Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Microchipped insects (i.e. flies). The Pence-Harris debate. Another example of mind control technology used to discredit.

 The fly remains on his head for far too long for the normal duration of a flies hovering, wavering exploration flight. That fly remained on Pence's head so long it looked like a fixture or a glued-on comic ornament. 

I write this post not to defend Pence as much as to expose the awful targeting of a personality, now apparent at any high-ranking office, using sophisticated and as yet kept mostly silent technology accompanying discrediting tactics used against opponents for political aspirations for POWER.  

I understood that this was a technologically-driven attack because I have been attacked by microchipped insects often. I could go into detail more on this subject, but having to spend such a long time fighting to think and write is beyond me at this moment as I feel unwell from more detox of poison this morning after having watched the debates on my laptop.

TRUTH and JUSTICE should outweigh considerations of allegiance or affiliation, even more so when the situation of using a discrediting tactic of implanted *anything* including insects, personalities or even the target itself when viewed in a public setting but people want to create a distraction for political favor. The standard of equality should remain solid, stable and unwaivering for all people. This technology should never be covertly employed for discrediting purposes. I believe it has been used in this example. Again, for you Trump supporters, I once again highly suggest you reconsider your glib and delighted approach to utilizing this technology for your power-grab purposes and hegemonistic usurpation of competitive arenas and positions for your unfair advantage. As can be clearly seen by one such as me who is familiar with attacks by microchipped insects, I am so strongly opposed to these attacks in any form, that I am once more trying to convince you people presupposing that you will only benefit from participating in this techocratic torture and murder apparatus and stop allowing people like me to be silenced or tortured for your elimination of the threat you can't compete against unless you microchip and discredit the opponent. The attack has now been turned upon your sponsors and favored political representatives. As I have written so often for all these years of writing about these heinous attacks upon me, I have written that this system and it's technocratic tyrannical grasp WIILL ALSO BE USED AGAINST YOU. It was only a matter of time, this inevitable reversal of your tyrannical system. Not that your opponents are any less oppressive or fascist in political aspirations or leanings. The false dichotomy persists. That is why I remain silenced by the "bi-partisan" guilty responsible for handing out this technology to almost any State or media actor who will eagerly grasp the tech and "stalking" terror groups for their undeserved promotional upgrade into this most atrocious atrocity system. 

What Harris explained in the course of the debate was that top military officers from former Republican administrations are now in the Democratic push to have Biden put into the White House as leader. The technology used to implant insects for covert surveillance operations is obviously of military grade, probably DARPA-advanced and researched and implemented albeit mostly covertly. This remains a silenced "secret" that will continue to be silenced unless this situation is exposed as a calamity for the "Democratic" process that all these pundits keep nearly screaming about in unison but are loathe to actually enforce when it comes to teleportation, rape, torture, home break-ins for purposes of terrorist and torture mind control operations, and all the other myriad forms of universal attack I have written of, silenced, unanswered except for more "punishment" TORTURE from the top leaders who teleport me and in the shadows operate to inflict military-grade torture methodologies for "behavior modification" which is just plain torture using microchipped insects, animals and other human beings to inflict as much control and obfuscation of all reality as possible but ultimately to control all sides of all political debates and functions.

Center for Global Research article on insect implants for covert surveillance.

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