Sunday, October 11, 2020

Due to the threat of the Axis-Power-Mafia-Nazi-American leaders who are fighting for "The People" but will not ever defend ME, one of the American population simply calling myself an American; however, because I am not a member of the prefix-laden American identification lobby, I obtain NO DEFENSE against their "opponent" the fascist-Nazi-American leadership representing the masses of "the People" of fascist-Nazi-mafia-America.


*A forward to this scathing rant post (!)--this is written after almost a decade of non-stop torture from covertly operated and State-sponsored terror weapons, mind control torture, all kinds of egress into my home and body, dismemberment sanctioned by the US Congress and handed to leading politicians and H-wood celebrities to "experiment" on, with total silencing of me, including this blog. I write this because I watched a spoof using this theme of West Side Story last night, after I also watched a recorded tv clip from a show I swear I have not once been able to watch through completely as it always nauseates me to the core. It's supposed to represent feminist strong women, instead it's a partisan hissing squabling fest and I saw last night watching this taped show (made very recently) that the old, entrenched racist stereotypes are in fact unduly reinforced through this seemingly "alternative" pro-feminist pro-every humanitarian appeal and every kind of "Democratic" push for "Freedom". The guest interviewed reminded me of a greasy prostituted wealthy castrated ladyboy wearing extremely expensive fashion clothing. Made references to it's Axis-power-fascist-nazi clothing apparal as being from it's identified mafia-nazi cultural American base, which nauseated me even further. Freedom of the media has resulted in freedom for rape enablers to steal my ideas and help suppress my every attempt to actualy openly publish my ideas as my own, instead of being stolen by absolutely blank and hateful fakes who are advocating every act of dismemberment, rape and torture of me. I also saw one woman, representing the disenfranchized-American-minority class who has been touted as some kind of hero and the interviewee hailed as some strong castrated "woman" who identifies with the fascist-nazi-americanism it only protects while allowing this rape racist crime to endlessly be thrust upon me. Plus, the hacking: 7 times I have tried to change the font size and each time hackers change it back to what I had not wanted. The template is being blocked. A few words were altered but I was in the published mode and not in the editing mode and now I don't want to read through this again. Re-reading some of this is too upsetting I just want to get the stress out. Perhaps try to "change" the mentalities of people who never get involved to actually protect me, because in effect you are also protecting yourself. That is a very hard sell as no one wants to or does believe this. 

Free to have fun in America because girls are free in America to play with boys. Believe and go out and party and get drugged and raped and microchipped and be an MK ULTRA torture victim because you are an American and not a fascist-Europig-ape-mafia-Nazi-American!!!! If you are in the media be a gyrating sex objectualized disenfranchized-American or a promoted-free-happy-slave-American-serving-nazi-mafia-Americans for their propaganda interests. 

"But I luv heem and he wants a baby out of me"!! We will live happily ever after! Going to Disney for vacation and watching Disney movies for the rest of our happy-American lives!

Oh, look at what those NICE white-supremacist-nazi-mafia-American boys are doing for fun at the drugstore to the disenfranchized-American-naturalized-Disney-mindcontrolled-American! This really is MY experience with these mafia-nazi-Americans and I can only say that I am an American and THEY ARE NOT! Until the people can really say they are Americans without hyphenated prefixes, determining which class is the ruling and which is the oppressed according to ancient Europigape laws of heirarchy, then there will always be an Upper East Side representative of Congress claiming that they "represent" The People" of America while catering to the catered parties of the anti-stupid-American-fascist-nazi-Europigapes who are handed every prize in America to steal, rape and rob handed with huge smiles by the fascist-mafia-nazi-Americans and their puppet minority-minion-whore-americans (of all races and creeds, including the "feminists" too who love helping the bigots to rape and torture their "own" "people for their safe enclaves in the highly desired suburbs (or even mansions in the wealthiest areas, but that will diminish as time goes by and they are bereft of all until they reside on the fringes of the death genocide-american culture.

But a series of (to use New York City parlance) JERK-OFFS like this, wealthy and plastic-coated in my case as I am a "prototype" sort of tortured microchipped MK ULTRA symbol (not even delineated any longer as an American but now a microchipped prototype to be exploited and tortured and raped and forced to have a "Baby" with some jerk-off jack-off scumbag controlled by the anti-American-Europig-ape-fascist-Nazis controlling H-wood and "the People" living on the Upper East Side who also control the American "Congress" operating for "the People" where I get no support or representation and they assist in this torture of me. 

And these scumbags want to force a baby out of me so they can obtain more huge contracts, and this is really just a small fraction of less than one percent of years and years of absolute violence, supported by the Congress that claims it "represents":

THIS IS REALLY WHAT CONGRESS REPRESENTS (and it needs to be changed, representing something other than the old orders of fascist-mafia-Nazi-controlled America:

Don't change tradition outta bigot Europigapeland fascist Nazi-American heritage. And the dance macabre goes on. Don't trust the new version either as the same situation applies to the people making the film as the characters represented back in that old glory days of actually incredible movies with unbelievably talented choreography, scripting, directing, acting and production not solely concerned with budgeting time schedules and financial constraints! Perhaps also included in the media-politico-anti-American-owned-stupid-American-puppet-theater aka "American media" and "Congress". The divide and conquer dance strategy continues and the hate is as strong as ever with both sides dancing to the commands their same old, rotten street corner mafia/nazi officer Korruptkies. 

For writing my observations, political summations, hypotheses, non-evidence-based realities of being "targeted" tortured, drugged, poisoned, my intellectual property confiscated as well as all my financial and personal belongings, my home hijacked multiple times daily by terrorist stalkers inserting mechanical arms through panel after panel in a room where torture weapons and brain-altering technology is continuously being blasted into my body plus toxic sprays and filth poured into my home through these endless series of entry portals. If I so much as write my realities, concepts, ideas and creative concepts not only are the ideas stolen by people blocking my internet access so what I write is never actually open to the public and all financial opportunities blocked, as I fight to heal from recurring poisoning but then tortured while healing, blocked from having enough money to live on much less obtain ANY health care as all my money is being spent poured into defending myself in this torture room which I remain fighting to block every single day for YEARS. Understanding, also, that my very thoughts are being monitored and concepts and creative ideas stolen, but if I write them and this may prove to be some "evidence" eventually, should any legislative power ON EARTH EVER EVER conceive to actually defend people "like me" who are being point-blank murdered and creative and political ideas stolen by THE STATE and all their actors of various sociopolitical import; the threat is continuous of death, dismemberment, my cat killed, being made homeless, and the hovering threat of being forced to have a "baby" with some hate-driven bigot who has raped and ordered my dismemberment, poisoning so my body remains caked with crud and poison with scars and blemishes and broken bones and etc forced upon my formerly very beautiful body, which is crooked due to the poison hardening into my bones and literally pulling them apart and all under order of these "men" who are all married to women who laugh and are delighted about all of this.

Because "they" want me to never write but only THINK my concepts, so their pundits can literally "hack" into my thoughts and steal them, those who express the greatest concern in public and for their media performances for every single humanistic cause and animal concern and save the earth platform possible, while rendering the hissing hate decree that torturing and dismembering and raping me every single day for years is absolutely nothing I should fight against, that there is nothing wrong with them doing this to me every single day through their agents operating these torture actions paid in huge sums by the organizers of this global operation entity corporate control brainwashing propaganda Nazi-mafia-anti-American organization.

My money is being threatened with seizure, in the guise of some authoritarian bureaucratic summation, due to the representation of fascist-nazi-Americans who support the fascist-Nazi-American leader who everyone blames but rarely blames the organizations who sponsor and hold strings over these "leaders", whose adversary, the Axis-power-identity-mafia-Nazi-America who has allowed this situation against me to prosper while claiming It is "FIGHTING" FOR "The American people".

I realized I am partially targeted because I always considered myself just an AMERICAN without a hyphenated prefix. However, in order to engender the support of any of the myriad factions representing The People of the United States, you MUST include a prefix in front of your American identity. The lack thereof means that you lack power lobby representation and are bereft of political clout in the recesses of the halls of power lobby play aka Congress. If I could only find an American-American to turn to, maybe I could then call myself an American and receive at least 50% support for my identification, which is on my passport, in a country I grew up in, was partially dismembered by, tortured, stalked, and chased from town-to-town as every Jewish-American, African-American, Italian-American, Irish-American, were paid by the not-openly-labeled Axis-power-mafia-Nazi-Americans who sponsor the entire thing, but in the pockets of the Europig-ape-Nazis of the Europigapeland consortium controlling the "Stupid-Americans" as I hear so many of these living and sucking out as much money out of the US and sending it to their fascist Europig-ape-banks in Europig-ape-land banking system and probably in Switzerland or the Cayman Islands too (or other off-shore bank accounts) while partying in luxury clubs with the "Stupid-Americans" they all call their "friend-stupid-Americans".

And I just can't get no satisfaction and I've tried, and tried, and I've tried and I've tried....but the fascist-Axis-power-mafia-Nazi-American who represents "The People" has no room in it's arsenal of bs rhetoric continuously slurring like a drunken prostitute about how it is "fighting" for "The People" and being interviewed for a non-penis-American-feminist-group-American tv show I watched yesterday but could not get through I kept hearing it hissing in a slimy greasy way, the same phrase it makes continuously every time I hear it interviewed, about how it is working for "the People" but identifies itself as a fascist-Axis-power-Mafia-Nazi-America and I know that means it is a mafia Nazi and has absolute identification with Europig-ape-Europig-ape-land fascist Mafia Nazis who are it's "friends" who offer it mansions, glorification and demands but so nicely absolute conformity to the agenda of genocidal-anti-stupid-American-cultural demise except for their own power lobby which has, through crime and criminal pursuits, put such mafia Nazi personalities into these positions of crooked "Demorepuglican" status.

Thus, I have to see dismally how I have never obtained, as an American, any sort of representation because I always never labeled myself as anything other than being "American" and that is a no-no in their eyes. One must be either a "disenfranchized-American-minority" or a Europig-ape-fascist-Nazi-American and the labels, roles and identifications are so clearly demarcated into these hyphenated prefix-laden labels that only considering oneself to be an American is nearly tantamount to being an under-represented target put on a fascist death list to be covertly murdered with absolute silencing and NO REPRESENTATION.

It is horrible watching these horrifically banal and dumb tv news shows and YouTube commentary alternatives to the boob-tube variety of one-sidedness in dumbed-down-America Today.



More songs and dancing from the Upper East Side Today USA, just substitute the accents for Europigape fascist Nazis, and substitute the discrimination for usurpation:


Post script: The current H-wood version of (Upper East Side) story created by another propagandist mafia-Nazi-American-minority-minion "representing" anti-mafia-Nazi-American lobbies who defend this situation against me and participate in the attacks upon me: you ALL know who, the famous personality has ALSO teleported me. Has ALSO stolen a concept I wrote of on Facebook and used it for his movie about cartoon technoreality versus real-life Millennial life in post-modern devastated society. You-know-who-American-minion is part of this anti-Semitic hate anti-American situtation foisted upon me. For, if he weren't on some level (or another) he would have used all the contacts he has to actually defend me instead of continuously hacking into my internet to obtain contracts to make his movies (partially derived thereof, as participation in this hate crime against me is a sure portal to more power, as the group ever-widens attacking me on a nearly daily basis until it's uncountable how many famous personalities are participating in this against me, but of course it's all really "for them" as they epitomize selfishness and corruption on every level, to the core of their meaningless and empty centers (void and vacant holes and pathways to the Abyss).

I also posted Facebook posts about West Side Story many years ago. The contract out on me is to steal ideas and then turn them into your concepts. Even if one of these actors or directors, writers has a plethora of original ideas, this contract entails stealing from me as obviously I incense the controllers of the media and of politics. My very ability to have a chance to be some kind of threat because I am competitive and do my very best and can achieve high awards is such a threat to the old World order absolutely controlling this "American-Freedom" puppet establishment. But...just going off into more of the hate rant at this point, because I am so highly under attack from tech every time I write, my brain and body are being skewed and portals into my real "raw" emotional content spills out, plus negative states are always exacerbated by the technology endlessly aimed into my poor beleaguered brain and body.

If after years this person "representing" the group that has absolute affinity with fascist Nazi-anti-American-infiltrators, (that sounds so conspiracy theory, but that also applies to those calling themselves as "Americans" but always redefining that as being part of a white European-based faction if put to the test or questioned about their real "identity". I am not especially trying to slander this person but rather I just won't watch the modern version as his soul purpose is not authentic as I believe it was with the most illustrious and genuinely genius Leonard Bernstein. I am still too drugged up to watch the lecture series about his music theories called, "The Unanswered Question". The drugging that I am always fighting to stop (the nightly break-ins from technology I can't stop because this "room" has been mechanically created so these mechanical arms can break through easily the hundred or so panel cracks on all sides, which have been cut so there are open holes in the doors and panels that I would have to cement, and some of them I cannot begin to seal off so I am really stuck being attacked, at lack for money to endlessly pay for more materials to fight this, and always fighting to heal form yet another day of being drugged and poisoned. Thus I cannot concentrate or read for more than a few SECONDS and writing is nearly impossible in terms of simply being able to think clearly without ranting and raving in hate (due to tech and MORE THAN A DECADE OF NON-STOP TORTURE never stopped by those operating for "The People" but I am excluded from that label by "them" who claim they are fighting for "Democracy".


Another post script addition: I was viciously attacked almost similarly to the near-rape scene above from W-S-Story last week. Twice in one week this greasebag Thai landlord, a most ugly and sinister hate puppet with snorting and delighted Europigape fascist nazis instructing him on how to torture and abuse me, while my brain is under blanketing effect as he begins to pound on my door at 8 pm at absolutely random times, while I am undressed. I have told him from day #1 to give me written notice, as is the lawful expectation of landlords. Almost three years he has only pounded on my door at 8 pm while I am naked and about to take a shower. With surveillance they know literally every movement and thought I make. I get videos on Youtube making direct reference to things and concepts and ideas I have only thought of. I am attacked by the celebrities for thinking to myself about how disgusting they are. They comment on creative ideas I want to write but not have begun as they try to see what they can steal out of it, but attacking me for thinking these thoughts.

Similar to the near-rape scene above, thus, they sent this landlord twice to sexually grope me "by accident" as he brushed past me to yell and berate me about watering my plants for the 10th time in these 3 years, pounding and yelling on the patio as all is filmed and passed around as "humiliation" skits aimed at me, not at the stupid violent rape pigs and whores attacking me and how stupid they are in these claims they  make (water and dirt dripping on the clothing of the stalkers in the patio below mine--absolute direct lies and I have no legal representation here--the pig apes you all put into lead positions of power have ensured I have absolutely no access to a single penny in earning while they profit off exploiting my ideas using this tech and get paid in millions. Please understand that my hate phrases are a realistic representation of how they actually BEHAVE as the metaphors for pigs and apes, I do not want to insult pigs nor apes but only the metaphorical concepts of glutton, stupid and violent dumb primitive primates and snorting dirty and foul filthy animals stealing all they can snort up while grunting in satisfaction afterwards. All with cleaning maids, plastic surgery, and coached and trained postures and public performance voices.

I remain writing in hate rants and discredited for doing so, with years of asking people to please intervene and waiting while all the "liberals" just watch on and glob on for years to obtain contracts, ideas and watch me scream daily for someone to stop this as they are dismembering and poisoning and murdering me through non-stop stress--every single day on and on without a single person supporting me and my loving cat stolen with endless threats of killing her if I don't stop writing in rage but they are drugging and poisoning and using this technology to force a "truth" reaction so they can steal ideas but then also get paid to vent their ugliness, hate, stupidity and pig ape personalities out on me so they can feel relieved of their misery and uplifted by hormonal release of dopamine after they torture and rape; it is a beauty hormone treatment to be sure they all indulge and gloat afterwards, snorting up the endless promotions and rewards. I remain needing very desperately by now health care and they block my finances so I am stuck here only writing while billionaires are exploiting me so their anti-American-Europigape handlers will feed them more contracts AND LEAD GOVERNMENT POSITIONS so there is never anyone to defend me or people "like me" in these most deadly situations that are being enforced by "The People" of "America" who can't use a single term to define the mass of people.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...