The mirth shines through:
Here the mirth shines like a light sabor in a tacky movie rendition of a bad golden-era gaddish bad rendition of Flash Gordon (I watched the old black and white in Middle school and it was as tacky back then as the 80's "cult classic" appears now).
Now his whorish cursing doth come shining through as an innocent playful play on words. Great Bollocks! Who wouldn't want a grandfather just like him to visit once a month or year or so (or much sooner every weekend? Can imagine the cursing if you were an unwanted guest lingering too long as a family member). Puttering around in his English garden and commenting on the bollocks Brexit bomb and it would be fun to listen to him as a wanted guest in his fireside chatting room. Just appears so jolly and fun. Don't want to encourage the rough side or scratch that wrath button nearly popping out of his body somewhere. A blast of wind, fun and energetic what a strong personality (enjoy watching him play Augustus Caesar, produced back in 1976 so he was a much younger man, but he still appears timeless almost old but young as he does now with a few more signs of aging but not much--exemplary personality at least superficially)....😑😑
Youtube title of video:
Brian Blessed Has a Message for Coronavirus & Reveals Unbelievable Fitness Regime at 83 | Lorraine
The comment above, just above there! Was based on this "cursing compilation that has a lot of bollocks derived moxy---otherwise, the video above is a profound message to people not being targeted (if they are not white males who are told they are entitled to doing whatever they want and all dreams can come true! Regardless, don't let the bollocks get you down go and live your dreams, hopes and aspirations if they be true and delightful to the benefit of the human race in it's glory and wonderful mystery). The cursing and the flip side the profound:
Brian Blessed glorifies cursing for the tube people watching and finding in the midst of the mess, messages of hope and cursing your way to fulfilling your dreams if only you can dare to curse and get applauded for it!
"Bollocks Bollocks fuck shit fuck" so says the profound happy being paid to exemplify rough culture awarded in the media biz. In reality people would get upset if someone cursed like this repeatedly.
Yes indeed, Mr. Blessed is urging you to fly high, dream and dare, go beyond your limitations. However, if you are not a white male and you wanna fly high and are capable of flying higher than the culture that claims it is inherently superior, and you dare to dream and fly higher than those who make these fastidiously false claims but staunch in their effort to ELIMINATE the threat of competition. Yes, you can dare to fly and dream and do, but if you are "me" then the powers that propel people such as Blessed are poisoning and drugging me so I cannot achieve my goals and my hopes and dreams they taint with their foul bitter and ugly sinister life-screw. Not to dwell on this subject eternally, but 'tis a sad but true fact about flying higher than those who would pull you down. Makes me think of a 1970's English group of actors, in their post-Monty Python not funny sketch along the lines of dystopian suicide culture, from a movie called Brazil (a "cult classic"). But alas, a movie with a tragic ending about fulfilling one's dreams? Will reality have a happy ending I wonder if I dare to dream outside of their imprison machine and constraints?
Brazil (1985) a movie I find too sad to watch twice. I only thought of this mainly because it comes out of England and also has this theme of fulfilling your dreams. However, for the bollocks sod trying to fly high in the face of crushing Totalitarian technocracy, there is no flying high except in dreams one must die for if attempted in real life.
I so wonder if Mr. Blessed, with his blessed optimism, would ever INTERVENE in this "stalking" situation that has been forced upon me because I pursued my goals, strove to the best of my ability under severe drugging and attack situations (unbeknownst to me but everyone around me DID KNOW) and....attacked, nearly murdered in places like Pensacola when attending graduate school (put into another accident which I am currently fighting to heal with the onslaught of more attacks upon my body--i.e. the terrorists are cutting my lower teeth out of my jaw, slowly, along with my left toe which is being severed off every day the terrorists cut into the bone which is pointing at a completely skewed direction) and this is BECAUSE I worked and wanted to be my best wanted my own business wanted to have "success" and thus, my ideas are stolen for more than a decade non-stop, as I am blocked from every single avenue of pursuing my dreams. None of these super optimistic "you can do it" types, especially actors or famous wealthy people, have intervened or protected me. I seriously doubt Mr. Jolly cursing bollocks depending on mood would ever do a single thing to stop this attack upon me so I could also pursue my dreams and hopes. State-sponsored terrorism and getting involved could be "bad" for an actor's career. The same formulaic response of cranking out fake hope if you are not "targeted" but not lifting a finger to help those who strive to achieve and are being cut down by this insidious group which, perhaps Mr. A-Blessed also belongs to and must due to this stature in England, a most controlled culture; no one may enter through the pillars of "fame" without having made the oaths and the solemn rites and rituals to this organization. (Go get the romantic dream female, the blonde always for these men who attack me. To me, they are a most sinister dystopian nightmare).
I had turned off the WiFi and once up from this hot spot of mind control tech blasting my brain (and keyboard articulation) I thought of ideas that are still hard ot reach while I sit back down in this most nefarious tortured sitting position while tech blasts my brain into ranting and heaving through written word to express that which I should be paid for but all is stolen by the men (and their women) who claim they represent all that is fair, just and that all opportunities should be fought for, which they do making millions to promote this facade that "they" appear to crank out endlessly. I thought of how I wonder if Mr. Blessed, whom I had initially wanted to applaud but my thoughts turn to the dark sinister reality and not the happy-go-lucky "you can do it" "yes I can" (but not you) enforced hate oppression that appears to be the standard amongst these actors who let the population know that they care about all the under dogs fighting for a chance.
I wonder if this prestigious male, white, in the upper circles of English society, has either brushed elbows with or is associated with the "aristocrat" who, along with a host of wealthy out of Europ-a land, are ensuring that their "freedom and equality Democracy" American minions are ousting me from every opportunity possible that I have striven for, and stealing ideas from me because they only expect to be served instant top positions if they just perform the hate acts they are programmed to repeat literally without a glitch in behavior from one to the other (globally).
Does he know of this white male who is a producer, etc etc "art" personality in the "upper" circles of English society who was MURDERING ME by poisoning and stealing ideas an dhaving me nearly killed in accidents because he could not stand to see me have a chance to obtain success that might infringe on his expecation that only he and his ilk are "allowed" to dream and dare and claim they represent the freedom to do and be what you want to dare to dream to be if only you will repeat after "me".
If so, which I suspect is true that they have at least been in the same room someplace in the space and time of their circles touching and fleeting social encounters into the "posh" society that has also enveloped the United States.
I wonder if Mr. Blessed would ever dare to say to this male that he thinks it wrong that my dreams are being literally tortured out of me because these white males claim only they and whomever they chose to perform the roles they expect, in order to retain the stereotypes that leave THEM in positions of power but with a few token puppets performing all the hate acts whenever possible to demonstrate that they are willing and able to enforce the murder operations necessary to claim that white males can be whatever they want to be if they only get up from the fence and crush opposition.
I had at first attempted to write for the first time a gracious post about this actor, but as I listened to his lecture about being "positive" all these other thoughts came to mind. The situation of this attack upon me has reached epically universal proportions to the extent that there is almost no subject, and certainly no "major" actor which doesn't bring a flood of "triggered" response out of me concerning this situation. I really wanted to write something nice, fluffy and positive but the reality as opposed to the fantasy was just too much flashing red lights and sirens and alarms blasting in my subconscious about making a serious support for this sentiment. Of course being positive is a crucial path towards fulfilling your goals, despite whatever race or class you belong to. However, the reality has shown that lynch mobs will assassinate threats and I have been targeted by a covert lynch mob for the very reason that I tried to fly high and achieve my potential.
Sorry Mr. Blessed I really tried to find something gratifying in an actor but dismally cannot once again. I doubt this actor has anything to do with BLM protests either, dismissing the whole thing and that it, like the pandemic, will just "go away" eventually if you just remain positive and not "negative" like these protestors are acting (I faintly can hear him say this in the privacy of his estate with his wife but never in public where he makes his most theatrical huge broad smiles and wiles even if he does it unconsciously, as he has been programmed to create this image.)
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