Sunday, October 25, 2020

After sleeping from exhaustion due to the technological attack on me while I was writing the last post earlier today, I re-read the first 1/6th of the last post about the Black teleporting racists using me to obtain more contracts from their racist, bigot promoters and controllers (aka "handlers" as they are brainwashed undoubtedly to my opinion of how these operations work). They of course do not care if they are programmed, drugged or controlled whatsoever, as long as they remain being paid in millions to promote a false fantasy of the "fight for justice and equality" (only for black people it seems). I got through the first few paragraphs, which had been rewritten with much deleted, seemed okay as far as coherency goes, but much that had been absolutely reconstructed was later deleted by hackers after my third revision and after that I gave up trying to write. When I got off my head was reeling in dizziness due to the tech attack on my brain and nervous system while writing. It made me so ill that I had to sleep for another 5 hours afterwards (during the day, as the tasks that have mounted up because I am always cleaning their stinking toxic sprays, I can't actually clean my home or do any single other thing because I am so weak from poisoning all I can do every day is clean up their toxic sprays on everything, as I did today as a repeat from years from this going on and on)..

 Writing anything under this MK ULTRA/microchipped/remote tech affectation of my brainwaves is akin to fighting to pound down on a broken and stiff keyboard while being spun around and drinking some kind of intoxicant but sick and weary from detoxifying from poisoning while under non-stop attack for years so my nervous system and brain and body are under such severe strain my body is endlessly using all energy to remain in one solid state.

And then seeing that much of what I had struggled so much to express had just been deleted. The hackers removed the broken sentences and much of the hacked misspellings, so when I wrote endlessly that the hackers were making a chaotic mess of my writing, there appear almost no or few mistakes and the sentences and paragraphs are somewhat readable. The extent that hackers had altered meaning and created confusion was deleted as were most of the ideas that I had fought to express. What the hackers left were thoughts on the torture and violence operations, which is really nothing new to anyone reading my posts or participating in these attacks. The philosophical ideas I wrote of are of course deleted and then stolen by these fakes posturing as activists and anti-racist promoters. The circular attack systematic hate I experience, literally it is another person attacking me every day now as the election looms they increase their attacks. Perhaps that signals that if Biden wins, they might not have access any longer to this tech or attacking me, perhaps they fear this and have increased their attacks. However, wishful thinking on my part as administration after administration have handed out these technologies to these same people (they use the rotation now which has been ongoing with the same celebrities for YEARS the same people, but as I view clips on YouTube about the election and politics, now political commentarists are attacking me and stealing concepts and then viciously threatening and having me attacked by their thug hate fascist groups in my local vicinity, in this global network of hate they all participate in but claim they are opposing one another politically.)

The circus I have tried to elaborate upon has been deleted, and only the details of the hate operation remain in my last post. Perhaps at the last few paragraphs my ideas were left in shoddy remains, hacked and rewritten with parts deleted. 

I really have to wonder about Biden, if he wins and the increase in the hate attacks by these nefarious fakes who are "representing" the black cause. It seems that almost every tv show now has blacks during the slave era or is about black activism or black situations. I am truly sick of these actors and their movies, because I have been so exposed to many of them for so long (at the top levels) and I find only lying abusers and parasites expressing Nazi holocaust sentiments towards me so the Nazis out of Europ-aland will promote them. The politicians appear no better and that is an even worse-case scenario for the deterioration of the integrity of the United States.

I want to add this, as hours later, after sleeping due to the utter exhaustion from the endless multi-layered pronged attack system upon me, with absolutely no support or help from anybody that is visible to me, and all loving and kind animals stolen and killed so I have absolutely nothing but hate surrounding me. All birds have literally been shot and killed so no birds even fly near my hilside outside my window, which is now covered with weeds and litter strewn around the hillside, brown and dying plants and all beautiful flowers have been exploded by a dynamite blast the terrorist group created one month after I moved into this place which had white flowers and birds covering the hillside it was spectacular.

I just want these ugly and sinister sick people off me, the entire group of them, not just the celebrities or their minions. I can't imagine that every single person on the planet who is against this system has been exterminated yet--I do believe this is "their" plan. The rest are silenced and unable to express their opposition for various reasons. One reason is due to excessive mind control technology. Another reason is political threat and societal stalking and financial ruin if opposing this system. The reasons are lengthy and the situation remains as silently quelled. This is no conspiracy theory whatsoever. Only "conspiracy theorist" mostly white males promoting anti-government rhetoric are "allowed" to crank out any media representation of how this system operates. Their promotional lectures and videos are thus promotional for this organization in scheme, as always with all these fakes, put out ostensibly as informative and in a kind of shocked informational advertisement, but really underlying a recruitment scheme into this activity and to gather more participants into this group. They over-emphasize the torture and misery and hate that this group inflicts upon the targets. They never detail the essentials for defense or fighting back. The same system of dissemination of false dialectic applies to the white "conspiracy theorists" as the "black anti-racist" haters who have dominated the media for decades with their stuff. Some of them have stolen ideas from my posts on Facebook (two in particular, both of whom have gone on to Academy Awards during this 7-year stretch of endless concentric circles of these celebrities all participating together, with Europigape Nazi actors and their American counterparts, the famous directors, producers, and a host of aging celebrities who want to hold on to power and then obtain lead studio and production companies so their monopolies are akin to the Supreme Court life-long nominations for power in this multi-layered media-politico system of control, dissemination of endless false dialectic and rhetoric, control and propaganda machine for a technocratic, fascist institutionalized global system.

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