Friday, October 2, 2020

First: the attack to destroy my teeth by nighttime mechanical arms operating in conjunction with microchip implants in my brain to create an artificial fainting when I am trying to protect my mouth. Second: after having been viciously attacked (verbally and one small sexualized assault while teleported a few nights ago):The rotten Old Turk "Progressive" infiltrator Neo-Nazi plant with his dirty corrupt Hillary Clinton-era bs operator "liberal stance".

 This post was written over the course of 2 days on Facebook.  One hour ago I began to pound down to fight to write maybe THREE PARAGRAPHS AND FIGHTING TO TYPE REQUIRES THIS MUCH TIME TO GET ANYTHING OUT. 

I inserted the part elaborating on the Old Turk (really an American pro-Europigape pundit put in place by the fascist Euro-centric media established mind control affront upon the public=media). I tried to write but was under an influence that felt like I was floating and lost in a midst of ideas that were not what I had intended to write at all. Unfortunately, the white pig ape American "Progressive" creep who stole ideas from me, regurgitated them into a format of his ideas, put his videos with stolen content back on my Youtube page, which I clicked on because of the political situation of the election, then realizing that this was yet another creep stealing my ideas--another white bigot male who fervently approves of me being raped, tortured, my ideas stolen, while he is advocating some "Progressive" "liberal" party--with white bigot pig ape rape males controlling the minorities instead of the Neo-Nazi Republican Conservative obviously genocidal Party--and as always, with his right-hand man attacking me for him when I begin to write to fight against this endless, decades-long attack upon me (fostered by the Clintons but created for THEM by the fascist conservatives preceding their fake  affront to "democracy" which is now reaching this 'crisis " state and you can bet the problem stems very directly to THEM. Here is  this brown-skinned minority bigot pro-rapist, anti-Semitic, misogynist but  adoring blonde Nazi women who control him (a masochist bowing down for them, a violent abuser attacking me for them when I am fighting apparently for women who are not pro-Nazi or stupid puppets operating for the operations of the fake liberal establishment. This man calling himself "young" but acts very much like the old Turkish men I had experiences in Germany, who sat around in all-male dominated cafes drinking tiny cups of espresso and abusing women if they ventured into this sexist male-dominated cafes scene they dominated. Very much resembling this cultural norm, which is a manifestation of the results of colonialization into Turkey by the Europ-a pre-Nazi Germans (just as they have  done in Thailand). Now an Old man Turk posturing as Progressive. As I attempted to write about that part of my very REAL tirade the technology obscured all that was being bombarded into my brain--early this morning as the keyboard is all but impossible to pound down on, the keyboard is so hard to press as always I must use all force of my hands and biceps to get anything to pound down. If I pause for a second keys appear that I have not pressed (pounded down on).

The post is very chaotic, because typing is so arduous and my brain is likewise being literally blanked into a neuron-firing blank so I literally completely lose track of what I was saying or going to say/write I mean.


The attack to loosen and break off my lower jaw teeth by mechanical arms and brain-mapping and microchip  implants operating together.

The night time terrorist stalkers have injured my gums so badly with incremental slivering of gum tissue literally nightly, I can't eat food without my teeth feeling loose. I realize how badly my brain is microchipped when I fight to save my teeth by putting tape over my mouth while I sleep to stop the severing of this tissue. For  two nights there was no problem as I can breathe through my nose and I have no problem with this breathing only through my nose all night. However, the mechanical arms continue to break through the many layers of silicone pasted to the panel cracks in these cupboards, and the layers of paper with packaging tape creating an entire coated panel (my body is too injured to have pasted every single cabinet--every action I take to defend myself creates days of pain for my body, which is very injured and I can't bend and plus, months of pounding hooks into the many 30+panels on all sides and in the middle, of plastic-coated horrid fake wood doors, plus the exteriors of the doors, has made me too injured to pound down on doors or bend into horrid angles and spend more time doing this,not all panels are completely coated with paper and tape). Plus all the hooks. The mechanical arms continue to get through and sliver my gum tissue, cut my foot to the bone and breaking the bone and putting it out of joint on my left Large toe area--plus the inserts under my cuticles making the nails literally black and falling out--

I realize that because this group can literally make me faint, and they have done this before. I.e. I walked down some stairs and passed out very temporarily while walking down stairs--completely blacked out and fainted for split second--making me fall of course. All controlled by this microchip implant plus remote tech (or this is what I surmise about how the tech is operated, as obviously there must be a command given for the tech to operate this function). I tape my mouth to seal it shut. One thing the creeple terrorists do is to not leave extremely visible evidence of their break-ins, even when they know that I have no evidence-collecting technology or backup from anyone--. They do not remove the tape, they use the subliminal mind control to get me to do this, but I have concentrated and told myself to not remove the tape. The terrorists have begun to make my mouth salivate, as they can also create extreme watering of eyes for hours upon hours, nose and  throat can be constricted or profusely blocked with mucus. I fight to eliminate this by gargling which helps a great deal to stop this (naturally). However, while sleeping they are making my mouth water, also forcing my mouth to open slightly. For two night my mouth remained dry, with this tape on, and I fought the destruction of my gum tissue with no problem. The teams operating this terror situation upon me of course do daily brainstorming conferences on how to attack every single thing I do to destroy all I work for, my body destroyed, filled with poison,chemicals, dislocated, crooked, the Nazi program to destroy my youth, beauty and etc, Now they are making mucus pour out of my slightly opened mouth, the tape is soggy and in the middle of the night, there is so much watery mucus trapped beneath this layer of tape I have to peel it off. I began to put tissue and the tape roll next to my pillow so when this happens I can tear off the tape, wipe the area dry, and then tape  another layer on hopefully to last until I get up in the morning. Last night as I took off the soaked piece of tape, the piece of tissue had been removed from this area. I was artificially put into a very drugged-up sort of inertia and could barely move, feeling like I was floating. I was letting this area dry for just a minute and the next thing I knew, it was hours later as they made me "faint" while I was in this state--floating in a blackness and not able to move to retape the area under threat. The mechanical arms BROKE the tape machine roller (little red plastic tape holder) and my gums were cut into again. My teeth are now loose from over one year of these types of attack. I write this to exemplify how the tech can operate with the attack situation. Anyone under targeting can and is under 24 hour scrutiny, surveillance with microscopic cameras used for surveillance. They can make your brain stop functioning as they break your bones and then drug you so you won't feel anything for at least one day after the initial attack has been conducted upon your body. I write this now in the 2nd person tense so you readers can be assured that I am not the only one who will be or is being attacked in this manner, and it could be or currently is you too without your awareness of such. If people can only act if they fear they are going to also be attacked, and since no one can ever stop this or protect me, I write this partially trying to generate some defensive support system as I have absolutely none. I also write this to warn you sheeple out there trying to be vicious nazi Creeple to be part of this organization which you so highly esteem, that they will MURDER you too if they want you out of their way of stealing your property, ideas, children or anything they want if they continue to be handed so much power by you.


The rotten old, young-old Progressives with their minority minions and their even less evil Democrats and Liberals under control of the scrubbed clean bigot Neo-Nazis who control them and their insidiously evil output and posturing: 

This is such a fun game and joke for these sick celebrities and Progressive thieves bigots racists with their violently nasty minorities attacking me for them. One of these (rotten, middle-aged Turk not Young but old and corrupt and rotten) keeps putting his ugly mug on my youtube channel and it's almost a close-up--your revolting face and personality are almost equally revolting. They also insert photos turned into fake videos about cats in Turkey, with an insert of MY CAT LA MOUX looking depressed, abused with the caption underneath "Why Turks love cats". Having lived in Germany for many years, seeing Turkish hate anti-Semitic Nazis, like the blacks who attack me (on public buses very nasty in confined and tight places like that, always operating for absolutely bigot white Nazis who have their "dirty" minorities do the filthy, stupid and disgusting attacks which the scrubbed clean white pig apes instruct them to do, which they perform giggling with black eyes because they have decades or centuries of the pigs making their countries and homes filthy, dirty and foul, which has been a tactic of the white pig apes for millennia probably. Turks in Germany are sexually abusive to their women and they try that crap on me too. Without a second's pause, the old, aging and decrepit rotten Turk who represents "progressives" in the rotten, Nazi-dominated but constructed to appear as legitimately "open-minded liberal" with Jews (Jewish Nazis controlled, programmed and brainwashed by white bigot Nazis who really threaten with death anyone who obstructs their take-over of every single business, every programming vehicle of mind control--the Jews making their appearance as lead operators of the media establishment; thus appearing as the liberal "fronts" but absolutely controlled by bigot white Nazi scum hate programmers and murderous, genocidal conniving usurpers. Because my uncle was a H-wood producer and writer, I am very aware of this situational structure through 2nd hand accounts passed down by family members. I was made very aware of how this was accomplished and how badly the deteriorating aspect of this facade has creeped into the fabric of the corroded fake liberal establishment that the media brainwashing programming institution has turned into a vehicle for their hate platform: to eliminate the "Jews" in H-wood who represent "rapists" and liberal corrupters of youth. It is all very reminiscent of Nazi propaganda which established genocidal anti-Semitism back in the early phase of the never-ending now Ameicanized but Europigape trained Nazi American version. I have been made aware through these teleportation episodes also visible what fake operators appear to be controlling the "liberal" media which the Nazis then "blame" on how "Jews" control Hollywood and thus, must be taken down in a spectacle of white Nazi rape-enabler women claiming that the dirty "Jew" raped them all, but the pit gang are pristine anti-Nazi cool and hipster advocates of every kind of freedom you can sell off in the media with a huge, big multi-million dollar deal contractual smile.

In Germany, many Turks I met were/are just another version of the black "minority" majority minority demographic and are trained and programmed exactly in the same way that the Blacks of America viciously attack me, usually sexually and that was the very first thing this old, decadent and corroding (ugly) Turkish "Progressive" had his Turkish buddy perform at me while I was helpless and teleported. The skit was an abomination and especially in light of how much this creep has been hailed as a "leader" of the "progressive" movement. Ostensibly as an alternative to the corrupt Clinton machine back in 2016. It appears that the "Progressives" as far as the very main leadership media personalities and Senate personalities also are mere functions of the arm of the ultra-right and vehemently advocate all kinds of subversive racist policies like rape and torture. As always they perform like louts operating for HILLARY CLINTON AND HER FORMERLY HIPSTER HUSBAND NOW TURNED INTO A MEGOLOMANIAC FASCIST TYRANT if you see his yelling and threatening gestures at people now, when the spotlight is not so visible but in various videos, he has a most dangerously hostile, black-eyed menacing look which in my opinion backs up all the claims that this corrupt duo which put into place absolutely vile fascist front "liberal" fakes like this Old Rotten Corrupt bigot Nazi fascist misogynist but only for darker women Turk who was put into power by the very pro-German, fascist Clinton brigade of neo-liberal fascists who absolutely have created a concentration death camp prison population scenario which has blighted the USA and made it an international example of hypocrisy. When confronted with the choice of whether to vote for Hillary the hate fake or crooked Donnie Darko the blonde bigot, people were well used to hearing about the MK ULTRA rape scenarios that were ascribed to corrupt HIllary, and the scandals, the assassinated whistleblowers, and now that she has participated in this rape and torture scenario concerning me for at least one year or thereabouts in time, and undoubtedly as Secretary of State overseeing the extremely violent and deadly operation that was inflicted upon me here in Thailand, and the 8 years of the Clinton deterioration of the US leading to the current fiasco of the deterioration of the US--and it was because of the rotten creeple like this old Turkish "progressive" calling himself "young" meaning hip, wanting "change" with his dyed blonde female spattering blathering hate bigot, the white Nazi female he usese as his Nazi front to legitimatize his "minority" position, during the T-rump debacle administration---he has to use a white bigot dyed blonde female to repreesent his "Young Turkish" fake Progressive infiltrator bigot arm of the Neo-Nazi, foreign-dominated media establishment---this very same who was the main presenter for his old establishment lectures during the "black" administration of Obama (who I am not deriding using these terms. I want to believe that he was obscured by the interference of the very corrupt Clinton machine, obstructing all his progressive anti-incarceration policies and thwarting his efforts--I would like to believe in this theory) but this enemy who has attacked me as Clinton has done not just for the last year, but probably for decades through her nodding in approval(along with bigot hubby) of MK ULTRA implants, torture, rape and murder attempts plus all health care effectively blocked from the poisoned targets).

The Clintons, from my year of seeing who and what is connected to this AFFRONT to the Democratic party has helped the Nazi Party of the USA and both established this very fake media enterprise of pro-Nazi sublimated fake Liberal institution. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the middle-ground voters back in 2016 wanted something fresh, new, that appeared untainted by the rancid and corrupt political machines of both parties...need I write the inevitable conclusion of the 2016 election fiasco? However, what remains of the Trump supporters, besides all the "liberal" and "Progressive"

Otherwise, now that Trump has the Corona Virus this is going to be another media mud-slinging circus about how he himself got the virus. How many are going to be clipping videos of Trump downplaying wearing masks and all the nasty remarks he has made about people having the "freedom" to not wear masks in public.

I am fighting to pound down on keys which are so blocked, as usual. The laptop has been infected with some malware or programming that is breaking the fan so I can't really sit here listening to the awful grinding noise the fan is making risking breaking the laptop. The computer shop I bought this corrupted computer at always informs me they can't speak English or understand. They are located directly in Phuket town and advertise in English, prominently on huge billboards atop their store. They carry Dell products, an

American brand obviously. I am also being plagued by mental obfuscation due to tech aimed into my brain.


I can easily see from having pasted and copied this that hackers deleted many words from what I had written yesterday. I expect that what has been very arduously pounded down on this absolutely corrupted keyboard will likewise be deleted, rewritten from hackers; and then the real information stolen by the above-mentioned groups of very evil fake liberal media blathering operators, who read every post to see what ideas or words can be stolen and used by them, those I write of now, and their silent and obscured benefactors controlling them and handing out the prizes and promotions for going this--those who control "both sides" of the political spectrum which is being merged into one corrupt and violated, mismanaged and imploding political structure within the United States. MY POST HERE IS AN EXTREMELY VALID EXPLANATION FOR ONE OF THE GREAT CAUSES OF THIS HUGE CATASTROPHE  FACING AMEARICA AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN HISTORY.


I have so much more I would like to write, but the hacked and broken fan is grinding an ugly noise like it's breaking (being broken, has been broken like everything else in my home and nearly all in my body as well--)

plus, the keyboard is really very horrifically blocked from functioning it's like pounding down on cement  to get any words out. Every single bit of finger muscular strength is spent fighting to pound down a single letter.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...