Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Khrushchev family reality show! (premiers for life)

 Oh, I was super-duped by the video (which had been intentionally erroneously titled probably by hackers) I last posted in my last post today (just now). The title said, "Khrushchev said" and then there was zero commentary about what Khrushchev said. Not even mention of Nikita whatsoever in the rambling conspiracy theory video. I also have to point out that the US Constitution does not say you can obtain any weapon or cartridge you want. To regulate a well-maintained militia is the main framing sentence one must rely upon. If the Government has military-grade assault death squad weaponry, then does a militia that is constitutionally governed have the "Right" to bear arms which can match the force of what the government can impose to create a martial law militarized and co-opted autocratic State? 

The 2nd Amendment is yet another reason to have a 6-3 Supreme Court nomination installed so quickly. As important as that issue is, the YouTube videos I have been forced to see pasted on my YouTube page, as I do not know how to search for truly authentic alternative sources, I really cannot find them my internet is blocked, or perhaps they no longer exist but I remain watching mainstream-oriented "alternative" but really highly conservative-controlled videos and programs.

One of the two videos I could find with Khrushchev ranting in grainy black and white back in the day threat to the US (before making his Castro-style tour of the US):

"Khrushchev, 'We Will Bury You'" speech at UN General Assembly, and his reality tv family show with son.

"Khruschev Tours America" *and his legacy lingers on, ingrained and subverted in your happy media entertainment programming.

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