafia style-derived psy operational media content. First things first, get the $$ and then steal ideas or anything from someone else in order to appear legitimate.


Yuck, please, please someone out there get this group of insidious thugs off me along with their nasty and rancid H-wood celebrities who are very dumb and nasty and require someone to torture to obtain ideas from as well.


I wrote on Facebook just this morning (and then was tortured and verbally abused, threatened with violence by the voice-to-skull and very soft-teleportation while awake technology utilized by the daily disgusting commentator of my every bathroom jaunt, and every action under surveillance and commented upon, by this mafia actor you all love because he makes psychopathic jokes and is violent but "charming" alongside his "charming" other actor and director/writer "Italian-American" but really only calling themselves "Italian" buddies who are famous who haven't stopped attacking me for many, far too many years:

"Juliana Forlano almost exactly echoes what I wrote, here on Facebook, the first day of the Senate Confirmation Hearings on the fiasco: unqualified Barrett, lying Barrett (euphemistically labeled "not transparent" by the commentaries on YouTube) and many other points I also wrote immediately upon hearing her responses for the hearings. What I disagree with that Forlano expressed is that Barrett is "intelligent" but although Barrett can utter verbal academic phrases, what I discern from listening closely is that Barrett has studied her vocabulary, uses terms that sound extremely professional and erudite, but repeats them in the same sentence in a kind of convoluted repetition of the same point, meandering although it sounds like an exactitude. I find her a good propaganda artist with tendencies towards the Con job verbosity. She has obviously studied philosophy and debate. 3 years only as a practicing lawyer. I read and heard that I and thought that somehow this was some kind of misinformation and I dismissed this as my drugged up state not able to obtain correct information. 3 years as a lawyer. This is the fiasco that is being touted as having an "impeccable record" and "highly credentialed" ( I wrote in response that she lacks credibility--highly lacking in credibility if you would just stop being "impressed" with erudite legal jargon repeated for effect and a kind of sensational sort of rhetorical skill-set--but not credible (without flair, a LIAR and unqualified) and so, I disagree with Forlano only on that point. I can tell that Forlano does not have legal experience as an attorney or is inbred as I am from the lawyer world of bs artists.

Barrett, in other words, is unqualified UNQUALIFIED FOR BEING IN POSITION OF legal representative in the highest court in the United States. Don't be fooled by her rhetorical skills. Practiced and much studied version of academic LYING AND EVASION TACTICS. Repetitive and unable to pass through limitations of academic copying of TEXTBOOK LANGUAGE ASSOCIATED WITH LEGAL STUDIES.

A mediocrity brought to top position, as usual by this organization which is eliminating opportunities for other more qualified persons (not of the Nazi bigot organization thoroughly inbred into the paradigm and not a complete puppet easy to control and maintain). Put into the highest court, more elimination of America's intellectual and innovative opportunity for advancement. Another fiasco looming just in a few days if this thing is handed a seat at the High Court. It is amazing to me how these incompetent people are continuously being chosen into highest positions and the world is rioting but still this situation goes on unchecked when it comes to nominating these fakes. Right, because the opposition is fake and there really is very little established opposition to this hate organization controlling both sides of all debates and courts and businesses and legal offices and political offices and media positions."

Perhaps I should find the post I wrote on Facebook about Barrett, but I am sick of reading hacked and destroyed posts that hackers turn into embarrassing mush after I publish what had been written correctly (or modestly so, at least). All posts I write are written under hacking interference which greatly disables typing function and speed. I am endlessly retyping words and backspacing to correct while I type, due to hacking, but nevertheless much awaits me after clicking on publish to rewrite after hackers get through the mess they create in my writing. Thus, I can only remain seeing my ideas stolen by vile, and at least on a personal level, pretty stupid people who are representing any opposition to really violent forces who are using only force as their main oppositional stance (plus crafted lies, but in the future, the verbal propaganda will be reduced to only threats of violence by dumb thugs put into power--fascist Nazi style and you had better believe that many people reading this post right now are nearly drooling to obtain this state so they won't have to think hard any longer to create the lies that they are fighting against racism or fascism or misogyny any longer. They will simply kill or threaten with death anyone who disagrees.


I actually subscribed to this Krap yesterday, and having to click on the video now to paste it here, really only because of the disgusting yelling and filth attack by this mafia personality movie iconic mafioso, who is disgusting his toilet commentaries are beyond humorous into the vile and sleazy sick zone (twilight turning into black bile filth commentary).

I just want them off me finally years of writing about this crew of crap K-rap rappers the list only increases almost daily of people stealing ideas from my writing, and then putting it all on my YouTube channel as adverts for them, their movies, their commentaries. 

Disgusting I can't stand it or them, their rotten negative energy their sick violent personalities the endless slime of psychological ugliness they pour on me every day.

I ask so many years for this group to be stopped. Now you can see the devastation that has been wrought by not doing anything to stop them. Now the country is reaching a huge deadly crisis (has reached, but I mean politically). All DUE TO HANDING THIS TECH TO PEOPLE WHO EXPLOIT AND BECOME TYRANTS AND VIOLENT ABUSERS because they gain far too much power from being able to torture without restraint and no evidence and no checks and balances criminally or politically.

The current dangers have been brought to you care of your media sponsors, and the fake opposition like this blathering idiot above who makes dumb faces and can't tell the difference between what is intelligent and what is carefully constructed lies. I CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE and thus I remain a torture victim while this dumb "Italian-American" mafia construct calls Barrett highly "intelligent" while I call her a puppet easily controlled and using textbook legal parlance to create the impression of highly astute capabilities for the highest position of law in the US (supposedly). 


In 1964, the year I was born, Nikita Krushchev pounded his fists while shouting these words: We will bury you from within...your Children will be Communists.

Welcome the Progressives operating as the "liberal" arm of fascists, Nazis who are also Socialized Communists (not very separated from birth after all, like twins put out to the public in various splinter organizations). 

My writing is meandering and chaotic, Please understand that I am being drugged on a daily basis with extremely potent mind control drugs, dismembered slowly to add to a traumatization effect, lasting for years by now, every single day without pause and no support from anybody of course--and then I'm struggling to understand what is going on politically so I can see how and what is responsible for this absolutely endorsed poltiically-sponsored torture and "experimental" teleportation MK ULTRA torture, rape and poisoning murder scheme forced upon me. Believe me, I really want to be a happy-go-lucky American consumer having a Nice Day, really I do and I am@!

Barry Goldwater not exactly putting out fake news propaganda as now, Americans have become fascist Nazi socialized Communist controlled buried from within dumbed down and bedraggled puppet slave/whores of foreign interventionists who are "friends" controlling these wanna-be Europ-a Americans torturing me under orders from their foreign controlling counterparts.

I now see that Goldwater was not incorrect and the threat he posed to America put into a political campaign ad is now coming into fruition, actually very much due to this contract OUT ON ME PERSONALLY.  I want this full circle to be stopped by responsible Americans who care about freedoms that many have died fighting for (using a cliche but this is the sad and glorious truth about America and these dead soldiers and people who have fought and battled for freedom should NOT BE IGNORED ANY LONGER due to your greed and this fantasy K-rap movie entertainment Nazi/mafia media mind control systematic death machine that you keep watching believing they care when they are dying to murder anyone they can using covert technology. They can't wait to rape and torture other people and further implement this technology out into the greater Nazi goon groups which fully fund and support this system of torture technology (with their death squads you now recognize as Neo Nazis but can you also recognize the Progressive, Democrat, Republican, Feminist #Me Too!, Black activist, celebrity fighting for every charitable cause for glorification/sponsorship funding who are really operating under the umbrella of Communist-driven,  Nazi/mafia fascists as well? Can you recognize them behind all their fake smiles and plastic-surgery smiles, posturing self-glorification all coached by stylists and designers out of Europ-a land training them in fascist Nazi posturing? Can you tell the difference between an authentic personality and a fake putting out "alternative" and "liberal" and "progressive" content?)

In NO WAY WHATSOEVER do I deride the Progressive Party, it's many members who legitimately want a positive change for American "freedom", or any H-wood actor, writer, director also in that category who are not trying to create a criminal cartel (oh, it already exists and has been fully integrated decades ago, oh yes, but still) please note, that I do not attack those who are "normal" people who are not trying to subjugate or infiltrate or destroy American or any global or any group's identification with freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom in any sense that this group wants to control at your very inner cochlear ear system, wants to control and observe, rape and steal all possible and thwart and control your every movement while you "believe" that they are charming and funny "friends" on the tube entertaining you.

Please note that I used the Barry Goldwater campaign ad in this YouTube video because I could not find a good source for this statement made by Khrushchev back in ...I believe it was at the UN Assembly in 1962. I do not endorse the legacy of racist policy of Goldwater, on in this anti-threatening Communist stance that Americans I fear were right to support. I use this as a general statement, of course there are huge issues involved with these grandiose statements. Covering volumes of information, disinformation, misinformation lightly within one sentence is a fallacy but I use it nevertheless here. I will try to find more evidence as I heard of this statement in a lecture but it is not easy to find a good source (unless I had access to peer-reviewed research, which I have tried but cannot obtain as access is denied by the hacking stalking terrorist organization. I am blocked from obtaining research material that is publicly available upon request. Most of my emails are blocked and deleted before I get a chance to open them. I have not  received anything but attacker emails for over a decade (or longer) as a result of the monitoring and censoring of my every search and personal information. Thus I include this video made by the Goldwater campaign, not to connect it to Trump or any other political party operating at this time. It was just the most convenient example available on Youtube. The others have lengthy explanations of events and I wanted a short, more propaganda-oriented clip, as this Goldwater clip surely is. Goldwater is discredited for backing the wrong political horse, and forever more labeled and discounted as a racist. I think his stance on a Communist infiltration of the  United States is not so deviant or delusional after all.


I could not find a fun and easy clip of this statement on YouTube, but here is an article on the most vital topic which I think has been very swept under the carpet in our "liberal" age of "Democracy" which we now see unravelling very quickly. The unravelling began long ago with propaganda disguised as "liberalism" and "neo liberal" politics. The similarity of the words gets confusion for the average person it appears as definitions become blurred and associations are designer-fashioned into the mode of American happy paradigmism. (my word, paradigmism as many a political word must be an "ism" !!)

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”--Nikita Khrushchev (softly spoken by Gorbachev, Reagan, clinton, Putin, et al to the trump card now issuing orders to goon squads to kill in a putsch coup d'etat.)

Not Khrushchev speaking directly, but quotes from Khrushchev, and issues by the United Nations directing a "One World Government" (literal statement issued by the UN).  Other quotes very worth noting. I do not know how many of these quotes were taken out of context or to which avenues of power they originally referred to. However, as "conspiracy theory" fodder, these are most enflaming details of the presage of current events. Decades of planning have brought much into the current political and socioeconomic focus. However, this TECHNOLOGICAL TYRANNY being exacted upon me by world leaders and performers has sped up the process perhaps exponentially of this "One World" takeover via infiltration, without taking a shot, "from within" (the media industrial-military complex).

"KHRUSHCHEV SAID" (Youtube title)

I also do not endorse this video above. I have heard these anti-government pro-2nd Amendment statements before. I agree that "The People" should have a right to carry arms and defend against a corrupt government. When militias are unconstitutionally authorized to be assassination squads in the streets, the 2nd Amendment and the clause about forming a  well-organized Militia as compulsory have various blurred lines in this age of automatic rifles and assault weapons being used by "militia". At this time, it is essential for FBI to recognize groups that harbor assault intentions such as what just happened with Governor Witmer in Michigan with the (unconstitutional) militia that planned on executing her after a kangaroo mock court "trial".  However, the blurred lines with all these political thoughts to be unraveled with the lack of available posts and lectures regarding this subject that I can find, personally with all the blocks on information by hackers and blocks to legitimate peer-reviewed research that are imposed upon me force me to post "conspiracy theorist" stuff. Which is entertaining. However, the quotes by Khrushchev remain in the context of this ranting post, drug obtained and hyperbolic presented as is...

I also do not condemn per se the Clintons in as much as they have helped this technocratic institution of MK ULTRA and surveillance come into this pernicious manifestation. I support their need for protection against assault weapons and transparency of those who obtain such deadly weapons. I disagree, in other words, with much of the video above but I do not discount it so readily either. I was happy that Bill Clinton beat out Reagan back in the day, and to this day I still wish that Hillary had won. She is a likeable personality but entrenched into this technocratic systematic assault mind control programming, which in it's own stealth way is almost as deadly as assault weapons, but with a more insidious invisible effect upon MASSES of people, not just a lone targeted person. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...