Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The political power entertainers enjoy and their fans rely on for proxy power statements. How much more incredible when the players are played themselves as pawns of the powers they claim they are fighting against.


CAN OUTDANCE AND CREATE MORE POLITICAL SYMPATHY IN THE SHEEPLE PUBLIC MEDIA SLAVES THAN...THIS...*in South Korea* for purposes of rewriting history and the control of the Chinese Communist Party in S. Korea (only for this sole demonstration of protest, amongst those noticed by the media which means this very newspaper article could be a fabricated bit of anti-Chinese Communist Party sentiment but...still, the power that a pop band can have over a political party is still noteworthy.

Yet see, the music is rather blank what is the most noticeable is that the S. Korean band of high repute mimics American fashion and iconography and lifestyle.

The context rather than the content of the media prop propaganda is what appears to rule more heavily than skill or talent.

Or, how politics is shifted by popular media entertainers who are themselves imitating something other than what they really are but what they become after much coaching and professional make-over skill (plus plastic surgery, as you can imagine, perhaps many of these S. Korean performers have had their eyes widened, their skin tone lightened, their hair obviously turned lighter, their noses altered, etc etc etc to appear more white and Western).

I mean really, this band is not exceptional as a music genre and has zero originality. It's creative flair for the videos is perhaps due to artists who do the work for them. This appears to be the trend out of America in the media as well. From my teleportation hell and hate, torture, rape and attempted murder and theft of ideas situation, I can most assuredly confirm this statement I have just made about the S. Korean imitation band KPop. 

The letter K has a most important significance in the current financial "crisis" which is no crisis for the very wealthy. For more detail I suggest readers do research on the Bloomberg financial analysis of this letter and the economy. That is why I call  the American rap version a K-rap. It not only sounds like crap but it is part of this "K-economy" that differentiates between the very wealthy and the increasing masses of the impoverished, destitute and destroyed middle-to-lower-class Americans now unemployed, homeless and completely disenfranchised. The media moguls who torture me to obtain ideas that are less formulaic than what they rely upon are those who have only GAINED in financial momentum due to the excesses of imbalance due to the shifting of financial wealth in America due to the pandemic. Thus, the crap K-rap has a more multi-layered connotation than just a phonetic slur on the word CRAP RAP. 

Yes, you lazy infidels stealing my ideas and using them as your own concepts while ordering your enslaved minions to do the dirty foul filthy rape and dismemberment work for you of my home, body, finances and life while you steal my ideas can in fact actually READ articles and do research. I suggest to other readers not part of this cartel that these very "actors" (including directors, politicians and the rest) are themselves mind control slaves drugged up but unawares. Beware your complacency and your complicity in this organization and it's pernicious stealth operations as you yourself could be victimized or current a victim but completely believing that you are part of some inner circle of power.

Oh yes, it would behoove America to up it's talent quota to ensure that the top talent of the country actually GETS A CHANCE TO COMPETE AND BE IN TOP POSITIONS rather than these monopolies of corrupted and hate porno rape and violence puppets being endlessly thrust into mainstream media spotlight for DECADES. KPop crap K-rap rape of me and of the public, the usurpation of the political power base, far too much influence in politics. PUT A MORITORIUM ON ENTERTAINERS PUBLICALLY ENDORSING POLITICAL CANDIDATES.

Korean boy band BTS faces uproar in China over war comments: The Hindu Newspaper


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